2021 ◽  
pp. 32-43

Проблема становления многонационального социума всегда была и остается в фокусе научного познания. Особую актуальность она имеет для России, история которой является ярким примером сосуществования множества разных народов. Период второй половины XIX – начала XX вв. стал важной вехой в деле утверждения российской государственности на Северном Кавказе. Осетия активнее других северокавказских территорий участвовала в модернизационных процессах пореформенного периода. Трансформация, затрагивавшая в ходе этих процессов все сферы жизнедеятельности осетинского общества, рождала новые, более современные формы социально-экономических отношений и способствовала возникновению новых потребностей. Земледелие в частности и сельскохозяйственная отрасль в целом превращаются в главнейший источник народного благосостояния. В статье рассматривается проблема культурно-хозяйственного взаимодействия Осетии и России в условиях реформаторства второй половины XIX – начала XX в., исследуются основные векторы развития осетинского социума в рамках этого взаимодействия. Одним из наиболее прогрессивных направлений обозначается стремление к новейшим достижениям в области сельскохозяйственной деятельности, а потребность в приобщении к эффективным способам ведения личного хозяйства определяется как важнейшая. Научная новизна работы обусловлена постановкой проблемы, привлечением новых источников и междисциплинарным походом. Методологическую основу составили системно-структурный, сравнительно-исторический, междисциплинарный и цивилизационный подходы, принципы историзма, объективности и целостности. Результаты, полученные в ходе исследования, дают основание утверждать, что одним из важнейших трендов культурно-хозяйственного взаимодействия Осетии и России в рассматриваемый период стало распространение сельскохозяйственных знаний среди населения Осетии посредством развития системы сельскохозяйственных учебных заведений. The problem of the formation of a multinational society has always been and remains in the focus of scientific knowledge. It is of particular relevance for Russia, whose history is a vivid example of the coexistence of many different peoples. The period of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries became an important milestone in the establishment of Russian statehood in the North Caucasus. Ossetia participated in the modernization processes of the post-reform period more actively than other North Caucasian territories. The transformation, which in the course of these processes affected all spheres of life of the Ossetian society, gave birth to new, more modern forms of socio-economic relations and contributed to the emergence of new needs. Agriculture in particular and the agricultural sector as a whole are turning into the main source of national wealth. The article examines the problem of cultural and economic interaction between Ossetia and Russia in the conditions of reformism in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, examines the main vectors of development of the Ossetian society within the framework of this interaction. One of the most progressive directions is the striving for the latest achievements in the field of agricultural activity, and the need to familiarize with effective methods of running a personal economy is defined as the most important. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the formulation of the problem, the involvement of new sources and an interdisciplinary approach. The methodological basis was formed by the systemic-structural, comparative-historical, interdisciplinary and civilizational approaches, the principles of historicism, objectivity and integrity. The results obtained in the course of the study give grounds to assert that one of the most important trends in cultural and economic interaction between Ossetia and Russia in the period under review was the spread of agricultural knowledge among the population of Ossetia through the development of a system of agricultural educational institutions.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 82-90
Ф.С. Киреев

В статье анализируются причины строительства Владикавказской железной дороги и механизм сооружения этой важной железнодорожной артерии. Актуальность темы анализа истории развития железнодорожной сети Северо-Кавказского региона определяется необходимостью подробного изучения проблем ее социально-экономического развития. Строительство Ростово-Владикавказской железной дороги также является примером государственно-частного сотрудничества, которое хорошо себя оправдало. Дорога была построена полностью за счет средств акционеров, среди которых были как крупные промышленники, так и простые обыватели. Находясь в частной собственности, Владикавказская железная дорога хорошо функционировала и развивалась. При этом государство получило важную транспортную артерию, имевшую большое экономическое и военно-стратегическое значение. Немаловажным было и то, что за счет Владикавказской железной дороги был построен ряд социальных объектов – больницы, учебные заведения. В статье также показана заинтересованность общественности Владикавказа и региона в целом в строительстве железной дороги. Различные варианты прокладки пути, строительства станций широко обсуждались как специалистами, так и простыми горожанами. В итоге был выбран наиболее оптимальный путь и месторасположения станции Владикавказ. В свое время, благодаря открытию Владикавказской железной дороги, был дан заметный импульс дальнейшему развитию торговли и промышленности на Северном Кавказе. Последующее расширение транспортных артерий уже в наши дни может существенно оживить экономику Кавказа и России в целом, а также внести свой вклад в деле развития туризма в регионе. В связи с этим и необходимо анализировать историю строительства Владикавказской железной дороги и перенимать лучший опыт прошлого. The article analyzes the reasons for constructing Vladikavkaz railway and the mechanism of constructing this important railway artery. The topic relevance of studying the history of the railway network in the North Caucasus is determined by the necessity for further problem research of its socio-economic development. In its time Vladikavkaz railway had a huge impact on the development of trade and industry in the North Caucasus. The construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway is also an example of public-private cooperation, which has paid off well. The road was built entirely at the expense of shareholders, among whom were both large industrialists and ordinary people. Being privately owned, the Vladikavkaz railway functioned and developedwell. At the same time, the state acquired an important transport artery of great economic and military-strategic importance. It was also important that a number of social facilities were built at the expense of the Vladikavkaz railway - hospitals, educational institutions. The article also shows the interest of the public in Vladikavkaz and the region as a whole in the construction of the railway. Various options for laying the track, building stations were widely discussed by both specialists and ordinary citizens. As a result, the most optimal route and location of the Vladikavkaz station were chosen. Further expansion of transport arteries today can significantly revive the economy of the Caucasus and Russia as a whole, as well as contribute to the development of tourism in the region. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the history of constructing Vladikavkaz railway and adopt the best experience of the past.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-100
Mihail Kislickiy ◽  
Viktoriya Abryandina

The authors consider the system of legal regulation and implementation of project management and digital transformation of economic interaction of organizations in the agricultural sector. On the basis of previously obtained studies aimed at studying the current regulatory framework and identifying the influence of legal norms on the economic relations of the agro-industrial complex organization, the authors highlighted modern problems of legal support for the economic interaction of agro-industrial complex organizations in the context of the design-digital approach. The authors also formulated practical proposals aimed at overcoming these problems and improving the institutional environment for the implementation of the design-digital approach. These proposals were discussed and tested within the framework of a number of scientific and practical conferences and practical seminars of heads and specialists of agro-industrial complex organizations.

Е.А. Rybak ◽  
О.О. Rybak ◽  

The use of water for various human needs can be considered as an anthropogenic factor affecting water resources. The amount of water consumption is determined by the size of the population, the level of development and the state of housing and communal services, climatic conditions and other factors. The agricultural sector plays a significant role in the economy of the South and North Caucasian Federal Districts. The increase in agricultural production, especially in the southern drylands, is largely due to its reliable and high-quality water supply. A large share of the agricultural sector in the structure of water use determines that the water turnover coefficient in the region as a whole is much lower than the national one. The analysis of open sources revealed the key problems of water consumption in the region and enabled to identify specific measures for revising its structure.

M. Mykhailenko M. Mykhailenko

This research analyses the economic policies peculiarities of the “historical right” governments of the Kingdom of Italy from the first stage of the unification of this country into a single nation state and rise of the “historical right” governments to power till the transfer of power to the “historical left”. It also specifies the main directions of economic reforms in a certain period of time and their impact on the further development of the state. The research establishes that the liberal economic model for country’s development chosen by its leadership at the very beginning allowed to quickly create the domestic market of goods and services, establish fruitful foreign economic relations with the greatest economic powers of that time and attract foreign investments into the Kingdom, promoting the development of the Kingdom’s agricultural sector and accumulating a substantial capital within the country. However, given the significant economic backwardness of the states of the Apennine peninsula before the unification and the actual abolition of customs barriers in trade with more powerful European countries after 1861, it had a negative impact on the country’s weak industry and deepened the distortion of development along the north-south line. The undeniable achievement of the "historical right" governments in the fiscal policy was the overcoming of the huge deficit of the state budget before 1876.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1140-1173
Arsen M. Kambiev

The article examines the little-studied and complex issue of relations between the new Caucasian state entities during the collapse of the Russian Empire and the following Civil War. The Revolution of 1917 led to the appearance on the political map of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia of a number of new state entities that fought for the recognition of their sovereignty. However, the political and military chaos in the region hindered both the internal process of consolidation of the self-proclaimed states, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the Mountainous Republic of the North Caucasus in particular, and their entry into the international community. The civil war in Russia and the confrontation between the Red and the White forces instigated even more contradictions. Transcaucasian countries, primarily Azerbaijan and Georgia, support both the insurrectionary movement in the Terek-Dagestan region and the leaders of the overthrown Mountainous Republic who stayed in their territory. However, any attempts to create stable allied military, political and economic relations, undertaken by the leaders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the Mountainous Republic, were not successful.

М.Р. Кулова

Статья посвящена вопросам активизации экономического сотрудничества России и Ирана в целом и Северного Кавказа и Ирана в частности. Экономические отношения России и Ирана в последние годы вновь рассматривается российскими политиками как весьма перспективные и актуальные в контексте геополитических реалий. Цель данной работы состоит в изучении факторов эффективного механизма экономического сотрудничества России, в том числе Северного Кавказа, и Ирана. В настоящем исследовании использованы общенаучные методы познания, а также исторический и статистический методы. История развития российско-иранских отношений наглядно показывает, что в течение без малого трех столетий, начиная с Рештского (1732) и Гянджинского (1735) договоров, взаимосвязь политических и экономических аспектов определяла особенности торгово-экономических отношений России и Ирана, от привилегий беспошлинной торговли русских купцов, займов и концессий царского правительства до масштабных планов двустороннего советско-иранского сотрудничества. Формирование эффективных механизмов экономического сотрудничества России и Ирана предполагает дальнейшую политическую поддержку российско-иранских программ и проектов, совершенствование правовой базы в контексте изменений в таможенном законодательстве, предоставление налоговых преференций участникам совместных российско-иранских проектов и рост эффективности институтов развития российско-иранского сотрудничества. Геостратегический статус Северного Кавказа в рамках Стратегии пространственного развития России до 2025 г. имеет определенный потенциал расширения экономических связей между Россией и Ираном. Перспективы проектов по созданию в Северо-Кавказском федеральном округе совместных российско-иранских предприятий, в частности, по выращиванию и экспорту в Иран зерновой и мясной продукции связаны с соответствующими мерами государственной поддержки. Успешное осуществление мегапроекта Север-Юг также предполагает всемерное использование экономического потенциала Северного Кавказа. The article is devoted to the activation of economic cooperation between Russia and Iran in General, and the North Caucasus and Iran in particular. Economic relations between Russia and Iran in recent years are again considered by Russian politicians as very promising and relevant in the context of geopolitical realities. The purpose of this work is to study the factors of the effective mechanism of economic cooperation between Russia, including the North Caucasus, and Iran. The present study uses General scientific methods of cognition, as well as historical and statistical methods. The history of Russian-Iranian relations clearly shows that for nearly three centuries, starting with the Rasht (1732) and Ganja (1735) treaties, the interrelation of political and economic aspects determined the features of trade and economic relations between Russia and Iran, from the privileges of duty-free trade of Russian merchants, loans and concessions of the tsarist government to large-scale plans of bilateral Soviet-Iranian cooperation. The formation of effective mechanisms for economic cooperation between Russia and Iran involves further political support for RussianIranian programs and projects, improving the legal framework in the context of changes in customs legislation, granting tax preferences to participants in joint Russian-Iranian projects and increasing the effectiveness of institutions for the development of Russian-Iranian cooperation. The geostrategic status of the North Caucasus within the framework of Russias spatial development Strategy until 2025 has a certain potential to expand economic ties between Russia and Iran. The prospects of projects to establish joint Russian-Iranian enterprises in the North Caucasus Federal district, in particular, to grow and export grain and meat products to Iran, are linked to appropriate measures of state support. The successful implementation of the North-South megaproject also implies the full use of the economic potential of the North Caucasus.

V.V. Maslova ◽  
N.F. Zaruk ◽  
A.R. Kulov ◽  
M.V. Avdeev ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of agriculture and trends in its development in the North Caucasus Federal District. The NCFD has a significant natural and climatic, labor and industrial and technical potential. But according to the main socio-economic indicators, the NCFD shows lower results compared to other federal districts of the country. The article notes that the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District are significantly differentiated in terms of land, labor and production capital. The authors analyzed the dynamics of agricultural production, which allowed us to determine the share of various types of agricultural products in the national production volume. The analysis of investment development in the NCFD showed that over the past five years, investment in fixed assets has decreased by almost 10%. The main exported products of the district are cereals, meat and edible meat offal, and imported products are dairy products. The assessment of tax revenues from the agricultural sector to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation showed that their volumes are insignificant, in the share of tax payments 56% is accounted for by the personal income tax and about 10% by the unified agricultural tax. The authors noted a number of negative trends that have formed in the NCFD: a large subsidized budget, a high share of agricultural production in low-quality and inefficient households, a low volume of private investment in the industry, and a significant level of unemployment. These problems are interrelated and need to be addressed systematically. The authors propose the main directions of development of agricultural policy of the NCFD, including technological modernization and increase of competitiveness of agroindustrial complex, development of transport, logistical and information infrastructure, improve the investment climate and increase investment attractiveness of the industry based on public-private partnerships, improving labour productivity and quality of personnel potential and formation of a branched network of agricultural cooperatives.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 598-607
Lenar F. Abzalov

In this article, based on brief information from Arab sources, as well as the achievements of hydrotherapy and balneology, the author attempts to analyze the practice of hydrotherapy in one of the regions of the Golden Horde, in the current Caucasian Mineralnye Wody, which was a health resort in the Golden Horde’s period. The purpose of this article is to characterize the practice of hydrotherapy in the region of Caucasian Mineralnye Wody by representatives of the Golden Horde elite. The research methodology is based on the historical-comparative method, the method of retrospective analysis, applied on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach, based on the achievements of modern scientific knowledge in physiotherapy, balneology, Spa treatment. Analysis of Ibn Battuta's brief reports suggests that water treatment was practiced in the Golden Horde, and the healing properties of the mineral waters of the North Caucasus were actively used. Hydrotherapy procedures were carried out in accordance with certain standards that could be developed both empirically and theoretically based on the works of famous doctors. In the Golden Horde were not only known, but also actively practiced water procedures for the treatment of various diseases, and it is possible that they were more common than was generally believed. In every region of the Golden Horde was its healing and mineral water sources, and each nation had its own ideas about water, health and healthy lifestyle, which determined the special techniques of hydrotherapy, but due to various objective factors, hydro- and balneotherapy found its greatest spread in the region of Caucasian Mineralnye Wody.

Olga V. Pirogova ◽  
Anastasia Y. Pirogova

The article talks about the role of tourism in the world, about the role of tourism in the North Caucasus Federal District. In the North Caucasus Federal District, great attention is paid to the development of various types of tourism. The tourism industry can have a great importance for the development of the socio-economic situation in the district. This is both an increase in cash receipts to the budget and employment of the population. Employment of the population is the most important characteristic of the economy. The development of tourism significantly affects the growth of employment both in the world and in a particular region. The study analyzes data on employment in the regions of the district by the economic type of activity “Hotels and public catering”, by collective accommodation facilities, by employment in travel agencies. Calculations of the share of employment in the tourism sector to the total number of those employed in the North Caucasus Federal District, the share of employed by types of economic activities in the tourism sector in the regions are shown, analysis and comparison of data by the regions of the district are presented. The state of employment and provision of specialists in the tourism industry at the present time is given. The data of a sociological survey of employers in the tourism sector are presented. The results indicate that there is a sorely lack of specialists. The article analyzes the state of training of personnel in the sphere of tourism in the district under the programs of higher and secondary vocational education. The data on the number of educational institutions involved in training specialists for the tourism sector are given, and the main directions of personnel training are shown. Recommendations are given on what points you need to pay attention to in training specialists for the tourism sector. It is important to pay attention not only to the quantitative aspect of providing the industry with specia-lists, but also to the quality training of personnel. A serious area is the training of working professions, it is also important to pay attention to the training of tour guides and tour guides. The paper provides forecast data on the provision of the tourism industry with the necessary specialists and provides data on the required number of graduates in educational institutions in the tourism profile.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 37-52
Jelena Yu. Borisenok

Modern Ukrainian literature considers Anatoly V. Lunacharsky an opponent of Ukrainisation. The reason for this are some little-known statements made by the people's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR in September 1926 in Krasnodar before school employees. According to the 1926 census, there were many Ukrainians among the local population. Therefore, in accordance with the adopted course on “indigenization”, it was decided to open national schools. In the Kuban there were both active supporters and opponents of Ukrainisation. There were people who insisted on the need to carry out not Ukrainisation, but Kubanisation. When Lunacharsky answered questions about school policy in the Kuban, he advised that the Kuban language be used in schools. Modern historiography pays little attention to this subject. We can assume that the Russian people's Commissar tried to maneuver between the supporters and opponents of Ukrainisation in the North Caucasus. It took into account the desire of the population to give their children an education in educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction. The article analyzes the situation in which Lunacharsky made this statement, analyzes the features of national policy in the Kuban, and considers attempts to influence the situation in the region made by the leadership of Soviet Ukraine.

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