Husnul Amin

Education is a milestone in the development of a nation, through quality education is certainly correlated with the competitiveness of a nation. One important element in education is the availability of teacher staff. As part of an important element in the world of education, the professionalism of the teacher's role in the learning, teaching and education processes has a bearing on improving the quality of education. Responding to these conditions, various efforts have been made to reform the education system and its equipment in Indonesia. In accordance with Permendikbud's explanation No. 16 of 2007 concerning professional competence of teachers, an Islamic religion teacher either teaching in madrasas or required to have scientific insights related to Islamic religious education subjects namely Al-Quran-Hadith, Fiqh, Akidah-Akhlak , and Islamic History.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-316
Hasruddin Dute

This study aims to explain Pluralism and Islam as inseparable entities. Can be distinguished conceptually but cannot be separated in real reality. The method used. The method used in this research is library research, or can be used in library materials as a source of information to answer problems about educators in education. Islam and Religious Education Pluralism make religion a concept to create a sense of unity in the realm of ukhuwah basyariyah in advancing and improving the quality of education; Therefore, it is the education system that makes religion a moral value and not a formal institution that is formed. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan Pluralisme dan Islam sebagai entitas yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Dapat dibedakan secara konseptual namun tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam realitas nyata. Metode yang dipakai. Metode yang dipakai di dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan, atau dapat digunakan dalam bahan pustaka sebagai sumber informasi untuk menjawab permasalahan tentang pendidik dalam pendidikan. Islam dan Pluralisme Pendidikan Agama menjadikan agama sebagai konsep untuk menimbulkan rasa persatuan dalam ranah ukhuwah basyariyah dalam memajukan dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan; Oleh karena itu, sistem pendidikanlah yang menjadikan agama sebagai nilai moral dan bukan lembaga formal yang terbentuk.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Zaenal Arifin

Abstract Finland has been acknowledged as having the best education system in the world. Many countries, such as Australia, Japan and Singapore, adopted Finland education system. Those countries have reformed and transformed their education system, and now, those countries are listed in the best management and quality education countries. The integration among curricula, market and philosophical values of nation founding fathers as world view has resulted transformation of education. Programme for Internasional Student Assessment (PISA) 2019 assessed the quality of education in term of reading, math and science and made Indonesia ranked on the 72nd out of 77 countries. In other word, Indonesia is the 6th ranking from below. At the same time, Singapura took the runner up position. Indonesia has left behind from other countries, including Malaysia and Brunei. It is imperative for Indonesia to learn more to those countries which succeeded in designing the system of education. By doing this, Indonesia will be equal to neighboring countries. Abstrak Finlandia diakui memiliki sistem pendidikan terbaik di dunia. Banyak negara di dunia belajar dari kesuksesan Finlandia, seperti Australia, jepang dan singapura. Ketiga negara ini, telah melakukan reformasi bahkan transformasi pendidikan untuk memperbaiki sistem pendidikannya sehingga sekarang mampu menempatkan diri dalam jajaran negara-negara terbaik dalam manajemen mutu pendidikan. Sinergi aspek kebijakan, kurikulum dan pasar serta nilai-nilai filosofis sebagai pandangan hidup yang telah dilahirkan para pendiri bangsa telah melahirkan transformisme pendidikan. Pada tahun 2019, Programme for Internasional Student Assessment (PISA) yang merupakan lembaga survei kualitas pendidikan di dunia dari aspek kemampuan membaca, matematika, dan sains telah menempatkan Indonesia pada urutan 72 dari 77 negara. Jadi, Indonesia berada pada peringkat keenam dari bawah sedangkan Singapura berada pada posisi kedua terbaik dan juga jauh tertinggal di belakang negara-negara tetangga lainnya, seperti seperti Malaysia dan Bruai Darusaalam. Indonesia harus banyak belajar dari negera-negara yang telah sukses mendesain sistem pendidikan yang baik sehingga kualitas, mutu pendidikan dapat disejajarkan dengan negara-nega lainnya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 325
Nilawati Tadjuddin ◽  
Alif Maulana

One of the keys to advancing a nation is education. The future of a nation really needs the contribution of the nation's children who are competitive, superior, intelligent and faithful, given that competition is increasingly high in the global era. Indonesia has several problems in the world of education, starting from the low teacher salaries to high dropout rates, ending with the absence of the Indonesian education system in the list of 20 countries with the best education systems in the world. Islam itself in the field of education had enjoyed periods of glory when the Abbasid dynasty came to power. The fifth caliph's policy, Harun Ar-Rasyid, which at that time concentrated on improving the quality of education, made this period worthy of being dubbed the golden age of Islam (the Islamic Golden Age). The education policy that Ar-Rasyid applied could certainly be a solution to solve various problems that are currently sweeping the world of Indonesian education. This study focuses on the educational policies adopted by Caliph Harun Ar-Rasyid during the golden age of Islam. Through the literature study method, this study confirms that by studying history, all problems that are sweeping the world of education in this country can be resolved, and figures like Ar-Rasyid are the most appropriate to be asked for a solution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 273
Zaedun Na'im

The quality of education is an important issue in the world of education, because by looking at the quality of education can be a reflection of the success of education that is carried out. If the quality of education is good, it can be said that in the implementation of good education, likewise if the quality of education is low, then it can be assumed that in the implementation of education there are serious problems. Therefore this paper was appointed to inspire education observers to pay more attention in maintaining and overseeing the quality of education so that the output or graduates can be relied upon. This article review method uses qualitative. While presenting data using descriptive analysis and designed using a central approach by looking for literature that discusses the quality of education and education technology. The results of this study are the relevance or relationship between educational technology and the quality of education, because the quality of education with regard to everything that achieves the achievement of quality education both in terms of student achievement, teaching quality, and school performance can be achieved well through an educational technology approach. That is because with educational technology involving people who have an important role in the educational problem, it is then regulated by standardized procedures and the next stage is organized for analysis and finding solutions to solve them

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
Fery Diantoro ◽  
Endang Purwati ◽  
Erna Lisdiawati

Starting in early 2020, Indonesia has been living life with the impact of the disaster, namely of the corona virus or also called as covid-19. Activities in various fields, especially education, face various problems in the process, which were initially carried out face-to-face/offline to online and of course this all affects the system and quality of education. Islamic education which has taken place as an inseparable part of the national education system has also experienced this impact. The writing of this article is to identify the difficulty of Islamic education in national education during the covid-19 pandemic, whose goal is to provide knowledge of the efforts made by Islamic education during the covid-19 pandemic. The results of the discussion show that Islamic education in national education during the covid-19 pandemic develops potential or provides creativity to students, teaches to always try in any activity, strives and prays to God Almighty, is responsible for all activities that should still be carried out. while online, maintain morals, manners, be independent, knowledgeable, and of course must keep the spirit. To optimize the function of Islamic religious education, it is necessary to maximize the program through efforts to equalize peers in schools, support facilities for activities, support from related parties, evaluateKeyword: Islamic Education, National Education, Covid-19.

2019 ◽  
Nila Frischa Panzola

This article describe about Infrastructure Administration School. Infrastructure is an important component in the education system. Sometimes the community even assesses the quality of education of a school by looking at its infrastructure, schools that have large, classy buildings, equipment, and teaching and learning equipment that are complete and modern are often regarded as quality schools. Although it is not entirely true, it cannot be denied that the success of the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) is more or less influenced by the condition of educational infrastructure available in the classroom. If the school has complete educational infrastructure, the teacher can carry out learning optimally and students can learn optimally. School infrastructure is an supporting factor that cannot be ignored if you want quality education services.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Bustanul Arifin

This paper discusses the improvement of the quality of education through students is one component in the education system that is important, in the world of education students are the raw material in the process of transforming science. Learning is a variety of components that are interconnected with one another. These components include objectives, material, methods and evaluation. The four components of learning must be considered by the teacher in choosing or determining the approach and learning model. Chasing activities in their implementation recognize many terms to describe the way of teaching that will be done by the teacher. At present there are so many kinds of learning strategies or methods that aim to improve the quality of learning to be better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
S. S. Sadykov

The purpose of this paper is to study the main directions of improving higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan and to develop optimal solutions that contribute to the achievement of high results in this area of the economy. In the modern period, under the influence of the processes of globalization and universal digitalization, serious qualitative changes are taking place in the world economic system, which are reflected in the development of all sectors and spheres of the economy, including the education system. Materials and methods. In this paper, methodological conclusions and fundamental provisions for the development of the higher education system are used. The information base of the research is made up of materials from official statistical sources, data from periodicals. When writing the paper, methods of analysis, synthesis, special methods of working with computer networks and computer databases were used. Results. This paper highlights the basic directions of the development of the higher education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of the global digitalization of the economy. The paper shows that in the modern period in the Republic of Uzbekistan the training of highly qualified personnel is the primary task in the development of the country. The author notes that the development of higher education is implemented on the basis of a whole set of government documents and is aimed at optimizing the higher education system in order to achieve high indicators in the world educational ranking. In addition, the paper shows that a large role in the development of higher education is played by the demands of the economic and social sphere, science, the technological complex, the labor market, as well as the predicted needs of their further development. The author also states that taking into account all interrelated factors in the development of economic, social and technological processes will make it possible to form an optimal system of higher education in a single socio-economic complex of the country. In this paper the author suggests that digital technologies are individualizing the educational process, diversify, and develop students’ independence. Thus, the quality of education improves, and it is not only the full and high-quality fulfillment of the requirements of the curriculum: classes begin to meet the personal interests and needs of students and graduate students. As one of the conclusions of this study, the author noted that the main task of modern higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan is to ensure the quality of education on the basis of maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state, the effective use of the advanced pedagogical and digital technologies. Conclusion. This paper presents the results of studying the development of the higher education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan, studied the best practices in this area and outlined the main directions for further improving this sector of the national economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11(61)) ◽  
pp. 38-41
Natalia Alexandrovna Belevich ◽  
Valeria Mikhailovna Tumanova

Emotional burnout of teachers and improving the quality of education are two topical issues in the education system. The article discusses the results of a study aimed at identifying the relationship of emotional burnout of preschool teachers with professional competence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-217
Sri Irawati

Abstrak: Statistik merupakan pengetahuan yang berhubungan dengan cara-cara pengumpulan data, pengolahan atau penganalisisannya dan penarikan kesimpulan berdasarkan kumpulan data dan penganalisisan yang dilakukan. Upaya mengembangkan pendekatan dan strategi pembelajaran sudah banyak dilakukan dalam rangka memperbaiki kualitas pendidikan. Dengan modal pengalaman yang dimiliki selama aktif di dunia pendidikan dapat melahirkan inovasi dalam pembelajaran matematika/statistik, tidak sedikit pula hasil inovasi yang mereka lakukan memberikan hasil yang efektif.  Permasalahan yang bersumber dari karakteristik matematika, Permasalahan yang bersumber dari media dan alat peraga, Permasalahan yang bersumber dari bahasa (simbol, huruf dan kata), serta Permasalahan yang bersumber dari Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan. Diantara solusi dari Dosen adalah Adanya peningkatan profesionalisme tenaga pendidik yang meliputi kompetensi personal, kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional dan kompetensi sosial.   Kata kunci : problematika, statistik, PTKI Abstract: Statistics is the science dealing with the ways of data collection, processing or penganalisisannya and drawing conclusions based on analyzing the data set and done. Efforts to develop approaches and learning strategies has been done in order to improve the quality of education. With the experience that capital active in the world for education can deliver innovation in the learning of mathematics/statistics, there are also the result of innovation they do provide very effective results. Problems derived from mathematical characteristics, problems originating from media and props, the problem comes from the language (symbols, letters and words), as well as the problems that come from the students. Among the solutions of the teacher is the presence of increased professionalism of educators that includes personal competence, pedagogical competence, professional competence and social competence. Keywords : problems, statistics, Islamic college

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