scholarly journals A Prospect of Disaster Education and Community Development in Thailand: Learning from Japan

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Waricha Wongphyat ◽  
Mari Tanaka

This paper aims to examine a prospect of disaster education and community development at the Hua Takhe community, Thailand. It explores program and participation as well as meaning and implication of the Japanese case studies through field observations and participations. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire survey of its inhabitants, the strengths of the Hua Takhe community include solidarity, human and cultural resources, and location. Nonetheless, its weaknesses are limitation of disaster prevention-related resource, insufficient cooperation between the old and the young generation, lack of systematic disaster management, and low participation in disaster drills. While collaboration with educational institutions, informal and innovative learning, better quality of life, and being an example for other communities can be considered as its opportunities, changing ownership and usage of dwellings and unbalanced development can be its significant threats. Consequently, this paper proposes a disaster education and community development program focusing on enhancing the inclusive learning community, which contributes to the disaster resilience of the Thai communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Zulham Zulham Khoir ◽  
Tiy Kusmarrabbi Karo ◽  
Slamet Riyadi

Aceh Tamiang is an area with a majority Muslim population, not even one in Adil Makmur Village, Tenggulun, which is the location for this activity to find other places of worship besides mosques and prayer rooms. However, there is a decline in the quality of reading and writing the Koran in today's young generation compared to previous generations. This is due to the lack of parental attention to the quality of children's reading of the Koran, because they have fully surrendered this role to existing Koranic educational institutions. While in the previous generation, most parents were very disciplined for matters related to religious knowledge, especially reading and writing the Koran. The implementation of this Action Research aims to improve the literacy and writing skills of the young generation of the Koran in Adil Makmur Village, Tenggulun, Aceh Tamiang by empowering STAI As-sunnah students for Tahsin al-Qiraah activities. The method used is Participatory Action Research. By doing 3 stages: Planning-Action-Evaluation. The result of this activity: increased public enthusiasm for the importance of the younger generation having the ability to read and write the Koran in Adil Makmur Village, Tenggulun, Aceh Tamiang. In addition, this activity has also succeeded in making the role of parents as the main guides for children re-enforced

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Solahudin Solahudin

This paper is aimed at discussing the strategic role of school (madrasah) in the country. Madrasah is one of the Islamic educational institutions that have an important role for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. Madrasah is a place to galvanize the mental, moral, and spiritual of the young generation to educate students to be useful beings for the religion, state, and nation. Private Madrasahs as one of the Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia have a strategic role in the participation of the nation's intellectuals. In the next developments, private madrasahs face complex issues. In one hand, there is a demand to improve the quality in order to compete with state Islamic education institutions and public schools, but on the other hand, the attention of the government, both central and local, to Islamic educational institutions is still low, even they are still placed not as the main class, but the second class of education institutions. The Ministry of Religious Affairs, which became the central policy, began to formulate serious efforts to improve the quality of madrasahs, such as through the Ministry's Strategic Plan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-169
Purim Marbun

This research is base on the problem of  the pastor’s inability the church to implement an effective community development program. Moreover, if this judged based on implementation of the chuch’s vision and mision, many churches are not accurate incarrying out spiritual formation properly. Another problem is the lack of time the congregation participates in a coaching program implemented in the church will affect the congregation’s lack of knowledge and understanding of God’s word, this will affect the spiritual quality of the congregation. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative study of literature by examining various literatures relating to subject matter discussed. Through in-depth study and analysis, it is hoped that the pastors will provide concrete steps in planning and conducting effective coaching of church members. The result of this reseach to provide strategic steps and models of spiritual formation that are accurate and measurable and are able to increase the understanding of God’s word and make the spiritually mature as measured by changes in behaviour. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masalah ketidakmampuan pendeta atau gembala dalam menyelenggarakan program pembinaan warga jemaat secara efektif. Apalagi jika hal ini dinilai berdasarkan implementasi visi dan misi gereja, banyak gereja tidak akurat melaksanakan pembinaan iman dengan baik. Masalah lain minimnya waktu jemaat mengikuti program pembinaan yang dilaksanakan di gereja akan berpengaruh pada rendahnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman jemaat akan firman Tuhan, hal ini akan mempengaruhi kualitas kerohanian jemaat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini studi kualitatif deskriptif kepustakaan dengan menelaah berbagai literatur yang berkaitan dengan pokok masalah yang dibahas. Melalui kajian dan analisis yang mendalam diharapkan memberikan langkah-langkah konkrit bagi pendeta dalam merencanakan dan melakukan pembinaan warga gereja dengan efektif. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan langkah-langkah stategis dan model pembinaan rohani yang akurat dan terukur serta mampu meningkatkan pemahaman firman Tuhan serta menjadikan jemaat dewasa rohani yang diukur dari perubahan perilaku.

Fahma Islami

The young generation in a broad sense, includes the ages of children and adolescents, from birth to maturity in all aspects (physical, spiritual, social, cultural and economic). This article aims to identify the role of the younger generation in da'wah in the field of community development, and identify methods and techniques of da'wah in community development. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach. This study resulted in the findings that the role and function of young people occupy an important position in social life. This young generation is the hope of its former people to continue the struggle for da'wah like the deceased religious leaders. Generations of young Muslims and Muslim women who still have the spirit of preaching, strong bodies, and clear working brains are very helpful in improving the quality of human preaching and even maintaining the quality of an almost extinct civilization. Furthermore, in community development it is very important to study the influence of religion on the improvement of people's lives. There are three aspects that need to be studied, namely culture, social systems, and personality. These three aspects are complex and integrated social phenomena whose effects can be observed on human behavior which will facilitate the process of community development. The conclusion of this study finds that it is undeniable that the younger generation really has to become a reliable dakwah drafter in overcoming problems in society that arise and contribute to people's lives.

F Faridawati Faridawati ◽  
Eko Minarto ◽  
Ika Istiana Wati ◽  
Sutrisno Sutrisno ◽  
Lukman Hakim

The basic difference between the Industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 is that in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 technology and computers are used in all human activities, while the era of society 5.0 is an era in which technology becomes a part of humans themselves. The internet is no longer a source of information, but is used to live life. To prepare the young generation to face all the challenges that arise in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0, it is necessary to work hard for educational institutions to educate their students to be ready to face the changing times, and this must start from the most basic level of education, namely at elementary school level (SD and SMP). For this reason, this community service program was arranged, namely improving the quality of education by providing robotic learning training for supervisory teachers and elementary school (SD) students so that they become a generation ready to face all the challenges of the industrial revolution era 4.0 and the society 5.0 era

2020 ◽  
pp. 68
Muhlisin Muhlisin ◽  
Mohammad Syaifuddin

Islamic educational institutions are encouraged to implement the model of integrated Islamic education in recent years. They are supposed to integrate Islamic studies, science and technology. The present study aims to reveal the reasons why MAN IC Pekalongan implement an integrated Islamic education model, describe the implementation of students’ activities programs based on science integration, describe the implementation of curriculum development based on science integration, describe the learning implementation based on the integration of Islamic studies, science and technology. Grounded in qualitative approach, data were garnered through interview, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed through reduction, display, and data verification. The study findings expose that: first, the reasons of integrating Islamic studies, science and technology is to reach the vision of the school which aims to be excellent both on academic and non-academic areas which then be able to improve the quality of madrasah as an integrative Islamic education institution. Second, the students’ activity program used is the model of Separated Integration System (SIS). Third, the curriculum development program used is the model of Integrated Tree Curriculum (ITC). Fourth, the learning implementation uses the model of Integrating Verb (IV), Interdisciplinary Dialogic Integration (IDI), Instrumentalist Justification Integration (IJI), and reflective technique.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Moh. Toriqul Chaer ◽  
Muhammad Atabiqul As'ad ◽  
Qusnul Khorimah ◽  
Erik Sujarwanto

The continuity of learning programs during the COVID-19 pandemic found educational institutions, especially Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah (MI) temporarily closed the learning process in schools. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 that is currently engulfing Indonesia. Lack of preparation, readiness and learning strategies have a psychological impact on teachers and students. Declining quality of skills, lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure. Learning from home (online) is an effort by the government program to ensure the continuity of learning in the pandemic period. The research method uses participatory action research (PAR), which focuses on understanding social phenomena that occur in the community and mentoring efforts on the problems faced. The assistance effort is to help the children of MI Sulursewu, Ngawi in participating in online learning related to; 1). Preparation of activities, 2). Counselling participants offline method, 3). Offline activities method. Results of the study show that the mentoring activities following the target of achievement; first, the activity can be carried out following the schedule that has been set. Second, students are always on time for the online learning hours that have been set. Offline methods show that efforts can help ease the burden on parents, but can also make it easier for students to receive subject matter.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 201
Elida Kurti

This paper aims to reflect an effort to identify the problems associated with the educational learning process, as well as its function to express some inherent considerations to the most effective forms of the classroom management. Mentioned in this discussion are ways of management for various categories of students, not only from an intellectual level, but also by their behavior. Also, in the elaboration of this theme I was considering that in addition to other development directions of the country, an important place is occupied by the education of the younger generation in our school environments and especially in adopting the methods of teaching and learning management with a view to enable this generation to be competitive in the European labor market. This, of course, can be achieved by giving this generation the best values of behavior, cultural level, professional level and ethics one of an European family which we belong to, not just geographically. On such foundations, we have tried to develop this study, always improving the reality of the prolonged transition in the field of children’s education. Likewise, we have considered the factors that have left their mark on the structure, cultural level and general education level of children, such as high demographic turnover associated with migration from rural and urban areas, in the capacity of our educational institutions to cope with new situations etc. In the conclusions of this study is shown that there is required a substantial reform even in the pro-university educational system to ensure a significant improvement in the behavior of children, relations between them and the sound quality of their preparation. Used literature for this purpose has not been lacking, due to the fact that such problems are usually treated by different scholars. Likewise, we found it appropriate to use the ideas and issues discussed by the foreign literature that deals directly with classroom management problems. All the following treatise is intended to reflect the way of an effective classroom management.

GIS Business ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 170-182
Dr. R. Sundari ◽  
Ms. Sangeetha Manoj

Community Development is a process of collective action taken by the members of a community to generate solutions for common problems.  The aspects of community well being namely Economic, Social, Environmental and Cultural well being evolves from this type of collective action taken at multiple societal levels. (Weaver, 1971) defines community development as a process of “A public-group approach dedicated to achieving the goals of the total body politic.” Therefore, it is evident that a community can be developed through the effective participation of citizens. It is universally acceptable that community service is a vehicle for safeguarding the environment that is initiated from the participants of the community. In order to imbibe the community consciousness among the citizens, every country should “Catch them Young”. The purpose of the paper is to integrate Participative Model (Active Citizenship, Citizen Networks and Co-production) with Self-service Model (Social Governance, Societal Discipline and Accountability). National and international reviews show that the perception about the community and realisation has to be ingrained at the grass root level; this can be achieved through the participation of academic institutions. This paper is an attempt to highlight. The initiatives taken by educational institutions to imbibe social consciousness, The perceptions of students about their role in community development, and, To identify the effective Private Public Partnership areas for community building Factor analysis has been applied to identify the role of educational institutions and individual citizen’s( Students) in building community consciousness. Linear Regression had been applied in the study to measure the influence of Educational Institutions on the role of Students in building the community.  A weighted average score is awarded by the students for the potential areas of public private partnership for community development is highlighted. The results of the study provide an impact created by the institution over the students. The Study also, consolidates some of the successful community bonding and building activities carried out Academic Institutions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 38-55
M. Ihsan Dacholfany ◽  
Eko Susanto ◽  
Andi Noviandi

Educational institutions in Indonesia are expected to produce superior human resources and compete to have insight into science and technology. To achieve this expectation, educational institutions should strive and play a role in optimizing and achieving academic excellence, particularly in education, industry relevance, for new knowledge contribution, and for empowerment. Recognizing the importance of the process of improving the quality of human resources, the government, managers of educational institutions, educators and learners in Indonesia are striving to achieve the goals, vision and mission through various activities to build a better quality education through the development of human resources development and improvement of curriculum and evaluation system, improvement of educational facilities, the development and procurement of teaching materials, and training for teachers and education personnel to be more advanced and developed than other countries.

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