scholarly journals Problematika Pembelajaran Statistik di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam (PTKI)

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-217
Sri Irawati

Abstrak: Statistik merupakan pengetahuan yang berhubungan dengan cara-cara pengumpulan data, pengolahan atau penganalisisannya dan penarikan kesimpulan berdasarkan kumpulan data dan penganalisisan yang dilakukan. Upaya mengembangkan pendekatan dan strategi pembelajaran sudah banyak dilakukan dalam rangka memperbaiki kualitas pendidikan. Dengan modal pengalaman yang dimiliki selama aktif di dunia pendidikan dapat melahirkan inovasi dalam pembelajaran matematika/statistik, tidak sedikit pula hasil inovasi yang mereka lakukan memberikan hasil yang efektif.  Permasalahan yang bersumber dari karakteristik matematika, Permasalahan yang bersumber dari media dan alat peraga, Permasalahan yang bersumber dari bahasa (simbol, huruf dan kata), serta Permasalahan yang bersumber dari Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan. Diantara solusi dari Dosen adalah Adanya peningkatan profesionalisme tenaga pendidik yang meliputi kompetensi personal, kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional dan kompetensi sosial.   Kata kunci : problematika, statistik, PTKI Abstract: Statistics is the science dealing with the ways of data collection, processing or penganalisisannya and drawing conclusions based on analyzing the data set and done. Efforts to develop approaches and learning strategies has been done in order to improve the quality of education. With the experience that capital active in the world for education can deliver innovation in the learning of mathematics/statistics, there are also the result of innovation they do provide very effective results. Problems derived from mathematical characteristics, problems originating from media and props, the problem comes from the language (symbols, letters and words), as well as the problems that come from the students. Among the solutions of the teacher is the presence of increased professionalism of educators that includes personal competence, pedagogical competence, professional competence and social competence. Keywords : problems, statistics, Islamic college

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Syarifah Syarifah ◽  
Iskandi Iskandi

This article aims to describe the profile of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Arabic Language Teachers in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, the relevance of the academic qualifications of Arabic Language Teachers with Subjects taught in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri, and the competence of Arabic Language Teachers in terms of students' perspectives. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, with data collection techniques such as questionnaires and documentation. The results showed that when viewed from academic qualifications, Arabic teachers who already have PBA S1 academic qualifications had a percentage of 80% and other S1 academic qualifications of 20%. Referring to these data, the relevance of Arabic language science to subjects taught based on academic qualifications is 80:20. Whereas if the scientific relevance is reviewed from the professional certificate, Arabic teachers who have professional certificates as professional Arabic teachers are 60% and those that have not been certified are 40%. Based on students' perspectives, the competence of Arabic language teachers in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Bangka Belitung Islands Province is as follows: Pedagogical Competence with a mean score of 2.64, Professional Competence of 3.00, Social Competence of 3.03, and Personality Competence of 3.04. The overall average score of the four competencies is 2.99 with the interpretation "Enough". Of the three madrasas that are the objects of research, teachers pedagogical competence is a major issue that needs teachers attention. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan profil guru bahasa Arab Madrasah Aliyah Negeri di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, relevansi kualifikasi akademik guru bahasa Arab dengan mata Pelajaran yang diampu di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri, serta kompetensi guru bahasa Arab ditinjau dari perspektif siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika ditinjau dari kualifikasi akademik, guru bahasa Arab yang sudah memiliki kualifikasi akademik S1 PBA memiliki prosentase sebesar 80% dan kualifikasi akademik S1 lainnya sebesar 20%. Mengacu kepada data tersebut relevansi keilmuan guru bahasa Arab dengan mata pelajaran yang diampu berdasarkan kualifikasi akademik sebesar 80:20. Sedangkan jika relevansi keilmuan ditinjau dari sertifikat pendidik, guru bahasa Arab yang memiliki sertifikat pendidik sebagai guru bahasa Arab profesional sebesar 60% dan yang belum tersertifikasi sebesar 40%. Berdasarkan perspektif  siswa kompetensi guru bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung adalah sebagai berikut: rerata skor kompetensi pedagogik sebesar 2.64, rerata skor kompetensi profesional sebesar 3.00, kompetensi sosial memiliki rerata skor sebesar 3.03, dan rerata skor untuk kompetensi kepribadian sebesar 3.04. Rerata skor secara umum dari empat kompetensi tersebut adalah 2.99 dengan interpretasi “Cukup”. Dari ketiga madrasah yang menjadi obyek penelitian, kompetensi pedagogik guru menjadi persoalan utama yang perlu mendapat perhatian guru.

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Umum B. Karyanto

This study aims to describe users’ perception on the competencies of STAIN Pekalongan Tarbiyah Programs’ alumni, namely those who devote themselves into the world of education. Teachers and lecturers should be able to fulfill the four competencies, namely (1) pedagogical competence, (2) competence of personality, (3) social competence, and (4) professional competence. These competencies are comprehensive and constitute an integral and interconnected with each other and support each other. Descriptive statistics was employed to analize the data. Research results indicate that (1) users’ perception on alumni’s pedagogical competence are above average which 77% schools on Kemdiknas’ oversight rate them as good, as well as 73% schools on Depag’s oversight (2) users’ perception on alumni’s personal competency/personality are above average which 81% schools on Kemdiknas’ oversight rate them as good, as well as 78% schools on Depag’s oversight (3) users’ perception on alumni’s social competency are above average which 75% schools on Kemdiknas’ oversight rate them as good, as well as 74% schools on Depag’s oversight; and (4) users’ perception on alumni’s professional competency are above average which 76% schools on Kemdiknas’ oversight rate them as good, as well as 73% schools on Depag’s oversight. Thus, it can be concluded that both users rate them as good and competence

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Bustanul Arifin

This paper discusses the improvement of the quality of education through students is one component in the education system that is important, in the world of education students are the raw material in the process of transforming science. Learning is a variety of components that are interconnected with one another. These components include objectives, material, methods and evaluation. The four components of learning must be considered by the teacher in choosing or determining the approach and learning model. Chasing activities in their implementation recognize many terms to describe the way of teaching that will be done by the teacher. At present there are so many kinds of learning strategies or methods that aim to improve the quality of learning to be better.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Aditya Pratama

The development of ICT offers an improvement in the quality of education. The use of ICT greatly contributes to the improvement in the quality of education. ICT provides various facilities in obtaining information. The easiness of obtaining information can improve the quality of the learning process. However, behind the benefits derived from the use of ICT, there is concern about plagiarism. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in the world of education. The sanctions imposed for the action is even set in the Law. The Formulation of Problems: How is the development of ICT in education?, How is the view of plagiarism among students? The research objective is to analyze the development of ICT in education. This research uses a qualitative research method comprising of the data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of the analysis indicate that 43.24% of respondents intentionally commit plagiarism. Most of informants in the research state that the respondents know that the students commit plagiarism. The use of the Garuda portal and portal may prevent the plagiarism among students from happening

2018 ◽  
Euis yunengsih

ANALYSIS OF TEACHER PROFESSIONAL PROBLEMATIC IN THE QUALITY EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT EFFORTS IN IN SMK KESEHATAN CIKARANG UTARA, BEKASI REGENCYEuis YunengsihABSTRACTThis research was conducted with regard to the phenomenon of lack of competence of teachers. This research focused on internal and external problems of teachers in the learning process (PBM). The purpose of this research to determine: 1) the pedagogic quality of teachers, 2) the professionalism level of teachers, 3) the feasibility of the competence of teachers and 4) how to improve the quality of Health Vocational Education. This research used descriptive qualitative research approach. Location of research: SMK Kesehatan Sentra Medika, Bekasi Regency. Research subjects were teachers and students. Informant: principal, vice principal for curriculum affairs, administrative staff, chairman of the committee and students. Data collection technique used models: observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity test of the data used triangulation of sources and methods. Data were analyzed using an interactive model consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The research results showed that: 1) the problem of teachers consists of internal problems, including: (a) the pedagogical competence, namely the lack of mastering classes, poor innovation and creativity, low interest in reading, the lack of mastering the good assessment technique and the teacher is lack of mastering even does not master the information technology-based learning media, (b) professional competence, i.e. lack of mastering the material, (c) the feasibility of competence, namely lack of love in the profession. While the external problems include: class size, learning atmosphere, limited learning facilities and resources, the availability of discipline and library. 2) how to improve the quality of education is to empower human resources and facilities owned in order to support the quality of education, among others: for internal problems (a) pedagogic competence is performed with a workshop/upgrading, education and functional training (on-service education), In House training, supervision/monitoring, journalistic activities and utilization of instructional media based on information technology and comparative studies, (b) professional competence and competency appropriateness is done by action research/collaboration action research (CAR), KKG/MGMPs (in-service Education), problem solving, self-evaluation, and for teachers or staff they are given the opportunity to continue their studies of learning to a higher level (pre- service education). As for the external problems is done by applying PAIKEM learning and IT-based media, optimizing props/practices, utilizing teaching own materials/modules, exemplary principals,Keywords: Problematic, the teaching profession, the improvement effort of education quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Faridah Hanim ◽  
Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah ◽  
Siti Ruchana

Educators determine the success of an education because they are as central figure in learning. Educators who have good pedagogical competence will be able to understand what is needed and desired by students in the learning process. Therefore, educators are required to improve the quality and the performance of education. This study aims to determine the effect of pedagogical competence on teacher performance, the effect of work motivation on teacher performance, and the influence of pedagogical competence and work motivation on teaher performance in Muhammadiyah Junior High School 4 Gempol. This type of research is quatitative research methods. In this study the data collection techniques used are, interview techniques and documentation techniques. The results of this study are that if educators have good pedagogical competence and high work motivation, then the performance of educators will be optimized in a comprehensive manner and more quickly achieved in improving the quality of education. And vice versa, if educators do not have poor pedagogical competence and low work motivatoin, the teacher's performance is said to be poor or not qualified.

Bisri Effendi ◽  
Agus Samekto ◽  
Emma Julianti

The quality of education depends highly  on the capacity of educational units in transforming the learners to gain added value, whether it is related to the aspects of thinking, taste, heart, and body. Among the components of education, teachers and lecturers are very important and strategic factors in an effort to improve the quality of education in every educational unit. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of professional competence, social competence on pedagogic competence with personality competence as moderation variable based on students’ perception. The analytical method used is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to confirm the validity and reliability of the indicator of the latent variables and Moderating Structural Equation Modeling Score Factor (MSEM-SF) to determine the effect of moderation. The results show that personality competence moderates the relationship of the effect of professional competence on pedagogic competence but personality competence does not moderate relationship of the effect of social competence on pedagogic competence. This implies that, a good professional competence can accelerate the improvement of pedagogic competence quality supported by good personality competence.

Erni Nurjanah ◽  
Esmi Tsalsa Sofiawati

This study aims to understand the extent of the Teacher Competency Test results which include: (a) pedagogical competencies, (b) personality competencies for improving the quality of education in Cilangla State Elementary School, Gandasoli State Elementary School, and Babakan Pamoyanan Elementary School in Sukabumi District. This research uses a qualitative approach that produces descriptive data with case study methods. The results of this study indicate that there are obstacles that occur in the implementation of Teacher Competency Tests, namely the extent of the material being tested, especially in the aspects of pedagogical competence, professional competence and lack of mastery in the operation of the teacher's computer. This is what causes the low scores obtained when implementing the Teacher Competency Test. But on the other hand in improving the quality of education, teachers continue to strive to be able to deliver their students to obtain various achievements in school.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
Budi Sutrisno ◽  
Aisyah Aisyah

This study is to describe the developent of pedagogical competence, professional competence, personal competence, and social competence of the International Standard Pioneer School in State Senior High School 1 Temanggung. The focus in this study were teacher professional development  of the international  standard pioneer school in State Senior High School 1 Temanggung, by observing the development of pedagogical competence, competence professional, personal competence, and social competence of the international   standard pioneer school in State Senior High School 1 Temanggung. The study is the qualitative research with the ethnography approach. This research was conducted in State Senior High School 1 Temanggung year 2010/2011, the source of the data  obtained  from  the  principal,  vice  principal,  head  of  the  International  Standard Pioneer School programs, teachers, librarians, and students. Data collected by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Validity of the data was done by triangulation techniques. Analysis of the data used is a model of interactive analysis.   The results of this research can be concluded that the development of pedagogical competence of teachers  of the international   standard pioneer school in State Senior High School 1 Temanggung teachers include longer emphasizes the management aspects of learning, the development of  professional competence include the  aspect  of  improving the  skills  and  aspects of knowledge, competence development aspects of personality include mental, spiritual, and the  formation  of  professional  ethics  that  provides  a  change  in  attitude  teachers  in managing learning, while the component that was developed in the social competence includes the development of emotional intelligence, and development of teachers' roles in professional organizations (MGMP). Developed in the fourth aspect is the competence of the teacher professional development efforts that improve teacher quality, and improving the quality of the learning process that led to improved quality of learning outcomes in schools  RSMABI. Strategi  used  in  the  professional development of    the  international standard pioneer school in State Senior High School 1 Temanggung teachers is through training activities  conducted both  central  and  local  government, or  in-house training workshops held in schools, mentoring subject teachers by the facilitator / lecturer, teacher participation in professional organizations MGMP;   procurement S-2 scholarships for further studies in Mathematics and Science teachers. Constraints are found covering the internal factors are lack of motivation of teachers, school layout, and inadequate infrastructure, as well as external factors are lack of support from Temanggung District government in improving the educational qualifications (S-2).

Husnul Amin

Education is a milestone in the development of a nation, through quality education is certainly correlated with the competitiveness of a nation. One important element in education is the availability of teacher staff. As part of an important element in the world of education, the professionalism of the teacher's role in the learning, teaching and education processes has a bearing on improving the quality of education. Responding to these conditions, various efforts have been made to reform the education system and its equipment in Indonesia. In accordance with Permendikbud's explanation No. 16 of 2007 concerning professional competence of teachers, an Islamic religion teacher either teaching in madrasas or required to have scientific insights related to Islamic religious education subjects namely Al-Quran-Hadith, Fiqh, Akidah-Akhlak , and Islamic History.

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