2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-56
Walter BELIK ◽  
Bruno Benzaquen PEROSA ◽  
Sérgio Rangel Fernandes FIGUEIRA ◽  

After the deregulation of the sugar and alcohol sector, the decision on the location and scale of processing units was transferred to the private sector. Given the competition, the search for raw materials increased substantially and became the key variable in determining the viability of plants. The neoclassical microeconomics indicates that the increase in capacity is the result of a decision to maximize the outcome of firms, especially considering the industrial economies of scale. However, the theory of industrial organization, raises the possibility of the decision on the installed capacity be affected by the competitive strategy of the firm, leading to raise barriers to entry. Thus, plants located in regions with greater competition for sugarcane would work with higher levels of idle capacity, as deterrent to entry of new units. Using techniques of geo-referencing, the research shows that in the traditional sugarcane areas, the installed capacity in recent years far exceeds the availability of raw material. Thus, it is unlikely that plants installed in these regions are operating in an ìoptimalî level grinding. Gains force the hypothesis that excess capacity has the role to impose barriers to entry despite the reduced efficiency of the plants

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 984
Seiji Iwanaga ◽  
Dang Thai Hoang ◽  
Hirofumi Kuboyama ◽  
Dang Thai Duong ◽  
Hoang Huy Tuan ◽  

Vietnam’s forestry policies have expanded the area of planted forests in order to meet the supply of raw materials for the timber processing industry. However, the diversity and volume of demand in the industry have also increased, and a shortage of raw materials can be assumed. For clarifying the correspondence of stakeholders, we explore changes in the resource supply behavior of forestry companies and procurement strategies of companies that manufacture lumber for glued laminated timber, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and wood pellets. Next, we discuss issues and future developments surrounding the supply and demand for timber from planted forests. According to a survey of Quang Tri Province, both industrial and on-farm tree planting play an important role in Vietnam’s wood industry. The origin of the supply has been categorized according to its purpose (products). On the other hand, with the declining supply of imported timber and natural forest timber, inquiries from sawmills and glued laminated timber factories for timber from planted forests have increased, and wood pellet manufacturers are facing competition for raw material procurement with MDF manufacturers, and the supply of timber from planted forests is becoming scarce. The key to the solution lies in improving the low productivity of current on-farm tree planting. To this end, forming farmer groups upon the acquisition of forest certification will help achieve economies of scale and bargaining power.

1966 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-79 ◽  
Richard Mallon

One of the main objectives of Pakistan's export policy has been the promotion of exports of manufactured goods. This is an objective which many under¬developed, predominately primary-exporting countries have in common because of their interest in export diversification. The general arguments used to justify such a policy, e.g., improvement in the terms of trade and increased stability of export proceeds—will not, however, be discussed in this paper1. Attention will instead be focussed on the economic consequences of the specific measures adopted by Pakistan, namely, a combination of export duties and subsidies which discriminate in favour of processed goods and against raw materials. The fact that in Pakistan the chief beneficiaries of discrimination have been manufactures of jute and cotton, products which also constitute most of the country's raw material exports, facilitates the economic evaluation of this policy. It can thus be assumed that if jute and cotton were not exported as manufactures they could be exported in raw form, or in other words, that the problem con¬sists in selecting that combination of exports in raw and manufactured form which maximizes net foreign exchange earnings. Furthermore, the textile industry is not a very good case for applying the external economy argument (i.e., subsidies to industries which provide training to the labour force in new skills, etc.,) be¬cause the industry would exist in any case to supply the internal market, economies of scale are limited and the skills employed are fairly rudimentary. In the follow¬ing, all our discussion will be concentrated on the jute and cotton situation, the special problems of other manufacturing fall outside the scope of our analysis.

Dedi Siswana Kurniadi ◽  
Rizal Syarief ◽  
Ani Suryani

Textile product industry has an important role in the economy Tasikmalaya City, because contributing 42,1%  to manufacturing industry. Manufacturing industry contributing 14.6%  to the GRDP Tasikmalaya City. The problem faced by the industry of textile products is the increase in raw material prices, rising labor costs, the entry of lower-priced imported products, intense competition with similar companies and reduced orders from buyers. In an effort to maintain the continuity of their  business, it is necessary to develop a strategy of business development. The purpose of this study was to analyze the internal and external conditions, the formulation of strategic alternatives, prioritization and selection of strategic business development strategy PT PS. Results Internal Factor Evaluation (2.692) and External Factor Evaluation (2.334) puts the company's position in Cells V (companies should be preserved and maintained through market penetration strategies and product development. Methods of SWOT result formulation of strategies: (1) take advantage of competition among  suppliers to obtain raw materials at the lowest offer price, (2) Increasing production by expanding the partnership,  (3) promotion, (4) expand the marketing area, (5) maintain the quality of raw material, (6) improve product quality, (7) makes dyeing, (8) machine maintenance and machine engineering (9) labor skills training. Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) puts the promotion strategy as a priority. Implications of managerial are: (1) Aspects of production need to be supported by increased economies of scale by improving partnerships with other entrepreneurs, supplier selection, take advantage of the effects of learning and experience, (2) Aspects of HR need to increase the skills of workers, (3) Financial Aspects through cash payments from buyers and increased allocation of marketing costs, (4) marketing aspect through targeting the wholesale level market, expand marketing and mainte-nance of customer loyalty and (5) Aspects of technology through the restructuring of the machine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Ardi Novra ◽  
Adriani Adriani ◽  
Suparjo Suparjo ◽  
Nelson Nelson ◽  
Sri Novianti

This strengthening waste-based palm oil-cattle integration groups business program is a continuation of the development program in the 2013. It is intended to accelerate and increase production capacity through process technology improvements. The results of the activity show that the group's integrated waste processing business has developed well according to the installed capacity of Biourine A Plus and In-site Trychocompose (ITC) production. The implementation of activities is broadly in line with the target. The achievement of ITC production has been 56% of installed capacity but seen from the production trend has shown the direction towards actual capacity use. The income of group business has a significant increase that almost double. The constraints faced are mainly caused by fluctuations in the supply of the main raw materials (liquid waste and solid cages) as the cattle population changes. Follow-up efforts are to encourage changes in business orientation into a dual purpose: to maintain the balance of composition between male and female livestock, and expansion of partnerships of raw material input with the aim of non-group cattle farmers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 334-351
A. S. Mavlyanov ◽  
E. K. Sardarbekova

Introduction. The objective of the research is to study the effect of the complex activation of the alumina raw material on the rheological properties of the ceramic mass. In addition, the authors investigate solutions for the application of optimal coagulation structures based on loams and ash together with plastic certificates.Materials and methods. The authors used the local forest like reserves of clay loams at the BashKarasu, ash fields of the Bishkek Central Heating Centre (BTEC) and plasticizer (sodium naphthenate obtained from alkaline chemical production wastes) as fibrous materials. Moreover, the authors defined technological properties of raw materials within standard laboratory methodology in accordance with current GOSTs.Results. The researchers tested plastic durability on variously prepared masses for the choice of optimal structures. The paper demonstrated the plastic durability of complexly activated compounds comparing with non-activated and mechanically activated compounds. The sensitivity coefficient increased the amount of clay loams by mechanically and complexly activated, which predetermined the possibility of intensifying the process of drying samples based on complexly activated masses.Discussion and conclusions. However, mechanical activation of clay material reduces the period of relaxation and increases the elasticity coefficient of ceramic masses by 1.8–3.4 times, meanwhile decreases elasticity, viscosity and the conventional power during molding, which generally worsens the molding properties of the masses. Сomplex activation of ash-clay material decreases the period of relaxation and provides an increase in elasticity, plasticity of ceramic masses by 46–47%, reduction in viscosity by 1.5–2 times, conventional power on molding by 37–122% in comparison with MA clay loams. Ceramic masses based on spacecraft alumina raw materials belong to the SMT with improved rheological properties; products based on them pass through the mouthpiece for 5–7 seconds.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Firman L. Sahwan

Organic materials that are generally used as raw material for organic fertilizer granules (POG) is a natural organic material that has been degrade, smooth and dry. One of the main raw materials are always used with a very high percentage of usage, is manure. Manure potential in Indonesia is very high, amounting to 113.6 million tons per year, or 64.7 million tons per year to the island of Java. From this amount, it will be generated numbers POG production potential of 17.5 million tons per year (total Indonesia) or 9.9 million tons per year for the island of Java. While the realistic POG production predictions figures made from raw manure is 2.5 million tons annually, a figure that has been unable to meet the number requirement of POG greater than 4 million tons per year. Therefore, in producing POG, it should be to maximize the using of the potential of other organic materials so that the use of manure can be saved. With the use of a small amount of manure (maximum 30% for cow manure), it would be useful also to avoid the production of POG with high Fe content.keywods: organic material, manure, granule organic fertilizer

Food Industry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Oliya Fazullina ◽  
Stanislav Smirnov

Health indicators of the population depend significantly on the food quality and nutritional value. Simple carbohydrates excess of and lack of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other physiologically active substances increase the risk of socially significant disease progress. The development and production of mass-consumed products with high nutritional and biological value, including affordable non-traditional raw materials use, are promising areas of the food industry development aimed at improving the nutritional status of the population. The article presents the research results on the developed Noodle products recipes from non-traditional raw materials that meet modern healthy nutrition requirements, intended for dietary treatment and dietary prevention of people with overweight / obesity. The research aimed at expanding the range of macaroni products with these characteristics. As the main raw material, a man selected whole-wheat flour – new spelt flour, and as additional raw materials – buckwheat flour, broccoli and celery powders. The researchers found that the introduction of macaroni products from buckwheat spelt, broccoli and celery powders into the recipe had a multidirectional effect, reducing or increasing various indicators of its nutritional value. The changes range did not affect the overall characteristics. The satisfaction degree of the average daily need for food substances and energy when consuming a portion of 100 g for each sample of developed Noodle products allows them to be classified as functional products that are protein and dietary fiber sources, according to the requirements of the TR CU 022/2011.

1982 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-333
Rashid Aziz

The book under review is a concise but fairly in-depth study of the prospects for export diversification from the Less Developed Countries (henceforth labeled as LDCs) particularly to Developed Countries (henceforth labeled as OCs). Given the multiple problems faced by the LOCs in exporting to the OCs - protectionist policies with regards to manufactured exports, volatility of prices obtained for raw material exports, etc. - the study analyses the potential for following an intermediate route. The important issues in the export of semi -processed and wholly processed raw materials are discussed. 111ese issues range from the problems and potentials for the location of processing facilities in the LOCs to the formulation of appropriate policies to encourage an export of processed goods rather than raw materials. Such policies will be useful both in solving the balance of-payments problems of the LDCs and in attaining the goal of the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation, that called for 2S percent of world industrial production to be located in the LOCs by the year 2000.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 66

The purpose of the research was to know the affect of many factors which affected to the production volume in PT. Kelola Mina Laut Gresik. What the price of raw materials was and the used of raw materials partially and simultan eously affected on the production volume. The analysis tool which used was a model of multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing used t test and F test, both at the significant level 5%. Based of the analysis of research on PT Kelola Mina Laut Gresik. Partially, inventory raw material price had not significant effect on the production volume, consumption of raw material inventory affected significantly of the production volume. Inventory of raw material price and the use of raw material simultan eously affect significantly to the production volume.

Stevanus Marelly Siahainenia ◽  
Dionisius Bawole ◽  
Eygner Gerald Talakua

The purpose of this study was to find out the function of cold storage in stabilizing fish prices in Ambon City, analyzing optimal production levels of various types of dominant fish, and analyzing the level of efficiency of utilization of cold storage and auxiliary machinery. This study uses the survey method. Primary data collection through questionnaires is built empirically while secondary data is obtained from several agencies related to this study. The research sample was drawn by exhausting sampling, amounting to 6 cold storage units in Ambon City. The role of cold storage to stabilize fish prices was analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach, while the quantitative techniques used included analysis of optimization of cold storage production with linear programming and analysis of the efficiency of utilization of cold storage. The results of the study show that cold storage has not played a role properly to stabilize fish prices in Ambon City. To achieve optimal use of production factors, the cold storage management needs to reduce the raw material by 24,915.9 kg / month; 7 HOK / month workforce; cold storage storage space capacity of 2.09 kg / month; and demand for flying fish 1,402.6 kg / month, while the use of production factors efficiently (fully utulized) is the capacity of the freezing machine, demand for tuna, skipjack, and cob. The level of technical efficiency of the utilization of cold storage facilities is reached, the total use of installed capacity must be proportional to the capacity used.

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