scholarly journals Asuhan Kebidanan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III dengan Anemia

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1669-1673
Lutfiah Febriana ◽  
Nina Zuhana

AbstractAnemia is a condition where the level of hemoglobin in the blood is less than the normal limit (<12 g%) caused by a lack of iron in the body due to malnutrition. While anemia in pregnancy is a condition where the hemoglobin level in pregnant women is <11gr% or <10.5gr% in third trimester pregnant women which generally occurs due to the hemodilution process. The purpose of this case to find out the cause of anemia in late pregnancy and the treatment that can be done to prevent complications that occur with care to routinely consume blood-added tablets (Fe) and recommend foods high in iron. This care design used a comprehensive care method for pregnant women in the third trimester who experience mild anemia (haemoglobin <10,5gr%) in Kalimade Village, Kesesi District, Pekalongan Regency. The results of this care showed an increase in hemoglobin levels in the mother. The conclusion of this case study shows that regularly consuming Fe tablets can increase hemoglobin levels in the blood so that it can prevent and treat anemia. For this reason, pregnant women are expected to routinely consume Fe tablets during pregnancy and midwives are expected to provide education about the benefits of Fe tablets to pregnant women to prevent anemia.Keywords: Haemoglobin; Anemia; Pregnancy AbstrakAnemia merupakan suatu kondisi dimana kadar haemoglobin dalam darah kurang dari batas normal (<12 gr%) yang disebabkan karena kurangnya zat besi didalam tubuh akibat kurang gizi. Sedangkan anemia pada kehamilan adalah kondisi dimana kadar haemoglobin pada ibu hamil <11gr% atau <10,5gr% pada ibu hamil trimester III yang umumnya terjadi karena adanya proses hemodilusi. Tujuan dari kasus ini yaitu untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya anemia pada kehamilan lanjut serta penanganan yang dapat dilakukan guna mencegah terjadinya komplikasi yang mungki terjadi dengan asuhan untuk rutin mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah (Fe) serta anjuran mengkonsumsi makanan tinggi zat besi. Rancangan Asuhan ini menggunakan metode asuhan komprehensif pada ibu hamil trimester III yang mengalami anemia ringan (Haemoglobin <10,5gr%) di Desa Kalimade Kecamatan Kesesi Kabupaten Pekalongan. Hasil asuhan ini menunjukan adanya peningkatan kadar haemoglobin pada ibu. Simpulan studi kasus ini menunjukan bahwa dengan rutin mengkonsumsi tablet Fe dapat meningkatkan kadar Haemoglobin dalam darah sehingga dapat mencegah serta mengobati anemia. Untuk itu ibu hamil diharapkan agar rutin mengkonsumsi tablet Fe selama kehamilan. Bidan diharapkan agar bisa memberikan edukasi tentang manfaat tablet Fe pada ibu hamil guna mencegah terjadinya anemia.Kata kunci: Haemoglobin; Anemia; Kehamilan

2020 ◽  
Francesca Crovetto ◽  
Fàtima Crispi ◽  
Elisa Llurba ◽  
Francesc Figueras ◽  
María Dolores Gómez-Roig ◽  

IntroductionCase registries of pregnant women diagnosed with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have reported that the majority experienced mild infection, but up to 9% may require critical care.1 Most COVID-19 cases published were in the third trimester of pregnancy, which could reflect reporting bias, higher risk of infection or increased disease severity in late pregnancy.2 Seroprevalence studies may allow reliable estimates of the susceptibility to infection and clinical spectrum since they include asymptomatic and mild infections not tested for PCR. We evaluated the seroprevalence and clinical presentation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in pregnant women in the first and third trimester.MethodsThe study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at each institution and informed consent was obtained. We recruited 874 consecutive pregnancies attending for first trimester screening (10-16 weeks’ gestation, n=372) or delivery (n=502) from April 14 to May 5. All women were interviewed with a structured questionnaire for COVID-19 symptoms two months prior to sampling. SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM/IgA antibodies were tested (COVID-19 VIRCLIA® Monotest, Vircell Microbiologist, Spain; reported sensitivity 70% IgG and 89% IgM/IgA, and specificity 89% and 99% respectively). Indeterminate results were re-tested (VITROS® Immunodiagnostic Products Anti-SARS-CoV2 Total Tests, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, USA; 100% sensitivity and specificity) and re-classified as positive or negative. Women with COVID-19 were diagnosed and managed according to standard protocols and guidelines3,4. Statistical differences were tested using the χ2 test or Student t-test as appropriate (p<0.05).ResultsA total of 125 of 874 women (14.3%) were positive for either IgG or IgM/IgA SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, 54/372 (14.5%) in the first and 71/502 (14.1%) in the third trimester. A total of 75/125 (60%) reported no symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 2 months, whereas 44 (35.2%) reported one or more symptoms, of which 31 (24.8%) had at least 3 symptoms or anosmia and 8 (6.4%) dyspnea. Overall, 7 women (5.6%) were admitted for persistent fever (>38°) despite paracetamol and dyspnea, of which 3 had signs of pneumonia on chest radiography. All 3 had criteria for severity (bilateral chest condensation, respiratory rate>30 and leukopenia) and required oxygen support but not critical care or mechanical ventilation, and they were all discharged well. The rates of symptomatic infection, hospital admission or dyspnea were significantly higher in third trimester women (Table and Figure).DiscussionThe 14.3% seroprevalence of SARS-COV-2 in pregnant women in this study was substantially larger than the contemporary rates of PCR positive cases (0.78%) reported for women 20-40y in Barcelona.5 The data confirm that COVID-19 is asymptomatic in the majority of pregnant women6 and illustrate the value of seroprevalence studies to capture the high proportion of asymptomatic or mild infections. In this study, none of the 125 pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection required critical care as compared to 9% reported in cases diagnosed with PCR.1 However, the proportion of infections with symptoms or dyspnea was remarkably higher in the third trimester, and these results are in line with COVID-19 registries, reporting that 81% of hospitalized women were in late pregnancy or peripartum.1These results provide reassuring information that, even in settings with a high prevalence, SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy mostly presents with asymptomatic or mild clinical forms. The susceptibility to infection seemed to be the same in the first and the third trimesters of gestation. The data further suggest that, as with other respiratory viruses, COVID-19 could be more severe and require increased surveillance in late pregnancy. These findings should be confirmed and extended with larger consecutive prevalence studies in pregnancy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (02) ◽  
pp. 172
Dyah Ayu Wulandari ◽  
Meika Jaya Rockhmana ◽  
Adelina Cahyaningrum

ABSTRAKAdaptasi fisik dan psikis kehamilan trimester III secara fisiologis dapat menimbulkan kecemasan ibu hamil. Adanya kecemasan pada ibu hamil trimester III dapat menyebabkan komplikasi ibu dan janin saat kehamilan, persalinan bahkan nifas. Terapi acupressure merupakan natural terapi dengan cara menekan acupoint  untuk merelaksasi tubuh, melancarkan sirkulasi darah serta memberikan rasa tenang dan nyaman. Acupoint KID 27 dan CV 17 adalah titik yang berhubungan dengan kecemasan, agitasi, penyimpangan kelenjar tiroid, keseimbangan tubuh dan pusat jantung. Penekanan pada titik ini menyeimbangkan kadar hormon tiroid dan mengatasi gangguan kecemasan. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui pengaruh acupressure depression points terhadap kecemasan ibu hamil trimester III. Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian pre-experimental One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Penelitian dilakukan Bulan Februari-Agustus 2021. Populasi penelitian ibu hamil trimester III yang melakukan ANC bulan Juni 2021 dengan keluhan kecemasan. Sampel penelitian 22 ibu hamil trimester III dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner PRAQ-R2. Analisa data univariat dan bivariat (Uji Wilcoxon) Hasil: Hasil analisa statistik dengan uji Wilcoxon diperoleh nilai P-value 0,000 pada tingkat kecemasan. Kesimpulan: Acupressure depression points berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil trimester III di Semarang.Kata kunci: kecemasan, ibu hamil trimester IIIREDUCE ANXIETY IN PREGNANT MOTHER TRIMESTER III WITH ACCUPRESSURE DEPRESSION POINTS METHODABSTRACTPhysical and psychological adaptation of the third trimester of pregnancy can physiologically cause anxiety for pregnant women. The existence of anxiety in third trimester pregnant women can affect the quality of sleep which causes maternal and fetal complications during pregnancy, delivery and even postpartum. Acupressure therapy is a natural therapy by pressing the acupoints to relax the body, improve blood circulation and provide a sense of calm and comfort. Acupoints KID 27 and CV 17 are points associated with anxiety, agitation, thyroid disorders, body balance and heart centers. Emphasis on this point balances thyroid hormone levels and treats anxiety disorders thereby improving sleep quality. Objective: to determine the effect of acupressure depression points on the level of anxiety and sleep quality of pregnant women in the third trimester. Methods: This type of research is quantitative with pre-experimental research method One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The study was conducted in February-August 2021. The study population was pregnant women in the third trimester who performed ANC in June 2021 with complaints of anxiety. The study sample was 22 pregnant women in the third trimester with purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used the PRAQ-R2. Analysis of univariate and bivariate data (Wilcoxon test) Results: The results of statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon test obtained a P-value of 0.000 on anxiety levels. Conclusion: Acupressure depression points have an effect on the level of anxiety of pregnant women in the third trimester at Semarang.Keyword: Anxiety, Pregnant Women In The Third Trimester

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Selfesina Sikoway ◽  
Yanti Mewo ◽  
Youla Assa

Abstract: Hemoglobin (Hb) is a parameter used to determine anemia prevalence. The average level of normal Hb at the end of pregnancy is around 12.5 g/dL, meanwhile, aproximately 5% of pregnant women have Hb level less than 11.0 g/dL. To date, Hb level below 11.0 g/dL especially at the end of pregnancy should be considered as an abnormal phenomenon and is usually caused by iron deficiency and not by hypervolemia which is commonly found in pregnancy. This study was aimed to determine the hemoglobin level of third semester pregnant women in Robert Wolter Mongisidi Hospital Manado. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Subjects were 39 third semester pregnant women who visited the Obstetric Department of Robert Wolter Mongisidi Hospital and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The results showed that 25 subjects (64.1%) had low hemoglobin levels and 14 subjects (35.9%) had normal level of hemoglobin. In conclusion, most third semester pregnant women had low hemoglobin levels.Keywords: hemoglobin rate, third trimester pregnant women, anemia Abstrak: Hemoglobin (Hb) darah merupakan parameter yang digunakan untuk menetapkan prevalensi anemia. Nilai normal Hb pada akhir kehamilan rata-rata 12,5 g/dL, dan sekitar 5% wanita hamil konsentrasinya kurang dari 11,0 g/dL. Nilai Hb dibawah 11,0 g/dL terutama pada akhir kehamilan perlu dianggap abnormal dan biasanya disebabkan oleh defisiensi besi dan bukan karena hipervolemia yang umumnya ditemukan pada kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil trimester III di Rumah Sakit Robert Wolter Mongisidi Manado. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif dengan menggunakan desain potong lintang. Subyek penelitian ialah 39 ibu hamil trimester III yang berkunjung di Poliklinik Kebidanan di Rumah Sakit Robert Wolter Mongisidi Manado yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 25 subyek (64,1%) memiliki kadar hemoglobin rendah dan 14 subyek (35,9%) memiliki kadar hemoglobin normal. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah sebagian besar ibu hamil trimester III memiliki kadar hemoglobin rendah.Kata kunci: kadar hemoglobin, ibu hamil trimester III, anemia

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Mezzi Wulandari Arenza ◽  
Ni Wayan Tianing ◽  
I Putu Adiartha Griadhi

ABSTRACTSleep disturbance in the third trimester pregnant women is caused by discomfort, an increasingly largeabdominal condition, back pain, frequent urination, fetal movement, heartburn, cramps in the legs, tiredness, difficultygetting started, and physiological changes. Sleep disorders result in decreased quality of sleep. Pregnant women whohave poor sleep quality are at risk of longer labor, cesarean delivery, premature birth, and even infant mortality. The aimof this research is to know the difference of pregnant exercise combination and back massage in improving the sleepquality of third trimester pregnant women. This research use experiment method with quasi experiment approach andresearch design is pre and post test with control design. Sample are 18 people, divided into 2 groups, 9 people intreatment groups given pregnancy exercise and back massage and 9 people in control group is given only pregnantexercise. Intervention is given 8 times. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire used for measured of sleepquality. The result of different test of unpaired group, in the treatment group got difference of average 4,556 and controlgroup got difference mean 2,333 with p=0,004 (p<0,05). These results showed that there was a significant differencebetween the treatment group and the control group in improving the sleep quality of the third trimester pregnant women.In conclusion, there are differences in the addition of back massage combination in pregnancy exercise intervention inimproving sleep quality of third trimester pregnant women.Keyword : Pregnancy Exercise, Back Massage, Sleep Quality, Third Trimester.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 2086
Bonifacio Caballero ◽  
Daniel Caballero

The emergence of the new corona virus infection that occurred in Wuhan, the capital city of China's Hubei province in December 2019 initially labeled 2019-nCoV and later named SARS-CoV-2, has spread in several countries around the world and subsequently raised concerns about the possibility of vertical transmission from the mother to the fetus, producing its disease named COVID-19. Around 12 articles about pregnant women infected with COVID-19 and their newborns have been published between February 10 and April 4, 2020. So far, there are few reports on newborns. There is currently evidence of vertical transmission from pregnant women with COVID-19 infection during the third trimester. The results of this report suggest that currently there is evidence of intrauterine infection caused by vertical transmission in women who develop COVID-19 pneumonia and die in late pregnancy. However, most of these newborns have been asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, but as the outbreak and information are changing rapidly, it is recommended to continue to check for updates.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Okky Elvira Novianti ◽  
Evi Rinata ◽  
Rafhani Rosyidah

Pregnancy is the fertilization or fusion of spermatozoa and ovum which is followed by bullying. Normal pregnancy lasts in 9 to 10 months. Complaints and discomfort can arise from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of pregnancy which can affect the physical and psychological condition of the mother. Pregnant women often complain in the third trimester and 96.7% experience complaints of frequent urination. The case study method used is observational (COC) Continuity of Care. From data collection and inspection there were no gaps and problem found, so no further special handling was needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Józefa Dąbek ◽  
Oskar Sierka ◽  
Halina Kulik ◽  
Zbigniew Gąsior

Abstract Background The vaccine is a preparation of biological origin containing antigens that stimulate the body’s immune system to produce acquired immunity. Vaccines can contain killed or “live” (attenuated) microorganisms as well as fragments of these (antigens). Although many vaccines are used routinely in pregnancy to provide a seroprotective immune response for mother, fetus and neonate there is much controversy over their use during this unique time. The aim of the study was to find out about the knowledge of adult Poles on the use of preventive vaccinations during pregnancy. Methods The study involved 700 people (100%) aged 18 to 80 years ($$ \overline{x} $$ x ¯ = 32.16 ± 16.46). Most of the respondents were women (511; 73%). The study consisted of 9 questions about preventive vaccinations of pregnant women and 5 questions about members of the studied group. The aforementioned questions formed the basis of the preparation of the presented article. Results A significant part of respondents (322; 46%) did not have knowledge on the topic of safeness of using preventive vaccinations during pregnancy, 196 (28%) respondents believed that such procedure is not safe. Most of the respondents (371; 53%) did not know about the possibility of using “live” vaccines during pregnancy. 14 (2%) of respondents believed that pregnancy should be terminated in case of administration of a “live” vaccine to a pregnant woman. According to 294 (42%) respondents, vaccinations with “live” vaccines should be completed at least 3 months before the planned pregnancy. The subjects were not aware of the issue of post-exposure vaccination against tetanus and rabies among pregnant women. The respondents’ responses were divided on the issue of the safest trimester of pregnancy for vaccine administration. Almost 1/3 of the respondents (203; 29%) indicated the third trimester as the safest for their performance. Conclusion The knowledge of the surveyed group, the majority of whom were women, about the use of vaccinations before and during pregnancy was unsatisfactory. There is a need to educate the public about the benefits and risks of performing or avoiding preventive vaccinations during pregnancy.

1979 ◽  
A. Schieppati ◽  
M. M. Cossu ◽  
E. Rossi ◽  
G. Remuzzi

Increased platelet consumption has been suggested to occur in women who develop pre-eclampsia and to play a pathogenetic role in this disorder. The approach to this problem was difficult until a non radioisotopic technique was developed to measure platelet lifespan (Stuart et al. , NEJM 1975, 292, 1310). Malondiafdehyde (MDA) is measured in platelet rich plasma (challenged with thrombin) before and at intervals after ingestion of 500 mg aspirin. The time taken for MDA values to return to baseline levels after aspirin is equal to platelet lifespan. A study is in progress to compare platelet lifespan in healthy non pregnant women, in women in the third trimester of uncomplicated pregnancy and in patients with pre-eclamps. The results obtained so far suggest that platelet lifespan in pregnancy, either normal or complicated with mild pre-eclampsia, is within the normal range. Indeed platelet lifespan was 7.6 , 9.6, 10.5, and 9.5 days in 4 women with uncomplicated pregnancy and , 10.0, 11.7, and 9.0 days In 3 patients with mild pre-eclampsia. Platel ellifespan in non pregnant women ranged between 9.4 and 12.2 days.

Lina Sundayani ◽  
Baiq Iin Rumintang

The purpose of this research to analize the effect of coastal cards on adherencetoiron tablet consumption, hemoglobin level, weight of a baby, among anemia in pregnancy. This research used quasi experimentalwith design pre and post-test design, which was performed on pregnant women with mild and moderate iron deficiency anemia in the Mataram Health Center. The research subjects consisted of 30 of third trimester of pregnant women who had mild and moderate anemia. Data analysis with Anova one way. The results showed: The level of adherence of 30 study subjects were mostly adherent to taking Iron tablet 29 people (96.7%) and only 1 person who was not compliant (3.3%). Hb levels in pregnant women at the first day of iron tablet an average of 9.90 gr%, after 2 weeks given an average iron tablet of 10.87 gr%, and before giving birth after being given iron tablet on average 11.84 gr%. Hb levels after childbirth is given an average iron tablet of 11.38 gr%. The weight of babies born is between 2768 grams to 3407 grams and the average baby's weight is 3087.5 grams. experienced Postpartum bleeding, namely 29 people (96.7%) and only 1 person (3.3%) who experienced postpartum bleeding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Elly Dwi Masita

Physical changes and psychology in pregnancy is one stressor in pregnancy. Preliminary studies showed that 98% of pregnant women experience anxiety third trimester. As a result of the pregnancy is maternal anxiety will experience periods of abnormal labor so as to improve maternal and infant mortality. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of perineal massage in primiparous mothers anxiety in the third trimester to the third trimester pregnant women in the BPS. Istiqomah, S.Keb.Bid. Methods: This research is pre-experimental design with a population statistical comparison group of pregnant women in the third trimester of BPS. Istiqomah. S.Keb.Bid premises sample of 20 pregnant women were divided into 10 groups of 10 samples of treated and control groups. Sampling nonprobality sample with quota sampling technique. The instrument of this study using a questionnaire anxiety. Results: Of the 10 treatment group gained 9 (90%) of the study subjects experienced a lower level of anxiety while the control group of 10 4 (40%) of research subjects experienced lower levels of anxiety and test results Mann - Whitney was obtained p = 0.005 (p < 0.05), which means there is perineal massage effect on the level of anxiety in the third trimester pregnant women. Conclusion: There is the effect of perineal massage on the level of anxiety in the third trimester pregnant women with p = 0.005

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