Desafíos de los jóvenes y las redes sociales en la pospandemia. Hacia un aprendizaje consciente, resiliente, ético y saludable en las Ciudades MIL

2021 ◽  
pp. 212-223
E. Muñoz

The 2020 pandemic has created great global changes, both in the increased use of media and information, the creation of new digital applications, and new online jobs. At the same time, various types of violence have increased on the Internet, higher levels of discouragement, depression, and loneliness have been detected in both young people and adults. This article addresses six post­pandemic issues, realities, and challenges that must be addressed with youth alongside MIL competencies. Topics that have been developed in an educational project for leadership work in the face of changes in technological advances, Internet safety, fake news, hate speech, and the impact on emotions. In building MIL communities and cities, it is important to prepare new stakeholders to be more critical, aware, resilient, and healthy in the face of current digital challenges and difficulties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Claudia Gaspar ◽  
Anja Dieckmann

Abstract In a recent survey, about 900 “Leaders of Tomorrow” from more than 90 countries all over the world shared their opinions about “the impact of new technologies on human freedom of choice.” They take a very clear stance against unlimited freedom of speech on the Internet. The majority thinks platforms that until now have often taken a “hands off” approach, rejecting content filtering by claiming they are “just the messenger,” should be obliged to prevent and censor hate speech and fake news on the Internet. Platforms are expected to work hand-in-hand with state institutions to better prevent online manipulation and abuse and to protect personal data. The Leaders of Tomorrow also advocate that personal data should be controlled by their owners when they are used by online platforms. Applications that lack transparency and cannot be influenced by the customer are met with the highest extent of objection.

Muhamad Basitur Rijal Gus Rijal ◽  
Ahyani Hisam ◽  
Abdul Basit

Civil society (civil society) as the ideal structure of society's life that is aspired to, but building a civil society is not easy. There are preconditions that must be met by the community in making it happen. Coupled with technological advances in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.o like today, where information can spread easily through various online media unlimitedly in spreading hoaxes. This research seeks to uncover the dangers of hoaxes in building civil society. This research uses descriptive analytical method by examining the sources of literature related to building civil society in the Industrial Revolution 4.o. This research found that the public space is a means of free speech; democratic behavior; tolerant; pluralism; and social justice can shape civil society. whereas the impact of hoax news greatly affects the way people perceive a certain issue, so that people cannot distinguish which news is real or fake news which causes them to be incited by fake news that is spread.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (01) ◽  
pp. 141-146
Gulnaz Tahir Hasanova ◽  

This study aims to highlight the growing strategic importance that cyberspace is gaining in the dynamics of international politics. After land, sea, air, and outer space, cyberspace is the fifth dimension of conflict. The type of non-military weapons used to fight, as well as the subjects targeted, make civilian systems new centers of gravity to defend against an enemy that most often "operates in the shadows." The international scenario rmation revolution (which contributed to the "democratization of information"), is radically evolving from a unipolar (American-led) to an almost multipolar architecture. The Internet today is an indispensable communication and information network for various legal and illegal subjects of international relations. Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram) play a very important role in this process. The Internet can also allow manipulation or even destabilization of the international community with the spread of false information (fake news). It is also a field for intelligence activities. Finally, the Internet is becoming the field of a new form of confrontation. Thus, both states and private actors protect themselves from possible cyber attacks by developing cybersecurity. In anticipation of this, states are developing cyberspace strategies and military-digital capabilities. Key words: international relations, information, cyberspace, cybersecurity, territorial integrity, state, subjects of international relations, information warfare

First Monday ◽  
2018 ◽  
Anders Olof Larsson

While early ideas surrounding the influence of the Internet on political participation and communication were often overtly optimistic, comparably recent years have seen the rise of online hate speech and similar issues gaining influence in a variety of online spheres. The study presented here seeks to detail the impact of positive (‘thumbs-up’) and negative (‘thumbs-down’) feedback on the popularity of politically themed YouTube videos, uploaded during the 2017 Norwegian parliamentary election. Given the apparent dearth of studies on YouTube in this regard, the insights provided here furthers our understanding regarding the drivers of online popularity during election campaigns. Specifically, results indicate that while commenting on uploaded videos appear as related to the ‘thumbs-up’ variety, video view count appear as more clearly related to the dismissive ‘thumbs-down’ feedback option. Discussing these results, the final section of the paper also provides a few suggestions for future research efforts in this vein.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-50
José Manuel Núñez Olivera

Resumen Con el propósito de determinar el impacto que sobre la preparación académica y profesional de los estudiantes universitarios tiene el uso de internet y las diversas redes sociales (IRS) disponibles se realizó este estudio. Para esto se seleccionaron a 20 estudiantes del último semestre de los ciclos 2017A y 2017B, de la Licenciatura en Agronegocios, a los que se les aplicó una encuesta acerca del uso de IRS, y su relación con el compromiso y/o responsabilidad social. Los datos fueron analizados mediante una prueba “T” de Student al 95% de confianza. Los resultados indican que: sólo 7 de los 20 estudiantes manifestaron reconocer un impacto positivo del IRS en su preparación académica, aunque no en el compromiso hacia su comunidad. El 40% de los estudiantes emplea Facebook, 90% whatsapp y videojuegos y el 30% Twitter, con sólo el 4% recurriendo a internet para accesar y leer revistas científicas (journals) y/o periódicos. El 90% de los estudiantes expresó no tener ningún interés en utilizar el internet para leer revistas, libros o periódicos. Se concluye que los estudiantes no ven al IRS como una herramienta para mejorar su preparación académica y no la ven como una influencia para incrementar su sentido de compromiso y responsabilidad. De esta forma, es necesario implementar mecanismos efectivos de vinculación que relacionen de manera real a la universidad con el desarrollo y seguimiento profesional del estudiante y sus logros hacia su comunidad Palabras clave Preparación Académica, Internet y Redes Sociales, Compromiso Social. Abstract In order to determine the impact on the academic and professional preparation of university students has the use of Internet and the various social networks (IRS) Available This study was conducted. To this end, 20 students were selected from the last semester of the 2017 and 2017B cycles, from the Bachelor's in agribusiness, to which they were given a survey about the use of the IRS, and their relationship with the commitment and/or social responsibility. The data were analyzed by a Student T-Test at 95% of confidence. The results indicate that: only 7 of the 20 students said they recognized a positive impact of the IRS on their academic preparation, but not on the commitment to their community. 40% of students use Facebook, 90% WhatsApp and video games and 30% Twitter, with only 4% using the Internet to access and read journals and/or newspapers. 90% of students expressed no interest in using the Internet to read magazines, books or newspapers. It is concluded that students do not see the IRS as a tool to improve their academic readiness and do not see it as an influence to increase their sense of commitment and responsibility. In this way, it is necessary to implement effective mechanisms of linkage that relate in a real way to the university with the development and professional monitoring of the student and his achievements towards his community Keywords Academic preparation, Internet and social netwo rks, socialcommitment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 22-31
A. A. Belolobova

The paper considers the evolution of project activities and the impact of modern technologies on the form of project presentation. Features of the network project are considered, digital tools that are suitable for organizing network activities are described. The stages of project organization and digital tools for conducting a telecommunication project are described, as well as the features of creating a website for a network educational project. The article offers a description of the network project “Internet Safety”. The purpose of this article is to describe a method for creating a modern telecommunication project based on modern cloud and network tools. Based on this goal, the following tasks can be identified: • Consider the evolution of project activities. • Review the stages of project development. • Analyze modern digital tools that are suitable for transferring educational activities to the Internet. To pick up modern tools for the implementation of the network project. • Identify the features of the organization of project activities in the network. • Conduct testing and draw conclusions about the work done. The relevance of this work is that the services used in the course of studying the discipline “Informatics and ICT” must constantly change to the most modern ones and demonstrate to students the relevant tools necessary for a modern graduate and specialist. Materials and methods. The conclusions are based on a theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the use of the project method in education. The article was prepared using the materials and conclusions made by the author when creating the website of the telecommunication project “Internet Safety”. The telecommunication project took place in 2019 (May-June) at the College of Omsk State Technical University, as part of the study of the discipline “Information Technology”. Conclusion. The modern telecommunication project has a number of distinctive features. The process of preparing for the launch of the project is quite time-consuming and requires sufficient digital literacy from the teacher. The use of modern educational environments can make the process of organizing and conducting a project as comfortable as possible for all project participants. The analysis of modern educational tools, based on the description of the key features of the telecommunication project, allowed us to offer fairly easy-to-use services that can fully take advantage of network project activities. The proposed services were tested as part of the network project “Internet Safety”. As part of the research, a method of telecommunication projects has been developed and tested, which, thanks to the use of modern services, is capable of not only acquainting students with the topic of the project, but also developing the ICT competence of students, as well as increasing students' interest in studying modern technologies and improving the ability to navigate the information space. Results. The method of telecommunication projects is an effective pedagogical technology that has found a new life in the digital age. A modern project carried out on the Internet has a number of features, but due to the fact that this type of work is based on modern services and technologies, we can say that it develops the ICT competence of students and their skills to work in the network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 513-530
Paul Bernal

The current ‘fake news’ phenomenon is a modern manifestation of something that has existed throughout history. The difference between what happens now and what has happened before is driven by the nature of the internet and social media – and Facebook in particular. Three key strands of Facebook’s business model – invading privacy to profile individuals, analysing mass data to profile groups, then algorithmically curating content and targeting individuals and groups for advertising – create a perfect environment for fake news. Proposals to ‘deal’ with fake news either focus on symptoms or embed us further in the algorithms that create the problem. Whilst we embrace social media, particularly as a route to news, there is little that can be done to reduce the impact of fake news and misinformation. The question is whether the benefits to freedom of expression that social media brings mean that this is a price worth paying.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44 ◽  
Kenneth A. Boyd

Technological advances and the Internet have radically changed the way people learn, live, and grow. In higher education, libraries have been challenged to look at how to serve people not only locally but at a distance. At Asbury Theological Seminary these changes have revolved around three issues: providing the same resources online, information literacy, and the importance of collaboration.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Giovanna Truyts Biscardi ◽  
João Marcelo Rondina

The Y generation is understood as that born under the influence of the digital technologies. Now it’s represented by the young university students that created such a tight bond with the internet and its tools that uses them easily and frequently. Many works say that this generation of immediate young people accustomed to multitasking has developed a new kind of neuroplasticity entirely different of their antecessors and therefore possess peculiar habits and mechanisms of learning that should be respected and considered in the dynamics of teaching and learning, creating a pressure in the educational institutions to adequate in this reality. However, there are a few studies evaluating the real existence of these characteristics. Thus, we preset the conclusions of this descriptive qualitative project fulfilled with medicine students at Faculdade de Medicina de São José Rio Preto that aim to know how these students use digital technologies and the impact of their habits and behaviors regarding the involvement with technologies in their studies. The conclusion was that technologies are an important influence on student’s lifes, however continues to be one among several others, which allows the teachers to keep a fundamental role in the formation of these digital natives, especially helping and guiding them in the correct and full use of new technologies developed for learning.

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