scholarly journals Analysis The Level Of Cattleman’s Knowledge Using The T-Test And Wilcoxon In Maju Farmer Group

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bismi Widi Hastari ◽  
Dyah Gandasari ◽  
Harry Harry

Tani Maju farmer group is one of the farming groups located in Rorotan Village, Cilincing District, North Jakarta City Administration. This group has a lot of sheep and advanced management. Despite they manage their sheep well, they are not well informed on how to manage the sewage from their castles (faces and urine). So far, they just throw away the sewage or gave them to fellow farmers. This study aimed to analyze the level of farmers' knowledge in making use of sheep's urine to be degraded into bio urine in the Maju Farmer group. Data was collected through the pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using paired t-test and Wilcoxon statistical software (IBM SPSS Statistics 25). The results of the study showed that farmers' knowledge in sewage (Urine) management increased; there is a significant difference in farmers' level of knowledge in bio urine production before and after bio urine extension.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Helatul Mardiah ◽  
Zainal Munir ◽  
K Kholisotin ◽  
Ahmad Kholid Fauzi ◽  
Abdul Hamid Wahid

AbstrakBayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) rendah merupakan berat badan bayi yang lahir kurang dari 2500 gram tanpa memandang masa gestasi atau usia kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu merawat bayi BBLR sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perawatan dasar BBLR. mengetahui tingkat keterampilan ibu dalam memberikan perawatan terhadap bayi BBLR sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perawatan dasar bayi BBLR. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling dengan rancangan one-group pra-post test design dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam merawat bayi BBLR. populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki bayi BBLR yang pernah melahirkan dan dirawat di RSUD dr.H. Koesnadi Bondowoso dengan total sampel 42 responden. Uji variabel menggunakan uji paired T test. Hasil penelitian dengan uji paired T test (α=0.05) sebanyak 42 responden menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan dan tingkat keterampilan ibu terhadap perawatan bayi BBLR memiliki nilai signifikan 0.000, P.Value kedua kelompok penelitian ini adalah ρ=0.000, pada tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan (α= <0.05). Ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari tingkat pengetahuan dan tingkat keterampilan ibu setelah diberikan edukasi perawatan dasar bayi BBLR. Kata kunci : Perawatan Dasar Bayi BBLR, Pengetahuan, keterampilan.The Effectiveness Of  Babies Basic Care Towards Knowledge and Maternal Skills Of LBW Babies  AbstractLow Birth Weight (LBW) is the weight of baby born less 2500 grams regardless of gestation or gestational age. The purpose of this research is to know the level of knowledge of mothers caring for LBW babies before and after giving basic care of  LBW babies. Knowing the level of maternal skills in providing care for LBW before and after giving basic care. This research method use sampling total with one-group pre-post test design with the aim of identifying the level of  knowledge and mothers skills in caring for LBW babies. The study population was the mother who had LBW babies who had given birth and treated at the RSUD Dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso with a total sample 42 respondents. This variable test using paired T test. The result of this research with a paired T test (α = 0.05) 42 respondents indicated that the level of knowledge and the level of maternal skills towards LBW babies care had a significant value 0.000, P.Value of these two research groups was ρ = 0.000, at the level of knowledge and skills ( α = <0.05). There is a significant increase from the level of knowledge and the level of maternal skills after giving the basic caring education for LBW babies.Key words: the basic care of LBW babies, knowledge, Abilty

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Prasita Ayu Widyaningtyas

Abstract: Baby growth can be hampered if only given breast milk without getting breast milk supplementary food (MPASI) after the age of 6 months, because nutrients are not fulfilled for growth and development. However, if MPASI is given early it can cause negative problems in infants such as allergies and digestive disorders. One of the causes of malnutrition is due to the lack of knowledge of mothers about giving complementary feeding to infants. So that the mother provides complementary feeding at an earlier age and the type of food that is not suitable for the baby's age. This study aims to determine the differences in knowledge about complementary foods in mothers with underweight children aged 6-24 months before and after getting counseling in Mudung Village, Kepohbaru Bojonegoro Subdistrict. This study uses the pre-experimental method with the type of research using the one group pre test post test design. The sample in this study used a total sampling of 13 people. The data collection method used is a knowledge questionnaire. Data analysis was done by paired t test. Based on the results of the statistical test with paired t test obtained p value of (0.047) where the value of p value <0.05. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between mother's knowledge about MP ASI to children aged 6-24 months before and after getting counseling. It is expected that mothers can apply complementary feeding behavior to infants aged 6-24 months correctly and accordingly in order to improve the nutritional status of infants and follow-up health workers to further improve health counseling to further improve health counseling about complementary foods.Keyword: counseling,complementary feeding, knowledgeAbstrak: Pertumbuhan bayi dapat terhambat apabila hanya diberi Air Susu Ibu (ASI) saja tanpa mendapat Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu (MPASI) setelah berusia 6 bulan, karena tidak terpenuhinya zat gizi untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Namun, apabila MPASI diberikan secara dini dapat menimbulkan masalah negatif pada bayi seperti alergi dan gangguan pencernaan. Salah satu penyebab masalah gizi kurang karena tingkat pengetahuan ibu yang kurang tentang pemberian MPASI pada bayi. Sehingga ibu memberikan MPASI pada usia lebih dini dan jenis makanan MPASI yang tidak sesuai dengan usia bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan tentang makanan pendamping asi pada ibu dengan balita gizi kurang usia 6-24 bulan sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan penyuluhan di Desa Mudung Kecamatan Kepohbaru Bojonegoro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimental dengan jenis penelitian menggunakan rancangan one grup pre test post test. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 13 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner pengetahuan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan paired t test. Berdasarkan hasil dari uji statistik dengan paires t test diperoleh p value sebesar (0.047) dimana nilai p value < 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang MP ASI kepada balita usia 6-24 bulan sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan penyuluhan. Diharapkan ibu dapat menerapkan perilaku pemberian makanan pendamping ASI pada bayi umur 6-24 bulan secara benar dan sesuai agar meningkatkan status gizi bayi serta tindak lanjut petugas kesehatan untuk lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan kesehatan untuk lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan kesehatan tentang makanan pendamping ASI. Kata Kunci : Penyuluhan, MP ASI, Pengetahuan


Workshops are an on-going approach to increase the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) skills and motivation of teachers in the implementation of 21st Century Learning. This study aims to design and implement an online assessments (OA) workshop as well as evaluating the effectiveness of workshops in enhancing the ICT skills and motivation level of Tamil language teachers. In addition, a survey of the motivational level of teachers towards OA before and after the workshop has been conducted. This study uses quantitative and qualitative research methodology. A total of 50 Tamil language teachers were selected as the research respondents through purposive sampling. The data collection was done through interviews, questionnaires, as well as pre and post-tests. The OA workshop was designed and carried out based on nine main themes derived from the interview instrument. The effectiveness of the workshop was analysed through an experimental method using the pre and post-test instruments. The results of the study using a Paired T-test have found significant differences with t(49) = -40.86, p = 0.000, p< 0.05 between pre-test and post-test on the level of ICT skills in OA among Tamil language teachers. Meanwhile, the motivation level of Tamil language teachers towards OA was evaluated through questionnaires and analysed via the Paired T-test. The analysis showed that t(49) = -8.373, p = 0.000, p<0.05 indicated a significant difference in the motivation level towards OA after attending the workshop. Correlation analysis, on the other hand, indicated a medium correlation value r(0.350) between ICT skills and the motivation level towards OA after the Tamil language teachers attended the OA workshop. This proves that the teachers’ motivation increases in tandem with the increase in ICT skills after attending the OA workshop. The implication of this study is that the implementation of workshops to guide teachers towards the adoption of ICT in OA as well as increasing the motivation among teachers is effective and extendable to other teachers.

Ratih Andhika Akbar Rahma ◽  
Dian Afif Arifah ◽  
Ario Ramadhan

Educational staff at the University of Darussalam Gontor sit in front of the computer screen for quite a long time, causing musculoskeletal complaints. Applying the Rule of Twenty (RoT) method is one way to minimize the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of the Rule of Twenty methods in reducing the risk level of complaints of musculoskeletal disorders for the educational staff of the University of Darussalam Gontor. This study was a pre-experimental research with one group pre-test – post-test design. The population in this study was the entire 68 educational staff of the University of Darussalam Gontor. Twenty-one (21) staff involved as a sample in this study and selected by purposive sampling method. The Nordic Body Map instrument was used to measure musculoskeletal complaint levels before and after the rule of twenty methods applied. Data were analyzed using the SPSS program version with autocorrelation test and paired t-test (CI: 95%). The measurement results of musculoskeletal disorders among 21 respondents before and after the application of RoT were the level of action 1 (low-risk level). The result of the autocorrelation measurement showed that the value of Durbin Watson (DW) was 1.958 and DW (1.968)> DU (1.8116), indicates that there was no autocorrelation between variables. The paired t-test showed the value of t = 5.760 and p = 0.0001, indicates a significant difference between musculoskeletal disorders before and after the application of the Rule of Twenty Method (p<0.05). Based on the result, this study found that the Rule of Twenty Method is effective in reducing the musculoskeletal disorders of the Educational Staffs, and potentially reduce 9.4% of musculoskeletal complaints among workers.

Hesty Widowati Widowati ◽  
Sri Mukhodim Faridah Hanum ◽  
Umi Khoirun Nisak ◽  
Widya Nurfadillah

Toddlers are an age group that is vulnerable to nutritional disorders. A balanced nutritional intake will have an impact on children's development and also play an important role in immunity to prevent and fight COVID-19, especially in early childhood. Nutrition education is an effective effort in changing the behavior of mothers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education on knowledge and behavior of mothers in the application of toddler’s balanced nutrition  in Sidoarjo region. This study used a pre-experimental design with a one group pre post test approach. The sample of this research is mothers who have children aged 1-5 years in the village of Sukodono Sidoarjo totaling 30 respondents, the sampling technique is purposive sampling. The statistical test used are the Paired T test and Wilcoxon test. The Paired t test results obtained p value 0.011 (α = 0.05), which means that there is an effect of health education on the level of knowledge about balanced nutrition in toddlers, while the Wilcoxon test results on the practice of implementing toddler’s balanced nutrition obtained p value 0.091 which means there is no effect health education on the practice of implementing balanced nutrition in toddlers. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the level of knowledge of respondents before and after being given health education, while the practice of implementing toddler’s balanced nutrition has no difference before and after being given health education

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-53
Ernawaty Siagian

ABSTRACT IN HOUSE TRAINING IN NURSING ON KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMICAL PLEBITIS IN GIVING INTRAVENA THERAPY ErnawatySiagian Faculty of Nursing, Adventist University of Indonesia Intravenous therapy is the provision of access that aims to provide fluid, electrolytes, nutrition and medication administration. The causes of chemical phlebitis are drugs that have acidic and alkaline pH, hypertonic infusion fluids and droplets that are too fast.   The purpose of this study was to determine nurses' knowledge about intravenous therapy with the incidence of plebitis. Pre-experimental descriptive analytical research method with one group pretest-posttest design with accidental sampling technique approach involving 89 nurses with career paths including PKI – PK IV. The variables studied were to find out the knowledge of nurses about plebitis in administering intravenous therapy at the Bandar Lampung Advent Hospital. With the pretest and posttest questionnaire.Statistical test using Paired T-test.   The results obtained before the seminar on PK I were 8.7 (80%) and after the seminar 9.43 (94%). The level of knowledge before the seminar on PK II was 7.92 (79%) and after the seminar 9.74 (97%). In PK III before the seminar the value was 7.97 (79%) and after the seminar 9.23 (92%). Whereas in PK IV before the seminar value 8.2 (83%) and after the seminar 9.47 (94%). The Paired T-test results have a significant difference between the knowledge of nurses before and after the seminar on IV PK I-PK with a p-value of 0.000 <0.05.   Advice that nurses increase knowledge about intravena therapy and the causes of chemical plebitis so that it can improve the quality of service.   Keywords: Chemical plebitis,In house training, Intravenous therapy

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68
Ayuk Lawuningtyas Hariadini ◽  
Septian Secsiandre Ade Pamungkas ◽  
Bambang Sidharta ◽  

Cardiovascular disease especially hypertension requires proper treatment because it can cause complication such as stroke, heart failure and kidney disease. Provision of drug informasion is one of the factors that can increase the patient’s knowledge in understanding the illness so that it can affect the patient’s level of medication adherence. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of providing drug information on the level of knowledge and adherence of hypertensive patients at Gedangan Health Center in Malang Districs. This research method is a quasi-experimental with one group pre-test post-test design. Purposive sampling method was used to the selection of respondents. There were 68 respondents who met the inclusion criteria was found. Hypertension patients are patients that registered in the chronic disease management program at Gedangan Health Center. The instrument used in this study was a knowledge questionnaire consisting 22 questions, as well as the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) adherencequestionnaire, whichhad previously been tested for validity and reliability. The results of the study were seen from the knowledge and compliance questionnaire score pre-test and post-test. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya has ethically approved the research by the number 80/EC/KEPK-S1-FARM/04/2020. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using paired t-test to determine the relationship between the two variables. Paired t-test scores showed that the level of knowledge increased significantly (p = 0. 000) and adherence increased significantly (p = 0. 000) after drug information administration. The conclusion of this study was that there was a significant difference between the level of knowledge and adherence before and after the provision of drug information at Gedangan Health Center of Malang Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-25
Febria Restissa ◽  
Ahmad Rasyid ◽  
Devi Azri Wahyuni

ABSTRACT Objective : to determine the correlation between duration of ethambutol and copper levels in serum with color vision disorder examined with Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue (FM100) in patients with tuberculosis. Methods: This study was an explorative observation of 20 samples during November 2017 - January 2018 period. Comparative analysis using independent t-test, paired t-test, Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney test, while correlation analysis using Spearman's test and Pearson's test.  Results: There was a significant difference of FM100 value before and after in category I (p=0.000) with increase of total error value 11.80+5.31 or category II (p=0.000) with increase of total error value 15.00+7.41. There was significant difference of Cu2+ level before and after in category I (p=0.005) with decrease of Cu2+ level 15.57+5.04 mg/dL or category II (p=0.005) with decrease of Cu2+ level 31.66+7.35 mg/dL. There was significant correlation between color vision and duration of ethambutol (p=0.000), but there was no significant correlation of Cu2+ with color vision (p>0.05). Conclusion: The duration of Ethambutol was related to changes in color vision examined with FM100.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1-4) ◽  
Mohamad Nizam Arshad ◽  
Noor Azean Atan ◽  
Abdul Halim Abdullah ◽  
Mahani Mokhtar ◽  
Mohd Salleh Abu

Reasoning skills are very important in encouraging students to think more critically and logically, as depicted in the Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013-2025). Therefore, this study looked into improving the Differentiation Reasoning Level (DRL) of reasoning skills among students for a topic in the Additional Mathematics subject,  known as Differentiation, through reasoning learning strategy. The study participants consisted of a total of 31 students from a secondary boarding school in Johor, selected through a purposive sampling method. A pre-test was carried out for the participants, from the advanced level, followed by a number of repetition tests, before the post-test assessment was conducted. The data collection for this study employed a set of Reasoning Test on Differentiation (RTD) and 10 sets of learning activities on Differentiation based on modified Marzano Rubric for Specific Task of Situations (1992). This dimension involved four types of reasoning skills, namely,  comparison, classification, inductive, and deductive. The survey data, through paired samples t-test, revealed a significant difference between the mean scores in pre-test and post-test (p <0.05). In addition, the paired sample t-test showed a significant difference on the level of reasoning among students from each construct in the reasoning skills before and after using this module. In conclusion, the Marzano Model of Dimensional Learning (1992) is a thinking skill model that can help improve students' reasoning skills. The model covers analysis aspects of what has been learned by implementing the process of identifying reasons, which will help students to add and expand their knowledge. The findings also implied that, the processes of teaching and learning play an important role in ensuring students’ capability to emphasize on the implementation process of reasoning skills

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 472-476
Hay Citra Ningrat ◽  
Linda Mayasari

Purpose of Study: This research is talking about the use of Webtoons comic in speaking on the recount. The aim of this research is to know whether this media is effective in teaching speaking on the recount. Methodology: It is pre-experimental research with one group of pre test - post test. Thirty students in X-5 class at Muhammadiyah 1 high school Surabaya become the sample. The treatments had been done twice, so there are two pairs of results. Results: The results are administered and calculated by using SPSS 21 for windows (paired T-test). The means of pair 1 are 31.93 (pre-test 1) and 34.77(post test 1). Meanwhile, the means of pair 2 are 32.00 (pre test 2) and 35.77 (post test 2). The sig value for pair 1 is .00 and pair 2 is .00. Based on these figures, it can be said that there is any different before and after the implementation of teaching speaking performance on a recount by using Webtoons. Even the improvement of students’ speaking competence on recount is not much, for the students. Implications/Applications: Webtoons is an interactive teaching medium which makes them more enthusiastic, comfortable and easily arrange their text to be told.

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