scholarly journals "Modern pedagogical rhetoric" in the preparation system of Doctors of Philosophy

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 43-49
Olha Krasnytska

The aim of the article is to cover the content of the author's course "Modern pedagogical rhetoric" in the preparation system of doctors of philosophy - future teachers of higher military education establishments. The preparation system of doctors of philosophy at the third (educational-scientific) higher education level is analysed in the article. The role of rhetoric as a science of public speaking and eloquence in the process of preparation of future teachers, scientists of higher military educational establishments was shown. The content of the author's course "Modern Pedagogical Rhetoric", which has been tested for three years, was revealed. The purpose of the discipline is to develop the rhetorical competence and rhetorical culture of a future teacher of a higher military school, a scientist, and to form his positive image. The program of the course "Modern Pedagogical Rhetoric" contains four main topics: the basics of public speaking of a teacher of a higher military school, the rhetorical culture of a teacher of a higher military school, the proficiency in preparing and conducting public speaking, the art of argumentation and polemics in the activities of a teacher of a higher military school. The first topic covers the concepts of rhetoric, public speaking and eloquence, pedagogical rhetoric, the principles of oratorical art, types and kinds of public speeches, ways of audience management during public speaking, peculiarities of listener’s perception of information, a pedagogical image of the teacher. The second topic focuses on the development of rhetorical culture, in particular, the technique and culture of speech. The third topic reveals the peculiarities of public speaking preparation, the subtleties of interaction with the audience, the construction of public speeches, their structure, the differences between informative and persuasive speeches. The fourth topic is aimed at mastering the art of argumentation and controversy, defines the features of logical and emotional argumentation in public speaking, rules of discussion, disputes, controversy, techniques for answering questions from the audience.

Categories of the academic revolutions and innovations in a perspective of educational policy at the higher school are considered. Special attention is paid to the development of innovations in training at the foreign and Ukrainian universities, since X1X of a century up to now. It is noted that agricultural, industrial, global, demographic and other revolutions created basis for the academic revolutions which resulted from transformations of society and caused innovations in higher education systems. The contribution of the academic revolutions in strengthening of role of the universities in society is confirmed. The major innovations in training stimulated university teaching throughout all academic revolutionary periods (after 1867, 1945, 1983) in developed industrial and developing countries, such as the USA, some states of the European Union and Ukraine. Emergence of innovations in policy of teaching at the universities during the first academic revolution, their modification during the second one, and new turns in transformation of innovations during the third academic revolution is investigated. Introduction of innovations in teaching differed in intensity and scale during the academic revolutions. On examples of teaching it is shown how political and ideological processes in society influenced functioning of the universities. An attempt to compare educational processes during three revolutions and to reveal the most innovational period was made. It is proved that innovations in training were implanted in three academic revolutions, the third one turned out to be the most innovative. The major innovations in policy of teaching were connected with the development of scientific and technical knowledge that contributed to the emergence of the information society. The developed countries offered the introduction of policy of cooperation in the higher education that made impact on innovations in university education. The Coronavirus pandemic of 2019/20 demonstrated the need to use various forms of Internet communications (Zoom, Google Classroom, Moodle, Whereby, etc.) to switch to new opportunities to teach students in higher education institutions around the world at the beginning of the XXI century.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Сергей Латынцев ◽  
Sergey Latyncev ◽  
Надежда Прокопьева ◽  
Nadezhda Prokopeva

The article is devoted to questions of development of a technique of diagnostics of development of design competence of future teacher in the course of his training in a pedagogical internship. The need of development of design competence of future teachers, proceeding from requirements of an education system is proved. The concept about a pedagogical internship as in a special way to the organized form of education in pedagogical higher education institution allowing students to plunge on professional Wednesday that contribute to the development of their professional competences, including design is given. The structure of design competence of the teacher is considered, levels of her development are allocated, their short characteristic is given. The appraisal and diagnostic tools developed by authors directed to diagnostics of the level of development of design competence of students when passing a pedagogical internship are given. Examples of tasks during which performance the design competence develops are also off ered and there is assessment of level of her development.

Liudmyla Levytska ◽  

Approaches to the interpretation of the term "tolerance" are revealed. The preparation of the future teacher for the formation of tolerance as an important component of the system of his professional training is outlined. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of activity of the institution of higher education which provide preparation of future teachers for formation of tolerance in them are defined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 983-990
Ghulam Fatima ◽  
Misbah Malik ◽  
Rukhsana Bashir ◽  
Noreen Rafiq

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a blessing for Pakistan and China. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) appears as a major ‘Prosperity Tool’ which can help Pakistan to overcome its economic problems. CPEC has been researched up till now in various trade and commerce fields but its most important linkage with education was hard to find. This study was aimed to identify the role of university teachers in developing awareness and providing guidance and counseling to their students regarding career opportunities existing in the projects of CPEC. All the teachers of public and private universities of city Lahore were the population of the study. A sample of 150 teachers was selected randomly from different departments of two public and two private universities of city Lahore. A self-developed and validated instrument was used to identify the role of teachers. Reliability index (Chronbach Alpha) of the instrument was α= .82. Results showed that teachers were playing their role to make students aware of the CPEC projects. They were also providing counseling informally to their students at higher education level regarding the career opportunities existing in the CPEC projects. There was no significant difference found in the role of teachers in providing career counseling to their students at higher education level about CPEC projects with respect to their gender, residential area, type of university, designation and years of working experience. It was recommended that universities should arrange seminars, workshops, conferences, panel discussions and brainstorming sessions for the sensitization of their faculty members so that they could create awareness among their students regarding CPEC and take measures for their career counseling.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Jerry Indrawan ◽  
M. Prakoso Aji

<p>Indonesia currently faces multidimensional threats, from small to large, concerning all aspects of the country's life, from ideology, politics, economics, social, culture, defense, and security. The nature of contemporary threat has a human security aspect rather than only state security. As such, a thorough effort is needed to deal with those Threats, Disruption, Obstacle, Challenge (TDOC). State defense can be the answer to such problems because state defense itself can be interpreted as an obligation and responsibility of citizens to maintain the existence and sovereignty of the state. State defense will be optimal if disseminated through formal education. In this case, the formal education in question is at the level of higher education. This paper proposes that state defense can be held at higher education level in the form of university compulsory course, and is organized under the name State Defense Education. This State Defense Education is not military education or conscription, but an education that is adjusted to the condition and nuance of higher education.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Threat, Human Security, State Defense, and State Defense Education</p>

М. В. Роганова ◽  
O. I. Чайка ◽  
С. С. Рашидова

The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the problem of forming the research competence of future teachers of higher education, which is associated with the transition to a unified European education system and the renewal of the educational process of higher education with an orientation towards the formation and development of the personality of a competent teacher-researcher who owns the technology of scientific and pedagogical activity. The necessity of the development of the intellectual consciousness of the future teacher of higher education, which determines the style of scientific thinking, is substantiated by the main indicators of consistency, dynamism, problematicity, categoricality, reflexivity, evidence, predictability, projectivity, search ability, creativity. The authors have revealed the structure and the content of the research competence of the future teachers of higher education. The structural components of the research competence of future teachers of higher education are highlighted: cognitive, diagnostic, project constructive, technological, reflective, communicative. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of research competence of the future teacher of higher education are scientifically substantiated: motivational and value, creating needs and determining the persistent positive motivation of the future teacher of higher education in mastering research qualities; meaningful and constructive, which combine the individual and technological capabilities of scientific and pedagogical activity and the requirements of the forthcoming professional activity of a teacher of higher education; organizational and pedagogical, determining the establishment and retention of pedagogically expedient relationships between teachers and students, based on cooperation and mutual interest in research; reflexive-corrective, contributing to the analysis, accounting and correction of the process and the result of the formation of research competence in future teachers of higher education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 92-97
Iyevlyev O.M. ◽  
Chorna I.I.

The article defines and characterizes the criteria (motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal creative, communicative-foreign) indicators and levels of professional mobility of future teachers studying in economic specialties. It is determined that such criteria as motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal-creative and communicative-foreign language play a significant role in the formation of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. An attempt is made to draw attention to the components of the structure of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. The following criteria are considered: motivational and value (awareness of the importance of mastering a large amount of knowledge for effective professional activity of the future teacher; the presence of values for constant updating of knowledge acquired in the learning process to achieve success in professional activities; skills in future professional activities for career growth); cognitive-activity (possession of professionally significant knowledge in the field of their specialty at the international level; possession of professional terminology; familiarity with the methods of performing professional tasks using professionally important knowledge and skills); personal and creative (focus on self-development and self-improvement through awareness of the need to solve professional problems of greater complexity; free mastery of the profession in the form of creative use of acquired general and professional; willingness to produce new ideas, ability to make quick creative decisions); communicative-foreign language (availability of priority ideas about communicative processes in teaching; possession of means of verbal and nonverbal communication in a foreign language within professional activities; the ability to find and process foreign authentic professional sources to obtain information at the international level). It is determined that the possession of professionally important knowledge and the acquisition of new knowledge in the professional field in accordance with these components will help future teachers of higher education to achieve a high level of professional mobility, which in turn will affect the outcome and quality of training. A professionally mobile future teacher must be ready for professional communication, speak a foreign language to advance in his career; able to adapt to the needs of society, solve problem situations; establish professional contacts with colleagues; take into account cooperation with research and teaching staff at the international level; have knowledge of information technology; navigate in computer technology, work on the Internet, use e-mail, Web platforms; to have knowledge of culture, to be able to behave correctly in the professional sphere.Key words: professional mobility, criteria, indicators, teacher, teaching (pedagogical) activity, profession-al-pedagogical mobility. У статті визначено та охарактеризовано критерії (мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний, комунікативно-іншомовний), показники та рівні сформованості професійної мобільності майбутніх викладачів, що навчаються на економічних спеціальностях. Визначено, що такі критерії, як мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний та комунікативно-іншомовний, відіграють значну роль у формуванні професійної мобільності майбутнього викла-дача закладу вищої освіти. Зроблено спробу привернути увагу до складових компонентів структури професійної мобільності майбутнього викладача закладу вищої освіти. Розглянуто критерії, до яких віднесено мотиваційно-ціннісний (усвідомлення важливості опанування великої кількості знань для ефективної професійної діяльності майбутнього викладача; наявність ціннісних орієнтирів на постійне оновлення набутих у процесі навчання знань для досягнення успіху у професійній діяльності; бажання ефективно використовувати професійно значущі знання, вміння та навички у майбутній професійній діяльності для кар’єрного росту); когнітивно-діяльнісний (володіння професійно-значущими знаннями у галузі своєї спеціальності на міжнародному рівні; володіння професійною термінологією; обізнаність із методами виконання професійних завдань із застосуванням професійно важливих знань та вмінь); особистісно-креативний (орієнтація на саморозвиток та самовдосконалення через усвідомлення необхідності вирішувати професійні завдання більшої складності; вільне оволодіння професією у формі творчого використання набутих загальних та професійних навичок; готовність до продукування нових ідей, здатність приймати блискавичні творчі рішення); комунікативно-іншомовний (наявність пріори-тетних уявлень про комунікативні процеси у викладацькій діяльності; володіння засобами вербальної та невербальної комунікації іноземною мовою у межах професійної діяльності; здатність знаходити та опрацьовувати іншомовні автентичні професійні джерела для отримання інформації міжнародного рівня). Визначено, що володіння професійно важливими знаннями та засвоєння нових знань у професійній галузі відповідно до цих компонентів допоможе майбутньому викладачу закладу вищої освіти досягти високого рівня професійної мобільності, що вплине на результат та якість підготовки майбут-ніх фахівців. Професійно мобільний майбутній викладач має бути готовим до професійного спілкування, володіти іноземною мовою для просування у своїй кар’єрі; спроможним пристосовуватись до потреб соціуму, вирішувати проблемні ситуації; встановлювати професійні контакти з колегами; вра-ховувати співпрацю з науково-педагогічними працівниками на міжнародному рівні; володіти знаннями з інформаційних технологій; орієнтуватись у комп’ютерних технологіях, працювати у мережі Інтернет, користуватись електронною поштою, вебплатформами; володіти знаннями культури, вміти правильно поводитись у професійній сфері.Ключові слова: професійна мобільність, критерії, показники, викладач, викладацька (педагогічна) діяльність, професійно-педагогічна мобільність.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-129
Agnieszka Piotrowska‑Piątek

The article concerns the role of HEIs in regional development, with particular emphasis on the concept of the third mission. The aim of the article is to answer the question whether HEIs, while formulating and carrying out their missions and strategies, are oriented to support the process of regional development. The research problem was analyzed in accordance with the principle of methodological triangulation, based on literature review and the results of the author’s own study: the content analysis of the missions and strategies of HEIs, and a survey conducted among rectors of HEIs. The article discusses the concept of the third mission of HEIs as the view reflecting the growing importance of their activities for the benefit of regional communities.  The analysis of HEIs` missions and strategies shows that regional orientation in these documents is articulated in a positive way. The results of the content analysis correspond to the survey results, which show that the activities in the field of third mission are distinctive in the management concepts at the level of HEIs’ missions and development strategies.

Arthur Rubens ◽  
Francesca Spigarelli ◽  
Alessio Cavicchi ◽  
Chiara Rinaldi

Purpose Over the past few decades, higher education institutions (HEIs) have become key players in regional economic development and knowledge transfer, which has led to a third mission for HEIs and the entrepreneurial university. The purpose of this paper is to assess the challenges of HEIs in fulfilling the third mission for economic development and the changing role of being an entrepreneurial university, and the changes that need to be implemented to fulfill this new mission. Design/methodology/approach The authors have drawn on current literature to examine academic entrepreneurism and the entrepreneurial university, and how universities are fulfilling their third mission. Findings The findings from our review of the literature demonstrated the varied economic and social benefit of universities conducting external third mission/entrepreneurial activities in the community, as well as how the changing role and expectations of universities to become more entrepreneurial, has not only changed the expectations and role of university administrators, faculty and staff but also the business community which they serve. The review also showed the varied challenges for universities in fulfilling the third mission of economic development. Research limitations/implications Although ample literature and cases about universities’ third mission of economic development and the new entrepreneurial university (especially with research universities) were available, literature or research was limited on the specific challenges and obstacles faced by administrators, faculty and departments in fulfilling this mission, and few studies recommended changes that needed to be implemented in HEIs to support this new mission. Practical/implications The paper supports the potential role that HEIs play in implementing economic development in their communities or region. The paper also highlights some of the necessary resources and policy changes that policymakers and university administrators need to implement to reward and recognize faculty in conducting outreach activities as part of the university’s third mission. Originality/value The findings from this study highlight the challenges and barriers for faculty, staff and HEIs in fulfilling the third mission and becoming an entrepreneurial university.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37 ◽  
Julia González ◽  
Maria Yarosh

The development of degree profiles is an important art which has become quite specialized in recent years. This article concentrates on the analysis of the importance of the role of degree profiles in the design of degrees and, as a consequence, in Higher Education in general. It analyses, particularly, the work of the Tuning Project and its main processes in relation to profile building. It also gathers together and systematizes the specific contribution of four main components which should be taken into consideration at the time of the creation of new qualifications: two of the components relate to the analysis of social and professional needs and the future trends in the area. Both of these elements provide the relevance which a degree profile should strive to attain. The third component, the reference to the meta-profile, provides a capacity for recognition throughout an entire region and also in relation to the global context. The last element in profile development takes into consideration the university where the programme is anchored, its mission and strengths.

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