2021 ◽  
pp. 22-33

В публикуемой статье рассматривается вопрос взаимного проникновения и исторических контактов населения приграничных областей Чечни и Дагестана – Гумбета, Анди и Салатавии. В исследовании приводится ряд документальных, нарративных (рукописи) и этнографических источников, позволяющих более тщательно взглянуть на вопрос этногенеза обществ указанных историко-географических областей. Кроме того, выявляется закономерность, согласно которой в пространстве между реками Аргун и Кара-Койсу (приток Сулака) распространен целый ряд топонимов и общин, чьи названия обнаруживают основу гун / хун / хон, что, как это видно из источников, увязывается с кавказскими гуннами, или хонами. Также в контексте затронутой проблематики указывается на движение этнических масс с запада (Нашха, Шубут и т.д.) и юга (Ичкерия) в область Анди и далее – в Салатавию через область Гумбет. Проводится попытка определить время возникновения аула Анди, а также выявить общества и личности, принявшие участие в основании села и выступившие в качестве этнического субстрата, по крайней мере, северной группы андийских поселений и тохумов. Отмечается роль Унсура (Энсура), его братьев Баши и Араша, а также владетелей Ануша и Харчи-хана, принявших первого в андийской котловине после его исхода «из селения Шубут» вследствие произошедшего кровопролития. На основании разностороннего анализа, с привлечением архивных материалов авторами указывается на участие общин Дишний, Гуной, Вашандарой, Харачой, Беной, Зумсой и др. в качестве субстрата при формировании североандийских поселений, а также их частичной миграции в Салатавию. The published article examines the issue of mutual penetration and historical contacts of the population of the border regions of Chechnya and Dagestan - Gumbet, Andi and Salatavia. The study provides a number of documentary, narrative (manuscripts) and ethnographic sources that allow a more thorough look at the issue of the ethnogenesis of societies in these historical and geographical areas. In addition, a pattern is revealed according to which a number of toponyms and communities are widespread in the space between the Argun and Kara-Koisu rivers (a tributary of the Sulak), whose names reveal the basis of the Gun / Hun / Khon, which, as can be seen from the sources, is associated with the Caucasian Huns , or hons. Also, in the context of the problems touched upon, the movement of ethnic masses from the west (Nashkha, Shubut, etc.) and south (Ichkeria) to the Andi region and further to Salatavia through the Gumbet region is indicated. An attempt is made to determine the time of the emergence of the Andi aul, as well as to identify the societies and individuals who took part in the founding of the village and acted as an ethnic substratum, at least, of the northern group of Andean settlements and Tohums. The role of Unsur (Ensur), his brothers Bashi and Arash, as well as the rulers of Anush and Kharchi-khan, who took the first in the Andean basin after his exodus “from the village of Shubut” due to the bloodshed, is noted. Based on a multifaceted analysis, with the involvement of archival materials, the authors point out the participation of the communities of Dishny, Guna, Washandara, Kharacha, Benoy, Zumsoy, etc. as a substrate in the formation of North Indian settlements, as well as their partial migration to Salatavia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-72
I Dewa Alit Dwija Putra ◽  
Sarena Abdullah ◽  

The history of significant changes in traditional Balinese art towards modern art took place in the 1930s in the village of Ubud, South Bali. Visual changes in Balinese art are unlike changes in modern art in the West or in Indonesian modern art. The visuals show a strong traditional style, although signs of modernity as this paper will argue, can be found. Modern Balinese art in Ubud in the 1930s actually started in North Bali in the 1870s. It was the role of two Dutchmen named Van der Tuuk and W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp, a linguist and academic artist, who contributed to the introduction of modern art to North Balinese artists. The interaction between the two Dutchmen and the local artists gave birth to arts that are slightly different from traditional arts in Bali. This paper will discuss the shift from traditional to modern painting done by Balinese artists in this early period that resulted in the transition of traditional to modern art through the changes in techniques and media; and themes and functions of these visuals. As such, this marks a shift from art that are no longer spiritual but lean more towards the profane.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 931
Imawanto Imawanto ◽  
Lelisari Lelisari ◽  
Nurjannah S.

ABSTRAKAngka stunting di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) masih terbilang tinggi yaitu sekitar 167 ribu atau 33,49 persen dari 500 ribu balita mengalami stunting. Hasil  Riset  Kesehatan  Dasar  Kabupaten Lombok Barat Tahun  2018  untuk  balita  usia  0-59  bulan  menunjukkan  bahwa  indeks  berat  badan menurut  umur (BB/U)  angka   kurang gizi  sebesar  29.94 %,  yang  artinya  bahwa  Kabupaten Lombok Barat   berada  pada  kategori  wilayah  rawan  gizi.  Penanganan masalah stunting tidak mungkin bisa diselesaikan sendiri oleh sektor kesehatan, oleh sebab itu perlu dukungan seluruh jajaran perangkat daerah dan masyarakat. Seperti yang sudah dilakukan oleh Pemeritah Kabupaten Lombok Barat dengan membuat Peraturan Bupati Lombok Barat No 19.A Tahun 2020 tentang Pencegahan dan Penangan Stunting, diundangkan pada tanggal 17 April 2020 pada Berita Daerah Kabupaten Lombok Barat Tahun 2020 Nomor 19.A. Dimana, dalam Pasal 10 angka 14 (a) Peraturan Bupati Lombok Barat No 19.A Tahun 2020. menyatakan adanya peran perangkat daerah dalam aksi konvergensi stunting yaitu: Peran Pemerintah Desa ialah menetapkan peraturan desa tentang pencegahan dan penanganan stunting. Dalam hal ini Desa Gelogor Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Lombok Barat belum juga mempunyai peraturan desa tentang pencegahan dan penanganan stunting sesuai amanat dari Peraturan Bupati Lombok Barat No 19.A Tahun 2020.Berdasarkan data dan informasi yang diperoleh pada saat kegiatan penyusunan rencana pembangunan jangka menengah desa (RPJMDes) ada berbagai persoalan dan masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat terutama masyarakat miskin dan perempuan. Dari berbagai persoalan dan masalah yang ada dapat dirangkum salah satunya adalah penanganan masalah stunting. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan memberikan pendampingan penyusunan rancangan peraturan desa tentang pencegahan dan penanangan stunting. Adapun yang hadir pada kegiatan ini adalah Anggota Pemerintah Desa, BPD, perwakilan Kepala Dusun, kader Posyandu, BKKBN/Penyuluh KB Lombok Barat, remaja, ibu hamil dan ibu menyusui. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah Pemerintah Desa Gelogor saat ini sudah mempunyai draf rancangan peraturan desa. Dimana draf rancangan peraturan desa tersebut akan dibahas pada tahap selanjutnya oleh Pemerintah Desa, BPD dan stakeholder lainnya. Kata kunci : stunting; rancangan; peraturan desa. ABSTRACTThe stunting rate in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is still relatively high, around 167,000 or 33.49 percent of the 500 thousand toddlers experiencing stunting. The 2018 West Lombok Regency Basic Health Research results for toddlers aged 0-59 months show that the bodyweight index for age (W/U) has a malnutrition rate of 29.94%, which means that West Lombok Regency is in the category of nutritionally vulnerable areas. The health sector can't solve the stunting problem alone. Therefore it requires the support of all regional apparatus and the community as done by the Government of West Lombok Regency by making West Lombok Regent Regulation No. 19. A of 2020 concerning Prevention and Handling of Stunting, promulgated on April 17, 2020, in the Regional News of West Lombok Regency of 2020 Number 19. A. Where, in Article 10 number 14 (a) West Lombok Regent Regulation No. 19.An of 2020. states the role of regional apparatus in stunting convergence action, namely: The part of the Village Government is to stipulate village regulations regarding stunting prevention and handling. In this case, Gelogor Village, Kediri District, West Lombok Regency does not yet have a village regulation regarding stunting prevention and handling as mandated by the West Lombok Regent Regulation No. 19.An of 2020. Based on data and information obtained during the village medium-term development plan ( RPJMDes), the community faces various problems, especially the poor and women. Of the various issues and problems that exist, it can be summarized, one of which is handling the stunting problem. This service activity aims to draft village regulations regarding stunting prevention and management. Those who attended this activity were Village Government Members, BPD, representatives of the Hamlet Head, Posyandu cadres, BKKBN / West Lombok Family Planning Extension, teenagers, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. The result of this activity is that the Gelogor Village Government currently has a draft village regulation draft. The draft village regulation will be discussed later by the Village Government, BPD, and other stakeholders. Keywords: stunting; design; village regulations.

2003 ◽  
pp. 66-76
I. Dezhina ◽  
I. Leonov

The article is devoted to the analysis of the changes in economic and legal context for commercial application of intellectual property created under federal budgetary financing. Special attention is given to the role of the state and to comparison of key elements of mechanisms for commercial application of intellectual property that are currently under implementation in Russia and in the West. A number of practical suggestions are presented aimed at improving government stimuli to commercialization of intellectual property created at budgetary expense.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 181-192
Anna A. Komzolova

One of the results of the educational reform of the 1860s was the formation of the regular personnel of village teachers. In Vilna educational district the goal was not to invite teachers from central Russia, but to train them on the spot by establishing special seminaries. Trained teachers were supposed to perform the role of «cultural brokers» – the intermediaries between local peasants and the outside world, between the culture of Russian intelligentsia and the culture of the Belarusian people. The article examines how officials and teachers of Vilna educational district saw the role of rural teachers as «cultural brokers» in the context of the linguistic and cultural diversity of the North-Western Provinces. According to them, the graduates of the pedagogical seminaries had to remain within the peasant estate and to keep in touch with their folk «roots». The special «mission» of the village teachers was in promoting the ideas of «Russian elements» and historical proximity to Russia among Belarusian peasants.

Marsel Eliaser Liunokas

Timorese culture is patriarchal in that men are more dominant than women. As if women were not considered in traditional rituals so that an understanding was built that valued women lower than men. However, in contrast to the article to be studied, this would like to see the priority of women’s roles in traditional marriages in Belle village, South Central Timor. The role of women wiil be seen from giving awards to their parents called puah mnasi manu mnasi. This paper aims to look at the meaning of the rituals of puah mnasi maun mnasi and the role and strengths that women have in traditional marriage rituals in the village of Belle, South Central Timor. The method used for this research is a qualitative research method using interview techniques with a number of people in the Belle Villa community and literature study to strengthen this writing. Based on the data obtained this paper shows that the adat rituals of puah mnasi manu mnasi provide a value that can be learned, namely respect for women, togetherness between the two families, and brotherhood that is intertwined due to customary marital affrairs.

Valentina M. Patutkina

The article is dedicated to unknown page in the library history of Ulyanovsk region. The author writes about the role of Trusteeship on people temperance in opening of libraries. The history of public library organized in the beginning of XX century in the Tagai village of Simbirsk district in Simbirsk province is renewed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-112
Pierre Legendre

"Der Beitrag reevaluiert die «dogmatische Funktion», eine soziale Funktion, die mit biologischer und kultureller Reproduktion und folglich der Reproduktion des industriellen Systems zusammenhängt. Indem sie sich auf der Grenze zwischen Anthropologie und Rechtsgeschichte des Westens situiert, nimmt die Studie die psychoanalytische Frage nach der Rolle des Rechts im Verhalten des modernen Menschen erneut in den Blick. </br></br>This article reappraises the dogmatic function, a social function related to biological and cultural reproduction and consequently to the reproduction of the industrial system itself. On the borderline of anthropology and of the history of law – applied to the West – this study takes a new look at the question raised by psychoanalysis concerning the role of law in modern human behaviour. "

Nikolai Petrov ◽  
Nikolai Petrov ◽  
Inna Nikonorova ◽  
Inna Nikonorova ◽  
Vladimir Mashin ◽  

High-speed railway "Moscow-Kazan" by the draft crosses the Volga (Kuibyshev reservoir) in Chuvashia region 500 m below the village of New Kushnikovo. The crossing plot is a right-bank landslide slope with a stepped surface. Its height is 80 m; the slope steepness -15-16o. The authors should assess the risk of landslides and recommend anti-landslide measures to ensure the safety of the future bridge. For this landslide factors have been analyzed, slope stability assessment has been performed and recommendations have been suggested. The role of the following factors have been analyzed: 1) hydrologic - erosion and abrasion reservoir and runoff role; 2) lithologyc (the presence of Urzhum and Northern Dvina horizons of plastically deformable rocks, displacement areas); 3) hydrogeological (the role of perched, ground and interstratal water); 4) geomorphological (presence of the elemental composition of sliding systems and their structure in the relief); 5) exogeodynamic (cycles and stages of landslide systems development, mechanisms and relationship between landslide tiers of different generations and blocks contained in tiers). As a result 6-7 computational models at each of the three engineering-geological sections were made. The stability was evaluated by the method “of the leaning slope”. It is proved that the slope is in a very stable state and requires the following measures: 1) unloading (truncation) of active heads blocks of landslide tiers) and the edge of the plateau, 2) regulation of the surface and groundwater flow, 3) concrete dam, if necessary.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Mochammad Arief Wicaksono

The ideology of state-ibuism has always been interwoven with how the New Order regime until nowadays government constructing the “ideal” role of women in the family and community through the PKK (Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) organization. However, in Cangkring Village, Indramayu, the ideology of ibuism works not because of the massive government regulating the role of women through the PKK organization, but it is possible because of the structure of the kampung community itself. Through involved observations and in-depth interviews about a kindergarten in the village, a group of housewives who dedicated themselves to teaching in kindergarten were met without getting paid high. From these socio-cultural phenomenons, this paper will describe descriptively and analytically that housewives in the Cangkring village are willing to become kindergarten teachers because of their moral burden as part of the warga kampung and also from community pressure from people who want their children to be able to read and write.

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