scholarly journals Speech Acts Strategies of “Refusing” by Indonesian in France Language

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (28) ◽  
pp. 127
Dedi Sanjaya

<p>Learning a foreign language is not just focused on learning the language grammatically, but also pragmatically that is spoken in accordance with the proper context. Mistakes in particular speech act speech act can have an impact on the problem of refusing to face up to conflict. This paper wants to see how the strategy of rejecting speech acts committed by Indonesian students who study French. Strategies analyzed by the selection vocabulary, effectiveness of sentences, sentence structure and politeness. Respondents are 30 students majoring in French at the University of Medan were selected based on purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using Discourse Completion Test (DCT). The results show that in the choice of vocabulary, many respondents use the verb is not appropriate to express rejection. Respondents were also frequent repetition of words in a sentence that makes the sentence to be long and rambling. In refusing, respondents are very polite, especially in the interaction between faculty and students. However, politeness is only indicated with concomitant use of words such as <em>madame (madame),</em> <em>monsieur (sir)</em> and <em>excuse the expression (z) -moi (pardon me), je suis désolé (e)</em> (I regret). Whereas for the polite form sentences in French can be used with <em>conditionel </em>mode, and other strategies such as the use of the phrase <em>impersonnel</em>, neutral pronoun use on, or the passive sentence. These strategies do not look at the answers of the respondents.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 190
Sri Puji Astuti

AbstractThe purpose of darma students come to Indonesia was to learn the language and culture of Indonesia. In the context of Indonesian disrup students of darma students are still experiencing difficulties because Indonesian is a foreign language for them. The purpose of this research is to describe the error of composing sentence of darma students of Diponegoro University in 2017. Samples taken in this research was darma students. This research focuses on language errors, especially writing skills. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data source of this research is the writings of advanced students of Diponegoro University in 2017. Data collection used purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was conducted by identifying sentence errors and then classifies by mistake. The result of the research showed that the errors found are the use of affixes, the use of conjunctions and prepositions, the arrangement of sentences is too long, the sentence structure is incomplete, the improper use of diction, the errors of spelling, and the use of the word redundant.IntisariTujuan mahasiswa darma siswa datang ke Indonesia yaitu belajar bahasa dan budaya Indonesia. Dalam mempelajari bahasa Indonesia diduga mahasiswa darma siswa masih megalami kesulitan karena bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa asing bagi mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kesalahan penyusunan kalimat  mahasiswa darma siswa Universitas Diponegoro tahun 2017. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini mahasiswa darma siswa tingkat lanjut. Penelitian ini memfoluskan  pada kesalahan berbahasa terutama keterampilan menulis. Penelitian ini merupakan  penelitian  deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa tulisan mahasiswa darma siswa Universitas Diponegoro tingkat lanjut tahun 2017. Pengambilan data menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi kesalahan kalimat kemudian mengklasifikasikan berdasarkan kesalahanmya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa kesalahan yang ditemukan yaitu kesalahan pemakaian afiks, pemakaian konjungsi dan preposisi, susunan kalimat terlalu panjang, struktur kalimat tidak lengkap, pemakaian diksi yang kurang tepat, kesalahan pemakaian  ejaan, dan pemakaian kata mubazir

Taulia Taulia ◽  
Laraiba Nasution

Speech acts play an essential role in language learning as an aspect that can improve a learner's ability to speak orally. In this research, illocutionary speech-acts  were described in the Japanese language learning process for students of the Mandarin Language Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara. This research is qualitative. The data are speech acts in the lecture process in class, especially in the discussion. The data sources were 40 fourth-semester students of the Mandarin Language Department. The theory used was the Searle speech act theory. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, recording , and note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques were carried out applying Miles & Huberman's opinion by condensing data through transcription of recorded data into written form, identifying forms, speech act functions, data presentation, and concluding. As a result, there were forms of illocutionary speech acts, namely directive, expressive, and declarative. Furthermore, the purpose used in class was in directive speech acts which were to order, ask, invite (engage). In other words, in expressive speech-act was praising, and in declarative speech-act was prohibiting. In conclusion, Japanese speech acts in Japanese class occured between lecturers and students and only consisted of several types of speech acts due to students' limited mastery of Japanese.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Yunda Lestari

This study aimed to find out what category of lecturer talks applied by lecturers in classroom interaction. This study was a descriptive survey. The participants were chosen by using purposive sampling technique where there were four English lecturers who taught at Second Semester Class of English Department of Baturaja University in the academic year of 2016/2017. The data were taken through observation, questionnaire and interview. Camera recorder and checklist were the instruments used in this study. The data were identified by using FLINT (Foreign Language Interaction) system as developed by Moskowitz (1971). The result of the study showed that the total of frequencies the deals with feeling were 9 or 1.6%, praises or encourages were 57 or 9.9%, uses ideas of students were 42 or 7.3%, asks questions were 199 or 34.6%, gives information were 92 or 16%, gives directions were 151 or 26.3% and criticizes student behavior were 25 or 4.3%. In conclusion, the category of lecturer applied by lecturers was asks questions in classroom interaction that the best ways to develop their role as an initiator and strategies that promote interaction in classroom activity. Keywords: Classroom Interaction, Lecturer Talks, FLINT

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Nofita Sari Gowasa ◽  
Sonia Permata Radiana ◽  
Nur Afifah

This article is a review of the theory of speech act by Searle & Austin (1962). Describe what the action strategies used in the language themselves are speaking and what speech acts are used by a group of prospective teachers while apologizing, complaining, rejecting and giving thanks. Focusing on the paper written by Akdeniz University, Faculty of Education Nihat Bayat, titled ‘A study on the use of speech acts.’ This present paper uses descriptive qualitative analysis in an attempt to address the gap how to determine what type of speech act is used in the Turkish language strategy, which will provide convenience in teaching Turkish as a native and foreign language. Look at using data content analysis obtained from descriptive analysis for deeper processes. The data in this study were collected through asking participants to write the structure of the language they used in apologizing, complaining, rejecting and thanking. This present article aims to review and discuss the findings, as well as the strengths and weaknesses found in Nihat's paper. The article See made seems to have a clear flow on how to explain these two types of education and made the discourse easy to understand. Therefore, the replication of Nihat's research should be easy enough for similar research purposes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Putri Dewi Ambarwati ◽  
Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih ◽  
Retna Tri Astuti

masalah yang banyak dialami oleh usia dewasa awal yaitu harus membuat keputusan mengenai karir, pernikahan, stres pekerjaan & keluarga, ansietas, dan depresi. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya stres yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal, faktor eksternal terdiri dari keadaan fisik, konfik, emosional, dan perilaku. Sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari lingkungan fisik, lingkungan pekerjaan, lingkungan masyarakat, lingkungan keluarga, masalah ekonomi, dan masalah hukum. Beban stres yang dirasa berat dapat memicu seseorang untuk berperilaku negatif, seperti merokok, alkohol, tawuran, seks bebas bahkan penyalahgunaan napza. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik mahasiswa tingkat akhir dan mengetahui tingkat stres pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir di Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskritif kualitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, sampel sebanyak 101 mahasiswa. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata usia mahasiswa 22,01 tahun. Rata-rata masa studi untuk program Diploma III (D3) adalah 6,00 semester, untuk program Sarjana (S1) rata-ratanya adalah 8,05 semester. Tingkat stres pada mahasiswa menunjukkan stres ringan sebanyak 35,6%, stres sedang 57.4 %, dan stres berat sebanyak 6,9 %. Tingkat stres tertinggi dialami oleh jenis kelamin perempuan dengan hasil stres sedang 33,6 %, dan tingkat stres berat 4,0%. Gambaran tingkat stres pada mahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang menunjukkan stres sedang sebanyak 33,6 %. Kata Kunci: Mahasiswa, Stres THE DESCRIPTION OF STRES LEVELS INCOLLEGE STUDENT ATMUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY MAGELANG ABSTRACTThe problem that many experienced by the early adult age is having to make decisions about career, marriage, job & family stres, anxiety, and depression. Factors that because stres are internal and external factors, external factors consist of physical condition, conflicts, emotional, and behavior. While external factors consist of physical environment, work environment, community environment, family environment, economic problems, and legal issues. Heavily burdened stres can trigger a person to behave negatively, such as smoking, alcohol, brawl, free sex and even drug abuse. This study aims to determine the characteristics of college student and know the level of stres in the college student at the university of muhammadiyah magelang. This research used descriptive qualitative design with cross sectional approach with sampling technique using purposive sampling, 101 college student samples. Instrument used is a questionnaire. Indicated that the average age of college student was 22.01 years. The average duration of program for Diploma III (D3) was 6,00 semesters. For the undergraduate program (S1) the average was 8.05 semesters. The college student stres level showed a mild stres of 35.6 %, moderate stres 57.4 %, and severe stres as many as 6.9 %. The highest level of stres experienced by female with moderate stres 33.6 %, and Severe stres 4.0 %. Description of stres level in college student at Muhammadiyah University of Magelang shows moderate stres as much as 33.6%. Keywords: College student, stres

Tatiana Piccardi

ABSTRACTThrough the analysis of narratives on sorrow and pain, this paper attempts to verify the extent to which speakers seem to find relief and internal resources to rebuild their lives within their own processes of narration. The proposed reflections derive from two correlated experiences: (i) observing speeches of parents belonging to a group that supports grieving parents. These speeches led to a favorable mourning development; and (ii) the fact that the researcher had the opportunity to act as a ghostwriter of an unusual story: the one involving a transsexual who decided to undergo sex reassignment surgery and write about the experience to transform her pain into narrative. In both cases, the narratives seem to have been critical to transform their lives. In both cases, the empathy of the interlocutor(s) was fundamental to promote what I freely call “curative effects”. The starting point is the perception that each speech act can be understood in its wealth only within the broader context of its production. This includes checking – for the case of the fragments presented – the appearance of discourses about illness, death, loss, sexuality, which permeate our culture and get materialized into the speeches of the interlocutors. It is understood that curative effects as well as identity empowerment cannot be explained solely through the narrativization of personal stories about sorrow and pain, but it is equally understood that one needs a widely-held comprehension about the language movement that is enabled in those specific situations as to evaluate how language can be optimized in similar processes where transforming pain into narrative can be a matter of survival. My conclusion makes a few considerations on how these narratives can be deemed speech acts with curative effects that can promote life and reconstruct identities and how they act independently within the enunciative process. Austin’s (1975) speech act theory is the main theoretical prospect adopted, in a combination with recent debates about identity and reflections over the relations involving language, literature, narrative, and health promoted by GENAM, the Narrative and Medical Science Study Group of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.RESUMOEste trabalho busca verificar, por meio da análise de narrativas sobre dor e sofrimento, em que medida os respectivos enunciadores parecem encontrar alívio e recursos internos para refazer suas vidas por meio do próprio processo de narrar. As reflexões propostas são desdobramento de duas experiências correlatas: (i) a observação das falas das mães/pais pertencentes a um grupo de apoio a pais enlutados; falas tais que promoveram um desenvolvimento favorável do luto; e (ii) o fato de esta pesquisadora ter tido a oportunidade de ser a ghostwriter de uma história incomum: a de um transexual que decidiu realizar a cirurgia para mudança de sexo e resolveu escrever sobre sua experiência de modo a transformar sua dor em narrativa. Nos dois casos as narrativas parecem ter sido decisivas para transformar vidas. Nos dois casos, a empatia do(s) interlocutor(es) foi fundamental para que se promovessem o que chamo livremente de efeitos curativos. Parte-se da compreensão de que cada ato de fala pode ser entendido em sua riqueza apenas se inserido no contexto mais amplo de sua produção, o que compreende verificar, no caso dos fragmentos apresentados, a emergência de discursos sobre doença, morte, perda, sexualidade, que atravessam nossa cultura e se materializam nas falas dos interlocutores. Entende-se que os efeitos curativos e o empoderamento identitário não podem ser explicados unicamente através da narrativização das histórias pessoais de dor e sofrimento, mas igualmente entende-se que é preciso compreender melhor o movimento de linguagem que é acionado nessas situações específicas, para que se avalie como se pode otimizar a linguagem em processos semelhantes, em que transformar uma dor em narrativa pode ser condição de sobrevivência. Concluo com algumas considerações a respeito do quanto tais narrativas podem ser consideradas atos de fala com efeitos curativos capazes de promover vida e reconstruir identidades e o quanto atuam independentemente no processo de enunciação. A principal perspectiva teórica adotada é a teoria dos atos de fala de Austin (1975), combinada com debates recentes sobre identidade, e reflexões sobre as relações entre linguagem, literatura, narrativa e saúde promovidas pelo GENAM.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Nur Aini Syah

The aim of this research are to explain the politeness of directive speech acts and politeness strategy, which supports the effectiveness of the talk show. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data resources are spoken data from three episodes of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat Talk Show on TV One. The technique of data sampling is determined by purposive sampling. The data validation technic in this research is triangulation technic. The result of the research shows that the types of directive speech acts in Satu Jam Lebih Dekat are to please, to request, to ask, to order, to invite, and to forbid. The politeness strategies of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The politeness of directive speech acts supports the effectiveness of the talk show because of some factors, such as types of directive speech act and politeness strategy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 808-813
Dian Ari Nugroho ◽  

The E-commerce industry was challenged with intense competition. Customers are easy to choose or switching any e-commerce websites for their reasons. This study aims to determine the effect of electronics word-of-mouth, product features, and lifestyle on brand-switching among millennial consumers in the e-commerce industry. It is explanatory research that was carried out at the millennial student of Universitas Brawijaya (University of Brawijaya), Indonesia. The data was collected using three methods: interview, questionnaire, and observation at the University of Brawijaya’s students. The object of this study was millennials customers, the user of e-commerce websites, especially college students. The sample was taken using non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that electronic word-of-mouth, product features, and lifestyle influence consumers to switch from one e-commerce website to another.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-30
Yaseen Alzeebaree

This study aims to examine Kurdish EFL university students’ development of L2 pragmatic competence by investigating their performance of the speech acts of permission. The methodology of this study was a combined research method, which comprises a quantitative and a qualitative method (mixed method). Total of 97 participants were involved in this research study. 83 (33 males and 50 females) were from four state universities and one private university in the Iraqi Kurdistan region and 14 were native speakers of English. A discourse completion test (DCT) was used to elicit the required data from participants. The study used convenience sampling for the participants because both native and non-native participants were selected on the basis of their availability. The data were coded and analysed quantitatively in terms of overall strategy use and strategy patterns. The findings revealed that there were differences in the frequency and percentages of strategies and semantic formulae in performing the speech act. KEFLUS tended to use more direct and explicit. There were more politeness and implicitness in NSE' behaviours in performing the speech act, which might have resulted from the lack of pragmatic competence of KEFLUS.

2020 ◽  
pp. 171-183
Marija Rakovic

The subject of this work is to determine the ways in which students of Serbian as a foreign language, both philologists and non-philologists, construct sentences in written discourse at a beginner level. Our aim is to determine: (1) the sentence structure (simple, expanded, or compound sentences); (2) prepositional phrases of which they are comprised; (3) sentence informativeness; (4) types of word formation sentence constructions; (5) derivation of interrogative and negative sentence forms. The corpus consists of exit tests gathered at the end of the course Serbian as a foreign language at the Center for Serbian as a foreign language at the Faculty of Philology and Arts at the University of Kragujevac. The analysis of the corpus has shown that students of Serbian as a foreign language at a beginner level form simple, but informative sentences to the extent which enables them to complete basic communication processes. We will attempt to give methodical suggestions for the teaching practice which would contribute to the elimination of the errors made in the process of sentence formation, the usage of prepositional phrases, in the first place, and the process of the distribution of lexemes which comprise one sentence structure.

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