scholarly journals Implementation Of Guidance And Counseling Program In Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Darul Ulum Asahan

Abdurrahman, Tien Rafida, Riswan Hadi

This study aims to explore in-depth data about the implementation of the field of academic guidance services, personal guidance services, social guidance services, and student career guidance services at Madrasah Aliyah Private Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan with qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through observation instruments, interviews. and documentation studies. The informants in this study were counseling teachers, madrasa principals, and students. The results of this study explain that: 1) The implementation of services in the field of academic guidance at the Darul Ulum Asahan Modern Private Islamic Boarding School has been carried out properly by providing COUNSELING GUIDANCE program services that lead to the student's academic field. help students solve learning problems that occur to them. The role of COUNSELING GUIDANCE teachers, school principals, and the curriculum has been carried out, but only limited time in providing guidance and counseling programs. The implementation of personal guidance in Private Madrasah Aliyah, 2) Modern Darul Ulum Asahan Islamic Boarding School, is carried out well by giving students directions to students to be able to solve personal problems that exist in themselves and develop their abilities or potentials. The role of guidance and counseling teachers is also as expected in providing services related to personal guidance. which is wherein the implementation of services in the field of personal guidance the guidance and counseling teacher efforts to develop the talents, potentials, and skills of each student by inviting students to be more creative and productive in supporting their potential, such as providing facilities and infrastructure that can generate ideas Student creativity, 3) Implementation of social guidance services in the Private Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan has been socially progressing properly by providing guidance and counseling program services that lead to the field of social development. The role of guidance and counseling teachers in the form of orientation, information, placement, and group guidance services where students are led to be more active in communicating, interacting, and socializing with their environment, and 4) service delivery in the field of career guidance at the Private Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan is carried out by providing understanding to students related to understanding, planning, choosing, adjusting and developing a career according to their interests and talents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Nadya Rahmadani

Guidance and Counseling is a professional service conducted by the teacher of BK. One of the services in guidance and counseling to help learners to achieve growth, development, exploring and taking career decisions rationally and realistically based on information, self understanding and planning to achieve success in his life, with career guidance services. The purpose of this writing is to socialize the role of the BK teachers in implementing the BK program of career guidance services at the school and providing information about career guidance services activities that can be applied in schools. Career guidance services are conducted in order for learners to get the career information they needed so that students can create a mature career plan.

2019 ◽  

Along with the development of the times, many problems faced by the students, the problems faced are also varied, ranging from simple to complex problems, therefore the role of Guidance and Counseling is very necessary to solve various kinds of problems faced by students in pesantren. aims to explain the importance of the role of guidance and counseling in solving problems of students in Islamic boarding schools and to describe the forms of problems faced by students in Darusy Syahadah Islamic Boarding School. The research method in this article uses the case study method with interview and observation techniques. that the problems faced by the students include problems related to peers, relationships with family, relationships with religious teachers and religious teachers as well as aggressive student behavior, passive and neutral. This article is useful for broadening the reader's insight about the process of counseling guidance services at Darusy Syahadah Islamic boarding school, Simo, Boyolali.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 103-107
Resti Rahmadika Akbar ◽  
Rahma Triyana ◽  
Prima Adelin

Medical students as early adults have different challenges from high school, especially medical students. Based on the results of the previous study, it was found that medical students experienced anxiety, stress, and even depression with various levels. Ranging from mild to moderate-severe. Various efforts have been made, starting with increasing early detection of students from the first year, to the training stage to increase the role of academic advisory lecturers, to solving student problems that are sent to the counseling guidance section. The purpose of this training is that peer guidance services can be used as a form of guidance and counseling services provided to adolescents or early adults who have low social interaction. Before the training, it was started with the selection stage for peer counselors using an empathy questionnaire, based on the results of the questionnaire 28 students were found to be candidates for peer counselors. The training begins with a pretest then presentation material and case discussions then end with a post-test. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test, there was an increase in knowledge about peer counselors, their roles, the benefits of counseling, and media that can be used as promotions as part of the peer counselor's duties. It is hoped that from this training, students can increase the role of assistance to students from the early stages so that severe cases experienced by students both in terms of academic and non-academic can be resolved.

Muhammad Shafiq Khalil

The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the teacher’s perception towards slow learners academic achievement and role of guidance services at secondary school levels in district Peshawar. This was a Mixed Method research. Data was collected through administering especially designed questionnaire and used conveniently sample designed for selection of 200 Public and Private secondary schools Teachers/Head Masters, both male and female. Teachers/Head Masters were also asked to write suggestions for the improvement. It is found that positive teacher-student relation is necessary for the academic achievement of the students, especially the slow learners. Most of the teachers agreed that they take interest in the academics of their students and that they know how to teach their subject in a better way. Majority of the teachers responded positively that they can motivate the students for learning and that students feel comfortable in their class and they take feedback during the lesson. Student’s opinion is also taken and it is found that most of the students are satisfied with teaching method of the teachers. Teachers suggested that the strength of the class should be less, so that they could give full attention to each and every student. Majority of the teachers/head masters of secondary schools in district Peshawar reported ease of use of guidance and counseling services in their schools. It is also observed that the students have a complex of problems, domestic, personal, psychological, schools related and home centered etc. However, guidance and counseling need in a school required further investigation. The focal strength of character of the study was also exploring guidance services in the secondary schools. The applied significance of this study is to help policy maker in education institution to take care of the suggestion and perception of the teachers regarding slow learners academic achievement. This study will help in making strategies for quality education at secondary levels schools in Pakistan and provide suggestions to overcome the environmental issues and make improvement

Christina Jerome Shuma ◽  
January Marco Basela

This chapter explored the role of career guidance and counseling in promoting graduates' employability skills in Tanzania higher learning institutions. A total of 123 respondents were involved. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and focused group discussion. The study revealed that HLIs do not have professionals in career guidance and counseling who are solely employed to offer such services; the task is left to lecturers and wardens. Career guidance and counseling services were also found to be inadequate and not formalized thereby threatening students' acquisition of employability skills. The study recommends that higher learning institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania should see the possibilities of preparing students in various competence areas such as academic excellence, career aspects, personal and social skills. This can only be achieved by establishing comprehensive career guidance and counseling units within the institutions.

1997 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-34 ◽  
Anthony G. Watts ◽  
Tony Watts

This article explores the roles of public policy in career guidance delivery. Traditionally, most career guidance services have been structured towards the provision of social welfare to the public sector. The New Right critique of this has led to attempts to apply market principles to guidance delivery. This can take the form of a market or quasi-market in guidance. However, guidance can also be viewed as a market-maker: a means of making the labour market and education and training markets work more effectively. Some experiments in applying these principles in the UK and elsewhere are analysed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Elif Hudayana ◽  
Chaerul Jannah ◽  
Adha Siti Hartinah ◽  
Muhamad Rifa'i Subhi

This research intend to describe about anxiety experienced by the new students of Islamic Boarding School Al-Hadi Pekalongan. The scope of this research there are objective anxiety and neurotic anxiety. The method who used inthis research is Qualitative Descriptive and using Miles and Huberman’s data analysis techniques. This research shows that the new student of Islamic Boarding School Al-Hadi Pekalongan have free floating neurotic anxiety. In this case, student revealed that himself often experienced anxiety to something not real. The student get the expectation, however accompanied also with anxiety or can be called anxious. This anxiety is named a free floating neurotic anxiety. The role of guidance and counseling to lowered the anxiety learning of new student is trough cognitive counseling. Cognitive counseling emphasize to counselee belief so that able to change negatif thinking and maladaptif thinking to be positif thinking and adaptif thinking. Trough this positif thinking the anxiety learning student will be come down even disappear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 35
Nur Arifaizal Basri ◽  
Eko Darminto ◽  
Hadi Warsito Wiryosutomo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan buku panduan bimbingan karier dengan teori trait and factor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) model pengembangan Dick and Carey (2015) dengan subjek penelitian ahli materi, ahli media, ahli bahasa, guru bimbingan dan konseling, dan peserta didik kelas XI di SMAN 2 Pamekasan, SMAN 3 Pamekasan, SMAN 5 Pamekasan dengan total 18 peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan angket, treatment bimbingan karier menggunakan buku panduan bimbingan karier dengan teori trait and factor. Data diperoleh dalam bentuk kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian pada (1) hasil penilaian validasi ahli materi, ahli media, dan ahli bahasa menunjukkan kategori buku panduan sangat layak untuk di uji coba di lapangan, (2) hasil penilaian individu pada guru BK di SMAN 3 Pamekasan dinyatakan layak untuk dipakai, (3) hasil penilaian kelompok kecil di SMAN 2 Pamekasan dan SMAN 5 Pamekasan menunjukkan sangat layak dan bermanfaat sebagai panduan layanan bimbingan karier, (4) hasil penilaian lapangan menunjukkan bahwa buku panduan mudah dipakai dan mudah dipahami, (5) evaluasi sumatif pada buku panduan bimbingan karier dengan teori trait and factor menunjukkan efektif berdasarkan data rata-rata peningkatan skor angket pre-test dan post-test serta hasil analisis uji paired sample t-test pada peserta didik kelas XI. This study aims to determine the need for development of a career guidebook, the validity, and effectiveness of a guidebook based on the theory of traits and factors. This research is a research and development (R&D) using the Dick and Carey (2015) with research subjects material experts, media experts, linguists, guidance and counseling teachers, and class XI students at SMAN 2 Pamekasan, SMAN 3 Pamekasan, SMAN 5 Pamekasan with a total of 18 students. The data was collected by interviews, questionnaires, career guidance treatment using a career guidance guide book based on the trait and factor theory.The data obtained in qualitative and quantitative. The results of the research on (1) the results of the validation assessment of material experts, media experts, and linguists showed that the guidebook category was very feasible to be tested in the field, (2) the results of individual assessments of BK teachers at SMAN 3 Pamekasan were declared suitable for use, ( 3) the results of the small group assessment at SMAN 2 Pamekasan and SMAN 5 Pamekasan showed that it was very feasible and useful as a guide for career guidance services, (4) the results of the field assessment showed that the guidebook was easy to use and easy to understand, (5) summative evaluation of the guidance manual Career based on trait and factor theory shows that it is effective based on the average increase in pre-test and post-test questionnaire scores and the results of paired sample t-test analysis for students in class XI.

Novia Rohmawati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi siswa tentang layanan bimbingan karir dengan kemandirian siswa dalam merencanakan karir. Jenis penelitian menggunakan desain korelasional dengan sampel 37 siswa yang diambil menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala kemandirian siswa dalam merencanakan karir dan skala persepsi siswa tentang layanan bimbingan karir yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemandirian siswa dalam merencanakan karir berkategori tinggi (M= 188,14) dan persepsi siswa tentang layanan bimbingan karir berkategori sangat tinggi (M=194,32). Koefisien korelasi memperoleh hasil (R=0,620) dalam kategori kuat/tinggi, kontribusi besarnya pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang layanan bimbingan karir dengan kemandirian siswa dalam merencanakan karir sebesar (R²=0,385), dan nilai signifikansi (p=0,000). Jadi, apabila persepsi siswa tentang layanan bimbingan karir baik/positif maka kemandirian siswa dalam merencanakan karir juga akan tinggi. Implikasi bagi guru bimbingan dan konseling perlu memberikan layanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa untuk  membantu meningkatkan  kemandirian siswa dalam merencanakan karir   The study aims to discover the relationship between students’ perception about career guidance services  and students’ independency in planning career. This research used correlational design with 37 samples of students taken using Simple Random Sampling method. The data collection method uses the scale of students’ independency in career planning and students’ perception scale about career guidance services which analyzed using descriptive statistical and regression analysis method. The results show that students’ independency in planning career is high category (M= 188,14) and students’ perception about career guidance services is very high category (M=194,32). The correlation coefficient obtained results (R = 0.620) in the strong / high category, the contribution to the influence of students’ perception on the career guidance services with students’ independency in career planning is (R² = 0,385), and the significance value is (p = 0,000). Therefore, when the students' perceptions about career guidance services is good/positive then the independency of students in career planning will also be high. The Guidance and counseling teachers need to provide services that approppriate to the needs of students to improve students' independency in planning career.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-196
Ahmad Rifqy Ash Shiddiqy

PROFILE OF STUDENTS CAREER MATURITY STAI SILIWANGI BANDUNG. This study is driven by the tendency of guidance and counseling services at universities, especially in STAI Siliwangi Bandung by students to establish their future career maturity, nevertheless, the services obtained do not meet their expectations. Considering career guidance for students, especially student career maturity is left alone, passes, and runs by itself. Then students will experience confusion and unpreparedness in facing the next career demands. Students are the final status as learners before entering the world of work and following career demands, so they need direction, career guidance to stimulate the development and stabilization of their career orientation optimally according to the level and characteristics typical of the progress as it goes through. The purpose of this research is the formation of the maturity profile of the student's career. This research uses the quantitative method. This research produces (1) Maturity picture of Student Career (2) The effectiveness of career counseling to strengthen the maturity of the student's career. The conclusion of the research is the maturity of the student's career is in mature category, there is no career guidance service to strengthen student career maturity in STAI Siliwangi Bandung, based on the results of research can be formulated a model of collaborative career guidance services to harden the maturity of STAI Siliwangi Bandung student career.

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