2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-93
Irfandi ◽  
Hazal Fitri

The general purpose of this research is to design the development of a suitable learning evaluation management model in the utilization of ICT system at elementary school level in Banda Aceh City, to develop a model of evaluation evaluation management such as what is suitable in the utilization of ICT system of elementary school level Se- City of Banda Aceh. The method used in this research is research development (research and development version of Borg and Gall, 1983). The expected benefit in this study is that all teachers who teach at elementary level can use / utilize ICT system in learning process, this is for improvement of education quality at that level.   Abstrak Adapun yang menjadi tujuan umum dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendesain pengembangan model manajemen evaluasi pembelajaran yang cocok dalam pemanfaatan sistem ICT tingkat Sekolah Dasar Se- Kota Banda Aceh, mengembangkan sosok model manajemen evaluasi pembelajaran seperti apakah yang cocok dalam pemanfaatan sistem ICT tingkat Sekolah Dasar Se- Kota Banda Aceh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development versi Borg and Gall, 1983). Manfaat yang diharapkan dalam penelitian ini dimana semua guru yang mengajar pada jenjang sekolah dasar dapat menggunakan/memanfaatkan system ICT dalam proses pembelajaran, hal ini demi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan pada jenjang tersebut. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Manajemen, Evaluasi, dan Sistem ICT

Hazal Fitri ◽  
Irfandi Irfandi ◽  
Murniati Murniati ◽  
Nasir Usman

This research study aims to design the development of a suitable learning evaluation management model in the utilizing of the Banda Aceh Primary School Information Communication Technology (ICT) system, to develop what learning evaluation management model is suitable for utilizing Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems level of Primary School in Banda Aceh City. Then aims to improve the performance of the development of learning evaluation management models in the utilization of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) system at the Primary School level in Banda Aceh, providing a place for relatively new developing lecturers/ research groups in research capabilities to be able to utilize the facilities and expertise, and adopt and imitate a good research culture from a group of researchers who are more advanced in other universities in carrying out quality research. The program also aims to build research collaboration between universities in Indonesia. The method used in this research is development research (research and development version of Borg and Gall, 1983). The expected benefits in this research study are that all teachers who teach at the elementary school level can use / utilize the Information Communication Technology (ICT) system in the learning process, this is to improve the quality of education at that level. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Ahmad Lutfi Haqi ◽  
Ahmad Fikri Haikal ◽  
Mualamatul Musawamah ◽  
Shoimmatun Nikmah ◽  
Lin Walidiya

Abstract: This journal discusses the implementation of Islamic education at the Elementary School level at the Indonesian School in The Hague. The background of this journal is the importance of Islamic Religious Education for elementary level students. This journal is intended to answer the problems of Islamic Education learning, the implementation of Islamic Education learning at SIDH. Data obtained by means of interviews or explanations of sources from SIDH online. The implementation of Islamic Education at Elementary School level at SIDH aims to improve the morals of students from an early age so that they become Muslim beings who can understand and practice the teachings of Islam in everyday life.. Keywords: SD (Elementari School), Islamic Education learning, learning implementation. Abstrak: Jurnal ini membahas tentang implementasi pendidikan Agama Islam jenjang SD di Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag. Latar belakang jurnal ini adalah pentingnya Pendidikan Agama Islam bagi peserta didik jenjang SD. Jurnal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan pembelajaran PAI, implementasi pembelajaran PAI di SIDH. Data diperoleh dengan cara wawancara atau penjelasan narasumber dari SIDH secara daring. Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam jenjang SD di SIDH bertujuan memperbaiki akhlak peserta didik sejak dini agar mereka menjadi insan muslim yang dapat memahami dan mengamalkan ajaran Agama Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Keywords: SD (Sekolah Dasar), pembelajaran PAI, implementasi pembelajaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-285
Amelia Anggraini ◽  
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Munjiatun Munjiatun

This study aims to develop big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 elementary school and to determine the feasibility of big book learning media. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods using the FOUR-D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminte) model. The data collection technique used is by using questionnaires and trials. The feasibility of big book learning media is obtained from the results of media validation and testing. Validation was carried out by material experts and learning media experts. The results of the research show that the validation of the material experts and the validation of the learning media experts are very valid. The trials used in this study were limited to 10 students and received a very good response. The results of this development research indicate that the big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 Elementary School is very suitable for use in learning in Elementary School. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Azizah Thalib ◽  
Puji Winarti ◽  
Nurul Kami Sani

This study aims to develop a Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary Schools that has met valid, practical, and effective criteria for use in Science learning in elementary schools. This type of research is research and development that uses the Peffers et al development model. The type of development research includes six phases, namely: (1) identifying problems that motivate research, (2) describing research objectives, (3) designing and developing products, (4) testing products, (5) evaluating trial results, and (6) ) communicating results. The results of the study show that the Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary School has been valid, practical and effective. Validity values obtained are 61 with very valid criteria. Practical value of 65.73 or very practical. And the acquisition of effectiveness value is 0.70 with effective criteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 405-411
Herman Tarigan ◽  
Ardian Cahyadi ◽  
Joan Siswoyo

The goal achieved from this research and development is to produce a model of soccer dribbling training models for the elementary school age group. This research and development is carried out to be able to obtain information about the development and application of the football dribbling training model for the elementary school level age group. and to find out the effectiveness of the model produced. This research uses Research & Development (R & D) method from Borg and Gall. The subjects in this study were students of SD Negeri 1 Metro Barat from 30 children. The stages in this study are: needs analysis, expert evaluation (initial product evaluation), small group trials, and large group trials (testing fields). Test the effectiveness of the model. With the success of the research proven by questionnaires submitted by experts at 80%, the dribbling training model deserves to be developed in accordance with the research study of the development model of Borg and Gall. Based on the results of the development it can be concluded that: (1) With the soccer dribbling training model for elementary school level children can be developed and applied in dribbling exercises on extracurricular and learning (2) With the soccer dribbling training model for elementary school level that has been developed, there is evidence of an increase of which there are significant differences between before and after getting the model treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Azizah Thalib ◽  
Puji Winarti ◽  
Nurul Kami Sani

This study aims to develop a Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary Schools that has met valid, practical, and effective criteria for use in Science learning in elementary schools. This type of research is research and development that uses the Peffers et al development model. The type of development research includes six phases, namely: (1) identifying problems that motivate research, (2) describing research objectives, (3) designing and developing products, (4) testing products, (5) evaluating trial results, and (6) ) communicating results. The results of the study show that the Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary School has been valid, practical and effective. Validity values obtained are 61 with very valid criteria. Practical value of 65.73 or very practical. And the acquisition of effectiveness value is 0.70 with effective criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Joni Hendri ◽  
Heni Prasetyowati ◽  
Dewi Nur Hodijah ◽  
Rizal Pratama Sulaeman

Abstract. School is one of the potential sites for transmission of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The level of education is thought to be a major knowledge determinant about the disease and its transmission, as well as attitudes and practices for controlling dengue fever. This study aims to describe dengue knowledge in a student at various levels of education to prevent dengue transmission.  Three hundred students participated in this study, as many as 98 students were male, while 202 students were female. The average elementary school student is 10.7 years old, junior high school students are 14 years old, and senior high school students are 16.5 years old. Based on the interview results it can be seen the percentage of students with favorable knowledge about DHF for elementary school level 49.5%; Junior High 38.89%; Senior High 37.50%, while knowledge of DHF vector control at the elementary level is 3.4%; Junior High 3.7% and Senior High 2.5%. The percentage of students taking vector control measures for the elementary level is 0.49%, Junior High 9.26%, and high school 5%. Age and sex do not show a relationship with knowledge and actions towards DHF. Knowledge about DHF and the eradication of DHF vectors and the eradication of DHF vectors in students at various levels of education in the Pangandaran area is still low. The socialization of 3M Plus must be carried out thoroughly and continuously in schools to increase the knowledge and participation of students in controlling DHF. Keywords: Knowledge, Dengue, School, Pangandaran   Abstrak. Sekolah merupakan salah satu  tempat potensial dalam penyebaran dan penularan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Level pendidikan diduga merupakan penentu utama pengetahuan tentang penyakit dan penularannya, serta sikap dan praktik untuk pengendalian demam berdarah. Tujuan dari penelitian kami adalah untuk menggambarkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh siswa sekolah pada berbagai level pendidikan dalam kaitannya dengan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah penularan penyakit DBD. Total sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 300 siswa yang diambil berdasarkan teknik perhitungan sampel dari populasi siswa pada masing-masing tingkatan pendidikan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner yang terstruktur.  Siswa yang diwawancara merupakan siswa yang ditunjuk oleh sekolah sebagai anggota Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS). Dari 300 siswa yang ikut serta dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 98 siswa berjenis kelamin laki-laki, sedangkan 202 siswa berjenis kelamin perempuan.  Usia rata-rata siswa SD berkisar 10,7 tahun, siswa SLTP adalah 14 tahun sedangkan usia rata-rata anak SLTA adalah 16,5 tahun.  Berdasarkan hasil wawancara terlihat persentase siswa dengan pengetahuan baik tentang DBD untuk level SD 49,5%; SLTP 38,89%; SLTA 37,50% sedangkan pengetahuan tentang pengendalian vektor DBD pada level SD 3,4%; SLTP 3,7% dan SLTA 2,5%.  Persentase siswa yang melakukan tindakan pengendalian vektor untuk level SD 0,49%; SLTP 9,26%; dan SLTA 5%. Usia dan jenis kelamin tidak menunjukkan hubungan dengan pengetahuan dan tindakan terhadap DBD. Pengetahuan tentang DBD dan pemberantasan vektor DBD serta tindakan pemberantasan vektor DBD pada siswa di berbagai level pendidikan di wilayah Pangandaran masih rendah. Sosialisasi PSN 3M Plus perlu dilakukan di sekolah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan peran serta siswa dalam pengendalian DBD.  Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Demam Berdarah Dengue, Sekolah, Pangandaran

Silfi Melindawati

This research is motivated because of the problems found in schools, namely, the LKPD used in schools is generally less attractive, both in terms of the space for filling in the less extensive answers, the color of the LKPD which does not have an attractive color, the structure is incomplete and the supporting images for the LKPD are inadequate. This research is a development research, namely Research and Development (R&D) which consists of four stages, namely: define, design, development, disseminate. in this development research using the 4-D model proposed by Thiagarajan (in Ratumanan, 2019: 61). The results showed that the development of discovery learning-based LKPD collected through a validation questionnaire was used to measure the feasibility of student worksheets (LKPD). The results showed that the discovery learning-based student worksheets developed were feasible and valid for learning. This is evident from the results of obtaining questionnaires by expert experts and educators who state that the development product is feasible based on the results of the linguist expert's validity test (92.5%) is categorized as very valid, aspects of rpp Validator 1 (92.5%) are categorized as very valid, Validator 2 (95.00%) which is categorized as very valid, expert design expert (98.07%) is categorized as very valid. This proves that the Integrated Thematic Student Worksheet Development (LKPD) with the Discovery Learning Model in Class IV of Elementary School is stated very valid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 1386
Ahmad Shofa ◽  
Su’ad Su’ad ◽  
Murtono Murtono

The objectives of this study were 1) to analyze teachers’ input to develop Integrated Thematic Materials Based on Local Wisdom on Science subject Theme 3: Healthy Food, for Grade 5 Elementary School, 2) to find out how to prepare Integrated Thematic Materials Based on Local Wisdom for Science subject Theme 3: Healthy Food, for Grade 5 Elementary School , and 3) to reveal the effectiveness of the Integrated Thematic Materials Based on Local Wisdom on Science Subject Theme 3: Healthy Food, for Grade 5 Elementary School. This research was Research and Development (R & D) adapted from Sugiyono including ten steps. The validation of teaching materials wascarried out by proficient material experts and media experts. The results showed that the products in this development research were declared feasible and effective to be used as supporting teaching materials for grade V. The feasibility of this thematic module product was based on the validation results of material experts which obtained a total score of 73 in very good category and the results of validation by media experts which obtained a total score of 116 in very good category. The feasibility of the thematic module product was also strengthened by the results of the effectiveness test (N-Gain) on the product trial which obtained a score of 85.2968 or 85.30% in effective category for the experimental class, and the effectiveness test (N-Gain) on the trial which obtained a score of 88, 5386 or 88.54% with the effective category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Luluk Humairo Pimada ◽  
Rostanti Toba ◽  
Abdul Wahab Rasyidi

There are some language skills, one of them is writing which has the steps of learning a foreign language. Writing skill has the most difficult skill. The use of instructional media has functions to facilitate teaching and learning activities, especially in Arabic learning of Imla’ material. The flashcard is used as a medium to facilitate teaching and learning activities of Imla’ for non-Arabic students. This research aimed to describe learning of Imla’ on Arabic writing skill and describe learning implementation of Imla’ on Arabic through flashcard at the level of elementary school at Elementary School level in Samarinda. The researcher used research design of qualitative descriptive by using the research instruments of observation, interview, and documentation. The research result obtained through the data sources from the principal, vice principal of curriculum, Arabic teachers and students. To analyze the data, the researcher used Miles and Huberman’s theory through three steps of data reduction, data display, and verification. The research results were that Arabic learning based on the writing skill on the elementary level included in category of Imla’ manqul which is aimed for students to be able to recognize, know, and rewrite letters of Hijaiyah by the rules of writing and letters written separated or connected with other letters. The students were also able to recognize the meaning of what they wrote through flashcard. The use of flashcard was helpful in the Arabic teaching process, because the students were easier in understanding the meaning of each vocabulary they wrote. The students did not feel saturated in teaching and learning proses, because flashcard can be used by the students as a form of game which they usually play such as picture card. Therefore, the Arabic writing skill on the elementary level will be easier to be learnt by the students.

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