2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-50
Awalia Marwah Suhandi ◽  
Dinie Anggraeni Dewi ◽  
Yayang Furi Furnamasari

Honest behavior is the key to better education. In this case, education seems to turn a deaf ear to various problems related to honest problems. For that we need a solution to minimize it. A strategic solution to overcome these problems is to carry out civic education learning in elementary schools. The purpose of this research is to apply honest living behavior through civic education learning in elementary schools. In this case, civics education learning in elementary schools is important to be held because it will form a character attitude for students. Meanwhile, this study uses a qualitative method by conducting a literature study on the opinions of the figures and reviewing journals related to the material. The conclusion of this study is that civic education in elementary schools makes students good citizens because the content of the learning materials taught contains the value of character education, one of which is honest behavior.

Fatimah Fatimah

The main goal of this research is to analyzed the efectiviness of the implementation of on training program integrating character education in the learning of Civic Education for the learning teacher community of civics education subyect of yunior high school  in Tapin district. The research in evaluative research by using an evaluation model in mesuare the efectiviness of the program Kirkpartrick. Data are collected techniques using Qualitative approach with technichques observation, interviews, and  documentation., also questionerres. The reactions   showed a high level of response  categories and efective, learning level is efective, level behavioral is efective and very useful, because it change behavior in teachers attitude, skill and knawledge,  and resuls level showed a responsibility  of civics education teachers giving positive response as seen from their working effectiveness as the manifestation of qualities of working and creativity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Bali Widodo ◽  
Egi Nurholis

Tujuan tulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam meminimalisir terjadinya bencana sosial. Dalam perjalanan panjang sejarah bangsa Indonesia, diuraikan secara jelas bahwa negara Indonesia dibangun atas adanya perbedaan suku bangsa, budaya, adat istiadat dan agama. Keberagaman ini rentan untuk terjadinya bencana sosial. Ketegangan sosial dan konflik horisontal serta teror masih acapkali terjadi. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sebagai pendidikan nilai dan karakter Pancasila menyiapkan generasi muda menjadi warga negara Pancasilais yang cinta tanah air, mempunyai sikap untuk membela negara dan siap berkorban demi keutuhan bangsa dan negara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif terhadap realitas yang ada dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kebenaran ilmiah yang alamiah dengan melakukan penafsiran terhadap fenomena sosial dalam bentuk studi literatur. Dari hasil kajian literatur didapat bahwa revitalisasi epistemologis Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dapat menguatkan karakter bangsa untuk meminimalisir terjadinya bencana sosial.This paper is intended to find out how is the role of Civic Education in minimizing the social disasters. In the history of Indonesia’s struggle, it is clearly explained that the state of Indonesia is built on the differences in ethnicity, culture, customs and religion. This diversity is vulnerable to social disasters. Terror, social tensions and horizontal conflicts among groups or communities still occur frequently. Civic Education as character education based on Pancasila values prepares young generation to become Pancasilais citizens who love the motherland, have attitudes to defend the country and are ready to sacrifice for the integrity of the nation and state of Indonesia. The research method used is a type of qualitative research that is descriptive towards the existing reality with the purpose of obtaining natural scientific truths by interpreting social phenomenon in the form of literature review. From the results of the literature study it was found that the epistemological revitalization of Civic Education can strengthen the nation's character in order to minimize the social disasters.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-14
Agustanul Akmal ◽  
Tono Sugihartono ◽  
Bogy Restu Ilahi

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa muatan materi senam pada sekolah dasar. Pembelajarannya dirancang berbasis aktivitas terkait dengan sejumlah jenis gerak jasmani/olahraga dan usaha-usaha menjaga kesehatan yang sesuai untuk peserta didik. Aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut dirancang untuk membuat peserta didik terbiasa melakukan gerak jasmani dan berolahraga dengan senang hati karena merasa perlu melakukannya dan sadar akan pentingnya menjaga kesehatan jasmani baik melalui gerak jasmani dan olahraga maupun dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor kesehatan yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kepustakaan (Library research) dan studi dokumentasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui muatan materi senam pada bahan ajar pjok di Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kota Bengkulu.Kata Kunci : Muatan Materi, Bahan Ajar, Senam. ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the content of gymnastic material in elementary schools. The learning is designed to be based Activities related to A number of types Physical motion or sport And efforts Maintain appropriate health For learners The activities are designed Make learners Accustomed to move Body and sports with pleasure Because feel Need to do it and Aware of the importance Maintaining physical health Either through motion Body and sports As well as with regard Health factors Which influenced him. This study is Research literature study library research And documentation studies. The type of research that is Used is qualitative. The aim of this study To know availability Gymnastics learning materials In Primary School Country in Bengkulu City.Keywords: Content, Materials, Gymnastics

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-101
Hidayat ◽  
Heny Mulyani ◽  
Tria Budiani Maris ◽  
Tsania Fadilah ◽  
Wardah Anis ◽  

This study seeks to find information related to the methods used in an effort to improve student achievement outcomes in online learning for civic education subjects at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah or Elementary Schools. In finding the information needed, researchers use a type of literature study research. Researchers reviewed several previous studies based on theories that were relevant to the problems found. The information obtained is then analyzed by referring to Miles and Hubberman where the information obtained is collected, processed and summarized. From the results of the analysis, it was found that using the mind mapping method and the STAD type cooperative model could improve learning outcomes as well as student creativity in Citizenship Education learning. Mind mapping can make it easier for students to understand a lesson that is recorded creatively, effectively, and efficiently in mapping their thoughts. This method really helps the learning process for Civics subjects, especially the Civics learning model is closely related to increasing children's creativity. Meanwhile, STAD should be grouped not randomly but according to the zoning of their respective houses. So that the presence or absence of a pandemic does not really affect learning with these methods.   [Penelitian ini berupaya mencari informasi terkait metode yang digunakan dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil prestasi siswa pembelajaran daring untuk mata pelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah atau Sekolah Dasar. Dalam mencari informasi yang dibutuhkan, peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian studi kepustakaan. Peneliti mengkaji dari beberapa penelitian terdahulu berdasarkan teori yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang ditemukan. Informasi didapat tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan mengacu kepada Miles dan Hubberman dimana infomasi yang didapat dikumpulkan, diolah, dan disimpulkan. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa dengan menggunakan metode mind mapping dan model kooperatif tipe STAD bisa meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran sekaligus kreativitas siswa pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Dengan mind mapping dapat mempermudah pemahaman peserta didik dalam suatu pembelajaran yang dicatat dengan kreatif, efektif, dan efisien dalam memetakan pikiran-pikirannya. Metode ini sangat membantu proses pembelajaran untuk mata pelajaran PKn, apalagi model pembelajaran PKn erat kaitannya dengan peningkatan kreativitas anak. Sementara untuk STAD hendaknya dikelompokan tidak secara acak namun sesuai zonasi rumahnya masing-masing. Sehingga ada ataupun tidak adanya pandemi, tidak terlalu mempengaruhi pembelajaran yang dilakukan]

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Sudaryono Sudaryono ◽  
Ine Kusuma Aryani

This research was conducted to find out, explore, study, and describe the implementation of disciplinary character education in elementary schools and expected to help find the right policies to support the successful implementation of character education. The type of data used is secondary data. This research uses the literature study method. The data obtained were collected, analyzed, and concluded obtain conclusions about the literature study. Based on the research results, literature studies from several research results and journal articles indicate that implementation school policies by establishing good cooperation between all school residents and school committees can increase the success of the implementation of character education in elementary schools.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-41
Fatimah .

The main goal of this research is to analyzed the efectiviness of the implementation of on training program integrating character education in the learning of Civic Education for the learning teacher community of civics education subyect of yunior high school  in Tapin district. The research in evaluative research by using an evaluation model in mesuare the efectiviness of the program Kirkpartrick. Data are collected techniques using Qualitative approach with technichques observation, interviews, and  documentation., also questionerres. The reactions   showed a high level of response  categories and efective, learning level is efective, level behavioral is efective and very useful, because it change behavior in teachers attitude, skill and knawledge,  and resuls level showed a responsibility  of civics education teachers giving positive response as seen from their working effectiveness as the manifestation of qualities of working and creativity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Umi Ana Setiani ◽  
Sukirno Sukirno ◽  
M. Riyanton ◽  
Mustasyfa Thabib Kariadi

This research aimed at analyzing the character education forms and values contained in the folklores of Brebes Regency including their relevance for the old literature learning materials at higher education institutions. This research used a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. The data were collected using an observational study, in-depth interview, note-taking, and documentation. The results show that the folklores in Brebes Regency are in the form of legends and myths. Besides, the folklores of Brebes Regency also contain 13 educational character values consisting of religiousness, hard-working, nationalism and patriotism, appreciating achievements, friendly/communicative, environmental awareness, responsibility, curiosity, discipline, democracy, honesty, tolerance, and social awareness value. Thus, the folklores of Brebes Regency are considered relevant to use as the old literature learning materials at higher education institutions since they are not only appropriate and functional in providing adequate experiences for the students but also containing noble values to follow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 254-262
Chendi Maulana Baharudin Yusup ◽  
Dinie Anggraeni Dewi

This study aims to improve nationalist character education for students, especially in grade VI elementary schools. This type of research is qualitative research, which focuses on the implementation of naationalist character education in grade VI SD. Nationalist character education for elementary school children, especially in grade VI, is a process of fertilizing from an early age for them. In nationalist character education there are civic education subjects that teach the values contained in Pancasila and teach and educate students to become individuals who have habits of national character in their daily lives. Seeing the current condition of children, students have decreased in terms of implementing national character in their lives. Therefore, schools through civic education are expected to be able to train and educate students so that students have a nationalist attitude in their lives. A nationalist attitude is an understanding attitude that has cultural and regional harmony. They also have the same ideals and goals so that they feel the desire to defend their country, both from internal and external threats.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Yayuk Hidayah ◽  
Yoga Ardian Feriandi ◽  
Exwan Andriyan Verry Saputro

AbstrakTujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana transformasi nilai-nilai lokal Jawa dalam pendidikan karakter di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi literatur. Sumber yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada Berg (2009) yaitu 1) artikel ilmiah, disertasi, dan buku, 2) artikel dan essay ilmiah, 3) Ensiklopedi, kamus. 4) artikel jurnal, 5) majalah nasional dan internasional. Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh pentingnya kearifan lokal sebagai salah muatan dalam proses pendidikan. Hasil dari penelitian adalah, terdapat transformasi kearifan lokal Jawa dalam peneguhan pendidikan karakter yaitu tepa dlira (toleransi), rukun (cinta damai), rumangsa melu handarbeni, rumangsa wajib hangrungkebi (peduli sosial), memayu hayuning bawana (peduli lingkungan), Aja dumeh (menghargai prestasi, jujur, rendah hati) .Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe how the transformation of local Javanese values in character education in elementary schools. This research was a literature study. The sources used in this study refered to Berg (2009), namely 1) scientific articles, dissertations, and books, 2) scientific articles and essays, 3) encyclopedias, dictionaries. 4) Journal article, 5) national and international magazines. This research was in the background of the importance of local wisdom as one of the contents in the Education process. The results of the study were, there was a transformation of Javanese local wisdom in affirming character education namely Tepa Slira (tolerance), Rukun (cinta damai), rumangsa melu handarbeni, rumangsa obligatory hangrungkebi (social care), memayu hayuning bawana (environmental care), Aja dumeh (appreciating achievement, honest, humble)

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-137
Yufi Latmini Lasari ◽  
Afina Annisa ◽  

Islamic class management is important in shaping the character of students in the 4.0 era. But in reality, in this era of 4.0, it is often found that the character of students, especially those in Elementary Schools (SD), has started to diverge. Based on these facts, this research was conducted to describe the form of Islamic class management in the 2013 Curriculum in shaping the character of the VI-grade elementary school students in the era 4.0. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. In the research carried out it was found that 1) The character building of students in era 4.0 was carried out in three stages, namely planning, actuating and controlling, and 2) Integrating 18 values of character building and 5 values of strengthening character education. (PPK) into learning themes and sub-themes. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the character building of students in the 4.0 era could be done by implementing Islamic class management in learning activities.

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