scholarly journals Need for Legal Regulation of Blockchain and Smart Contracts in the Shipping Industry

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Marko Perkušić ◽  
Šime Jozipović ◽  
Damir Piplica

The paper analyzes the potential impact of blockchain technology and smart contracts on the shipping industry. As the shipping industry represents a complex system of various actions that have to be controlled and registered, blockchain technology could serve as a tool to allow the streamlining of numerous processes, whilst at the same time taking the human factor out of multiple elements where trust between involved parties is an issue. The authors therefore first present how blockchain technology works and what smart contracts are, in order to give an  insight into their applicability in the shipping sector. After a general overview of the technological and legal characteristics of blockchain technology and smart contracts, the authors present examples of relevant subjects, relations, and contracts in the shipping industry. Based on the charter party, a key contract in the shipping industry, the authors present the existing problems which could potentially be solved using blockchain technology. Besides the benefits of blockchain technologies, the authors furthermore point out the existing deficiencies that still make blockchain technology hard to apply in legal relations within the shipping industry. Based on these insights, the authors highlight the current developments in this area and present the existing and expected regulatory reforms of blockchain solutions and smart contracts within the European Union.

Legal Concept ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 54-60
Nizami Safarli

Introduction: the paper is devoted to a new phenomenon in business activity in the conditions of IT development that contribute to the creation of secure contractual relations on the Internet on the basis of transactions executed through smart contracts. The author notes that the need for amendments that could fill the loopholes in the current legislation is obvious. And, first of all, it concerns Blockchain technology – the algorithm that mediates the safe development, conclusion and execution of smart contracts. Blockchain technology is considered in the paper as one of the safest means for concluding and executing smart contracts. The author argues that the study of the concept, legal nature and essence of smart contracts is relevant in the light of spreading their share in the total array of transactions in the world economy in conjunction with the changing domestic legislation governing the relevant sphere, as well as the international integration processes affecting the intensification of foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation. The smart contract concepts formulated by the Russian legislator in the process of upgrading the array of statutory regulation under conditions of economy digitalization are studied and compared. The features of conclusion and protection of the smart contract in the civil legislation of the Russian Federation are analyzed. In order to fully articulate the concept of the smart contract, reflecting its essence, functional purpose and legal nature, it is proposed to create a special law that would focus on the conclusion and implementation of “the smart contract” and the specification of the general norms of the civil code. At the same time, the norms of other special laws would supplement and correct the provisions fixed by this act depending on the sphere of managing and the legal regulation branch. The concept of the smart contract is formulated; its value for economic and contractual activity, and also the advantages and disadvantages of its application are established. The possible classifications of smart contracts are given.

V. Varavka

Development of information technologies, cryptocurrencies and technology of distributed networks has caused the appearance of smart con- tracts as new types of civil contract. They have been widely used in recent years in such areas as initial coins offering (ICO), financial sector, inter- national trade and public services. At the same time the legal status and legal regulation of smart contracts are uncertain. These uncertainties cause many legal risks of smart-contractsutilization. The purpose of this article is to find out the conception of smart contract as a form of civil contract, to research its legal status and legal regula- tion issues and to develop proposals for the improvement of legal regulation of smart contracts and cryptocurrencies in Ukraine. By its legal nature a smart contract is a digital form of a civil contract realized in programming code automatically executed in a distributed network. Like a civil contract, smart contract has such elements as parties, subject and essential terms of the contract. The legal force of a smart contract depends on whether it includes the fundamental features of a civil contact, such as evidence that parties have intention to create legal relations, understandabil- ity of contract conditions and possibility to perform the terms of the contract under duress. The main advantages of a smart contract are its ability to significantly accelerate and reduce costs of the transaction and guarantee the fulfillment of contract terms regardless of the contractual parties' and third parties' will. The main risks of a smart contract are uncertainty of legal status of a smart contract and cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, complexity of expressing the contact terms in a mathematical algorithm, risk of software bugs and hacking attack. To solve the problems of legal regulation of smart contracts in Ukraine it is necessary to change the legislation in order to settle the legal status of cryptocurrencies and recognize a smart contract as a form of a civil contract. It is necessary to identify parties of the smart contract, confirm their agreement on the terms of the smart contract by using digital electronic signature. A smart contract should be supplemented by text application containing the es- sential terms of the contract which will have legal force in trail. It is necessary to implement blockchain technology in the state registers and pro- vide legal ability to make adjustments in the registers automatically for the performance of smartcontracts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-38
Elena B. Zavyalova ◽  
Ekaterina I. Shumskaia ◽  
Alexandra I. Shumskaia

Introduction. Smart contracts have become demanded agreements in the modern market with the development of crypto-currency due to their ability to provide and guarantee enforcement. To date they are performed automatically using blockchain technology. Smart contracts are the subject of debate in many countries, primarily because issues have arisen in their legal enactment in the field of regulation of digital assets and the legal recognition of blockchain technology itself, which determined the purpose of this scientific research. For the purpose of a deeper understanding of the essence of this type of agreements, a historical method has been applied in the work on the features of the formation of smart contracts. To identify key differences, a formal legal and comparative analysis of smart contracts with classical contracts in electronic form was carried out. The areas of application of smart contracts in the world and in Russia, such as banking, healthcare, insurance and public services, were also studied.Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study was made up of the following general scientific and special methods of cognition of legal phenomena and processes, including systemic, historical, formal legal, comparative and analytical approaches.Results. An assessment is made of such contracts from the point of view of the existing civil law of the Russian Federation and further directions for study and development are proposed, including the improvement of the regulatory and institutional environment to maintain legal certainty.Discussion and conclusion. The existing legal regulation does not prohibit the use of smart contracts in the business practices of companies and individuals. But the simplicity of the transaction implementation algorithm built on the blockchain still requires some legal support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-50
S. A. Sinitsyn ◽  
M. O. Diakonova ◽  
T. I. Chursina

This article has been prepared for the research purpose of identifying, disclosing, and justifying certain trends in the development of civil law and procedures in the context of the spread of smart contract practices and the expansion of their spheres of application. At the moment, there is no uniform approach to choosing an optimal form for the legal regulation of smart contracts within the system of contract law in modern legal systems or international law; meanwhile, globalization and the digitalization of the economy imply the growth of cross-border transactions. The emergence of smart contracts is due to the development of e-commerce, in which the parties’ interactions are carried out electronically instead of in physical exchanges or direct physical contact. Smart contracts gaining popularity in circulation are based on two interrelated elements: firstly, they eliminate a person’s direct participation in some or all cases of executing the agreement using an automated code designed for execution without reference to the intentions of the contracting parties after publication; secondly, they make use of decentralized blockchain technology, and also provide automatic code execution without any party’s potential intervention, so as to eliminate or reduce the self-control and third-party control of the commitment.This study examines the content, conclusion, validity, protection of rights and legitimate interests of the parties, interpretation, and legal nature of smart contracts. The research materials used foreign experience in resolving disputes from smart contracts on digital platforms (Kleros, JUR, Aragon Network Justice, OpenCourt, OpenBazaar), as well as domestic and foreign literature on smart contracts. This research has been prepared based on general (deduction, dialectical analysis, intersectoral relations of objects) and specialized (comparative-legal, economic-legal) methods of scientific experimentation.The authors conclude that there are no grounds for considering a smart contract as a new classification element of the system of contractual regulation (type or kind of contract). In addition, the analysis shows that the resolution of smart contract disputes through digital platforms remains radically uncertain, and currently is not creating obvious advantages in comparison with traditional judicial proceedings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 95-105

This article is aimed at studying of theoretical issues of implementing network contracts (smart contracts) on the example of Russia and foreign countries, based on the fact that its knowledge allowed and allows to successfully solve current problems of legal regulation in our country. The starting point of the research is network communication as a non-market type of communication. The article analyzes the provisions of approaches to the legal regulation of network contracts (smart contracts) developed in the new technological reality, taking into account the experience of foreign countries and the Russian Federation that determine the acceptability of the use of blockchain in the field of legal regulation of such a type of interaction between the parties to the contract that is updated according to present technological era. The relevance, theoretical and practical significance of this research is due to the emergence of new tools for interaction between the parties to the contract in the context of using blockchain technology. The author's results, among other things, are presented in the idea that the ability to compile codes by software tools that ensure the fulfillment of obligations under contracts (smart contracts) that are used in the blockchain network not only expands the latter's utilities from simple information storage to participation in the system of economic transactions, but also is an excellent tool for automatic fulfillment of the obligations stated in them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 84-94
D. V. Andriyanov

Modern international hydrocarbons turnover is becoming more autonomous and decentralized. This process is facilitated not only by the introduction into contractual practice of such network technologies as smart contracts and blockchain platforms, but also by the wide dissemination of sources of non-governmental regulation (lex petrolea). In the context of the network paradigm of private international law, the classic problem of conflict of laws is exacerbated. The author considers the conflict-of-laws aspects of the use of smart contracts based on blockchain technology in cross-border oil and gas transactions, taking into account the fact that the use of computer algorithms does not create a new contract, but is only a special form of transaction. Such “automated” transactions in the oil and gas sector involving multiple jurisdictions create uncertainty in their legal regime. In the absence of a comprehensive substantive legal regulation, and in connection with the phenomenon of lex petrolea, the conflict-of-laws method of regulation predominates. The author shares his reasoning concerning the possibility of extending the application of Regulation No. 593/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union “On the Law to be Applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I)” to smart contracts. The author concludes that existing regulation is quite applicable to smart contracts in cross-border oil and gas transactions. Another question is whether the law, which is applicable by virtue of a conflict-of-laws rule, provides for an appropriate substantive basis. To date, special legislation on smart contracts has been passed in only several American states. It is predicted that in the future, private international law will not only determine the law applicable to smart contracts, but will also be a guide to disseminating the positive experience of legal regulation of smart contracts in different countries.

V. M. Kamalyan

Based on the analysis of legal risks of using smart contracts in banking activities, the author concludes that there is a need for special legal regulation of the use of digital technologies in banking, which would minimize the legal risks examined in the paper. The author believes that such legal regulation in order to minimize legal risks should define a smart contract as a way of fulfillment of obligations rather than as a design of a contract concluded in writing. Analyzing the legal risks associated with the person identity during the introduction of digital technologies in banking, the author suggests the use of blockchain technology as the basis of the system of identification of customers using exclusively the advantages of this technology in compliance with the requirements of international standards and national legislation regulating counteraction to laundering of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism. This solution will simplify and protect the system of identification and processing of data regarding the clients of banks, but it requires effective state support and legal regulation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-151
Andrea Circolo ◽  
Ondrej Hamuľák

Abstract The paper focuses on the very topical issue of conclusion of the membership of the State, namely the United Kingdom, in European integration structures. The ques­tion of termination of membership in European Communities and European Union has not been tackled for a long time in the sources of European law. With the adop­tion of the Treaty of Lisbon (2009), the institute of 'unilateral' withdrawal was intro­duced. It´s worth to say that exit clause was intended as symbolic in its nature, in fact underlining the status of Member States as sovereign entities. That is why this institute is very general and the legal regulation of the exercise of withdrawal contains many gaps. One of them is a question of absolute or relative nature of exiting from integration structures. Today’s “exit clause” (Art. 50 of Treaty on European Union) regulates only the termination of membership in the European Union and is silent on the impact of such a step on membership in the European Atomic Energy Community. The presented paper offers an analysis of different variations of the interpretation and solution of the problem. It´s based on the independent solution thesis and therefore rejects an automa­tism approach. The paper and topic is important and original especially because in the multitude of scholarly writings devoted to Brexit questions, vast majority of them deals with institutional questions, the interpretation of Art. 50 of Treaty on European Union; the constitutional matters at national UK level; future relation between EU and UK and political bargaining behind such as all that. The question of impact on withdrawal on Euratom membership is somehow underrepresented. Present paper attempts to fill this gap and accelerate the scholarly debate on this matter globally, because all consequences of Brexit already have and will definitely give rise to more world-wide effects.

D. V. Gribanov

Introduction. This article is devoted to legal regulation of digital assets turnover, utilization possibilities of distributed computing and distributed data storage systems in activities of public authorities and entities of public control. The author notes that some national and foreign scientists who study a “blockchain” technology (distributed computing and distributed data storage systems) emphasize its usefulness in different activities. Data validation procedure of digital transactions, legal regulation of creation, issuance and turnover of digital assets need further attention.Materials and methods. The research is based on common scientific (analysis, analogy, comparing) and particular methods of cognition of legal phenomena and processes (a method of interpretation of legal rules, a technical legal method, a formal legal method and a formal logical one).Results of the study. The author conducted an analysis which resulted in finding some advantages of the use of the “blockchain” technology in the sphere of public control which are as follows: a particular validation system; data that once were entered in the system of distributed data storage cannot be erased or forged; absolute transparency of succession of actions while exercising governing powers; automatic repeat of recurring actions. The need of fivefold validation of exercising governing powers is substantiated. The author stresses that the fivefold validation shall ensure complex control over exercising of powers by the civil society, the entities of public control and the Russian Federation as a federal state holding sovereignty over its territory. The author has also conducted a brief analysis of judicial decisions concerning digital transactions.Discussion and conclusion. The use of the distributed data storage system makes it easier to exercise control due to the decrease of risks of forge, replacement or termination of data. The author suggests defining digital transaction not only as some actions with digital assets, but also as actions toward modification and addition of information about legal facts with a purpose of its establishment in the systems of distributed data storage. The author suggests using the systems of distributed data storage for independent validation of information about activities of the bodies of state authority. In the author’s opinion, application of the “blockchain” technology may result not only in the increase of efficiency of public control, but also in the creation of a new form of public control – automatic control. It is concluded there is no legislation basis for regulation of legal relations concerning distributed data storage today.

Oleksandr Malashko ◽  
Serhii Yesimov ◽  

The article examines trends in the development of legal regulation of information security in Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. The current information legislation and regulations on information security are analyzed. The tendencies in the legal regulation of information security that took place at the initial stage of the formation of information legislation are revealed. Based on the factors that took place before the adoption of the Doctrine of information security of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine “On the basic principles of ensuring the cybersecurity of Ukraine”, “On the national security of Ukraine”, in the context of the current legislation, based on the methodology of legal forecasting, it is concluded that in the future the development of normative legal information security will be developed on the basis of by-laws, mainly at the departmental level.

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