International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM)
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Published By Lembaga Peduli Pengembangan Pendidikan Indonesia


Handoko Handoko

This study is to describe how the principal's strategy for developing teacher professional competence at Islamic Junior High School Al- Jam'iyatul Washliyah Tembung, Deli Serdang Regency, is one way to develop the quality of teacher professionalism and achieve educational goals. The type of research used is a type of qualitative research with a naturalistic approach. Collecting research data obtained by observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis step is to collect data, reduce the data and then conclude the data. To test the validity of the data, credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability were carried out. The findings of this study reveal three related findings: 1) Principal's strategy towards teacher professional competence development in Islamic Junior High School Al- Jam'iyatul Washliyah Tembung 2) The principal's actions on teacher professional competence development programs in Islamic Junior High School Al- Jam'iyatul Washliyah Tembung 3) Supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the development of teacher professional competence in Islamic Junior High School Al- Jam'iyatul Washliyah Tembung. The results of this study concluded that the principal's strategy for developing teacher professional competence at Islamic Junior High School Al- Jam'iyatul Washliyah Tembung was carried out well and continued to improve to achieve better goals in the future

Abdullah, Yusnadi, Salman Yoga S

This study aims to determine the Analysis of Gayo Poet Traditional Communication Media In Building Community Islamic Insights Central Aceh District by using qualitative research methods using data collection techniques such as Observation, Documentary, and Interview. The data that has been collected, compiled systematically, then read, translated, understood, and classified based on the coding that has been determined. Furthermore, explore and analyze the data carefully and take into account other appropriate references. The results of the research are that the "saer" poem in the Gayo community in Central Aceh Regency not only acts as a medium and means of art, but has a broad role and function in social life. The message and Islamic insight of Gayo's verse "saer" is an interpretation of Islamic religious teachings sourced from the Qur'an, the prophet's hadith and local wisdom of the community. The themes contained in the "saer" Gayo poem include the theme of Islamic teachings which include the value of monotheism, prayer and mu'amalah worship, pilgrimage, morals, alms, fasting, morals and education themes, Islamic history, the history of the Revolution. Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, local history, natural and environmental themes and cultural-customary themes.

Yahfizham, Rosida Hanum Nst

This study discusses the Contribution of Leadership Behavior and Work Motivation with Professional Competence in Islamic Senior High School  in Pangkalan Susu District which aims to find out 1). How is the contribution of Leadership Behavior with Teacher Professional Competence in Islamic Senior High School Pangkalan Susu District, 2). How the Contribution of Work Motivation with Professional Competence of Teachers in Islamic Senior High School in Pangkalan Susu District, 3). How is the contribution between Leadership Behavior and Work Motivation with Professional Competence of Teachers in Islamic Senior High School in Pangkalan Susu District. This type of research is quantitative with multiple regression. The population in this study amounted to 51 teachers and the study was conducted with a total sample. The technique used in analyzing the data is to use the Multiple Regression technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between Leadership Behavior and Work Motivation with Professional Competence in Islamic Senior High School in Pangkalan Susu District. This is evidenced by the calculation of the variables of Leadership Behavior and work motivation on the professional competence of teachers of 0.543 with a probability (p) of 0.000. Because the probability value (p) < 0.05, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that leadership behavior and work motivation make a significant contribution to the professional competence of teachers in Pangkalan Susu District

Abdurrahman, Tien Rafida, Riswan Hadi

This study aims to explore in-depth data about the implementation of the field of academic guidance services, personal guidance services, social guidance services, and student career guidance services at Madrasah Aliyah Private Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan with qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through observation instruments, interviews. and documentation studies. The informants in this study were counseling teachers, madrasa principals, and students. The results of this study explain that: 1) The implementation of services in the field of academic guidance at the Darul Ulum Asahan Modern Private Islamic Boarding School has been carried out properly by providing COUNSELING GUIDANCE program services that lead to the student's academic field. help students solve learning problems that occur to them. The role of COUNSELING GUIDANCE teachers, school principals, and the curriculum has been carried out, but only limited time in providing guidance and counseling programs. The implementation of personal guidance in Private Madrasah Aliyah, 2) Modern Darul Ulum Asahan Islamic Boarding School, is carried out well by giving students directions to students to be able to solve personal problems that exist in themselves and develop their abilities or potentials. The role of guidance and counseling teachers is also as expected in providing services related to personal guidance. which is wherein the implementation of services in the field of personal guidance the guidance and counseling teacher efforts to develop the talents, potentials, and skills of each student by inviting students to be more creative and productive in supporting their potential, such as providing facilities and infrastructure that can generate ideas Student creativity, 3) Implementation of social guidance services in the Private Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan has been socially progressing properly by providing guidance and counseling program services that lead to the field of social development. The role of guidance and counseling teachers in the form of orientation, information, placement, and group guidance services where students are led to be more active in communicating, interacting, and socializing with their environment, and 4) service delivery in the field of career guidance at the Private Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan is carried out by providing understanding to students related to understanding, planning, choosing, adjusting and developing a career according to their interests and talents.

Mesiono, Humaidah Br Hasibuan, M. Akhyar

This study aims to find out how Curriculum Management in Shaping the Entrepreneurial Character of Santri in Islamic Boarding School Bina Ulama Kisaran Asahan. The method of research that is used is the research field (field research) that is qualitative phenomenology. Results of the study were obtained are planning curriculum At the Bina Ulama Islamic Boarding School, Kisaran is every student who has been accepted at the Boarding School, the foundation will introduce various extracurricular activities in the Boarding School, especially in the entrepreneurial extracurricular activities section. Then for students who are interested in participating in entrepreneurial extracurricular activities, the mu'allim or mu'allima who is in charge will guide and motivate these students. Organizing for the Bina Ulama Islamic Boarding School in Kisaran Asahan is important because with the organization the foundation will be easier to control and evaluate in each field, especially in the field of entrepreneurial activity. Implementation of the curriculum in shaping the character of entrepreneur students in boarding schools Bina Ulama Asahan range there are two phases of practice and theory, but here by mu'allim or mu'allimah as the person responsible for part of entrepreneurship over emphasize practice than in theory. Evaluations were conducted every month by Bina Ulama Boarding School to know what progress and what barriers were faced by those responsible for the respective field of entrepreneurial activities that will be better again.

Abdurrahman, Pratiwi Suci Triadi

This study aims to explore in-depth data about the Effectiveness of Information Services in Bullying Prevention using qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through observation instruments, interviews, and documentation studies. The informants in this study were counseling teachers, the head of a madrasah, and students of MTs Madinatussalam. The results of this study explain that the implementation of information services at MTs Madinatussalam in terms of its implementation is coordinated, systematic, and has been determined through Service Units (Satlan) and Service Implementation Plans (RPL), in preventing bullying by counseling guidance teachers is not only information services. provided but also other services such as group guidance as a follow-up service that aims to achieve self-understanding for victims or students who are potential victims of bullying. Information services in the prevention of bullying at MTs Madinatussalam are already effective and have a good impact on students to create a complete understanding of the benefits of solidarity, mutual respect, and the negative impact of bullying for perpetrators and victims. In this case, it is also assisted by the existence of a special program of the mubaligh corps, mandatory ablution, dhuha prayer, and the participation or coordination of field teachers, homeroom teachers, and counseling guidance personnel in supervising students of MTs Madinatussalam

Muhayya Meutia

Every teacher who teaches at MTs Country 2 Medan is required to complete a very adequate learning administration, facilities, and infrastructure. The principal of the madrasa also provides excellent care for subordinates by arriving on time. Based on these problems, the researcher wanted to research strategies in improving the quality of education at Mts Country 2 Medan. As that becomes a problem in the research of this is the S Strategy of teachers in improving the quality of Learners, Implementation Strategies teachers to improve the quality of Participants Didik, Constraints any experienced by teachers in improving the quality of students. The method of research that is used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The research results. S Strategy of teachers in improving the quality of students, by meeting MGMPs (Council Subject Teacher) regularly and scheduled, all subject teachers must complete ad m in stars learning such as syllabus, Education Calendar, Annual Program, Program Semester, Rpp and others. The implementation of strategies in improving the quality of students at MTs Country 2 Medan is carried out with many programs, including morning apples every Tuesday and Wednesday of speech material from students, then every day there is gerbaning (silent reading movement), everyone in MTs N 2 field reading books, later reviewed then students convey to the teacher in front. Every Friday there is a yasin reading activity called Friday preaching, the activity aims to improve students' talents. As for the obstacles faced by the head of the madrasah in improving the quality of educators, some teachers do not keep up with the changes and one of the obstacles experienced by MTs Country 2 Medan teachers in training programs and one-way schedule coincides with the teaching schedule.

Saiful Akhyar Lubis, Nurkhoiriyah Siregar

This study aims to reveal: 1) The activities carried out by the supervising teacher in carrying out the diagnosis of student learning difficulties as preparation for implementation in teaching improvement at MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan, 2) Activities carried out by the supervisor in providing repair assistance ( remedial teaching) in MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan, and 3) Activities carried out by the supervising teacher in the assessment and follow-up of the implementation of teaching improvements at MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan. This research uses a qualitative approach, phenomenological research type, and descriptive analysis method. Data collection techniques are carried out by; participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis. The data analysis process was carried out starting from; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Test the validity of the Data with credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of this study are: 1) Diagnosis of student learning difficulties in preparation for improvement teaching activities is carried out through four stages, namely identification of students, identification of locations and types of learning difficulties, determining factors causing learning difficulties and planning assistance, 2) Implementation of teaching improvement is carried out by counseling teachers. through the implementation of assistance, where this activity is directed at giving assignments, providing learning services related to learning methods and habits, learning motivation and interest in learning services, and 3) The efforts made by the supervisors in the implementation of teaching improvements, especially concerning assessment and follow-up are carried out continuously together through coordination and discussion between BK teachers and subject teachers.

Nur Azizah

Implementation of Total Quality Management of in school has a purpose main give satisfaction to the customer services of education either internal or external to the results of product quality . Implementation of Total Quality Management in schools requires at least three stages of implementation , namely : preparation , planning , and implementation . Problems are contained in the study times this include How the implementation of management quality integrated in Man 2 Model Terrain , How is the impact of the implementation of management quality integrated in the improvement of the quality of the participants didikdi Man 2 Model Medan method of research that is done is to use approach qualitative with technique of collection of data such as observation , interview and documentation . The results of his research is the management quality integrated merupaka a theory of knowledge management who directs the leadership of the organization and its personnel to carry out repairs quality constantly are focused on achieving the satisfaction of customers internal and customers externally. Implementation of the management quality integrated in MAN 2 Model Terrain increasingly in improved based on the needs of customers in order to graduate from madrash that can fulfill the wishes and expectations of the community . The impact of the implementation of management quality terpdusejauh it can be seen from the attitude , behavior behavior , and ways of view of students and residents madrsah lainny to continue melakukn repair and can compete dier digital now this. Constraints that expressed by the head of the madrassa in the improvement of the quality of the participant students in the form of time which is in charge sometimes not in accordance with the conditions and expectations

Solihah Titin Sumanti, Dina Aulia

The purpose of this study is to analyze what types of learning difficulties are faced by students, implementation solutions for handling student learning difficulties in the perspective of Islamic counseling, obstacles from solutions to handling students' learning difficulties in the perspective of Islamic counseling, and the efforts made in overcoming difficulties in handling difficulties. student learning in the perspective of Islamic counseling. This research method is to use a phenomenological qualitative research method, which is to reveal the problems that occur to find and understand what is hidden behind the problems that occur. Research implementation Qualitative phenomenology is aiming to understand and interpret the various problems that exist. The result of this research is the difficulty learning that experienced by students in Senior High School 4 Terrain is difficult to understand the eye subjects specified as subjects of mathematics and physics so that the results of learning low. Students work to help the elderly that causes the activity of learning the students there are disturbed Students experience fatigue from working too much to help their parents in certain endeavors. Students are bored with learning because there are too many assignments given from school, especially subject assignments given by teachers at school. Solution problems of difficulty of learning of students in the perspective of counseling Islami which provides guidance with techniques conventional ie conduct meetings directly with the students, and then perform the stages of identifying problems.

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