scholarly journals Sikap Masyarakat Lampung terhadap Bahasa Nenek Moyang

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-104
Windo Dicky Irawan

This paper focuses on the attitude of the native language speakers of Lampung. This study describes the attitude of the language of the people of Lampung to the language of his ancestors. The results of the study found that all respondents were not embarrassed to use their local language in their own areas, but 15% of respondents were embarrassed to use local language outside Lampung. Based on the integrative function, there is a tendency of people in Lampung to have a positive attitude towards their language. Meanwhile, with reference to the instrumental function, there is a tendency that they have a negative attitude towards language and a positive attitude towards Bahasa Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-125
Nur Seha ◽  
Nur Alif Fatonah

PEMERTAHANAN BAHASA DAERAH DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN BERBASIS AGAMA KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG, BANTENAbstrakKajian ini berpijak pada asumsi bahwa penggunaan bahasa daerah sudah mengalami penurunan pada sebagian besar anak-anak Banten. Sikap negatif pemilik bahasa daerah terutama generasi muda yaitu rasa bangga dan setia terhadap kepemilikan bahasa daerah sama sekali tidak terlihat. Hal itu menyebabkan tidak adanya kemauan dan motivasi untuk mempelajari bahasa daerah. Sumber data kajian adalah kuisoner yang telah diisi oleh 50 responden dan studi pustaka yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya terkait pemertahanan bahasa daerah. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sementara itu, teori dalam kajian ini adalah sosiolinguistik. Berdasar pada analisis data, dapat disimpulkan penggunaan bahasa daerah di sekolah berbasis agama masih ditemukan, walaupun tingkat penggunaan bahasa daerah lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan bahasa Indonesia. Di lingkungan sekolah, sebagian besar responden menggunakan bahasa Indonesia untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman dan gurunya, baik saat pembelajaran maupun bertemu di lingkungan sekolah. Pada saat pembelajaran, guru juga lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia untuk berkomunikasi dengan muridnya. Di samping itu, belum adanya kebijakan dari pihak sekolah yang menganjurkan penggunaan bahasa daerah sebagai alat komunikasi di sekolah menyebabkan penggunaan bahasa daerah di lingkungan sekolah masih rendah. Keberadaan bahasa daerah sebagai muatan lokal hanya ditemukan di beberapa sekolah. Mayoritas pengguna bahasa daerah lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat berkomunikasi dibandingkan dengan bahasa daerah.  Dari segi intensitas penggunaan bahasa daerah, bahasa Indonesia justru lebih sering digunakan oleh masyarakat pemilik bahasa daerah sebagai alat komunikasi. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemertahanan bahasa daerah di sekolah berbasis agama Kabupaten Pandeglang masih rendah. Walau pun masih ditemukan penggunaan bahasa daerah, akan tetapi intensitas penggunaannya masih tertinggal daripada bahasa Indonesia.Kata kunci: pemertahanan bahasa daerah dan lembaga pendidikan berbasis agama LOCAL LANGUAGE MAINTAIN IN RELIGIOUS-BASED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN PANDEGLANG, BANTEN AbstractThis study rests on the assumption that the use of local languages has decreased in most Banten children. The negative attitude of the local languages owners, especially the younger generation, namely the sense of pride and loyalty towards the ownership of local languages is completely invisible. That cause the lack of willingness and motivation to learn local languages. The data source of the study were questionnaires that has been filled by 50 respondents and literature study that has been done previously related to maintaining local languages. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, the theory in this study was sociolinguistics. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the used of local languages in religious schools is still found, although the level wais lower than Indonesian. In the school environment, most respondents used Indonesian to communicate with their friends and teachers, both during learning activity and outside activity in the school environment. During learning activity, teachers also used Indonesian more to communicate with their students. In addition, the absence of a policy from the school that advocated the use of local languages as a communication tool in schools caused the use of local languages in the school environment was still low. The existence of local languages as local content was only found in a few schools. The majority of regional language users use more Indonesian as a communication tool compared to local languages. In terms of the intensity of the use of local languages, Indonesian was actually more often used by the people who own local languages as a communication tool. Thus, it can be concludes that the retention of regional languages in the religious-based schools in Pandeglang Regency is still low. Even though the use of local languages is still found, the intensity of their use is still lagging behind Indonesian.Keywords: local languages maintain and religious-based educational institutions

Zurni Zahara Samosir ◽  
Rozanna Mulyani ◽  
Dedy Rahmad Sitinjak

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang sikap bahasa masyarakat Melayu di Kabupaten Batu Bara, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap bahasa masyarakat Melayu di Kabupaten Batu Bara terhada bahasa Melayu,  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei yaitu suatu penelitian yang mengambil sampel penelitian dari populasi.  Adapun pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kuesioner yang disebar oleh peneliti kepada masyarakat Melayu  Kabupaten Batu Bara.  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif sehingga menghasilkan deskrifsi berupa angka-angka untuk mengukur prosentase sikap bahasa pada kalangan remaja, dewasa dan orang tua, untuk kemudian dapat dibandingkan dari ketiga kalangan masyarakat tersebut kalangan yang mana yang bersikap paling positif terhadap bahasa Melayu. Temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa masyarakat Melayu di Kabupaten Batu Bara memiliki sikap positif terhadap bahasa daerahnya yaitu bahasa Melayu, namun jenis kelamin, tingkat usia, jenjang pendidikan, status perkawinan, dan mobilitas mempengarusi sikap bahasa sehingga menghasilkan yang beragam.   This research aims to analyze the language attitudes of Malay people in Batubara among the youth, adults and parents. The method used in this research is survey method, which is a study that takes samples from the population. The data collection in this study was conducted using a questionnaire distributed by researchers to the Malay society of  Batubara. This research is a quantitative study so that the results are in the form of descriptions of words and numbers to measure the percentage of language attitudes among the youth, adults and parents, to be compared from the three groups who are most positive act towards Malay language. The approach used to analyze the problem is a sociolinguistic approach. The results are that the Malay society in Batubara has a positive attitude towards the local language, Malay, but the gender, age level, level of education, marital status, and mobility affect the attitude of the language. Hence, it deliver the variety of language attitudes. The implication of this research is that the Malay society must be able to preserve their native language so the positive attitude towards language keep maintained.

2019 ◽  
Pinky Annisa

AbstractIn the era of globalization, such as at present the influence of foreign languages, especially English as a global language, is difficult to avoid. This hegemony appears everywhere and almost touches all aspects of the use of Indonesian. The use of foreign languages (English) is increasingly symptomatic. However, this symptom does not have to be allowed because it damages the growth and development of the Indonesian language. Indonesian language must still exist and become a tool of national pride and must remain sovereign in its own country. For this reason, the positive attitude of the Indonesian people must be encouraged to remain loyal to their national language. The attitude of nationalism does not need to be depleted due to globalization. Internationalization in the era of globalization in the Indonesian context does not have to be interpreted as pengingrisan Indonesian, but aimed at efforts to match, interpret, and absorb. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Through this research, it is expected to foster public awareness to continue to uphold the Indonesian language as a National language and the identity of the people, so that Indonesian language still exists even though foreign languages are being used by the people of Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-211
Gusnayetti Gusnayetti

A positive attitude is an attitude of enthusiasm towards the use of the language (the language used by the group / speech community where he is). Conversely, if these characteristics have disappeared or weakened from a person or from a group of members of the speech community, it means that a negative attitude towards a language has hit that person or group of people. Law Number 24 of 2009 Article 25 states that Indonesian is a national identity, national pride, a means of unifying various ethnic groups, as well as a means of communication between regions and regional cultures. Therefore, as a user of Indonesian, you should have a sense of pride in using Indonesian. However, in the scope of higher education, a positive attitude towards language is not fully owned by most students. Awareness of loyalty, pride in owning, and maintaining the Indonesian language seems to be lacking. This is because students tend to be more confident when using a foreign language compared to their own language. In the context of learning Indonesian, this task is only borne by Indonesian language teachers and lecturers. This paradigm should be changed because getting used to using Indonesian properly and correctly will reap maximum results in increasing student academic achievement. Understanding Indonesian in accordance with good and correct Indonesian language rules is needed for students to have a positive attitude in using Indonesian. A positive attitude in Indonesian can be shown in the form of language loyalty, language pride, and awareness of language norms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Gita Anggria Resticka ◽  
Erwita Nurdiyanto ◽  
Sri Nani Hari Yanti

Proper name is a linguistic symbol that reflects people’s perspectives and thoughts over something. This study aims to reveal current naming convention in Banyumas from linguistic perspective and to describe naming classification which covers list of proper names, their sociocultural background, the meanings, and the functions. This study used descriptive-qualitative method with snowball technique for the sampling. Banyumas proper names are dominated by the use of monomorphemic form. The languages used to give proper names come from local language, Bahasa Indonesia, as well as foreign languages.The naming structure covers first name, functioning as gender and birth order markers; middle name, containing ethnical or foreign element; and last name, containing family name. Naming reference mostly uses adjectives, famous figures’ names, nature elements, flower names, puppet characters’ names, and/or numbers and symbols. Prefix su- also characterizes some proper names in Banyumas. Cultural reflection from Banyumas proper names is that the proper names chosen by the name givers, mostly parents, resemble their hope and prayer for their children. Proper name as a part of culture and folklore becomes ethnical identity for the people themselves.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 9125 ◽  
Shivish Bhandari ◽  
Mukesh Kumar Chalise

This study aimed to explore people’s attitudes toward Striped Hyaena conservation in lowland Nepal.  Structured questionnaire sheets were used to collect information on major threats, human casualties, and people’s perception towards Hyaenas and other carnivores.  People’s perceptions toward Hyaenas and conservation were overall positive.  During the study, 400 people were interviewed and questionnaire sheets were filled.  It was discovered that 63% had a positive attitude toward the Hyaenas.  On the other hand, 37% of the people had a negative attitude regarding the species’ conservation.  It was found that local people had understood various aspects of Hyaena ecology.  Sixty-five percent of the people responded that the Hyaena entered human populated areas due to an absence of food in the natural forests and habitat degradation.  A total of 19% of the respondents reported killing carnivores including the Hyaena due to human-carnivore conflicts.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-129
Ni Ketut Pola Rustini ◽  
I Nyoman Diarta

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia in which the existence should be preserved by its own users because it is a part of living culture. Indonesian is a symbol of social and cultural value which bond to its society. It is one of the cultural treasures which can be developed to set the standard of national language. Seeing the rapid development in Bali to a more modern community, the people tend to be multilingual. Therefore there is a challenge for the existence of Indonesian in Bali especially in this global era. Ways to cope with this challenge is for the users to have positive attitude that is to be proud using Indonesian in speaking, to be loyal in using Indonesian and to be responsible in using the language appropriate with the context of the usage.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Welsi Damayanti

Abstract.Humans are social creatures humans would therefore need to master the various languages that relate to other human beings or to communicate within the community. Kedwibahasaan term can also be used for the community when the community in the life of a language is to use two or more languages alternately. This can happen if the people that there are two (or more) languages. In such circumstances there is also in Indonesia because in addition to Indonesian as the language of the country, there is also the local language of each tribe were several hundred in number. The research analyzes the habit of using a second language (B2) accessories sellers in Rock Stuff Accessories store this type of qualitative research using descriptive methods. The result is very attractive to researchers because of its being quite challenging discussion is about the habit of using a second language by the seller from Padang in store Rock Stuff Accessories. They always try to cater to buyers who came from Bandung using the language. All that for smooth and familiarity between sellers and buyers.Keywords: communication, bilingual, second languageAbstrak, Manusia adalah makhluk sosial karena itu manusia tentu perlu mengusai berbagai bahasa yang berhubungan dengan manusia lain atau berkomunikasi dalam masyarakat. Istilah kedwibahasaan dapat juga dipakai untuk masyarakat bila suatu masyarakat dalam kehidupan berbahasanya menggunakan dua bahasa atau lebih secara bergantian. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika dalam masyarakat itu ada dua (atau lebih) bahasa. Keadaan seperti itu terdapat pula di Indonesia sebab di samping bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa negara, terdapat juga bahasa daerah dari setiap suku bangsa yang beratus-ratus jumlahnya. Penelitian analisis kebiasaan menggunakan bahasa kedua (B2) para penjual asesoris di toko Rock Stuff Asesoris ini berjenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini sangat menarik bagi peneliti karena yang menjadi pembahasannya cukup menantang yaitu tentang kebiasaan menggunakan bahasa kedua oleh penjual yang berasal dari Padang di toko Rock Stuff Asesoris. Hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya kedwibahasaan pada situasi jual beli yang terjadi di kota Bandung. Mereka selalu berusaha melayani pembeli yang berasal dari Bandung dengan menggunakan bahasa Sunda. Semua itu demi kelancaran dan keakraban antara penjual dan pembeli.Kata kunci: komunikasi, dwibahasa, bahasa kedua

Suresh ◽  
Rohit Kumar Chouhan

INTRODUCTION: Female foeticide is one of the most nefarious crimes on this earth, perhaps what detestable is that the people who commit crime belong to educated class. Some of the worst gender ratio gross violation’s right is founding south and East Asian countries such as India and china. Numerous scholars have observed that the latest advances in modern medical sciences – the tests like Amniocentesis and Ultrasonography which were originally designed for detection of congenital abnormalities of the foetus are being misused for knowing thesex of the foetus with the intention of aborting it if happens to be that of a female. AIM OF THE STUDY: Assess the awareness regarding female foeticide among eligible couples. METERIAL AND METHOD: A descriptive study was carried out to assess the awareness & attitude of 100 eligible couple selected by purposive sampling, who were eligible couple in rural area in Jodhpur Rajasthan were assessed by using a structured knowledge questionnaire and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. RESULT: The finding of the study shows that majority (54%) of the sample had average awareness, followed by 29% had poor awareness and remaining (17%) sample had good awareness regarding female foeticide. The finding of the study shows that majority (35%) of the sample had negative attitude followed by 28% had positive attitude, 20% had strongly negative attitude and remaining (17%) sample had strongly positive attitude regarding female foeticide. However, the majority of the demographic variables such as age of husband, education of husband, education of wife, monthly income of family, occupation of husband, occupation of wife and source of information of the samples indicates significant association with level of awareness and attitude regarding female foeticide except age of wife, religion, and type of family. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that eligible couple have average awareness regarding & negative attitude regarding female foeticide as per current research recommendations. They require education and to enhance their awareness & attitude regarding female foeticide KEY WORDS: Awareness, Attitude, female foeticide, Eligible couple.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Ida Ayu Savitri ◽  
Riris Tiani

Anak Langit is an Indonesian sinema elektronik (sinetron) or electronic cinema, a kind of tv series, for teenagers since most of the main characters are teenagers. Young viewers love this tv series as it tells us about the life of a motor gang in a big city which becoming a trend recently in several big cities in Indonesia. Although the main characters show the viewers how to be a good motor gang with positive attitude, we consider the language of this TV series is impolite as the rival of this motor gang often shows verbal abuse in most of their scenes using Bahasa Indonesia dialect  Betawi (the language of Betawi people, the people of Betawi Kampong in Jakarta). Those impolite utterances may be used to show the real life, including the colloquial language, of Jakarta/Betawi people which sometimes considered impolite by common people. It may be also done to strengthen the characteristics of the antagonist ones who are impolite and rude. In Pragmatics Study, impoliteness violates the Maxims of Politeness Principles. This violation can be seen as electronic media violence that may influence viewers to imitate the verbal abuse such as using the impolite utterance or doing the violence. In the end, it may leads into violence and less pro-social behaviour

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