scholarly journals Research of quality indicators in protein-blueberry concentrates

10.5219/1255 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 156-163
Olena Grek ◽  
Tetiana Pshenychna ◽  
Alla Tymhuk ◽  
Oleksandr Savchenko ◽  
Оlena Ochkolyas

The effect of blueberry coagulant in the form of specially processed blueberry paste on the building-up process of protein-blueberry concentrates has been considered in the article and the change in their physical-chemical indicators during storage has been determined. A study of blueberry coagulant application in the amount of up to 12% provides the effective running to process of thermo acid coagulation of milk proteins with a maximum clot yield (excluding limiting factors – organoleptic indicators and active acidity). It has been found that with an increase in the amount of blueberry paste adding from 2% to 10%, the yield of protein-blueberry concentrates increases from 5% to 40%, and the moisture mass fraction in clots decreases, on the contrary, from 73.4% to 67.1%. Other quality indicators of protein-blueberry concentrates were recorded: active acidity (from 5.0 pH at the beginning to 4.7 pH at the end of the storage life), and the water-retaining capacity at the level of (75.44 ±0.5%). Based on chromatographic studies, the degree of polyphenolic compounds transition (including anthocyanins) to protein-blueberry concentrates at the level of 52.26% has been determined by the calculation method and analyzed compared with control sample (blueberry paste) and colored whey. Based on the researches, protein-blueberry concentrates obtained by thermo acid coagulation of milk proteins are suggested to be used as basis in the cheese products recipes.

V. Gulyaev ◽  
O. Maznytska ◽  
A. Anatsky ◽  
A. Pasenko

The article presents the results of experimental studies of the quality indicators of beer wort and young beer obtained using malt wort with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke when hopping with granulated hops and using a pure culture of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis 131 K. yeast. Jerusalem artichoke tuberosus tubers contain carbohydrates: inulin, fructosans. Inulin (С6Н10О5)n is a polysaccharide consisting mainly of D-fructose residues (35-42 units) connected by l,2-glucosidic bonds. Own enzymes take part in saccharification of reserve polysaccharides of Jerusalem artichoke tubers, including inulase (β-1,2-fructan-fructanohydrolase), which hydrolyzes β-1,2-bonds in inulin by the formation of 95% fructose and of 5% of glucose. Therefore, the malt wort from Jerusalem artichoke mainly contains fructose, which is easily fermented with brewer's yeast to alcohol and carbon dioxide. The determination of organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators of beer wort and young beer based on malt with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke was performed according to generally accepted methods. The morphological and physiological state of brewer's yeast was studied by microscopy. The organoleptic characteristics of beer wort and beer were determined according to DSTU 7103: 2009, physico-chemical: mass fraction of alcohol and calculation of solids in the initial wort – in accordance with GOST 12787-81; acidity – respectively with GOST 12788-87; color – according to GOST 12789-87, carbon dioxide – according to GOST 12790-81. Active acidity was measured by a laboratory ionometer «И-160МИ». The compliance of beer quality indicators as a finished product was determined according to DSTU 3888: 2015. It was revealed that the addition of Jerusalem artichoke wort to malt causes an increase in the degree of fermentation and the mass fraction of alcohol in young beer. There was also an increase in the color of the young beer compared to the control sample. Therefore, the replacement of 10% malt with Jerusalem artichoke can be recommended only for the manufacture of dark beers. In brewing technology, classic beer malt wort can be diluted with Jerusalem artichoke tubers wort. Yeast works equally well in the wort composition. The addition of Jerusalem artichoke wort improves the fermentation process and contributes to the accumulation of yeast biomass. Partial replacement of the classic malt wort with Jerusalem artichoke tubers has economically feasible because it will reduce the cost of producing beer and brewer's yeast.Jerusalem artichoke raw materials are more affordable and cheaper than malt. The product obtained as a result of fermentation  – dark beer has satisfactory organoleptic properties, a sweetish aftertaste and a light sunflower aftertaste.

S. Merzlov ◽  
Yu. Shurchkova ◽  
A. Tsebro ◽  
O. Grebelnik ◽  
G. Kalinina ◽  

The article highlights the current state of the production of dairy and vegetable food products. The results of studies of organoleptic and physical, chemical indicators of the quality of various herbal drinks: coconut, almond and oat, are presented, as well as an analysis and comparison with cow's milk, which is used in hotel and restaurant complexes in Bela Tserkva. For assessing the quality according to the organoleptic characteristics of the beverages, the following were examined: appearance, color, smell, taste and consistency. It was found that according to these indicators, herbal drinks comply with the regulatory documentation for these products. When assessing the quality by physical and chemical indicators, the mass fraction of fat, dry matter, titratable and active acidity, and density were established. The titratable acidity of milk-like drinks was within the normal range and did not exceed 10 ⁰T. The mass fraction of fat in coconut milk was 1.2 %, almond-rice milk – 1.3 % and oat milk – 2.4 %. Mass fraction of coconut milk solids was 7.6%, almond-rice 10.5% and oat milk 11.4%. The density of all types of herbal drinks was in the range of 1005–1015 kg/m3. The indicators of the quality of cow's milk, which is used in hotel and restaurant complexes, have been investigated in a comparative form. In terms of organoleptic indicators, the quality of cow's milk corresponds to the normative documentation. The fat mass fraction of cow's milk was 2.5 %, the mass fraction of solids was 12.5%, the titratable acidity was at the level of 18 ⁰T, the active acidity pH was 6.6, and the density was 1028 kg/m3. Analysis of various types of vegetable and cow's milk, which are used in hotel and restaurant complexes in the city of Bela Tserkva, in terms of physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators, allows us to consider herbal drinks as substitutes for traditional products capable of providing the human body with essential nutritional factors.

A. G. Belyaev ◽  
A. E. Kovaleva ◽  
E. A. Pyanikova

This paper presents the results of studying the effect of dry-leaved Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub dry powder on quality indicators of wheat bread, in which part of the highest-grade wheat flour was replaced by 3, 5 and 10% of powder. The study showed that the addition of narrow-leaved powder in different amounts (3, 5 and 10% by weight of wheat flour) at the stage of cooking, the dough has a different impact on the quality indicators of the products. With the increase in the amount of the infusion of narrow-leaved powder, the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators change: the color of the product changes from dark golden to dark brown, the presence of the additive increases in taste and smell, but the products have the correct form, without explosions and cracks, elastic, very soft crumb, with a thin-walled and uniform porosity. With an increase in the amount of the added additive, the porosity decreases, but it does not reach the lower limit of the standard. Acidity and humidity increase, which negatively affects the quality and reduced shelf life of the finished product. Therefore, it is proposed to use dry powder of narrow-leaved fireweed in the amounts of not more than 3% by weight of the flour. Studies have shown that during storage at the bakery product with a 3% additive of dry leaf powder for 72 hours, the total crumb strain is reduced by 32 units. AP-4/2 penetrometer, while in the control sample - by 44 units. Thus, the process of staling bread with the addition of narrow-leaved fireweed powder is slower than that of the control sample, and the recommended shelf life of the finished product is 72 hours.

Food Industry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Irina Reznichenko ◽  
Maria Kondratieva

The article concerns the counterfeiting problem of non-alcoholic drinks sold on the consumer market of the Russian Federation; provides data on drinks fraud methods (assortment, qualitative, quantitative and informational types). Strengthening quality control of soft drinks is one of the main directions of providing consumers with qualitative products. The authors presented authenticity identification results of carbonated soft drinks sold on the Kemerovo consumer market for compliance with the current regulatory documents requirements; run the consumer criteria analysis for the drinks identification of various brands. They obtained data on the labeling and packaging identification of selected non-alcoholic carbonated drinks samples for the compliance with current regulatory documents. A man recorded the compliance. There was an absence of the quantitative counterfeiting identification. The study described results of the organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators research. According to the GOST 28188-2014 “Non-Alcoholic Beverages. General Technical Conditions” the authors evaluated beverages quality by such physical and chemical indicators as the mass fraction of dry substances, acidity, and the mass fraction of carbon dioxide. The researchers run the organoleptic indicators analysis according to a score system. Authenticity identification of the selected drinks samples showed that there are no signs of counterfeiting and the products are of high quality.


Исследовано влияние добавки микроводоросли спирулины в рецептуру хлеба из пшеничной муки, обогащенного обойной мукой из зерна ячменя сортов Гранал 32 и Нудум 95 и тритикале сорта Цекад 90, на показатели его качества. Размолотую до порошкообразного состояния спирулину в количестве 0,5 к массе муки вносили при замесе теста в три опытных образца: пшеничный хлеб, хлеб Гранал и Ясень , рецептуры которых были разработаны ранее. В качестве контрольного образца был хлеб из пшеничной муки высшего сорта без добавок. Лабораторную выпечку образцов хлеба проводили в соответствии с методикой госкомиссии по сортоиспытанию на лабораторном хлебопекарном оборудовании. В результате определения органолептических и физико-химических показателей качества готовой продукции установлено, что добавка спирулины к пшеничной муке повышает пористость мякиша хлеба и увеличивает его объем до 546 см3, что на 18 см3 больше, чем в контрольном образце. Достаточно высокий объем 494 см3 имел образец хлеба, в рецептуру которого входит ячменная мука с добавлением спирулины. Внесение спирулины в рецептуру существенно не повлияло на показатели влажности (4346) и кислотности хлеба, которые в опытных образцах соответствуют нормативам ГОСТ 2698786 на хлеб из пшеничной муки. Самую высокую общую оценку 4,2 балла по пятибалльной шкале получил образец хлеба с добавлением к пшеничной муке порошка спирулины. The effect of the addition of spirulina microalgae in the formulation of bread from wheat flour enriched with wholemeal flour from barley grain varieties Granal 32 and Nudum 95 and triticale varieties Tsekad 90, on the indicators of its quality has been studied. Spirulina ground to a powdered state in an amount of 0,5 by weight of flour was introduced when kneading the dough into the formulations of three samples: wheat bread, bread Granal and Yasen , the formulations of which were developed earlier. Bread from wheat flour of the highest grade without additives was as a control sample. Laboratory baking of bread samples was carried out in accordance with the methodology of the state Commission for variety testing on laboratory baking equipment. As a result of the determination of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of the finished product, it was found that the addition of spirulina to wheat flour increases the porosity of the bread crumb and increases its volume to 546 cm3, which is 18 cm3 more than in the control sample. A sample of bread, the formulation of which includes barley flour with the addition of spirulina, had a sufficiently high volume 494 cm3. Adding spirulina to the formulation did not significantly affect the moisture content (4346) and acidity of bread, which in the prototypes correspond to the standards of GOST 2698786 for bread made of wheat flour. A sample of bread with spirulina powder added to wheat flour had the highest overall score 4б2 points on a five-point scale.


Представлен комплексный подход к оптимизации состава мучной поликомпонентной смеси для ржано-пшеничных хлебобулочных изделий, учитывающий химический состав и технологические свойства пищевых ингредиентов смеси, а также их влияние на основной технологически формирующий компонент – ржано-пшеничную муку. Проектирование состава поликомпонентных смесей осуществляли с помощью разработанной ранее программы. Было сгенерировано более 20 образцов модельных мучных смесей, из которых отобрано 4 образца с показателями биологической ценности не менее 70% для приготовления хлебобулочных изделий. Приготовление осуществляли ускоренным способом с использованием подкислителя «Лезизауэр», прессованных дрожжей и соли в количестве, % от массы смеси, 2,0; 2,2 и 1,5 соответственно. Воду вносили по расчету с учетом массовой доли влаги ингредиентов. Продолжительность брожения составляла 60–70 мин, расстойки – 35–40 мин. Изделия выпекали при (200 ± 10)ºС до температуры внутри мякиша 97–98ºС. В качестве контроля был приобретенный в торговой сети хлеб ржано-пшеничный «Спасский», выпеченный АО «Орловский хлебокомбинат». Установлено, что выпеченные образцы ржано-пшеничного хлеба из разработанных мучных поликомпонентых смесей имеют сбалансированный состав белков, жиров и углеводов – 1,0 : 0,8 : 3,9–4,8 соответственно и кальция, фосфора и магния – 1,0 : 0,5–0,6 : 1,2–1,5 соответственно. По сравнению с хлебом ржано-пшеничным «Спасский» в хлебобулочных изделиях из мучных поликомпонентных смесей повысилось содержание белка и липидов соответственно на 0,8–2,3 и 2,7–3,5%, количество углеводов снизилось на 5,5–7,2%, увеличилось количество клетчатки в 4,5–5,5 раза, кальция в 5,5–7,5 раза, фосфора в 1,5–1,6 раза, магния в 1,1–1,2 раза. Биологическая ценность разработанных хлебобулочных изделий повысилась на 7,9–18,4% в сравнении с контрольным образцом. A comprehensive approach to optimizing the composition of a multi-component flour mixture for rye-wheat bakery products, taking into account the chemical composition and technological properties of the food ingredients of the mixture, as well as their influence on the main technologically forming component – rye-wheat flour, is presented. The design of the composition of multicomponent mixtures was carried out using a previously developed program. More than 20 samples of model flour mixtures were generated, of which 4 samples with indicators of biological value of at least 70% were selected for the preparation of bakery products. Preparation was carried out by an accelerated method using the acidifier «Lezisauer», compressed yeast and salt in an amount, % of the mass of the mixture, 2,0; 2,2 and 1,5 respectively. Water is added according to the calculation taking into account the mass fraction of moisture of the ingredients. The duration of fermentation was 60–70 minutes, proofing – 35–40 minutes. The products were baked at (200 ± 10)°C to the temperature inside the crumb 97–98°C. The rye-wheat bread «Spassky» purchased in the retail chain was used as a control. It was found that the baked samples of rye-wheat bread from the developed multi-component flour mixtures have a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates – 1,0 : 0,8 : 3,9–4,8 respectively and calcium, phosphorus and magnesium – 1,0 : 0,5–0,6 : 1,2–1,5 accordingly. Compared with rye-wheat bread «Spassky» in bakery products made from flour multicomponent mixtures, the content of protein and lipids increased respectively by 0,8–2,3 and 2,7–3,5%, the amount of carbohydrates decreased by 5,5–7,2%, the amount of fiber increased by 4,5–5,5 times, calcium by 5,5–7,5 times, phosphorus by 1,5–1,6 times, magnesium by 1,1–1,2 times. The biological value of the developed bakery products increased by 7,9–18,4% in comparison with the control sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-77
E. Е. Ulyanchenko ◽  
N. N. Vinevskaya

Cultivation and use of Virginia 202 broadleaf skeletal variety for the production of smoking tobacco has broad prospects. Problems of post-harvest processing of large leaves with a massive midrib consist in high energy costs with an artificial drying method or the provision of facilities for long-term natural drying. The aim of the research is to apply physical method of cutting the leaf midrib to intensify drying and to determine the effect of this technique on the quality indicators of raw materials. It has been found that the technique of cutting the midrib on the Virginia 202 variety contributes to a significant optimization of the drying process without reducing the quality of raw materials. The drying time of leaves with the combined method is reduced by 2,8 times, with the natural method – by 2,3 times, and the quality indicators of raw materials improve. Commercial quality is characterized by the yield of 1 commercial grade, for combined drying the yield of 1 grade has increased in comparison with the control sample by 27% and amounted to 86,5%, with natural drying – the increase in yield is 4%. Cutting the midrib increases the fiber yield by 3–5% and contributes to an increase in the volumetric-elastic properties of the fiber, providing an economical consumption of raw materials for the production of smoking articles, the consumption is 676,8–753,8 g/1000 pcs. The gustatory quality improves, raw materials with a cut midrib have optimal values of the ratio of carbohydrate-protein balance in the range of 1,08–1,5, the strength is preserved due to the lower consumption of nicotine during the shorter drying period, in comparison with drying the leaf without cutting the midrib. Cutting the midrib in Virginia 202 is cost effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (11(112)) ◽  
pp. 6-16
Ayana Serikbaeva ◽  
Bagimkul Tnymbaeva ◽  
Maryna Mardar ◽  
Nataliіa Tkachenko ◽  
Saniya Ibraimova ◽  

In order to determine the influence of temperature and time of germination of the Bogatyr variety buckwheat on a change in the content of vitamins E, C, and B group, the germination parameters were optimized when developing a new type of seasoning. To optimize the germination parameters, the response surface methodology was used. The maximum total content of B, E, and C group vitamins in the sprouted buckwheat (4.591 mg/100 g) was observed at a temperature of 21.5 °C and the duration of germination of 3 days. The Bogatyr variety buckwheat was sprouted for 4 days. Changes in the nutritional and biological value of the sprouted grains were registered after 24 hours. Based on the comparative chemical analysis, it was established that the content of protein, fiber, vitamins, amino acids increases during the germination of buckwheat in comparison with the control sample. The protein content on day 4 increases by 1.38 times compared to control. At the same time, the mass fraction of carbohydrates on day 4 is reduced by 1.57 times; the mass fraction of fat ‒ by 2 times. It was established that the prototype seasoning that contains 30 % of sprouted buckwheat is characterized by a higher content of protein, vitamins, micro-and macronutrients compared to the control sample (without the addition of sprouted buckwheat). Adding the sprouted buckwheat grain to the seasoning has made it possible to increase by 25 % the antioxidant activity of the finished product compared to the control sample, which is 259.09 and 383.72 mg/100 g, respectively. In terms of safety indicators, the new product fully complies with the requirements for sanitary and hygienic safety. The results reported here give reasons to recommend the production of a new type of seasonings of enhanced nutritional value based on the sprouted Bogatyr variety buckwheat, which could expand and improve the quality of nutrition

Venera Mihaela STROE ◽  
Irina CALCIU ◽  
Lavinia PARVAN

Continuous use of traditional tillage system (conventional) resulted in a gradual harvest increase, but gave rise to some worrying negative phenomenon regarding the most important supply of the agricultural production - soil, by its chemical and physical degradation.This paper aims to assess soil degradation processes, based on pedo-transfer rules and is based on of expeditionary studies regarding assessment and characterization of soil fertility, under the practice of various farming systems: conventional tillage and minimum tillage. The study carried out the effects of moderat conservative tillage on physical and chemical soil properties comparative with conventional soil technology on an argic chernozem, belongs to the agricultural Caracal area. Agricultural area is affected by a relatively high variability of the limiting factors and soil degradation processes, which require adaptation of technology systems to protection of soil and plants. Because of all limiting factors, natural and antropic, in this expeditionary study we compare the moderat conservative tillage effects, with conventional technology effects and impact of those both soil technology, on physical, chemical and biological properties. Results of study show the potential depth of aeration conditions are moderately favorable, being determined particularly by intense state of compactness of the soil as a natural consequence of it. Macroporosity decrease in depth, has negative consequences not only on the normal performance of the processes of aeration, and water penetration and infiltration, but for the accumulation of water available for plants. Content of structural microagregates water-stable or soil dispersion is high, which shows that the formation of structural macroagregates occurred more mechanical factors such as compaction or natural processes. The numerical values of the degree of compaction of 15-20 cm in depth up to the 15-18% v / v in both phases of observation. Deep compaction is undoubtedly due to the technological system applied to the greatest extent, and only a small part pedogenetical natural factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Ekaterina Marinina ◽  
Madina Sadygova ◽  
Tatiana Kirillova ◽  
Irina Kanevskaya

Introduction. The research improved the formulation of semi-finished sponge cake by using the method of generalized desirability function. Traditional components were substituted with new advantageous rye varieties of local selection. The main advantage of the rye variety “Memory to Bambyshev” is that rye flour obtained from the whole grain of this variety has a lower trypsin inhibitor (1.7 mg/g) compared to flour from such varieties as “Saratov 6” (2.16 mg/g). Thus, the digestibility of the grain of this variety is higher by 0.26%. The rye can be used in baking to produce dietary breads, low-calorie bakery products with bran, and animal feed. Study objects and methods. Cakes and pastries make 34.5% of the total volume of flour confectionery products. The study developed a new semi-finished sponge-cake product, which can serve as the basis for cakes and pastries. However, flour confectionery products are oversaturated with carbohydrates and fats, which increases their calorie content. A set of experiments was performed to study the effect of reducing the amount of sugar in the formulation and replacing wheat flour with rye flour on the quality of semi-finished sponge-cake product. A basic formulation for sponge cake was used as control sample. The test semples varied in content of sugar and flour made from various types of rye. The technological additives included Ovalet emulsifier (1.5% to flour) and Duo baking powder (0.1% to flour). Emulsifier “OVALET SUPER” (Bakels, Sweden) is a pasty substance that consists of emulsifying agents, water, and stabilizers and acts as an improver, stabilizer, and structurizer designed for the production of semi-finished sponge cakes, rolls, muffins, and cookies. Duo baking powder is a special highly effective tool that does not contain tartaric acid. It can be used for the production of various varieties of bread and confectionery, e.g. biscuits, rolls, gingerbread, etc. The obtained dough was easy to process. The new formulation increased the volume and color of the product, as well as slowed down the process of hardening. Results and discussion. The highest value of the generalized function of desirability belonged to the sample where white wheat flour was subsituted with 30% of rye flour and the sample with 100% of rye flour with a 40% sugar reduction. According to the specific desirability indicators, the mass fraction of moisture, the mass fraction of total sugar, energy value, and foaming ability of the semifinished product were higher than those of the control sample. Conclusion. The developed formulation and technology can expand the range of functional products.

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