2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-131
Indra Budi Jaya

Islam as a religion wants its people to always maintain a balance between religiosity (al din) and worldly problems (al dunya). The relationship between the two describes something that is separate but inseparable (harmony). However, for modern society, this condition often creates contradictions, this condition was seen at the time of the Covid 19 pandemic. The implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions by the government in an effort to overcome the spread of the impact of Covid 19 to the community by limiting activities in mosques and allowing activities in the market to continue in fact responded by the community differently. The methodology used is qualitative by using social policy analysis. This paper tries to examine social policies towards the application of large-scale social restrictions on mosques and markets. In this paper, the sociology of law theory is used, namely Law is a social engineering tool which emphasizes that law becomes the commander who must bring change to society. The results obtained in the research are that the community responds to the large-scale social restriction policy differently, where the purpose of the policy is for the community to be expected to make changes by complying with the rules that have been set by the government, the conditions for rejection and various responses are caused by disharmony between implementation of policies with public awareness of the law.Keyword : Policy, large-Scale Restrictions and the sociology of law. AbstrakIslam sebagai agama mengkhendaki umatnya agar senantiasa menjaga keseimbangan antara religiusitas (al din) dan masalah keduniaan (al dunia). Hubungan keduanya menggambarkan sesuatu yang terpisah namun tidak bisa dipisahkan (harmoni). Namun bagi masyarakat modern kondisi tersebut seringkali justru menimbulkan pertentangan, kondisi tersebut nampak pada saat terjadinya pandemi Covid 19. Penerapan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar oleh pemerintah dalam upaya penanggulangan penyebaran dampak Covid 19 kepada masyarakat dengan membatasi aktivitas di masjid dan membiarkan kegiatan di pasar tetap berjalan nyatanya direspon oleh masyarakat secara berbeda. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis kebijakan sosial, Tulisan ini mencoba menelaah kebijakan sosial terhadap penerapan pembatasan sosial berskala besar terhadap masjid dan pasar. Dalam penulisan ini dipergunakan teori sosiologi hukum yaitu Law is a tool social engineering yang menegaskan bahwa hukum menjadi panglima yang harus membawa perubahan terhadap masyarakat. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian adalah Masyarakat merespon kebijakan pembatasan sosial berskala besar tersebut secara berbeda, dimana tujuan kebijakan tersebut adalah untuk masyarakat diharapkan dapat melakukan perubahan dengan mematuhi aturan yang telah di tetapkan oleh pemerintah, kondisi penolakan dan respon beragam tersebut di sebabkan oleh ketidak harmonisannya antara penerapan kebijakan dengan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap hukum.Kata Kunci : Kebijakan,  Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar dan Sosiologi Hukum

2010 ◽  
Vol 213 ◽  
pp. F66-F70 ◽  
Ray Barrell ◽  
Simon Kirby

The UK is restructuring the fiscal policy framework once again, with an intention to move toward independent assessment and forecasting in the budget process. At the same time a large-scale, if delayed, fiscal consolidation is planned at a time when there is significant spare capacity in the economy. Economic growth is also projected to be below trend, at least this year and perhaps next. It is unusual to see a fiscal tightening when the output gap appears to be widening. These policy settings should be seen in the context of the most radical change in the nature of the relationship between the government and the economy for at least thirty years. This note assesses the impact of the new programme on the economy as well as setting out a projection for the medium-term public finances.

Shafira Noor Ashifa ◽  
Raden Aswin Rahadi

As the covid-19 positive rate keeps increasing, the Indonesian government established a large-scale social restriction, or Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) to reduce the virus spread. At the same time e-commerce use is rapidly increasing, offering convenience to customers. With the existence of e-commerce, there is no need for physical contact. The objective of this paper is to determine the relationship between online spending and e-commerce use during a pandemic. The data used for this study was gathered from existing literature such as journals, books, and research papers that are related to the research topics. The scope & limitations are the covid-19 is unpredictable, the pandemic might give a different effect on consumption behavior in the future. The research was finally able to create a clear conceptual framework on the relationship between online spending behavior and e-commerce use based on the literature review. According to the framework, perceived behavioral cost, product variety, product comparison, application usability, safeness and healthiness, and recession in Indonesia would all have a direct impact on e-commerce use during a pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 83
Patta Rapanna SE MSi ◽  
Edy Jumady, S.E., M.Si

Types of qualitative research through the phenomenological approach, the results showed that Corona virus outbreak affects all sectors, one of which is the economic factor where many people become victims of termination of employment from the company they work besides large-scale social restriction policies or lock down impacts the limited activities, especially the social and economic movements of the community, while the , this is because of many people who do not have a domicile letter because of displacement that is temporary (not settled), this condition affects social gaps, criminal figures, social jealousy, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-73
Agus Sugiyono ◽  
Joko Santosa ◽  
Adiarso ◽  
Edi Hilmawan

In order to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, the government issued a large-scale social restriction policy (PSBB). The policy in the form of restrictions on social activities will limit economic activity which ultimately has an impact on decreasing energy demand. This PSBB policy is challenge in implementing a national energy management plan, and might causes some of the energy planning targets not to be achieved. To analyze the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on national energy demand, an energy model was created using LEAP software. LEAP is a model for comprehensive energy planning from energy resources to energy use based on an accounting system. For the purposes of analysis, LEAP requires quite detailed data, in the form of socioeconomic data, energy data, and community activity data due to social restrictions. In this paper, the results of energy modeling simulation are discussed in terms of energy demand based on the scenario of no pandemic or bussiness as usual (BAU) and three pandemic scenarios, namely: optimistic (OPT), moderate (MOD), and pessimistic (PES) scenarios. Energy demand in 2020 is predicted to decrease by 10.7% (OPT scenario), 15.3% (MOD scenario), and 20.0% (PES scenario) compared to the BAU scenario. The model can still be further developed to analyze the impact, both on the overall of demand side and energy supply side and also environmental aspects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Ibnu Susanto Joyosemito ◽  
Narila Mutia Nasir

World Health Organization has declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as pandemic on March 11, 2020. It becomes a global health issue since all countries over the world including Indonesia are fighting against the disease. In order to minimize the impact of COVID-19, the government need to implement the right policy. One of the important elements in deciding the policy is by having the estimation of the COVID-19 cases using the modeling simulation. The objective of this community service activity was to provide the analysis the COVID-19 cases in Indonesia using a dynamic modeling approach. Two basic scenarios of with and without the policy implementation was simulated simultaneously with Monte Carlo method. The model results demonstrated that it needs to implement Large Scale Social Restriction (LSSR) policy to reduce the contact rate in order to reduce the spread of transmission and to extend the period of LSSR until the peak of pandemic in Indonesia is passed. The peak of pandemic under LSSR policy scenario will be reached in the middle of July. Those result were presented twice to government party. Unfortunately, the LSSR was relaxed soon after the second presentation. A precise prediction by the model was occurred when the relaxation of LSRR was implemented, then the peak of COVID-19 pandemic was shift to the uncertain time. It is suggested that the stakeholders especially the policy maker should consider the modeling analysis as a tool for helping in the policy arrangement of COVID-19 countermeasure.   Keywords: COVID-19, Dynamics Modeling, High Leverage Policy, Social Restriction   Abstrak   Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) telah menetapkan Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) sebagai pandemi pada 11 Maret 2020. COVID-19 menjadi isu kesehatan secara global karena semua negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia sedang berjuang melawannya. Untuk meminimalisir dampak COVID-19, pemerintah perlu menerapkan kebijakan yang tepat. Salah satu elemen penting dalam pengambilan keputusan adalah dengan melakukan estimasi kasus COVID-19 dengan menggunakan pemodelan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan analisis kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia dengan menggunakan pendekatan pemodelan dinamis. Dua buah basis skenario yaitu dengan dan tanpa implementasi kebijakan disimulasikan secara bersamaan dengan metode Monte Carlo. Hasil keluaran model menunjukkan perlunya penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) untuk mengurangi laju kontak (contact rate) dengan penderita guna mengurangi penyebaran penularan dan memperpanjang periode PSBB hingga puncak pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia terlampaui. Puncak pandemi dalam skenario kebijakan PSBB akan terjadi pada pertengahan Juli. Hasil pemodelan tersebut sudah dua kali dipresentasikan kepada pihak pemerintah. Sayangnya, PSBB diperlonggar diimplementasikan oleh pemerintah setelah presentasi kedua. Prediksi yang tepat secara kuantitatif oleh model terjadi pada saat PSBB diperlonggar diimplementasikan oleh karenanya puncak pandemi COVID-19 bergeser ke waktu yang belum dapat dipastikan. Untuk itu disarankan agar para pemangku kepentingan terutama pembuat kebijakan dapat mempertimbangkan analisis pemodelan sebagai alat bantu dalam menyusun kebijakan untuk tindakan penanggulangan COVID-19.   Kata kunci: COVID-19, Modeling, Kebijakan Berpengaruh Tinggi, Pembatasan Sosial

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 257-268
Azwar Anas

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected 220 countries and territories in the world. Based on WHO data as of June 25, 2021, as many as 179 million people have been infected and 3.89 million people have died. Lockdown policies, border closures, flight restrictions and social restrictions have been implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Government of Indonesia applied the Large-Scale Social Restrictions policy in 2020, and has implemented a Public Activity Restriction policy since 2021. Some impacts include the decrease of economic activity, the increase of unemployment, and the growth of poverty rates. To minimize the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government then applied a social safety net program by providing social aid to the poor and affected communities. This study aims to explain the transformation of social aid in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic when the Large-Scale Social Restriction and Public Activity Restriction were and are implemented. To answer this, a descriptive qualitative analysis method was used. The results of this study indicate that there has been a transformation of social aid in the form of synergies between central government and local governments, regulations adjustments, the increment of aid recipients, the increase of social aid rate, the alteration of aid types from basic food to cash, data update, the changes in aid distribution mechanisms, the collaboration among various stakeholders and the innovation in using information technology systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Sri Pujiningsih

<table width="680" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="487"><p><strong>The Covid 19 pandemic case is sweeping the world, including one of them affected by the virus outbreak, the State of Indonesia. In dealing with this virus outbreak, each country takes different strategies. The Indonesian State pursues a large-scale social restriction policy. This study aims to explain the Covid 19 policy polemic and the efforts to handle it. The research method uses a normative juridical approach because it examines government policies in handling Covid cases, namely Law No.6 of 2018 and Government Regulation No.21 of 2020. Efforts to handle them, the government needs action that is fast and effective in dealing with the rate of spread of the Corona virus.</strong><strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p></td></tr></tbody></table>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Laras Cempaka ◽  

Economic activities in society during this pandemic need to be increased. Among them is by moving the economy from small community groups in residential areas. There is a huge opportunity for economic activity in today's residential areas, especially after the government adopted the PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restriction) policy, which in the end, many community activities were transferred to their respective areas of residence. This is an opportunity for the surrounding community to build their economic passion. One of the strategies is to create a forum in order to improve marketing, increase capabilities through knowledge sharing sessions and rotate the economy between people. The activities carried out in this service area by creating a business community in the WhatsApp group (WAG) platform and managing the business activities in it. There are approximately 226 residents of the Puri Depok Mas (Depok) cluster area who are members of this community. PDM Market Partners, which are business communities in the cluster area, have been established since the pandemic, with members as members of sellers and buyers. Sellers are dominated by new businesses, some of which were established during the pandemic. With the existence of a business community through this WAG, it can accommodate all the needs of the seller with regard to the scope of his business and to the buyer for the goods he needs.

Ian Wira Pratama Iskar ◽  
Anggih Fajrin Akbar ◽  
Willy Dozan ◽  
Andis Muhammad Yudiansyah

This research aims to explain the large scale social restriction (PSBB) on informal workers in DKI Jakarta province, and to formulate what efforts should be made to mitigate the negative impact of the PSBB. The collection of data in this study uses literary study methods whereby data retrieval is taken from existing media, such as online media and social media. Some of the things that have become the impact of the implementation of social restriction on large scale (PSBB) for informal workers in DKI Jakarta province is the number of workers who are in the paint to reduce the company spending, the buying power in the community is reduced so that the economic Theravada, and for workers who get money from working daily. From the conclusion of the results of this analysis is the government of DKI Jakarta play an important role in the service to the community in fulfilling the life of the community.  Key words: Impact evaluation, large-scale social restrictions, Informal sector  

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 267
Mohammad Syahrul RA ◽  
Yusuf Hamdika ◽  
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), a virus founded in China, has spread worldwide as it has become pandemic. As a result, significant and detrimental impacts are undeniable to global citizens, including those in Indonesia. With the government's suggestions like introducing physical distancing and large-scale social restriction, they slow down economic growth. Also, they impact religious practices, particularly those performed by Muslims in Indonesia. This paper will discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of Islamic law. There are two main issues to analyze. First, what is the impact of COVID-19 on community activities in the view of Islamic law? Second, what is the impact of COVID-19 on religious communities in carrying out worship? This paper finds that the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted religious worship activities in public places by considering this virus's rapid transmission. It is followed by the closure of worship places to encourage citizens to practice their religious activities at home. Thus, the whole community was urged, and some were prohibited following the mapping zone experienced by each region. Given Islamic law believed and trusted by Muslims, in the end, the government has issued a new normal policy by opening places of worship with health protocols. KEYWORDS: COVID-19, Islamic Law, Religious Practices, Indonesian Muslims.

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