scholarly journals The Implementation of Policy on Appointment of Permanent Lecturers at Private Universities in the City and Regency of Cirebon

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-130
Nursahidin ◽  
Soleh Suryadi ◽  
Ali Anwar Yusuf

The focus of this research is the implementation of policy on the appointment of permanent lecturers at private universities in the City and Regency of Cirebon which are not optimal yet,so that Private Universities in the City and Regency of Cirebon are faced with various problems in the appointment of permanent lecturers, that is, they have not yet fully paid attention to the regulations and quality standards of lecturers. The sub focus of this research is application of the approach of the idealized policy, the implementing organization, the target group and environmental factors as dimensions of policy implementation in relation to the appointment of permanent lecturers at private universities in the City and Regency of Cirebon.Based on the problem statement set out at the focus of research,then downgraded into a research question, what are the factors that have caused the implementation of policy on the appointment of the permanent lecturers at Private Universities in Cirebon City and Regency to be not yet optimal? What efforts are made by private universities in the city and regency of Cirebon to appoint permanent lecturers?And what strategies are effective to optimize the implementation of the policy of appointment of the permanent lecturers at Private Universities in the City and Regency of Cirebon?The results of the researchthen further analyzed with the theory of organizational effectiveness with the criteria of production, efficiency, satisfaction, adaptation and development. The method used in the research is a qualitative research method.Qualitative data collection is done through observation, interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD).In this research the writers describe the phenomena found in the field related to the research problem, then analyze it but without calculating the effect of a variable to other variables.Through this qualitative research method, it is expected that the writers can obtain accurate data related to the problem under research, so that the writers can analyze it in depth on how to implement the policy of appointment of permanent lecturers at PTS (Private Universities) in the City and Regency of Cirebon. The results showed the findings in the form of developing theories that strengthen the concept of Smith's policy implementation process (1973) that optimizing the appointment of permanent lecturers at Private Universities in the City and Regency of Cirebon can be achieved if Organizational Culture, Motivation and Competitiveness are developed.

Anna Brdulak

To provide a good level of the quality of life of the city inhabitants, it is indispensable to follow sustainable development strategy, allowing to create social capital. This is important especially for local authorities, which should govern society by cooperating with them. Therefore, the main purpose of the article is to present implementation process and its conditions of the sustainable development strategy within the structures of local government units in Poland. Analysis is based on the authoress’ own qualitative research conducted in four voivodships in the Southern of Poland.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 532
Marsono MARSONO ◽  

The 1945 Constitution, article 27 paragraph (3) and article 30 paragraph (1) mandates every citizen about the rights and obligations of every Indonesian citizen in the defense and security efforts of the state. State defense efforts are carried out in a universal defense system involving all citizens. In addition, the arrangement of defense areas throughout the Republic of Indonesia is based on Government Regulation Number 68 of 2014 concerning the Arrangement of National Defense Areas starting from the provincial level to the district/city level. One of them is in the city of Bandung. The implementation of the defense area arrangement is carried out in an integrated manner with the regional spatial plan. But its implementation in the city of Bandung has not been fully integrated. For this reason, research or evaluation of this policy is carried out. The research problem is about the initial conditions (antecedent), the implementation process (transaction), and the achievement results (outcomes) of the defense area arrangement policy in the Bandung City Spatial Plan. The aim of the research is to evaluate the policies at these three stages. This study uses a qualitative method with Stake's Countenance Model. The results of the study show: (1) the initial condition of the defense area arrangement in the Bandung City Spatial Plan has been based on Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning and has been synergized, but not maximal yet; (2) the policy implementation process has been implemented, but not maximal ye; and (3) the results of the achievement of policies in the form of a Defense Area Plan have been realized and a the Defense Area Detail Plan has not been realized and has not been used as a reference in the preparation of the Bandung City Spatial Plan. The conclusion that the defense area arrangement policy in the Bandung City Spatial Plan was 57.7% in the moderate/moderate category.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Wennyta Eka Fauziyah ◽  
Lukman Arif

This study aims to determine how the policy implementation of South Ring Road development in Tuban District that analyzed using the policy implementation model from Van Meter and Van Horn (1775). The type of research used is the type of qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that all indicators of the policy implementation model from Van Meter and Van Horn (1975) as a measure of the success of the policy implementation of South Ring Road development in Tuban District are due to minimal financial resources, causing poor road construction. failure to achieve standards, inaccuracies and inconsistencies in communication during the policy implementation process which caused problems, and the presence of people who did not support the development policy of the Ring Road. So it can be concluded that the policy implementation of South Ring Road development in Tuban District has not run optimally

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Gabriella Saras Katungga ◽  
S Syahrial

Tanggai Dance is a welcome guest dance in the city of Palembang. Tanggai Dance is one of the dance that until now continues to exist and become a dance that must be known and studied by young people especially women. It is not recklessly to dance the Tanggai dance, but dancers should also know the contents of the dance, because there is a value to be conveyed to the people who appreciate the Tanggai dance. There are two focus problems that will be researched and formulated in the research question which is how the form of Tanggai dance and what is the meaning of the movement of Tanggai dance in the city of Palembang. This research uses qualitative research methods. The research aims to discuss the shape and meaning of the dance movements of Tanggai. The discussion of the form uses the concept of Suzzane K. Langer and Soedarsono about the form which means the structure of a relationship of various factors that are intertwined. Discussion of the meaning of motion using the concept expressed by Anya Peterson Roice about the three things of use is, mimetic, abstract, and metaphoric. The result of this research is Tanggai dance in Palembang city is a packaging dance form for welcome guests. Related to the meaning of the whole movement of Tanggai dance that has the meaning of surrender to the Lord Almighty.Keywords: dance form and motion meaning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-85
Irfan A Ulumuddin ◽  
Muhadjir M Darwin

Pertumbuhan pembangunan hotel, apartemen dan kondotel dinilai tidak ramah bagi pelaku usaha, karena berkaitan dengan rendahnya tingkat okupansi dan persaingan harga pada layanan sejenis. Pemerintah menanggapi permasalahan ini dengan menerbitkan kebijakan moratorium untuk izin usaha hotel dan sejenisnya. Namun, setelah pemerintah menerbitkan kebijakan moratorium, jumlah usaha tidak mengalami stagnasi, bahkan meningkat signifikan bila dibandingkan sebelum pemerintah menetapkan kebijakan moratorium. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui dimensi ambiguitas dalam kebijakan dan proses implementasi kebijakan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan ambiguitas-konflik Matland. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peningkatan jumlah usaha setelah penerbitan kebijakan moratorium diinisiasi oleh ambiguitas tujuan dalam kebijakan dan ambiguitas sarana dalam proses implementasi kebijakan.The growth in the construction of hotels, apartments, and condotels is considered unfriendly to business actors because it is related to low occupancy rates and price competition for similar services. The government responded to this problem by issuing a moratorium policy for hotel business permits and the like. However, after the government issued a moratorium policy, the number of businesses did not stagnate, even increasing significantly when compared to before the government enacted the moratorium policy. This study uses a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach that aims to determine the dimensions of ambiguity in policy and policy implementation processes. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation. In this study, the authors used Matland's conflict ambiguity. The results showed that the increase in the number of businesses after the issuance of the moratorium policy was initiated by the ambiguity of objectives in policy and ambiguity of means in the policy implementation process.

Francislê Neri de Souza ◽  
Dayse Neri ◽  
António Costa

Research is based on a constant questioning process. All researchers should ask questions in every research phase, what is read, the research design definition, data analysed and the way they are discussed and how their conclusions are drawn. It is generally accepted that to start scientific research, irrespectively of the area of expertise, the starting point is the drafting of one or more research questions, ordinarily known as a research problem. However, for many, starting with a research programme, the idea of formulating one is always a challenge. Some do not know where to start and question whether the question is well formulated. Given these issues, this paper aims to clarify and reinforce the importance of formulating the research problem and/or question, where to get inspiration for its compilation, what are the steps to be followed for its refinement and what is its usefulness during the research process. We also intend to recommend the use of some software packages that may assist the researcher, during questioning in other research phases, and thus maintain internal coherence throughout the research, as well as obtain an answer to the research question.

Emiliana J. Lozano ◽  
Genaro V. Japos

A microfinance program involves livelihood access through borrowed capital to capacitate women in marginalized communities to improve their quality of life. The study elicited the perceptions of beneficiaries on the transformation in their lives as a result of their availment of microfinance program of the City Social Welfare and Development Office of Butuan City. The study utilized descriptive method adopting qualitative research technique by means of focused group discussion, personal interview and on-site observations. The study revealed that technology acquisition was the most appreciated area of development because it enabled them to start their projects efficiently and handle them effectively as compared to doing things by their common sense. They realized the need to pay their loan on time for use by others rather than delving on dole- out-mentality. They understood that aving money in the bank is a form of investment rather than hiding it in any part of their house with no future benefit. They learned how to absorb instruction, clarify matters and comply with the needed output. The study concludes that the beneficiaries affirmed the tangible benefits translated to development of their greater capacity to access capital, utilize the same productively and support their socio-economic needs.

Mark McCaslin ◽  
Karen Scott

The Five-Question Method is an approach to framing Qualitative Research, focusing on the methodologies of five of the major traditions in qualitative research: biography, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, and case study. Asking Five Questions, novice researchers select a methodology appropriate to the desired perspective on the selected topic. The Method facilitates identifying and writing a Problem Statement. Through taking a future perspective, the researcher discovers the importance and direction of the study and composes a Purpose Statement. The process develops an overarching research question integrating the purpose and the research problem. The role of the researcher and management of assumptions and biases is discussed. The Five-Question Method simplifies the framing process promoting quality in qualitative research design. A course outline is appended.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Hardiyansyah Hardiyansyah ◽  
Rahmad Effendi

The purpose of this study is to examine and discuss a model of public policy implementation in waste management and health in Palembang. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with techniques of collecting data through observation and in-depth interviews. The conclusion that can be drawn are as follows: (1) a model of policy implementation in hygiene and waste management in the city of Palembang lead to models of policy implementation Edwards III that includes factors of communication, executive attitudes, resources, and bureaucratic structures; (2) reality show that communication factor, executor attitude, resources, and bureaucratic structures proposed by Edwards III needs to be coupled with other factors, namely "leadership commitment." In the study it was found that the commitment of the leadership (mayor) apparently helped complete four factors ; (3) models of policy implementation Edwards III consists of four factors, as reconstructed into five factors, namely: communication, executive attitudes, resources, bureaucratic structures, and leadership commitment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (48) ◽  
pp. 85-103
Luana Santos Souza ◽  

Entendemos ser essencial a análise e a compreensão da produção e estruturação do espaço urbano das cidades brasileiras, que cada vez mais se apresentam desiguais, segregadas e excludentes. Neste artigo buscamos compreender as características gerais das discussões sobre desigualdades sociais através da elaboração do mapeamento de indicadores sociais, a fim de revelar a realidade socioespacial da cidade de Dourados – MS.  Os mapas temáticos permitem-nos identificar e analisar como a exclusão social e as desigualdades se expressam no espaço intraurbano douradense. Assim o mapeamento dos indicadores sociais proporciona uma melhor visualização espacial da realidade, pois o mapa como instrumento de leitura da realidade, indicando o “o que” e o “onde”, cria uma visão da cidade que é espacial e relacional. Assim, para este texto foram elaborados mapas acerca da renda per capita do domicílio, buscando revelar onde a exclusão social é mais evidente, ao identificar o “o lugar de cada um” na cidade de Dourados. Ao mesmo tempo, os mapas auxiliam no processo de implementação de políticas que buscam amenizar o processo de exclusão social.Palavras–chave: Dourados; Mapeamento; Desigualdade Socioespacial.AbstractWe believe it is essential to the analysis and understanding of the production and structuring of urban space in brazilian cities, which increasingly have inequalities, segregated and exclusionary. In this article we try to understand the general characteristics of the discussions on social inequalities through the development of mapping social indicators in order to reveal the socio-spatial reality of the city of Dourados-MS. Thematic maps allow us to identify and analyze how social exclusion and inequalities are expressed in the intra-urban douradense space. So the mapping of social indicators provides a better spatial view of reality, because the map as a true reading instrument, indicating the "what" and "where" creates a vision of the city that is spatial and relational. So for this text were prepared maps on the per capita income of the household, seeking to reveal where social exclusion is more evident, to identify the "place of the each" in the city of Dourados. At the same time, the maps help in policy implementation process seeking to ease the process of social exclusion.Keywords: Dourados; mapping; Socio-Spatial inequalities

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