scholarly journals Peran Orang Tua Dalam Pendidikan Anak di Era Covid- 19

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Rukiat Rukiat ◽  
Nurminawati Nurmionawati

This study aims to find out how the role of parents in children's education in the Covid-19 era, explain the various barriers to online learning, and explain the various efforts of parents to overcome obstacles to online learning at home, given the importance of children's education in the Covid-19 era. produced a generation of ulil albab in the village of Sukajadi rt 03. In this study, the researcher tried to find out what roles parents had to play, the obstacles and also the efforts that needed to be made in the online learning process in the village of Sukajadi rt 03. Hope this research provides inspiration for other parents, or for researchers and readers in general, as an additional reference that is used by the wider community.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Selfi Lailiyatul Iftitah ◽  
Mardiyana Faridhatul Anawaty

The Covid 19 pandemic led to the issuance of learn from home rules for school children and work  from home for teachers, including those who work in PAUD institutions. The current situation demands maximum parental involvement and restores the nature of children's education in the family. This article will discuss the role of parents in accompanying children at home during a pandemic. The method used is the literature study method with data collection using documentation from theoretical studies obtained from books and journals. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, children's education has been carried out remotely. Learning carried out at home makes the role of parents very important. During the Covid-19 pandemic, parents not only functioned as the first and foremost place for children's education in shaping character, religious values and character but now have an additional role as second teacher for children in learning at home. Accompanying children when learning is something that is very important for children, namely to build closeness between parents and children. As for the important role of parents in accompanying children, namely children feel not alone, parents as encouragement, facilitate children's needs, a place to discuss and ask questions, help identify.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Desserly Krismawaty Wesly ◽  
Edi Sujoko ◽  
R Riniwati

The role of parents is a determining element of student success during the Covid-19 pandemic. Achieving success in children's education cannot be separated from the vital role of parents, who are the primary source in children's education. The research question is: What is parents' role in Christian Religious Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at SDN 02 Kalirejo in the 2019/2020 academic year? The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that parents act as teachers, motivators, facilitators, and mentors. Then it was also found that not all parents of students have played their role in the distance learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is due to several factors, including an incomplete understanding of the role of parents in the distance learning process; minimal socialization about the role of parents in distance learning either from schools or educators; distance learning is new for parents; working parents cause the time allocation to be minimal. AbstrakPeran orang tua menjadi unsur penentu keberhasilan siswa di masa pandemi Covid-19.  Pencapaian suatu keberhasilan dalam pendidikan anak tidak terlepas dari peran penting orang tua yang menjadi sumber utama di dalam pendidikan anak.  Pertanyaan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peran orang tua pada Pembelajaran Agama Kristen di masa pandemi Covid-19 di SDN 02 Kalirejo tahun ajaran 2019/2020? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa orang tua berperan sebagai guru, motivator, fasilitator, dan pembimbing. Kemudian ditemukan pula bahwa belum semua orang tua siswa menjalankan perannya dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi Covid-19. Hal tersebut disebabkan beberapa faktor, diantaranya: pemahaman yang belum utuh tentang peran orang tua dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh; sosialisasi yang minim tentang peran orang tua dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh baik dari sekolah ataupun pendidik; pembelajaran jarak jauh merupakan hal yang  baru bagi orang tua siswa; orang tua yang bekerja menyebabkan alokasi waktu menjadi minim.

Afifah Fatihakun Ni'mah Wahidah ◽  
Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga

Urgency Parents have an important role for Early Childhood Education especially with the covid outbreak so that children have to learn from home. This article aims to examine the urgency of Early Childhood Education education in the perspective of hadith, especially the hadith on the obligations of parents in educating children, which is associated with conditions in the era of the Coronavirus pandemi. Family is the first and foremost education for a person. Education in the family plays a role in developing character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values, and simple skills. There is a physical distancing policy so that learning is carried out online (in a network) so that the role of parents is very urgent in ensuring the continuity of their children's education. is the responsibility of the parents; Second, the best gift parents give their children is a good education; Third, parents as the first and foremost madrasa, especially for early childhood, are responsible for their children's education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-167
Adrian Adrian ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Syaifuddin

Abstract This article discusses the role of parents as child educators in the household. Many Muslim scholars quoted quran verses and hadith as the basis for the importance of children's education in the family. The family is the smallest instrument in the community and is the basic platform as well as a place for early education for every child. The role of parents is very important in children's education. Parents who are able to position themselves as protectors, protectors, and educators of children will certainly be coherent in the hope that they will get good future generation candidates, because the nature of children is in need of love and attention from their parents. Will of Lukman al-Hakim in Q.S. Luqman verses 13-19 is a manifestation of the importance of children's education by parents in the family. Education in the family is not only limited to religious education, but also provides moral, personality and social education. Parents should be able to carry out holistic education to children in the family so that they can realize the goal of education, namely to make a complete person balanced between emotions, intellectuals, and spirituality Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang peran orang tua sebagai pendidik anak dalam rumah tangga. Para sarjana Muslim banyak menukil ayat-ayat qur’an dan hadis sebagai dasar petingnya pendidikan anak dalam keluarga. Keluarga sebagai instrumen terkecil  dalam masyarakat dan sebagai peletak dasar sekaligus tempat pendidikan awal bagi setiap anak. Peran orang tua sangatlah pentingdalam pendidikan anak. Orang tua yang mampu memposisikan diri sebagai pelindung, pengayom, dan pendidik anak tentunya akan koheren dengan harapan agar mendapat calon generasi penerus yang baik, karena sifat dasar anak adalah membutuhkan kasih sayang dan rhatian dari orang tuanya. Wasiat Lukman al-Hakim dalam Q.S. Luqman ayat 13-19 merupakan manifestasi dari pentingnya pendidikan anak oleh orang tua dalam keluarga. Pendidikan dalam keluarga bukan hanya dibatasi dalam pendidikan agama saja, namun juga memberikan pendidikan akhlaq, kepribadian, dan sosial. Orang tua sepantasnya mampu melaksanakan pendidikan holistik kepada anak dalam keluarga sehingga mampu mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan yaitu menjadikan insan paripurna yang seimbang antara emosi, intelektual, dan spiritual.

HAWA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Aam Amaliyah

The role of parents in education is something that is very important to determine the success of their children's education. Between the role of parents in developing the character of children's religiosity that need to be considered in a child's moral development is mutually sustainable. The attitude of parents must be in accordance with what is taught to children. One of the roles of parents described above is as a motivator or motivator. Motivation in question can be in the form of encouragement to learn. At the time of learning sometimes the child will experience difficulties and decreased enthusiasm. Parents must provide encouragement so that children are more enthusiastic in learning and able to overcome difficulties. Religious character is a human character that always relies on all aspects of life to religion. Making religion a guide and role model in every speech, attitude, and deed, obeying the commands of God and avoiding the prohibition, if we refer to Pancasila, it clearly states that Indonesian people must believe in God Almighty with the consequences of carrying out all the teachings of their religion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 1434-1447
Martina Pakpahan ◽  
Lia Kartika ◽  
Mega Sampepadang ◽  
Novita Susilawati Barus ◽  
Martha Octaria ◽  

ABSTRAK Terdapat berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Peran orang tua sangat menentukan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak selain bertanggung jawab dalam pendidikan anak. Sekolah dan guru turut mendukung tidak hanya pendidikan anak namun juga pengembangan identitas diri, eksistensi diri, serta eksplorasi diri anak. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) berupa ‘Webinar Edukasi Peran Orang Tua dalam Tumbuh Kembang Anak dan Well-Being Keluarga’ dilakukan di SMP Sekolah Tunas Indonesia yang berlokasi di Bintaro, pada tanggal 26 Maret 2021. Kegiatan bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan peran orang tua dalam tumbuh kembang anak dan membangun Well-Being keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah edukasi yang terdiri dari dua sesi, yaitu: ‘Konsep Well-Being Keluarga’ dan ‘Peran Orang Tua dalam Optimalisasi Tumbuh Kembang Anak’. Webinar diikuti oleh 63 peserta yang terdiri dari 10 Guru, 21 orang tua dan 32 sisw/i. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan sebagai berikut: (1) Karakteristik keluarga; 82.6% peserta memiliki tipe keluarga inti, 95.7% peserta memiliki relasi yang dekat dalam keluarga, 95.7% peserta memiliki quality time bersama keluarga secara rutin (minggu/bulan), dan 43.5% peserta memiliki prioritas untuk membangun hubungan keluarga, (2) Tumbuh kembang anak; mayoritas anak terpenuhi tugas perkembangannya pada aspek fisik dan psikososial, (3) Pengetahuan orang tua dan guru terkait topik masih rendah, hal ini terlihat dari rerata nilai pre-test (n=23) sebesar 4,58 dan rerata nilai post-test sebesar 3,56 (n=18), (4) Peserta dan sekolah (lembaga mitra) antusias mengikuti kegiatan dari awal sampai dengan akhir dan menilai kegiatan baik dan memuaskan. Kegiatan dapat berkelanjutan dan orang tua bersama pihak sekolah dapat lebih terlibat dalam mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anak.  Kata Kunci:  Keluarga, Peran Orang Tua, Tumbuh Kembang Anak, Well-Being  ABSTRACT There are various factors that influence the growth and development of children. The role of parents greatly determines the Child's growth and development, in addition to being responsible for children's education. Schools and teachers also promote not only children's education but also the development of self-identity, self-existence, and self-exploration. Community Service activities, namely 'Educational Webinar on the Role of Parents in Child Development and Family Well-being'. The activity was held in the Tunas Indonesia Junior High School in Bintaro, on March 26, 2021. This activity aims to optimize the role of parents in the child's growth and development and build a Family Well-Being. The method used was a health education which consists of two sessions, namely: 'The Concept of Family Welfare' and 'The Role of Parents in Optimizing Children's Growth and Development. The webinar was attended by 63 participants including 10 teachers, 21 parents, and 32 students. The following were the outcomes of the activities: (1) Family characteristics; 82.6% of participants belonged to a nuclear family, 95.7% of participants had close family ties, 95.7% spent quality time on a regular basis (weeks/months), and 43.5% prioritized family ties, (2) Child growth and development; the majority of the child's accomplishments in physical and psychosocial aspects, (3) The knowledge of parents and teachers related to the topic is still low, as evidenced by the average pre-test score (n = 23) of 4.58 and the average post-test score of 3,56 (n=18), (4) Participants and school (partner institution) passionately participated in the activity from beginning to end and rated it acceptable and satisfactory. Activities can be sustainable and parents may become more involved in their children's growth and development. Keyword: Family, Role of Parents, Child Growth and Development, Well-Being

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-75
Syuraini Syuraini

Maybe some parents still think that children's education is a normal thing and naturally children will become smart. Some still believe that according to the age of the child will develop with the help of teachers at school without having to work hard at home. This is happening right now for parents who don't understand the importance of the role of parents in children's education. In this study a parenting collaboration model was developed using development research. In this research, the effectiveness and practicality of the model are very real where the presence and enthusiasm of parents is very high to participate in parenting activities. Principals and teachers have very positive responses to the parenting program. It is recommended that teachers always make and implement parenting programs with parents from the beginning of planning to evaluating programs.Keywords: Parenting Cooperation, Social Development, Emotion Development, Early Childhood

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Dewi Santika ◽  
Astri Sutisnawati ◽  
Din Azwar Uswatun

This study aims to analyze the student learning interest the process of online learning in SDN Lembursitu Kota Sukabumi, and the role of parents in the online learning process. This study qualitative descriptive research methods with research subjects are teacher, parents and students. The technique for data collection using interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Technique semi-structed interview and open questionnaire. Data analysis techniques with three stage are data reduction, data display and data conclusion/verification. Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has an impact on students interest in learning, when the learning process switches to online learning it results in decreased student interest marked by the lack of active student participation whe following the learning process. In this case parents are very involved in the implementation of the learning process online, parents play a role in guilding students when doing assignments, providing facilities in the form of phone and internet quota, motivate students to study spirit, help and supervise students when carrying out the learning process so that students follow the learning process well and smoothly by always coordinating with the teacher regarding the development of student learning.

Ida Ayu Gde Wulandari ◽  
I Gede Eka Surya Kanta

<p><em>The role of parents during the pandemic is needed in building of children's character at home. Character education in online learning can be doing by implementing the three slogans of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, namely, ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangunkarso, and tut wuri handayani. Ing ngarso sung tulodo is the role of parents that can being an example for their children, ing madyo mangunkarso is the role of parents in providing enthusiasm for their children in learning at home, and tut wuri handayani is the role of parents in encouraging children in learning process. The pattern of character education by applying that three slogans is also harmonized which the teachings in Hindu religious literature. By using the literature study method, this paper uses references from various sources, namely journals, books, Hindu literary works, and the internet. By a literature study was found that Hindu literature sources have taught parents in educating children, from an early age to adulthood. Based on the Hindu literature, can be harmonized through the three slogans of Ki Hadjar Dewantara during online learning at home in bulding the character during the pandemic.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-244
Dede Gustian

Pandemi Covid-19 telah berlangsung selama 1 tahun. Sejak saat itu, proses kegiatan belajar mengajar pun mengalami perubahan. Proses belajar Dalam Jaringan  (Daring) menjadi solusi dari pemerintah untuk menekan angka penyebaran dari virus tersebut. Akan tetap pada praktiknya, guru, murid serta orang tua khususnya merasa kewalahan dalam melaksanakan proses Daring tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam proses belajar Daring di masa Covid-19 serta faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran daring bagi anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan menggunakan analisa kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 10 orang tua (3 ayah dan 7 ibu). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa orang tua memiliki peran ekstra selama masa pandemi berlangsung. Adapun peran orang tua dalam proses belajar daring antara lain mengawasi anak selama menggunakan gadget, mendampingi anak mengerjakan tugas sekolah, menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan anak, memberikan edukasi serta menciptakan lingkungan bersih aman dan nyaman bagi anak.   Kata Kunci : Peran Orang Tua; Masa Pandemi Covid-19;   ABSTRACT   The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for 1 year. Since then, the teaching and learning process has changed. The online learning process is a solution from the government to reduce the spread of the virus. However, in practice, teachers, students and parents in particular feel overwhelmed in carrying out the Online process. This study aims to determine the role of parents in the online learning process during the Covid-19 period and the factors that influence online learning for children. This research uses case study method using descriptive qualitative analysis. This research was conducted to 10 parents (3 fathers and 7 mothers). The results show that parents have an extra role during the pandemic. The role of parents in the online learning process includes supervising children while using gadgets, assisting children with school assignments, establishing good communication with children, providing education and creating a clean, safe and comfortable environment for children.   Keywords : The Role of Parents; The Covid-19 Pandemi Period;

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