2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-96

The article is devoted to the evolution of Victor Domontovych’s creative thinking in his last novel Without Foundation. This work of art became a resume of his writing and an intertext for his philosophical and culturological research in scientific and critical articles from this period. The basic theme of this novel is the end of the epoch; the author addresses the theme of the exhaustion of modernity’s value and aesthetic systems, which formed the basis of his early artistic works. The analysis of Domontovych’s perception of the epoch boundary, his exhaustion of the cultural paradigm of modernism and the embodiment of his conclusions in the works make the research relevant, especially in terms of the changing landmarks of modern global culture. The research is based on the structural-semiotic methodology of literary text interpretations, which allows the different levels of the text organization to be reviewed, thus reaching wider cultural generalizations. This study helps to better understand the author’s concept of the culture crisis and the poetics of the novel Without Foundation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Lindsay Fiona Blair

“An intertextual/ dialogical reading of place through photography and fiction” The article is an exploration of place and its representations based on the intertextual reading of a series of photographs (1880-82) of Tarbert, Loch Fyne by Andrew Begbie Ovenstone (1851-1935) and the dialogical reading of a novel, Gillespie (1914), by John MacDougall Hay (1881-1919) which is set in Tarbert. The proposed article is inspired by a sense that a semiotic approach to the subject will reveal far more than has been discovered within the tradition of hermeneutics and patrimony and that much will be gained by a study of the contrast between written and visual signifiers. The article raises questions about the (unexamined) coded readings of place especially in relation to the photograph, and the lack of an adequately theorized tradition for the novel. The literary text is well known - if not well understood - but the images are from a rare, unpublished, private collection of photographs from Scotland, India and the furthest reaches of Empire (Ovenstone was the Atlantic Freight Manager of Anchor Line Ltd, the Glasgow shipping company). The paper emphasizes the need for the use of codes to decipher the texts. When we “read” the photographs we need to be aware of the intertextual relationship between the photograph and the landscape painting tradition as well as the common practice of the created tableau – there is then overlaid upon the image the sense of a set of conventions, a system which operates much like a language. We are able to discover through the notion of the “long quotation from appearances” the potential for more complex “synchronic” readings. Likewise, in the case of Gillespie, the novel operates within a genre which determines a “reading”. When we are aware of a code, we become aware of the way that Hay manoeuvres adroitly to thwart the reader’s best efforts to settle upon a preferred reading – especially one shaped by an authoritative narrator - which thereby allows for the genuine experience of “heteroglossia” to emerge. The notion of truth in Gillespie is interrogated in the light of Heidegger’s essay “The Origins of a Work of Art” in order that the relationship between representation and reality be clarified.

wisdom ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Ganna PRIHODKO ◽  
Oleksandra PRYKHODCHENKO ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of linguistic manifestations of intermediality in English-language literary texts of the 20th – 21st centuries. Intermediality is understood as a special type of structural interconnections within a work of art, based on the interaction of various types of art-languages in a system of single literary text. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such figurative structures that enclose information about another type of art. In the course of the analysis, it was established that the implementation of intermedial connections of literary, musical and visual texts interacting in the space of the semiosphere is carried out by borrowing of compositional-structural and plot-shaped means, which leads to the creolization of the transmitted message, providing a pragmatic effect on the recipient with a combination of verbal-iconic elements . The intermedial mechanism of combining codes of different semiotic systems contributes to the transfer of an artistic image in the text at different levels of abstraction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 580-588

The article deals with the most important issues of the Kyrgyz language today. In the context of the excerpts, the elements of the wheel in the work of art are analyzed, in particular, the functions of the eye during conversation and conversation. The semantic features of different eye movements depending on the situation are determined by the research based on the texts of the novel The Broken Sword by T. Kasymbekov. Since eye contact, the duration of a glance, the frequency of views and their semantics are the subject of scientific research, the article also discusses linguistic, cultural and ethnolinguistic problems concerning the Kyrgyz people. The study, analyzing the expression of eye resources in the text and its contribution to communication, determines the results of analytical studies based on problems along with linguistic science, such sciences as psycholinguistics and ethnolinguistics.

Мамбетказиева Гулнур

Аннотация: Бул илимий макалада көркөм адабиятка көрүнүктүү иш жазап өзүнүн өчпөс эмгегин өз окурмандарына мурас катары калтырып кеткен атактуу америкалык жазуучу Джек Лондондун “Мартин Иден” романынын кыргыз тилине которулган Ж. Султаналиевдин котормосуна лингвистикалык деңгээлде талдоо жүргүзүлүп, тилдеги окшоштуктарды, өзгөчөлүктөрдү изилдөө менен аларды мисалдар аркылуу далилдөө. Илимий иште көркөм чыгармага лингвистикалык талдоо жүргүзүү жолдору жана изилдөөчүлөрдүн бул илимди өнүктүрүүдө өздөрүнүн илимге кошкон эбегейсиз чоң эмгектери туурасында маалымат берилди. Түйүндүү сөздөр:көркөм адабият, искусство, лингвистика, лингвистикалык талдоо, лингвистикалык аспектилеринин тил каражаттары, лингвопоэтикалык чыгарма, текст, тил илими, тил системасы, көркөм тексттин фрагменттери. Аннотация: В данной научной статье проведен лингвистический анализ романа известного американского писателя, который оставил читателям свой вечный труд, Джека Лондона «Мартин Иден», переведенного на кыргызский язык Дж.Султаналиевым. Изучены языковые сходства и их особенности, подтверждены примерами. В статье также приводятся методы проведения лингвистиче- ского анализа художественного произведения и информация о величайших трудах исследователей для развития этой науки. Ключевые слова: художественная литература, искусство, лингвистка, лингвистический анализ, лингвистические аспекты языковых средств, лингвопоэтическое произведение, текст, языкознание, языковая система, фрагменты художественного текста. Abstract:In this scientific article was provided a linguistic analysis of the novel of the famous American writer Jack London “Martin Eden”, translated into Kyrgyz by Zh. Sultanaliev, which left his eternal work for his readers. Also the language similarities and their features are studied, and confirmed by examples. Additionally the article provides methods for conducting linguistic analysis of a work of art and information on the great- est works of researchers for the development of this science. Key words: Works of literature, art, linguistic, linguistic analysis, linguistic aspects of language tools, linguistic poetics composition, text, linguistics, the language system, and fragments of the literary text.

Владимир Юрьевич Лебедев ◽  
Александр Михайлович Прилуцкий

Данная статья является апробацией авторской методики инверсивного семиотического анализа и исследованием с помощью данной методики конкретного художественного текста - романа Ф. Сологуба «Мелкий бес». В основе инверсивного семиотического анализа лежит представление об инверсии - особом типе отношений в иерархических структурах, при которых низший элемент обретает главенствующие свойства, формально оставаясь на прежней, подчиненной позиции. Проведенные исследования позволили выявить в тексте романа различные уровни инверсии: в поведении и описании героев, изображении социальных и психических процессов. Это позволило сделать вывод о том, что инвертивность семиотических планов формирует семиотический код текста. This article is an approbation of the author's method of inverse semiotic analysis and research with the help of this method of a specific literary text - the novel by F. Sologub «The Little Demon». Inverse semiotic analysis is based on the concept of inversion - a special type of relationship in hierarchical structures in which the lower element acquires dominant properties, formally remaining in the same subordinate position. The studies carried out allowed us to identify different levels of inversion in the text of the novel: in the behavior and description of the characters, in the depiction of social and mental processes. This made it possible to conclude that the inversion of semiotic plans forms the semiotic code of the text.

2018 ◽  
pp. 132-138
М. І. Підодвірна

The results and achievements of the main schools and directions of naratology indicate the need to reread both well-known and recondite texts in order to spell out the meanings. We believe that the narrative analysis of prose by Victor Domontovich (the Ukrainian intellectual writer) is interesting and relevant. The article attempts to characterize the manifestations of the bias of an unreliable narato in the novel “Doctor Seraficus” based on the A. Nyuninga’s cognitive approach. A modern German researcher provides a set of tools that can supplemented for a multidimensional consideration of all ambiguities and contradictions in the text. An intelligent game that unfolds in the text manifests itself at different levels. V. Domontovych conducts the biggest game, the game with meaning through the pending authority of unreliable presenter. The text of the novel consists of abstract reflections, notes, dreams, illusions, fantasies, dreams and retrospective journeys. The main law of the text is the game. Irony and contradictions in the narrator’s words encourage the reader to feel dissonance, uncertainty. Therefore, in a narrative analysis, attention is focused on the speaker and who sees (the focal point). It was investigated that the artist Corvin is the narrator of the novel “Doctor Serafikus”, he tries to give as much as possible objectively the personal story. The motives for the unreliability narration based on the personal interest and bias of the character are determined. We identified the main symptoms of the unreliability of the narrator in the work, and the different levels at which the corresponding narrative is expressed, are highlighted. It is established that an unreliable narrative forces distancing itself from a narrator and takes everything that has been said with caution and detachment. Detailed narrative analysis of the work sheds light on the meanings, which for some reason masked, and allows you to establish artistic functions of an unreliable narrator. We believe that understanding this phenomenon makes it possible to make a comprehensive analysis of artistic text.

2020 ◽  
pp. 182-197
Agnieszka Goral

The aim of the article is to analyse the elements of folk poetics in the novel Pleasant things. Utopia by T. Bołdak-Janowska. The category of folklore is understood in a rather narrow way, and at the same time it is most often used in critical and literary works as meaning a set of cultural features (customs and rituals, beliefs and rituals, symbols, beliefs and stereotypes) whose carrier is the rural folk. The analysis covers such elements of the work as place, plot, heroes, folk system of values, folk rituals, customs, and symbols. The description is conducted based on the analysis of source material as well as selected works in the field of literary text analysis and ethnolinguistics. The analysis shows that folk poetics was creatively associated with the elements of fairy tales and fantasy in the studied work, and its role consists of – on the one hand – presenting the folk world represented and – on the other – presenting a message about the meaning of human existence.

Mikhail Tarasov

The article deals with the narrative text construction. The study thoroughly analyzes cognitive models that can become the basis of this process. Firstly, the author is studying the theory of rhetoricalcommonplaces. The article shows that this theory is suitable for constructing a rhetorical text, but not a narrative one. The second model discussed is the concept model. The article argues that this model is most convenient for text analysis, but not for its formation. Marvin Minsky's frame theory is analyzed in detail. It is stated that the theory of frames and individual narrative concepts, in particular those formulated by R. Barth, have much in common. It is concluded that the theory of frames can be perceived as the ontological basis of the narrative scientific description. In addition, the article briefly discusses the cognitive model by R. Quillian and R. Langacker. Their essence is to highlight the main and secondary content in the text. The possibility of using these models in the text analysis and its synthesis is proved by their conceptual similarity with G.Y. Solganik’s analysis of the novel by L. Tolstoy. Special attention is paid to the theory of R. Abelson. It is argued that the proposed hierarchy of cognitive structures has a generalizing character and is adequate to the text. The article gives an example based on a local narrative figure analysis undertaken by V.V. Vinogradov. The paper indicates the possibility to describe this figure within Abelson's theory. As a result of different cognitive models and narrative conceptscomparison, the article formulates the sequence of stages in the analysis and synthesis of text units found at different levels. The first stage of this sequence is the narrative figures analysis. The second one is the analysis of episodes, which are narrative figures associations. The third one is the analysis of the text plot structures. It is proposed to consider text units as realizations of cognitive structures. It is argued that the cognitive approach to the narrative provides its holistic and detailed adequate description.


This article examines the linguistic means of representing the category of everyday life in the novel by G. Sh. Yakhina “Zuleikha opens her eyes” and in its translation into Chinese. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the anthropology of everyday life, a broad line of research into everyday life. Comparative study of linguistic units, which reveal the essence of everyday human existence, makes it possible to identify lacunar units that are difficult to translate fiction in the context of the Russian-Chinese language pair. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the involvement in the analysis of linguistic methods of conveying the category of everyday life in the aspect of translating a Russian literary text into Chinese. The work used the methods of comparative, component, contextual analysis, the method of linguoculturological commenting. As a result of the study, the lexical-semantic, lexical-stylistic and grammatical lacunar units were identified, which demonstrate linguocultural barriers in the process of translating a text into Chinese. A comparative analysis of the texts was carried out in order to comprehend the lexical and grammatical transformations performed in the process of translation. As a result, the main ways of compensating for the lacunae of everyday life in Russian-Chinese translation were identified: transcription, tracing, descriptive translation, lexical-semantic replacement. In addition, it was found that the study of various options for depicting everyday life in a literary text not only makes it possible to identify lacunar units of everyday life, but also reveals the artistic and philosophical intention of the work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-132
G. Mukhamejanova ◽  
A. Mukhamejanova ◽  

Currently, due to linguistic personalities associated with culture, language, national existence, especially with literature, various aspects and aspects of linguistics are revealed in the development of literature in linguistics and linguoculturology. From this point of view, linguistics, first of all, reveals the essence of linguistic poetics, determines the degree of its residence in the language, literature, reveals the subject of study, development, teaching, and connections with other branches of science. This article examines the phonetic micropoetics of the language of a work of art, and also analyzes the nature of phonetic phenomena used in a work of art, using specific examples.

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