The Idoma Concept of Ihotu (Love)

Ada Agada

The notion of love is one of the fascinating concepts available to humans. Love is perhaps the most powerful emotion a human being can  experience. Love is immediately recognized as a feeling. It is only after observing human conduct that it dawns on us that there is a rational dimension of love. In this paper I will discuss the Idoma-African concept of ihotu, or love. Since the very idea of an Idoma philosophy of love is an entirely novel idea, with no prior identifiable research in this field, I will rely heavily on my knowledge of Idoma culture and conversations with Ihonde Ameh of Ochobo community who has an in-depth knowledge of Idoma value-system. I will proceed to show how the consolationist theory of love is a systematization of the basic ethnophilosophical data supplied by Idoma traditional thought. With consolation philosophy transcending the basic intuition of the African collective, in this particular case the Idoma of Central Nigeria, I will argue for the rationality of love by pointing out its indispensability in the formation and expression of what we consider right or moral behaviour. I will argue that a greater part of the conduct we approve of as ethical is founded on our emotional experience and that this emotional experience is to a large extent determined by the urgings of pity or empathy. I will attempt to exhibit the philosophical grounds of empathy from the African perspective of consolationism and, in the process, delve into philosophical psychology from the African place. In achieving these objectives, I will have recourse to the metaphysics and epistemology of love from the consolationist perspective. The methodology adopted here is the analytical, conversational, and evaluative methodology. Key words: Love, Ihotu, reason, consolationism, emotion, empathy.

10.14201/3165 ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Petra María Pérez Alonso-geta

RESUMEN: ntendemos la creatividad como destreza adquirible, como un rasgo del que participan todos los seres humanos, aunque precise ser cultivada. La capacidad de ser creativo es una mezcla de conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades que se pueden conseguir mediante la práctica. Se trata de hacerse con nuevas ideas, saliendo de las rutas trazadas, por la experiencia para conseguir nuevos productos. Desde la escuela es necesario estimular la creatividad para poder afrontar los retos que hoy se plantean, en los distintos ámbitos de la realidad, dando solución a los nuevos problemas. Eeducar para la creatividad es una estrategia de futuro. Palabras clave: creatividad, innovación, educación, creencias, actitudes.ABSTRACT: This paper conceives creativity as an acquirable skill, as a trait shared by every human being. Hhowever, creativity must be developed: the ability of being creative is a blend of knowledge, attitude and skills that can only be learnt through practice. It is about having new ideas and departing from habitual pathways traced by everyday experience in order to obtain new outputs. It is essential to stimulate creativity in school in order to be able to handle efficiently today’s new challenges, which present themselves in different areas of our lives. Teaching creativity is therefore a strategy for the future. Key words: creativity, innovation, education, knowledge, attitude.SOMMAIRE: Nous définissons la créativité comme une habilité que l’on peut atteindre, comme un attribut auquel tous les êtres humains participent, même si elle a besoin d’être cultivée. La capacité d’être créatif est un mélange de connaissances, d’attitudes et d’habilités que l’on peut atteindre moyennant la pratique. Il s’agît de trouver des nouvelles idées, en sortant des chemins existants, à travers l’expérience afin d’obtenir de nouveaux produits. Dès l’école il est nécessaire de stimuler la créativité pour pouvoir affronter les défis actuels, dans les différents domaines de la réalité en apportant des solutions aux nouveaux problèmes. Eenseigner la créativité, c’est une stratégie pour l’avenir.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Wellington José Santana

The present article analyses critically the paradox of phenomenon claimed by Danish Philosopher Kierkegaard and Marion’s new concept named saturated phenomenon. While the concept of God, by definition, must surpass the realm of empiricism, perhaps the something may shed light over what God must be: Excess. However, Marion developed a new concept of phenomenon that not only occupies the immanence world, but also goes beyond. It is called saturated phenomenon. In order to address the question one might understand the limit of the givenness and then what does it mean saturated givenness. We probably all have had the sense of being overwhelmed by something and this can lead toward a sense of torpor or numbness. In the other hand, Kierkegaard affirms that God is so different than a human being, so totally other that we may think we’re right in demanding God make himself understood and be reasonable towards us. Kierkegaard upholds that we’re always dealing with God in the wrong way. I will argue that Marion, however, following phenomenological footsteps indicates a new path toward how to address God properly.   Key words: Paradox; Saturated phenomenon; freedom; Excess. 

2006 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
Ephraim Meir
The West ◽  

O artigo mostra que o “grego” está presente no pensamento “judaico” de Levinas e que os escritos “gregos” possuem uma dimensão “judaica”: Yafet é recebido nos alojamentos de Shem e vice-versa. A tese aqui formulada é que os escritos confessionais desenvolvem-se paralelamente aos escritos profissionais. Embora o discurso seja marcadamente diferente em cada uma das obras, e apesar de Levinas não tentar harmonizálos ou conciliá-los, ele se esforça por “enunciar em grego os princípios que a Grécia não conhece”. A sua filosofia se desenvolve paralelamente à redescoberta daquilo que o Ocidente esqueceu e reprimiu: que o ser humano é criado “na imagem de Deus”. Em um pensamento de estilo inclusivo, Levinas é aqui apresentado como um viajante freqüente entre Atenas e Jerusalém, como um filósofo e um judeu; um “grego”, mas um “grego” indiscutivelmente judeu. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Pensamento “grego”. Pensamento “hebraico”. Levinas. ABSTRACT The article shows that “Greek” is present in Levinas’s “Hebrew” thinking and that the “Greek” writings have a “Hebrew” dimension: Yafet is received in the tents of Shem and vice versa. The thesis formulated here is that the confessional writings run parallel with the professional writings. Although the discourse is quite different in both writings, and although Levinas certainly does not attempt to harmonize or to conciliate, he endeavors to “enounce in Greek the principles Greece did not know”. His philosophy was paralleled with the re-discovery of what the West forgot and repressed: that the human being is created “in God’s image.” In an inclusive thinking, Levinas is presented here as a frequent traveler between Athens and Jerusalem, as a philosopher and a Jew, a “Greek,” but undeniably a Jewish one. KEY WORDS – “Greek” thinking. “Hebrew” thinking. Levinas.

Widya Nirmalawati

After post-feminism period, women still have to struggle to be “perfect human being”as her own ideal. It is not only the case for women having no power, intellectualism, and money, but also for ladies with authority and prosperity enabling her own to be an single individual with financial and time freedom. This can be seen in a contemporary literary work, One Indian Girl (Bhagat: 2016), in which an Indian girl having a prestigious position in an American investment bank could not achieve her ideal life. This paper is aimed to reveal the dilemma of a feminist woman in her relation to men and to her family norms and her defeat to the true reality she failed to mediate. Using post-feminist approach, this paper investigated the fictional facts to prove that source of the problems is actually her female being.   It is indicated that the problems she had in her life coming from her female feminist. From the very first, it was depicted that she was viewed negatively by her own mother for being a female baby. Her intellectual is not worthy for boys and her mother. In her study, she was blamed for having her master, rather than early marriage. Finally, she was being accused of earning a lot of money, which normally becomes a prestigious achievement for men, by her boyfriend and her mother. She was in dilemma to choose between her dreamed profession or her marriage. The girl is a character who highly likely to represent other girls or women who are still defeated by the inequities of positioning a man-woman parallelism. Key words: One Indian Girl, post-feminist, dilemma

Maria Helena Silveira Bonilla

Este texto tem como objetivo analisar alguns contextos em que e-Learning vem se desenvolvendo, especialmente nos âmbitos das políticas públicas e da economia. Considerando que as linhas gerais dessas políticas estão voltadas para o desenvolvimento econômico dos países ou regiões em que se inserem, a educação e os novos territórios educativos constituídos a partir do uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação vêm sendo utilizados como estratégias para esse desenvolvimento. Ao mesmo tempo, a educação vem constituindo um novo mercado, rentável, e com perspectivas de crescimento rápido, o que atrai investimentos de um grande número de empresas. A análise feita aqui tenta mostrar as limitações dessas perspectivas e o reducionismo aplicado à educação, uma área ligada umbilicalmente à constituição do ser humano, enquanto ser social, complexo. A análise não tenta dar conta de todas as implicações dessas dinâmicas e sim problematizar aquelas que mais se destacam no contexto contemporâneo. <br> <br> <B>Palavras-chave</B>: e-Learning, políticas públicas, estratégia econômica. <br> <br> <br> <B>Abstract</B>: The objective of this text is to analyze some contexts where e-Learning has been developing, especially in the ambit of public policy and the economy. Considering that the general lines of these policies are aimed at the economic development of the countries or regions in which they are found, education and the new educational areas resulting from the use of information and communication technologies have come to be used as strategies for this development. At the same time, education has become a new market, profitable, and with prospects for fast growth, attracting investment from a large number of companies. The analysis carried out here tries to show the limitations of these prospects and the reductionism being applied to education, an area linked irrevocably to what it is to be a human being – when it is social, complex. The analysis doesn’t try to cover all the implications of those dynamics but certainly tries to question those that stand out more in the present-day context. <br> <br> <B>Key words</B>: e-Learning, public policies, economic strategy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dede Kania

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Historically, domestic workers has been around a long time. Their domestically roles made them often underestimated. However, the legal protection they are still very concerned, even until now Indonesia has no law regarding the protection of domestic workers, because domestic workers act of Indonesia has not been enacted. Whereas legal protection to domestic workers is urgent considering the number of cases of abuse and violence against domestic workers, particularly female domestic workers, without any handling or legal process well. Therefore, the authors are interested in examining how the application of the theory of gender equality and inquity for domestic workers act.</em></p><p><em>This research results: Firstly, the bill is needed to protect of domestic workers. Secondly, A worker of either sex is the same as other workers must be paid a fair wage and good treatment as a dignified human being. Thirdly, The aim of this act should be the process of formalizing the PRT even though the workings area of domestic workers are in domestic area.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: domestik workers, human rights,  legal protection</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Secara historis, pekerja rumah tangga telah ada sejak lama. Peran mereka di dalam ranah domestik membuat mereka sering diremehkan. Namun, perlindungan hukum mereka masih sangat kurang, bahkan sampai sekarang Indonesia tidak memiliki Undang-undang perlindungan pekerja rumah tangga. Perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja rumah tangga sangat mendesak keberadaannya mengingat jumlah kasus pelecehan dan kekerasan terhadap pekerja rumah tangga, terutama PRT perempuan, semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti bagaimana penerapan teori kesetaraan dan keadilan gender bagi pekerja rumah tangga.</p><p>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: <em>Pertama</em>, Indonesia sangat memerlukan UU untuk melindungi atau pekerja rumah tangga, sehingga RUU PRT mendesak untuk segera diundangkan. <em>Kedua</em>, Seorang pekerja baik perempuan maupun laki-laki mempunyai kedudukan yang sama, sehingga harus mendapatkanhak- haknya dengan baik sebagai manusia yang bermartabat. <em>Ketiga</em>, harus ada Formalisasi PRT walaupun kerja bidang pekerja rumah tangga berada di wilayah domestik tetapi hak-haknya sebagai pekerja harus diakui dan disamakan dengan pekerja di wilayah publik.</p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Pekerja Rumah tangga, hak asasi manusia, perlindungan hukum</em>

2012 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
Brent Walter Cline

<p>Key words: mental disability, Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon, pity, narrative theory</p><p>Of American novels that engage with the topic of mental disability, few are more popular than Daniel Keyes' <em>Flowers for Algernon</em>. Such popularity seems based on a simplistic reading of the novel where the mentally disabled are objects of good-natured compassion. A more thorough reading of how Charlie Gordon is presented, however, leads to the conclusion that mental disability is the embodiment of death in the novel. Readers are first taught to pity the pre-operative Charlie, but once they come to respond to the ethical voice of the post-operative Charlie, his regression to his original state becomes the rhetorical villain in the novel. At first an object of pity, the mentally disabled Charlie Gordon eventually becomes the metaphorical horror of oblivion that no character has the power to overcome.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Bramantio Bramantio

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kritik atas modernitas dalam novel Bilangan Fu karya Ayu Utami. Dengan memanfaatkan naratologi Tzvetan Todorov, dapat dipahami aspek verbal Bilangan Fu, yaitu sudut pandang, pencerita, dan tuturannya. Berdasarkan penceritaannya, novel ini merupakan novel polifonik, karnivalistik, sekaligus metafiksi. Berdasarkan kontennya, novel ini menghadirkan sejumlah kritik atas modernitas, khususnya berkaitan dengan semangat modernitas yang cenderung melihat segala sesuatu secara monodimensional, hanya ada satu kebenaran, dan liyan diabaikan. Bilangan Fu merupakan novel yang merefleksikan zamannya. Novel ini berhasil menyegarkan cara pandang masyarakat Indonesia, atau setidaknya menghadirkan sesuatu untuk dipikirkan dan dipertimbangkan kembali, berkaitan dengan diri, lingkungan, dan semesta raya. Novel ini mengembalikan manusia ke hakikatnya, yaitu kemanusiaan. Abstract: This article aims to reveal criticism on modernity in Ayu Utami’s novel Bilangan Fu. Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of narrative provided a framework to understand the novel’s verbal aspects, which are point of view, narrator, dan its voice. Based on its narrative, this novel is polyphonic, carnivalistic, and metafictional. Based on its content, it presents criticism on modernity, particularly on spirit of modernity that tends to see everything in monodimensional; there is only one truth, and the other is ignored. Bilangan Fu is a novel that reflects its time. It successfully refreshes the perspective of Indonesian society, or at least brings something to think about, related to the self, environment, and the universe. In the end, it brings back human being to their core, their humanity. Key Words: novel; point of view; narrator; criticism; modernity

10.14201/3249 ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
Pedro Ortega Ruiz ◽  
Ramón Mínguez Vallejos

RESUMEN: En este artículo, los autores examinan el concepto de moral y los fundamentos de la misma en la obra de A. Schopenhauer. Para este autor la función de la ética no es la prescripción de normas sobre cómo deben actuar los seres humanos, sino interpretar, explicar y reducir a su fundamento último la muy diversa conducta humana en su dimensión moral. Schopenhauer asigna a la compasión el fundamento de la moral ya que ella es la única que excluye el egoísmo como motivación de la conducta. Y la compasión se ejerce en la experiencia de sufrimiento y carencia del otro; en convertir el sufrimiento del otro en mi sufrimiento. En este artículo se destaca, así mismo, la influencia que Schopenhauer ha ejercido en los filósofos e intelectuales más importantes de los dos últimos siglos y las consecuencias de la ética schopenhaueriana para la educación moral.ABSTRACT: In this article, the authors examine the concept of morality and its foundations in the work of A. Schopenhauer. For this author, the function of ethics is not the prescription of norms on how the human being must act, but to interpret, to explain and to reduce to its ultimate foundation the very diverse human conduct in its moral dimension. Schopenhauer assigns to compassion the foundation of morality since it is the only thing that excludes selfishness as a motivation for conduct. And compassion is exerted in the experience of suffering and deficiency of the other; in turning the suffering of the other into my suffering. This article also emphasises Schopenhauer's influence on the philosophers and intellectuals of the last two centuries and the consequences of Schopenhauer's ethics for moral education.SOMMAIRE: Dans cet article, les auteurs analysent le concept de moral et ses fondements dans l'oeuvre de A. Schopenhauer. Pour cet auteur, la fonction de l'éthique n'est pas de prescrire de normes sur la manière dont les hommes et les femmes doivent agir mais d'interpréter, d'expliquer et de réduire à son dernier fondement, la très diverse conduite humaine dans sa dimension morale. Schopenhauer assigne le fondement de la morale à la pitié puisque celle-ci est la seule à exclure l'égoïsme comme motivation de la conduite humaine. Aussi, la pitié s'accomplit dans l'expérience de la souffrance et du manque de l'autre, dans la transformation de la souffrance d'autrui en la propre souffrance. Dans cet article on souligne, aussi, l'influence exercée par Schopenhauer sur les philosophes et les intellectuels des deux derniers siècles et les conséquences de son éthique sur l'éducation morale.

Arzimatova Inoyatxon Madumarovna ◽  
Mo’minov Jahongir Madaminovich

In this article the aesthetic culture is analysed socio-philosophically. The author has shown that aesthetic culture resides in the human being and that is activities enter humanity as a spirit. Furthermore, it also analyses art and its functions, which are one of the key parts of society’s artistic culture. KEY WORDS: aesthetic culture, art, aesthetic education, music, creativity, aesthetic consciousness, ideal, artistic need.

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