scholarly journals The pragmatic potential of interjections in speech

Саида Нурбиевна Сокурова

Рассматриваются вопросы, отражающие механизмы реализации иллокутивной функции междометий, связанной с коммуникативным воздействием на адресата речи. Цель заключается в определении коммуникативного статуса междометий во французском языке и выявлении особенностей их функционирования в речи. Материалом послужили французские эмоциональные междометия в художественных произведениях французских авторов. Представленный фактический материал соотносится с теоретическими аспектами исследования и служит базой для обоснования выводов: одно и то же местоимение может выражать самые разные оттенки эмоциональных и ментальных состояний говорящего в зависимости от контекста и своего звукового оформления. Методика исследования основывается на контекстуальном анализе и методе визуализации просодических средств. Результаты исследования имеют теоретическое значение, заключающееся в выявлении прагматического потенциала междометий в речи персонажей французской художественной прозы. Полученные данные могут найти применение в процессе преподавания французского языка в курсах интерпретации художественного текста и грамматики. This work discusses the issues reflecting the mechanisms for implementing the illocutionary function of interjections related to the communicative impact on the recipient of speech. The aim is to determine the communicative status of interjections in French and to identify their functioning in speech. The material was the French emotional interjections in the artistic works of French authors. The actual material presented correlates with the theoretical aspects of the study and serves as a basis for substantiating the conclusions: the same pronoun can express a variety of shades of the emotional and mental states of the speaker, depending on the context and its sound design. The research methodology is based on contextual analysis and the method of visualization of prosodical means. The results of the study have a theoretical significance, which is to identify the pragmatic potential of interjections in the speech of the characters of French fiction. The findings can be used in the process of teaching French in courses for interpreting literary text and grammar.

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-39

The article presents the results of the study of aesthetic function of interrogative utterances in the novel "Waterland" by G. Swift. The methods of component analysis, contextual analysis, and stylistic analysis were used in the research. The author assumes that interrogative utterances play the key role in representing imagery of the novel, facilitating thematical and conceptual unity, forming the chronotope and presentation of the inner world of the narrator. It was also found that interrogative utterances function in expressing emotivity and psychologism of a literary text as well as actualizing implicit senses, e. g. of certain images and episodes by means of such stylistic devices as aposiopesis, parenthesis, repetition, ellipsis and others. In general, the author assumes that in their aesthetic function interrogative utterances serve to convey the individual aesthetic model presented by the author in a literary text.


Целью данного исследования является определение ментального содержания лексики и фразеологии, вербализующей концепты женщина (сылгоймаг) и девушка (чызг) в произведениях осетинского писателя А.Б. Кайтукова. Научная новизна связана с тем, что впервые на языковом материале произведений А. Кайтукова выявлено ментальное содержание указанных концептов. Актуальность данного исследования в том, что, благодаря описанию языкового содержания концептов женщина (сылгоймаг) и девушка (чызг), читатель, с одной стороны, вводится в мир национальной лингвокультуры, содержащей информацию о менталитете народа, с другой стороны – дается характеристика индивидуальных особенностей языка писателя. В работе использованы следующие методы исследования: семантико-стилистический, методы концептуального и контекстуального анализа языковых единиц в художественном тексте. Поставлены следующие задачи: определить номинативную плотность концептов женщина и девушка; раскрыть ментальное содержание лексики и фразеологии, вербализующей названные концепты; указать когнитивные признаки исследуемых концептов; охарактеризовать лексику и фразеологию, объективирующие названные концепты как средство создания идиостиля писателя. В результате работы дана характеристика концептов женщина и девушка в произведениях А. Кайтукова в аспекте лингвокультуры и в рамках идиостиля писателя. The purpose of this study is to determine the mental contents of the vocabulary and phraseology that verbalize the concepts of woman (sylgoymag) and girl (chyzg) in the works of the Ossetian writer A. B. Kaitukov. The scientific novelty is connected with the fact that for the first time the mental content of these concepts will be revealed on the language material of A. Kaitukov's works. The relevance of this study is that due to the description of the linguistic content of the concepts woman (sylgoimag) and girl (chyzg), the reader, on the one hand, is introduced into the world of national linguoculture, containing information about the mentality of the people, on the other hand, a characteristic of the individual features of the writer’s language is given. The following research methods were used in the work: semantic and stylistic, methods of conceptual and contextual analysis of linguistic units in a literary text. The following tasks were set: to determine the nominative density of the concepts woman and girl; to reveal the mental content of lexis and phraseology, verbalizing the named concepts; indicate the cognitive features of the studied concepts; to characterize the vocabulary and phraseology that objectify the named concepts as a means of creating the idiostyle of the writer. As a result of the work, a description of the concepts of a woman and a girl in the works of A. Kaitukov is given in the aspect of linguoculture and within the framework of the writer's idiostyle.

Tkachenko N.V.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the functions of stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms in the satirical and funny works written by M.Bilokopytov (on the material of the collection “And Eternal Time passes slowly...”).Methods. The method of purposeful sampling (collection of actual material for analysis), descriptive (analysis of collected material), method of systematization and classification (division of anthroponyms into groups), statistical (detection of quantitative ratios of proper names in works), and contextual analysis were used to establish functional specificity of anthroponyms.Results. The article examines the pragmatics of anthroponyms in the satirical and funny works written by M.Bilokopytov. We studied the author's peculiar way to use anthroponyms, their variability, frequency, and functions. Both satirical and funny proper names are classified according to their functions, so we were able to distinguish stylistically neutral anthroponyms from stylistically marked artistic ones. The stylistically neutral anthroponyms are represented by the following groups: proper names related to the depicted epoch; first and last names; first names and patronymics; fist name, patronymic and last name; proper names of famous real people. Among the stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms, we can distinguish evaluative-characteristic names and precedent proper ones. We admit that M.Bilokopytov selected quite skillfully anthroponyms in his satirical and funny works showing his sound individual and authorial ingenuity. It is worth paying attention to the proper names in the author’s scope, to be borrowed from the real anthroponymicon. Such anthroponyms refer to specific people around the writer, his personal acquaintances and friends.Conclusions. Thus, the inexhaustible source of the comic in the satirical and funny works written by M.Bilokopytov are precisely the stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms. Most of the names of the characters are expressive and are used by the author as evaluative-characteristic names. They help to characterize the hero, point out his special features.Key words: emotional coloring, stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms, pragmatic potential, satirical and funny works, function. Мета. Метою розвідки є аналіз функційного навантаження літературно-художніх антропонімів сатирично-гумористичних творів М.Білокопитова (на матеріалі збірки «А Вічний Час непоспіхом тече...»).Методи. У роботі використані метод цілеспрямованої вибірки (збирання фактичного матеріалу для аналізу), описовий (аналіз зібраного матеріалу), метод систематизації та класифікації (поділ антропонімів на групи), статистичний (виявлення кількісних співвідношень власних імен у творах), а також застосовано контекстуальний аналіз для встановлення функціональної специфіки антропонімів.Результати. У статті досліджено функційне навантаження антропонімів в сатирично-гумористичних творах М.Білокопитова. Визначено авторські особливості вживання антропонімів, їх варіативність, частотність та функціональне навантаження. Сатирично-гумористичні власні імена класифіковано відповідно до їх функцій, тому було виділено стилістично-нейтральні та стилістично-марковані літературно-художні антропоніми. Зазначено, що стилістично-нейтральні антропоні-ми представлені такими групами: власні імена, що відповідають зображуваній епосі; імена та прізвища; імена та по батькові; прізвища + імена + імена по батькові; власні імена відомих реальних людей. Серед стилістично-маркованих антропонімів виділено оцінювально-характеризувальні та прецедентні власні імена. Антропоніми у сатирично-гумористичних творах М.Білокопитова дібрані досить майстерно, адже для цього потрібна неабияка індивідуально-авторська винахідливість. Варто звернути увагу на власні імена у спадщині письменника, що запозичені автором із реального антропонімікону. Такі антропоніми називають конкретних людей з оточення письменника, його особистих знайомих та друзів.Висновки. Отже, невичерпним джерелом комічного в сатирично-гумористичних текстах М.Білокопитова є саме літературно-художні антропоніми. Більшість імен персонажів експресивні і використовуються автором як оцінювально-характери-зувальні. Вони допомагають схарактеризувати героя, вказують на його особливі риси.Ключові слова: емоційне забарвлення, літературно-художні антропоніми, прагматичний потенціал, сатирично-гуморис-тичні твори, функціональне навантаження.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 03014
Viktor Shaklein ◽  
Anastasia Skomarovskaya ◽  
Svetlana Mikova

The article attempts to identify the stylistic functions of Greek origin vocabulary in Russian-language texts. The material of the study are selected works of the poet of the second quarter of the XIX century, Alexei Khomyakov as one of the founders of Russian philosophical thought and the Slavophil movement. The method of continuous sampling of the text selected Greekism, found in the poems of the author, regardless of the time of their penetration into the Russian language. Using contextual analysis revealed their expressive functions. Particular attention is paid to the cultural function of Greek vocabulary as a translator of Hellenistic and Byzantine cultures that have had a significant impact on Russian culture.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-226
Akmaral B. Srailova ◽  
Kseniia M. Baranova ◽  
Alexander K. Kalioppin ◽  
Yelena G. Knyazeva ◽  
Olga V. Sergeeva

The article examines linguostylistic specifics of the pragmatical and symbolic realization of the poetic discourse based on English. As the purpose of the work, we analyzed the use of linguistic means of symbolization in the English poetic discourse in the linguopragmatic aspect. The article discusses the importance of stylistic means in English for poetic influence on the addressee. In analyzing verses from pragmalinguistic side is necessary to show their stylistic peculiarities. We did a contextual analysis of poetic works at the text and hypotext levels using the method of symbolic interpretation, stylistic analysis, and linguopragmatic analysis. As the material of the study, we analyzed the poetic works of English poets. The theoretical significance of research results is to identify linguistic specifics of pragmatic and symbol realization of the poetic discourse in the English linguoculture. The study contributes to the development of discursive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, lexicology and stylistics of English, theory of linguistics, linguoculturology. In practical terms, results can be used in teaching the theory of discourse, pragmalinguistics, linguistic analysis of the poetic text, lexicology, and stylistics of English.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 116-123
Karina Rashitovna Ibragimova

This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of pathetic language in Geoffrey Chaucer's “Canterbury Tales” and rhetorical techniques used for saturating the speech of the narrator and the characters. On the example of the “Man of Law's Tale” and the “Second Nun’s Tale”, in which the vicissitudes of the heroines are in the limelight, the author of this article examines the specificity of pathetic speech and its functions in Chaucer’s text. The goal of this research lies in determination of the cause for using pathetic speech in these two tales. Research methodology employs structural, semantic, and historical-cultural methods of analysis of the literary text. The scientific novelty consists in reference to the analysis of rhetorical techniques in the poetics of Geoffrey Chaucer reflected in the context of the categories of tragic and pathetic, which have not been thoroughly studied in the Russian and foreign research tradition. The following conclusions were made: the abundance of pathetic speech is a means to draw the attention of audience; its heightened expansiveness allows reaching the expected emotional response. In most instances, pathetic speech is associated with the positive characters of the tales, as well as the narrator, who comments on the actions of the heroes and emphasizes the touching episodes in their lives. The speech of the negative characters in these two tales is rather neutral, and in some cases replaced by the speech of the narrator. Granting the word to the negative characters, Chaucer means expansion of their role, allowing the audience to look at them not only as the minister of evil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-96

The article is devoted to the evolution of Victor Domontovych’s creative thinking in his last novel Without Foundation. This work of art became a resume of his writing and an intertext for his philosophical and culturological research in scientific and critical articles from this period. The basic theme of this novel is the end of the epoch; the author addresses the theme of the exhaustion of modernity’s value and aesthetic systems, which formed the basis of his early artistic works. The analysis of Domontovych’s perception of the epoch boundary, his exhaustion of the cultural paradigm of modernism and the embodiment of his conclusions in the works make the research relevant, especially in terms of the changing landmarks of modern global culture. The research is based on the structural-semiotic methodology of literary text interpretations, which allows the different levels of the text organization to be reviewed, thus reaching wider cultural generalizations. This study helps to better understand the author’s concept of the culture crisis and the poetics of the novel Without Foundation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 53-66
Ekaterina M. Dorogaikina ◽  
Tamara G. Ignatieva ◽  

The history of animal names begins with the early epochs of human evolution, when animalism was one of the basic components of the worldview. Despite a considerable number of works that study zoological vocabulary, the uncertainty of a number of terms and a certain arbitrariness of the use of terms and concepts associated with animal names is still present in onomastics, e.g. "zoonym" and "zoomorphism" refer to such concepts. The purpose of the article is to clarify the terminological meaning of these concepts, to generalize and systematize the basic research on the theory of zoonymic nominations. The research methodology was formed on the basis of theoretical positions in the field of onomastics and the theory of nominations in modern linguistics. As a result of the theoretical analysis the following findings were made. First, the terms "zoonym" and "zoomorphism" are not synonymous. "Zoonym" is a more general term than "zoomorphism". Zoomorphism represents zoological names of anthropological nature, attributing the traits associated with the image of an animal to a human. Zoonyms do not have such attributes. "Zoonim" is proposed to be the general term. Another finding was that the functioning of zoonyms and zoomorphisms in the literary text is influenced by the genre of the text, which is expressed in the genre determinism of the lexical composition of zoonyms nominating animals.

M.A. Dudareva ◽  

The object of the article is apophatics as a cultural phenomenon. The subject is the national topic in the works by N. A. Nekrasov, this year they celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth. The material for the article is the poem “Who Can Be Happy and Free in Russia?”. The ethoses of life and death are hermeneutically reconstructed in the work. Much attention is paid to the Russian folklore tradition in the poem, which was expressed both explicitly and implicitly. The research methodology is reduced to a holistic onto-hermeneutic analysis aimed at highlighting the folklore, ethnographic paradigm of this literary text. Much attention is paid to a path-road mythologeme. Parallels are drawn with the Russian fairy tale, which is characterized by an otherworldly paradigm, the search for “another kingdom”. The research results are to identify the cultural potential of the poem for the further study of the national topic, national existence and otherness,apophatics as a phenomenon of Russian culture associated with the phenomenon of death. The results of the work can also be used in teaching courses in Russian literature, cultural studies, philosophy.

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