scholarly journals Swot Analysis in The Medium-Term Work Plan at SMAN 1 Pagaden 2021-2025

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Gunawan Gunawan ◽  
Yulis Sunaryati

The Medium Term Work Plan (MTWP) in its preparation involves school supervisors, principals, school committees, teachers and other components involved in the school environment of SMAN 1 Pagaden. The purpose of preparing this MTWP is as a framework for all components at SMAN 1 Pagaden in four years. MTWP at SMAN 1 Pagaden is an effort to improve the quality of education such as curriculum development and improvement of advice and infrastructure, learning tools, management improvements, school funding and sources of funds, graduation standards, assessment systems and the role of school committees. Efforts to improve these things are by compiling the MTWP program for the period 2021-2025. This research was conducted to improve the performance or achievement of the work program of SMAN 1 Pagaden in period 2021–2025. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Pagaden, Subang Regency, which took place from January to April 2021. The data was processed using the quality reports application published by the West Java education quality assurance institute as a measure of the achievement of the work program in the previous year. The data is processed and analyzed using the description method. The remedial/enrichment program so far has not been effective, it still uses the effective hours of teaching and learning. Improvements to the remedial/enrichment program aim to improve the quality of learning, with higher learning achievement expected to have an impact on the standard chart of content so that it can go to the national education standard 4 category. Strengthening remedial and enrichment programs can be optimized through the use of school operational assistance funds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Virgana Virgana ◽  
Merry Lapasau ◽  
Soeparlan Kasyadi

In the current pandemic period, some activities of the work program cannot be carried out properly, there are even some activities cannot be carried out. Special school institutions as a forum for education services for children with special needs, need to make changes and improve work programs. The institution work program needs to improve to achieve an institution's vision and mission. It is necessary to change the work program through a more focused program planning. This research aims to formulate a strategic plan contained in the work program of special schools. This study uses a qualitative method with SWOT analysis. This research essential the current condition of private special school X, namely by compiling strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. To obtain current condition information from the institution, involving school supervisors, principals, teachers, and school committees by teleconference. Before analysing the current condition data of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats conducted the validity and reliability test by using Smart-structural equation modelling. From the classification results, the institution's position quadrant will be identified to obtain the institution's strategic planning work program will be obtained from this quadrant. The research results state the institution's position was in the 3rd quadrant that means institutions must develop strategic planning institutions by minimizing weaknesses to reduce threats to the institution. Special school headmasters can arrange programs based on strategic planning with horizontal and vertical coordination to achieve their goals on time according to the work program plan. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0790/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Muhammad Rosul Asmawi

This study aims to find out the position and role of lecturers in carrying out the task of implementing the national education system and realizing the goals of national education. Lecturers are one of the determinants of the quality of education. The success of the implementation of higher education is largely determined by the readiness of the lecturer in preparing their students through teaching and learning activities or the learning process. The strategic position of lecturers to improve the quality of educational outcomes is strongly influenced by professional abilities in teaching and their level of welfare. To realize this; then the strategy of empowering lecturers is needed in order to realize professionalism that can be accounted for. The empowerment strategy implemented will be able to raise the dignity and level, improve the quality of learning, improve the quality of national education and provide quality services. Empowerment of lecturers is intended to create a work atmosphere or climate that leads to the development of potential, empowerment, and protection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-69
Rumina Rumina

Education as a learning activity or teaching and learning process can occur both inside and outside, as an educational activity can take place in the family, as well as in official educational institutions, activities or institutions are able to instill and make Islam as the basis for implementing education. The strategy implemented in facing the development of science and technology is the motivation of students' creativity towards the development of science and technology itself where Islamic values become a source of reference, educating skills, utilizing science and technology products, creating a strong link between religion and science and relationships with scientists who hold science and technology authority in their respective fields, Instill broad attitudes and insights into the future of humanity through the ability to interpret religious teachings. One of the priorities of national education development in relation to the development of the quality of human resources is related to improving the quality of each type and level of education so the existence of Islamic education in the face of the development of science and technology needs to be developed policies that emphasize improving the quality of human resources, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Abdul Hamid ◽  
Mohamad Ahyar Ma’arif

Abstrak Dalam proses belajar mengajar peran supervisi kepala madrasah memiliki peran strategis dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, di mana para guru didalam melaksanakan tugasnya merupakan ujung tombak dalam mensukseskan tujuan pendidikan nasional. Di dalam pelaksanaan proses belaajar mengajar para guru seringkali mendapat kesulitan,dan kesulitan itu akan terjadi kemandegan dan kegagalan sekaligus berdampak pada mutu pendidikan, peran supervisi atau supervisor memiliki peran strategis dalam memberikan layanan terhadap guru yang mendapatkan kesulitan atau terjadi penurunan dalam kompetensinya. Tulisan ini berfokus pada kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dalam peningkatan kinerja. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Data-data yang sudah didapatkan kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis data deskriptif. Kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dalam peningkatan kinerja guru menggunakan dua teknik yakni supervisi akademik berbasis pada individu dan kelompok. Pelaksanaan supervisi akademik teknik individu untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Sirajul Ulum Jatiurip Krejengan Probolinggo yaitu menggunakan teknik orientasi bagi guru baru, classroom observation dan individual converence, sedangkan pelaksanaan supervisi akademik teknik kelompok untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Jatiurip Krejengan Probolinggo yaitu menggunakan teknik rapat dewan guru, workshop/ lokakarya, bacaan terpimpin, buletin board dan karyawisata. Kata Kunci: kepala madrasah, supervisi akademik, kinerja guru, madrasah ibtidaiyah   Abstract In the teaching and learning process, the supervisory role of madrasah headmaster comprises a strategic role in improving educational quality, while the teachers in doing their tasks are seen as the lead in the efforts of achieving national education goals. In the implementation of teaching and learning process, most of the time teachers experience difficulties in which it causes stagnation and failure in improving as well as directly affecting the quality of the education itself. The role of supervision, or supervisor, possess a strategic role in providing services to teachers who experience difficulties or those who suffer declining competence. This paper focuses on the performance improvement of the leadership of the headmaster at madrasah. This paper used qualitative research methods. The data that has been obtained is analyzed by using descriptive data analysis. The leadership of Head master at Madrasah in improving teacher’s performance is done by using academic supervision techniques based on individuals and groups. The implementation of academic supervision technique within individual in improving teacher’s performance at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic Primary School) Sirajul Ulum Jatiurip Krejengan Probolinggo is carried out by using orientation techniques for new teachers, classroom observations and individual conversions. Meanwhile, the implementation of academic supervision techniques within groups in improving teacher’s performance in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Sirajul Ulum Jatiurip Krejengan Probolinggo is carried out by using teacher council meetings technique, workshops, guided reading, bulletin boards and field trips. Keywords: the headmaster of madrasah, academic supervision, teacher’s performance, Islamic primary school

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Muhamad Faizul Amirudin

The lack of the role of the school committee in education makes it a school partner to improve its management. Because it is clear in Law number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System article 56 paragraph 3 that the school council approves in improving the quality of assistance by providing, directives and support for labor, facilities and infrastructure, and supervision of education at the education level. This paper is a literature study that uses documents related to schools and education suppliers as sources of data and analyzed using qualitative descriptive. Reconstruction of the management of the committee through improvements to the planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating the work program of the school committee and education unit. In addition, training and guidance for school committees also requires building good communication and cooperation between the school committee, the government and other parties. That way it is expected to increase the strategic role of schools in improving the quality of education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
A. Wilda Indra Nanna ◽  
Enditiyas Pratiwi

Abstrak: Peningkatan kualitas layanan pendidikan merupakan salah satu agenda prioritas pembangunan pendidikan nasional tahun 2015-2016 sebagaimana telah diamanatkan di dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 2 tahun 2015 Tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional 2015-2016. Disamping tersedianya kurikulum yang handal, salah satu aspek terpenting dalam upaya menjalin kualitas layanan pendidikan adalah menyediakan system penilaian yang komprehensif sesuai dengan standar nasional pendidikan yang telah ditetapkan. Memperhatikan permasalahan prioritas yang dihadapi mitra, pengusul menimbang perlu dilaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan guru dalam penyusunan perangkat tes mata pelajaran Matematika pada kelas tinggi di SDS Al Hilal Tarakan dan SDN 032 Tarakan guna dapat melaksanakan tugasnya sehari-hari di kelas secara lebih professional sehingga pada akhirnya mutu pendidikan kita dapat lebih terjaga dan terus meningkat dalam bentuk Ipteks Bagi Masyarakat (IbM).Abstract: Improving the quality of education services is one of the national education development priority agendas of 2015-2016 as mandated in Presidential Regulation No. 2 of 2015 on the National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2016. Besides the availability of a reliable curriculum, one of the most important aspects in the effort to establish the quality of education services is to provide a comprehensive assessment system in accordance with national standards of education that has been established. Taking into account the priority issues faced by the partners, the proposers consider the need for training and teacher assistance activities in the preparation of Mathematics subjects in higher school in SDS Al Hilal Tarakan and SDN 032 Tarakan to be able to carry out their daily tasks in the classroom in a more professional manner so that in the end The quality of our education can be more awake and continue to increase in the form of Science for Society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Maulidin Ardiyansyah ◽  
Ahmad Juanda

Abstract: Improving the quality of education is not only the responsibility of the government and schools. In this modern era in improving the quality of education is also the responsibility of parents. This study aims to determine 1) the form of parent participation in Elementary School Songgokerto 3 in Batu City in improving the quality of education, 2) the school's strategy in developing parent participation in Elementary School Songgokerto 3 in Batu City in improving the quality of education. This research uses a qualitative approach. This research is a qualitative study, with the type of descriptive qualitative research. The results showed that: 1) The strategy applied was to always participate in every activity carried out by the community in the school environment or parents to establish friendship and the formation of good communication with the community and parents. 2). The form of participation from parents in elementary school Songgokerto 3 Batu is in the form of thoughts such as providing input in program activities at school, skills such as providing training to students on how to make chips, personnel such as in repairing infrastructure for teaching and learning support processes such as repairing chairs or desks, money, and things.Keywords: Policy, Parental Participation, Quality of Education Abstrak: Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan tidak hanya menjadi tanggung jawab oleh pemerintah dan sekolah. Pada era modern sekarang ini dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan juga menjadi tanggung jawab orang tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) bentuk partisipasi orang tua di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Songgokerto 3 Kota Batu dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, 2) strategi sekolah dalam menumbuh kembangkan partisipasi orang tua di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Songgokerto 3 Kota Batu dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskripstif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) Strategi yang diterapkan adalah dengan selalu ikut dalam setiap kegiatan yang diadakan oleh masyarakat di lingkungan sekolah atau orang tua dengan tujuan untuk menjalin silaturahmi dan terbentuknya komunikasi yang baik dengan masyarakat dan orangtua. 2). Bentuk partisipasi dari orang tua di SDN Songgokerto 3 Kota Batu berupa pemikiran seperti memberikan masukan-masukan dalam program kegiatan di sekolah, keterampilan seperti memberikan pelatihan pada siswa bagaimana cara membuat keripik, tenaga seperti dalam memperbaiki sarana prasarana pendukung proses belajar mengajar seperti memperbaiki kursi ataupun meja, uang, dan benda.Kata kunci: Kebijakan, Keikutsertaan Orang Tua, Mutu Pendidikan

2012 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-91
Nada Polovina ◽  
Djurdjica Komlenovic

This paper deals with the phenomenon of teachers? personal initiative in school everyday life as the significant factor of the quality of teaching and learning. Our goal is to explore how teachers assess their initiative - to what extent and in which way they show initiative, and what are the factors that encourage and hinder its demonstration. The first part of the paper analyses the very construct of ?initiative? - its determinants and the relation with similar constructs. The second part of the paper presents results of the research that included 182 teachers from urban primary schools from the entire territory of Serbia. Teachers gave their opinion about the presence and demonstration of personal initiative by replying to items in the questionnaire constructed for the purposes of this research. Obtained data were processed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The results indicate that the majority of teachers consider themselves as persons of initiative. They believe that there is plenty of space to show initiative in creating atmosphere in the class, lecturing and in cooperation with parents and colleagues, while the least space for that is in organizational functioning of school and professional development. Teachers do not think that there are bigger obstacles to demonstrating their initiative; however, they are of the opinion that there is a lack of developed support to such demonstration when it comes to school environment factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-107
Melly Nuryani

ABSTRACTThe teacher is a professional in the field of teaching and education, referring to the National Education Law No. 20of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 1 Item 14. Effective action as a professional in the teaching fieldmust have knowledge and expertise, commitment and motivation as learning objectives. Knowledge and expertise in ateacher has an impact on personality in carrying out professionalism in addition to following technological developmentsappropriately in responding to current developments and from time to time. Internet technology in this case has helped alot in improving the quality of developing a teacher to adjust to the development of the technology. From the explanationit is necessary to examine the personality and professionalism of teachers in the teaching and learning process of studentsby focusing MTSN 02 Bogor research. The formation of a learning environment that ASRI (Safe, Healthy, Clean andBeautiful) can create an atmosphere of active student learning about self-potential, personality, intelligence, characterand skills for the progress of the nation and state. Besides that there are KKG (Teacher Working Groups) in the form ofFDG (Teacher Discussion Forum) in an effort to share knowledge with other school teachers, Promissory (SemesterProgram), Prota (Annual Program) and PTK (Class Level Research) conducted internally in each school. The need for qualityof teaching, intensity in learning both a teacher and in order to improve professionalism is very important for that theformulation given is in the form of research on teacher professionalism, teacher personality and student teaching andlearning process based on the results achieved in graduates and students who will take the final exam of learning at MTSN02 Bogor. Sources of data are taken through regular questions to the principal, vice principal in the field of curriculum,teachers who teach at the school. The procedure taken in data collection is by interview, observation and documentation.The data generated in the form of interviews, data on student achievement in the competition, the results of graduatesfrom 2013 to 2018 and the results of the graduates were accepted at the school desired by students as a form of secondaryschool that can accommodate them. In general the objectives of the learning and learning process by using refer toprofessionalism as personality maturity is very useful in developing the quality of student education.Keywords: Personality, Professionalism, Teachers in, Improving, Teaching and Learning Process

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Lia Kurniawati

Abstract. The learning process and the handling of Children with Special Needs (ABK) grade inclusions pinned to the classroom teacher in several schools without teacher inclusion Spe-cial Assistants (GPK) the background for this thesis. Theoretically GPK still needed to be able to assist the process of Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) and according to researchers it will have implications for the management of classroom learning the handling of children with special needs and other students joined in the inclusive classroom. Special Advisors Teacher procurement program has not been met and this is an obstacle. As a first step to determine the problem, the au-thors examined the inclusive learning management with or without Teacher Special Assistants (GPK) in order to improve the service quality of education both in process and outcome. The im-plementation are not of cooperation team of child psychologists, pediatricians, neurologists, and psychologists who can contribute greatly to the effectiveness of teaching children with special needs. From the findings of the researchers in the field can provide recommendations that the live-liness of the school component can be improved by following IHT or KKT program organized by the Department of Education so that the provincial level without any GPK implementation of inclu-sive education learning can be run in accordance with national education goals.Keywords : Inclusive, Learning, Education, Teacher, GPKAbstrak. Proses pembelajaran dan penanganan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) kelas inklusi ditumpukan kepada guru kelas pada beberapa sekolah inklusi tanpa Guru Pendamping Khu-sus (GPK) yang melatar belakangi penelitian tesis ini. Secara teoritis GPK tetap dibutuhkan untuk dapat membantu proses Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) dan menurut peneliti hal ini akan ber-implikasi pada manajemen pembelajaran di kelas terhadap penanganan anak berkebutuhan khusus maupun siswa lainnya yang tergabung dalam kelas inklusif. Pengadaan Guru Pembimbing Khusus belum terpenuhi dan hal ini merupakan kendala. Sebagai langkah awal untuk mengetahui masalah tersebut, penulis meneliti manajemen pembelajaran inklusif dengan atau tanpa Guru Pendamping Khusus (GPK) guna meningkatkan layanan mutu pendidikan baik proses maupun hasil. belum ter-laksananya kerjasama tim yang terdiri dari para ahli psikologi anak, dokter anak, dokter neurologi, dan psikolog yang dapat memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap efektifitas pembelajaran Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus. Dari hasil temuan dilapangan peneliti dapat memberikan rekomendasi bah-wa keaktifan komponen sekolah dapat ditingkatkan dengan mengikuti IHT atau program KKT yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan tingkat Provinsi sehingga tanpa GPK pun penyeleng-garaan pembelajaran pendidikan inklusif dapat berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional.Kata Kunci : Inklusi, Pembelajaran, Pendidikan, Guru, GPK

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