scholarly journals Pedagogical Design of the Textbook for the University

Л.Л. Никитина ◽  
О.Е. Гаврилова

Социокультурные условия развития системы высшего образования: повсеместное использование информационных технологий, новых средств коммуникации, динамичность процессов, происходящих в современном обществе, привели к появлению такого направления в педагогике, как педагогический дизайн. Данное понятие заимствовано из англоязычной литературы и определяется как направление информатизации образовательного процесса или создания некого учебного контента дисциплины. Знания педагогического дизайна большей частью применяются для проектирования дистанционного и онлайн-обучения. Однако ограничивать педагогический дизайн проектированием одним только контентом нецелесообразно, его принципы и подходы могут быть эффективно перенесены на традиционный процесс обучения. Педагогический дизайн направлен на то, чтобы сделать процесс обучения интересным, относительно легким и доступным. Соответственно, если эти задачи рассматривать с позиции учебного процесса в целом, то педагогический дизайн может позволить эффективно не только систематизировать педагогическое воздействие в рамках традиционных лекционных и практических занятий, но и проектировать средства обучения (лекционные презентации, учебно-методические пособия, учебники и т.п.). Учебник как основное средство обучения в образовательном процессе претерпевает изменения. В статье рассматриваются подходы и принципы педагогического дизайна, использованные авторами статьи при проектировании учебника для студентов вуза, а также раскрываются требования к содержанию современного учебника для вуза в условиях реализации двухуровневой подготовки специалистов (бакалавров и магистров) в компетентностном формате. Современный учебник для вуза должен быть средством обучения не только, излагающим предметное содержание дисциплины, но и обеспечивающим реализацию целей и задач, преемственность содержания для каждого уровня подготовки. The sociocultural conditions for the development of the higher education system: the widespread use of information technology, new means of communication, and the dynamism of processes taking place in modern society, have led to the emergence of such a direction in pedagogy as pedagogical design. This concept is borrowed from English-language literature and is defined as the direction of informatization of the educational process or the creation of some educational content of the discipline. The knowledge of pedagogical design is mainly used for the design of distance and online learning. However, it is not advisable to limit pedagogical design to designing content alone with content; its principles and approaches can be effectively transferred to the traditional learning process. The pedagogical design is aimed at making the learning process interesting, relatively easy and affordable. Accordingly, if these tasks are considered from the perspective of the educational process as a whole, then pedagogical design can effectively not only systematize the pedagogical impact in the framework of traditional lecture and practical classes, but also design teaching tools (lecture presentations, teaching aids, textbooks, etc.). The textbook as the main means of teaching in the educational process is undergoing changes. The article discusses the approaches and principles of pedagogical design used by the authors of the article when designing a textbook for university students, and also reveals the requirements for the content of a modern textbook for a university in the context of the implementation of two-level training of specialists (bachelors and masters) in a competent format. A modern textbook for a university should be a learning tool, not only setting out the subject matter of the discipline, but also ensuring the implementation of the goals and objectives of training, the continuity of the content of students' training for each level of training.

О.К. Ильина

Постановка задачи. В условиях информационного общества, делающего акцент на самообразовании, изменились способы подачи учебного материала и работы над ним. Благодаря использованию информационно-коммуникационных технологий, в образовательную среду прочно вошло смешанное обучение, являющееся новым образовательным подходом. В этой связи важно, чтобы как преподаватель, так и студент владели навыками, сочетающими дистанционные и традиционные методы обучения. Результаты. В предлагаемой статье в рамках обучения английскому языку профессии «реклама и связи с общественностью» рассматриваются такие формы смешанного обучения, как «перевёрнутый класс» и ситуационный анализ, которые изменяют последовательность прохождения материала и делают учебный процесс более творческим и привлекательным по сравнению с традиционными методами обучения, что повышает эффективность усвоения знаний. Выводы. Методы «перевёрнутого класса» и ситуационного анализа в полной мере соответствуют современному этапу развития образования, который ставит творческую деятельность в центр процесса обучения; делает самообучение ведущей образовательной формой; нацеливает на образование в течение всей жизни; изменяет роль преподавателя, превращая его из единственного источника получения знаний в консультанта и помощника в решении конкретных проблем; требует индивидуализации процесса обучения, учитывающей интересы и возможности студента. Statement of the problem. In the information society, which focuses on self-education, the forms of presentation of educational material and work on it have changed. Due to the use of information and communicative technologies, blended learning, which is a relatively new educational form, has firmly entered the educational environment. In this regard, it is important that both the teacher and the student have skills that combine distant and traditional learning methods. Results. The article examines the techniques of the flipped classroom and case study in teaching the English language of advertising and public relations, which change the sequence of work and make the educational process more creative and attractive compared to traditional teaching methods. Conclusion. The flipped classroom and case study methods are fully consistent with the current stage of education development, which puts creativity at the center of the learning process; makes self-study the leading educational form; aims at lifelong learning; changes the role of the teacher, turning him/her from the only source of knowledge into a consultant and assistant in solving specific problems; individualizes the learning process, taking into account students’ interests and capabilities.


The current state of the higher education system in Ukraine is studied on the example of higher education institutions (HEIs). It is established that the effectiveness of the educational process is manifested in the level of training of a highly qualified specialist, who is competitive in the labor market. The dynamics of the number of applicants for higher education in Ukraine and the unemployment rate is analyzed; the relationship between these indicators is established. The main reasons for the mismatch of the level of educational services of educational institutions to the needs of employers are determined, which are due to inadequate funding of the education system, and, as a consequence, the low level of knowledge of graduates, which does not meet the real needs of today. It is established that the main reason for underfunding of the education system is the dominance of local budgets in expenditures for the needs of educators and lack of funds for implementation of educational programs, as well as non-fulfillment in full of state obligations in this area as a whole. The essence and features of the dual form of education are revealed, the substantive difference between traditional and dual forms of education is reflected, which consists in the fact that they have completely different planes of common interests. The relevance of the latter is substantiated taking into account current trends in the labor market and the adaptation of the domestic education system to the requirements of the European Union. The expediency of introducing dual education in the Free Economic Zone as a form of cooperation between educational and scientific institutions, production and business, and also an integral part of the formation of a highly qualified specialist, is substantiated. The main mutual benefits of the participants of the dual form of education and the forms of their participation in the educational process are listed. The effectiveness of the dual form of higher education has been proved on the example of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, which is a co-founder of the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Educational Consortium. The importance of the principle of student-centeredness as a key factor in the effectiveness of the education system as a whole is substantiated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-125
Зина Абдуловна Арсаханова

Система высшего образования России по сравнению с ближайшими соседями демонстрирует высокий уровень моральной и технической отсталости учебного процесса. В России высшие учебные заведения используют устаревшие методы внедрения образовательной деятельности. Эффективность развития современного общества обеспечивается наличием высокого интеллектуального потенциала. Именно поэтому системе учебных заведений нужно уделить немалое внимание, а именно высшим учебным заведениям. Высшие учебные заведения решают важные вопросы по профессиональной подготовке специалистов, обеспечивают общество интеллектуальными ресурсами. Интеллектуализация жизни, в том числе и экономической, предопределяет потребность развития образования. Образование обеспечивает работающих в экономике информацией, знаниями, умениями, интеллектуальным капиталом, поэтому эффективность работы высших учебных заведений чрезвычайно важна и невозможна без достаточного уровня финансового обеспечения. В проекте Стратегии реформирования высшего образования до 2024 г. ключевым для администрирования финансового обеспечения национальной системы высшего образования России был определен вопрос оплаты подготовки соискателей высшего образования. The higher education system of Russia, in comparison with its closest neighbors, demonstrates a high level of moral and technical backwardness of the educational process. In Russia, higher education institutions use outdated methods of implementing educational activities. The effectiveness of the development of modern society is ensured by the presence of high intellectual potential. That is why a lot of attention should be paid to the system of educational institutions, namely higher educational institutions. Higher educational institutions solve important issues of professional training of specialists, provide society with intellectual resources. The intellectualization of life, including economic life, determines the need for the development of education. Education provides those working in the economy with information, knowledge, skills, and intellectual capital, so the efficiency of higher education institutions is extremely important and impossible without a sufficient level of financial support.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-24
Irina A. Koroleva

The article raises the problem of search for new ways to develop musical pedagogical direction in modern conditions of higher education reformation. Based on his own experience and opinions of respected researchers, the author concludes about its crisis. Subsequent changes in higher education against the background of informatization and globalization can regarded as a series of formal procedures that regulate the relations of participants in the educational process, that is, as a process of formalization. The author considers the concept of “formalization”, shows the options for its use in modern science and practice, special attention is paid to issues of formalization in the field of humanitarian knowledge. Formalization as a way of knowing the surrounding reality and as mechanisms of perception and archiving social information has always existed. A striking example of this is the emergence and development of the art of music. Formalization occupies a special place in the culture of modern society, as it serves as a mechanism for limiting high information pressure. The general computerization observed today in society, as well as the tendency to create algorithms and technologies in all areas of knowledge, inevitably affect the organization system of the learning process in higher education institutions. As a result – the emergence of some formalized pedagogical systems, such as score-rating system of evaluation of the results of training of students. The musical pedagogical direction, which differs from all other areas of higher education primarily its focus on musical art, is most difficult to follow new trends. However, according to the author, it is precisely the understanding of what is happening, as well as a look at formalization from a position of creation that will help to find new opportunities for the development of musical and pedagogical education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Freskina Mula ◽  
Shqipe Mula

The integration of the technology in education will mean a lot for the basic skills of computerizing and computers programs in a classroom. Effective integration of these technological skills should occur across the curriculum in ways that studies show deepening and enhancing of the learning process. The purpose of this paper addresses the fundamental issue of how schools, teachers and students are ready to use the basic tools of ICT (radio, TV, mobile phones, computers, laptops, projector, application programs, Word, Excel, Power-Point etc. ) during the teaching / learning process, knowing the rapid development of technology. Given the fact that the population in Kosovo consists mainly of new age, youth (age 15-24) who include 55. 3% of the population involved in the educational process www. ks-gov. net/esk, then from these data we can draw an image that the use of new technologies by young people and it is necessary installation requirement of ICT in schools, therefore there stems the need for this research. The survey was conducted in five schools of lower secondary education in the municipality of Gjakova/Republic of Kosovo. For conducting this paper there were used these methods: theoretical analysis method, the analysis of pedagogical documentation, the inductive method, comparative and statistical and research instrument was a questionnaire, which is applied to teachers and students. These changes, switching from traditional learning in contemporary learning using the technology undoubtedly help students and enables them to interact theoretical and practical knowledge in order to more easily apply the knowledge acquired.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Lipinskaya M.N.

Social pedagogue – a specialist in the field of educa-tion who carries out professional activities in educa-tional institutions and social protection of the popula-tion. The child development and positive socialization are the targets in the implementation of social peda-gogue job functions, among which is one of the main socio-pedagogical support of students in the process of acquisition and internalization of social norms, behav-ior patterns, values of modern society. The implementa-tion of the principles of the competence approach in the higher education system involves the activation of ef-forts, coordination of the requirements and interests of subjects of educational relations in the context of ongo-ing changes. Among the main subjects of educational relations, we can distinguish the state, which acts as a regulator of the development and modernization of edu-cation, which is a social customer in relation to the re-sults of education and training; the professional com-munity, which expects competitive highly qualified per-sonnel in the labor market; the teaching staff of the University that implements the tasks of training special-ists; students and the parent community as consumers of educational services. The result of interaction between the subjects of the educational process is educational and professional standards that are the basis for de-signing the main professional educational programs of higher education and are designed to ensure the unity of the educational environment in a rapidly changing social environment. The purpose of this article is to present the results of the analysis of educational programs for students – social teachers depending on the requirements of professional and educational standards, as well as factors that char-acterize the instability of the modern social environ-ment, which creates new problems in the socialization of children.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 277-283
N. P. Sukhanova ◽  
I. S. Rodicheva

The modern educational process is focused on the training of a specialist who is able to think critically and creatively solve problematic situations, constantly raising the level of his education. Education as the most important social institution reacts sharply to the processes taking place in society. Actively developing distance learning is quite popular today, but there are different kinds of questions related to its implementation and the  significance of a personal example, personal contacts in the learning process is one of the questions that is analyzed in this article. Would the distance learning be complete if it was deprived of subjectivity by definition? The educational system is understood to be a tradition in the article. The authors stress two types of traditions: verbalized and non-verbalized. The specificity of pedagogical activity does not allow many of its significant components to be explicated. The attention is focused on non-verbalized traditions existing in the form of implicit knowledge. Specific examples (V.I. Vernadsky, V.V. Dokuchaev, P.V. Ototsky) reveal the necessity of personal knowledge in the educational process. The article concludes that personal communication between the lecturer and the student is necessary as a conscious movement against deindividuation in modern society. 

I. Shestopalova

The article is devoted to the problem of socialization of an individual in the process of studying a foreign language, which is a part of multicultural education and is considered as an important tool for a person’s adaptation in a multicultural society. The leading idea of the article is the assertion that foreign language as a discipline has a huge socializing potential, as in the process of studying a foreign language, not only in terms of the active development of inherent capabilities, abilities, initiative, independence, take place, but also, in terms of assimilating and activating the generally accepted in a society socio-cultural rules and moral norms, which play a crucial role in the process of socialization. Since the main goal of the educational process in foreign languages is the formation of high communicative skills, its contribution to the process of socialization of a person is indisputable. In this sense, the following characteristics of the learning process in a foreign language are important: the focus on communication, respect for the identity and culture of other people, the focus on social activities, the acquisition of social experience in solving life and social problems, and the creation of its own system of life priorities. The communicative method of teaching foreign languages is based on the fact that the learning process is a model of communication. The learning process in foreign languages is based on the linguistic partnership, creative collaboration, constant motivation of communication, based on a combination of such interconnected factors as activity, creativity, autonomy, individualization, which contribute to the intensification of cognitive and educational processes. That is, organization of training in the form of communication is the main methodological task of a modern teacher of foreign languages. It is this specificity of the discipline "foreign language" that is capable of effective implementing educational socialization, helping to complete the formation of the students' ability to communicate, co-exist and cooperate in the professional activities of people of different ethnic groups, the formation of a rich experience of social and cultural communication, which is a solid base for the involvement of learners to the global values of civilization.Key words: socialization; foreign language; multicultural education; polycultural person; professional socialization

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 344-349
A. Zholdassova ◽  
A. Khairgeldina ◽  

The article is devoted to the use of the technology “Writing and Thinking” in studying disciplines of the general education cycle in non-linguistic universities. In the last decade, modern education has been undergoing transformation and rethinking both in the field of the educational process and its role in the development of modern society as a whole. Education based on the model of liberal arts and sciences meets modern requirements for university graduates who must have a full range of socio-cultural, communicative and value-semantic competencies. This teaching model also changes the role of the teacher, who was traditionally perceived as a one-sided translator of educational information. Central to this approach to education is working with text. Most often, such a text is not paragraphs from textbooks and teaching aids, but original texts (articles by authors on the topic under study, documentary primary sources, etc.).

2020 ◽  
pp. 172-181

This article is devoted to the advantage of applying the technology of integrated modular training in English classes, since the development and modernization of higher education in modern conditions has made it the goal of comprehensive formation of professional competence for a future teacher. New priorities in education are prompting teachers to search for new modern effective teaching technologies that enable achieving higher learning and upbringing results, introducing new educational technologies in the educational process. The best practices of the teachers of many educational institutions confirm their desire for an active search and use of pedagogical technologies in working with students. Modern advanced pedagogical technologies include modular learning technology. Modular training is a way of organizing the educational process based on the block-modular presentation of educational information. Modular learning is becoming more and more popular in modern learning, as it uses elements in the context of pedagogy of cooperation, humanizes the learning process and saves time. It seems to us that the organization of training in vocabulary through the module as a unit of educational material will be an additional factor in optimizing the learning process. The technology of modular learning is characterized by the advanced study of theoretical material, enlarged block modules, the algorithmization of educational activities, the completeness and consistency of cognitive cycles and other cycles of activity, level-by-level individualization of educational activities and the creation of a situation of choice for a teacher and students. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were developed for teachers and students on the development of linguistic competence, in particular, on the development of competence to study a foreign language correctly, which is of primary importance for future teachers.

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