scholarly journals Public diplomacy of the Slovak Republic: concept, establishment, and development

Michaela Stranska

This article analyzes the process of establishment and development of public diplomacy of the Slovak Republic. The author provides certain definitions of the term public diplomacy, as well as discusses the formation of public diplomacy of the Slovak Republic and its concept after declaring independence. Analysis is conducted on the development and implementation of public diplomacy of the Slovak Republic abroad at the present stage. The article consists of the three sections: the first explores the general concept of public diplomacy; the second analyzes the establishment and development of public diplomacy of the Slovak Republic; the third demonstrates the implementation of public diplomacy in the Slovak Republic in the current context. The problem of public diplomacy is currently relevant and subject to extensive analysis. With the course of time, public diplomacy has been playing a significant role in foreign policy of the Slovak Republic, and thus, a crucial factor in its international life. The author’s special contribution consists in examination of the materials of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. Methodological framework is comprised of systemic approach, as well as general and private scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and historical method. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the comprehensive approach towards the analysis of public diplomacy in the Slovak Republic and its evolution.

Zdenek Dvorak ◽  
Nikola Chovancikova ◽  
Jozef Bruk ◽  
Martin Hromada

The quality of the environment as well as public health is convincingly coupled with the functioning of a power subsector. The power subsector plays a pivotal role in the sense that it emerges as the key cross-sectional element for the society’s functioning (production, services, healthcare, education and others). A modern society consists of infrastructure systems that are primarily dependent on continuous electricity supplies. Each and every element of the electric power infrastructure is unique, and thus, its malfunction can disrupt the functioning of an important part of the electric power infrastructure. In conjunction with ensuring the functioning of electric power infrastructure, our attention must be drawn to the resilience issue. As far as the resilience of electric power infrastructure is concerned, it can resist weather-related events ensuring there are no disruptions in continuous electricity supplies. First, in the introductory part, the article presents the legal framework in the Slovak Republic. Second, it describes the current state of the electric power infrastructure of Slovakia. Third, it handles the state of the level of security risk assessment. Later on, in the literature review, besides turning to the issue of resilience assessment, the authors focused on the area of resilience of power engineering. Furthermore, the article scrutinizes resilience assessment in Slovakia, and it briefly examines approaches towards natural threats. In addition, the article demonstrates several approaches towards flood resilience. Having used different methods, the primary concern is to devise a framework for resilience assessment. Therefore, the included case study examines aspects of the proposed framework for resilience assessment. In conclusion, our aim was, in most respects, to outline an innovative methodological framework for increasing the resilience of electricity infrastructure.

Anatoliy M. Kolodiy ◽  
Olexiy A. Kolodiy

The relevance of this problem is considered in the fact that in modern conditions of the state's process of developing a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, and legal state, the people's awareness of its place and role is one of vital aspects. The Ukrainian people's awareness of their rights and obligations, in this case law-making ones, will contribute to a real opportunity for the people to take part in the management of state affairs. Despite the fact that the problem of the powers of the Ukrainian people is extremely relevant at this stage of the Ukrainian history, it is understudied by Ukrainian researchers. Therefore, considering the above, this study is investigates such types of law-making powers of the Ukrainian people as the rights to: people's initiative, and within its framework – people's legislative initiative and people's referendum initiative; people's veto; people's survey, including regarding regulations; people's examination of regulations and draft regulations. The purpose of the present study is to consider theoretical material concerning the state of possibility of using the above-mentioned types of law-making powers of the Ukrainian people, as well as foreign practices in their implementation. The methodological framework of this study included an integrated approach, which involves a combination of numerous philosophical, general scientific, and special scientific methods. Based on the obtained conclusions and generalisations, the study aims to develop original proposals and recommendations for improving national legislation on this matter

Nataliia Zhukovskaya ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Kalinina

This article reviews the prerequisites, content and consequences of the impact of global processes on the sovereignty of modern states. The object of this research is the international legal relations and their peculiarities in the current context. The subject is the conditions and forms of restriction of sovereignty of national states, as well as contributing factors. Special attention is given to representations on the “fate” of sovereign rights and variants of their transformation reflected in the scientific literature, as well as change in the vector of development of globalization processes under the influence of strategy of the countries that act in accordance with their sovereign rights and national interests. The main method of “diluting” the state sovereignty are viewed based on the general scientific methods − induction and deduction, analysis, generalization, abstraction, modeling; sectoral methods of studying global processes: political scientific, statistical, formal-legal, specific-historical, and comparative. The research relies on the dialectical approach towards analyzing the concept of state sovereignty. The following conclusions were made: 1) modern world marks to multidirectional trends that testify to the transformation of state sovereignty, narrowing of its separate spheres in the conditions of globalization, or on the other hand, change in the vector of development of the global processes; 2) there is virtually no formal legal equality of the countries set by the leading norms of international law and underlying sovereignty; however, the national states continue demonstrating the resistance to global challenges; at the same time, the most “impregnable” for leveling sovereign rights is not the economy or politics, but cultural-historical values (the sphere of humanities); 3) in the conditions of globalization, the prospect of losing sovereignty depends on the degree of resistance to external challenges demonstrated by a particular state.

Todorova N.Yu.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to define structural, semantic and grammatical features of the Phraseological Units (PhU) with the component denoting weapon in the English language. It is realized through determining the corpus of PhUs with the component denoting weapon in English, developing their semantic-grammatical classification and describing their most productive structural models in each semantic-grammatical category.Methods. The study is characterized by the integrated application of general and specific research methods. General scientific methods analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical operations definition and classification were used for empirical data processing. As to research methods specific for linguistics, the descriptive method allowed to comprehensively represent the results, the method of internal interpretation was involved in the process of dividing the collected data into semantic-grammatical classes. Within the structural approach, the method of immediate constituents was applied for building structural models of PhUs. The elements of the quantitative analysis ensured the objectivity and accuracy of the obtained results.Results. Defining the notion weapon made it possible to establish the criteria for data collection. The corpus of the analyzed data includes the English PhUs with the component denoting the general concept of weapon (arms, weapon), defensive weapon, cold weapon, fire weapon, their constructive parts and service ammunition. According to the semantic-grammatical classification, the PhUs fall into semantic-grammatical classes: verbal, substantive, adverbial and adjective PhUs, within which the verbal class is the most widespread. In each semantic-grammatical class, the most productive structural models are determined and the type of syntactic connection between the components of the models is described. Verbal PhUs with the component denoting weapon are mainly subordinate phrases formed according to the model V+N. The highest number of substantive PhUs are phrases with an attributive relation between the core and the dependent components (Adj+N). The most typical structural model of adverbial PhUs is Prep+N+N. Adjective PhUs are often comparative phrases with a comparative component in their structure (Adj+Conj+N).Conclusions. The corpus of English PhUs with the component denoting weapon is formed by the PhUs with the component denoting the general concept of weapon, types of weapons, their parts and service ammunition. According to the structural-semantic classification, the analyzed PhUs are divided into structural-semantic classes: verbal, substantive, adverbial and adjective PhUs, among which the verbal class is dominating. The most productive structural model for verbal PhUs is V+N, for substantive PhUs – Adj+N, for adverbial PhUs – Prep+N+N, and for adjective PhUs – Adj+Conj+N.Key words: classification, classes, structural models, verbal idioms, substantive idioms, adverbial idioms, attributive idioms. Мета. Метою дослідження є висвітлення структурних та семантико-граматичних характеристик фразеологічних одиниць (ФО) з компонентом на позначення зброї в англійській мові, досягнення якої уможливлюється шляхом встановлення корпусу ФО з компонентом на позначення зброї в англійській мові, розробки їх семантико-граматичної класифікації та опису найпро-дуктивніших структурних моделей кожного семантико-граматичного розряду.Методи. Дослідження характеризується комплексним застосуванням загальнонаукових та спеціальних лінгвістичних методів. Для обробки емпіричного матеріалу використовувалися загальнонаукові методи аналіз і синтез, індукція та дедукція, логічні операції визначення та класифікація. Серед лінгвістичних методів описовий метод дає змогу репрезентувати результа-ти, а прийом внутрішньої інтерпретації залучався для розподілу ФО за семантико-граматичними розрядами. У межах струк-турного підходу методика безпосередніх складників використовувалась для побудови структурних моделей ФО. Елементи кількісного аналізу забезпечили об’єктивність і точність отриманих результатів.Результати. Окреслення поняття зброя уможливило встановлення корпусу досліджуваних одиниць, до якого ввійшли англійські ФО, в структурі яких є лексема-компонент на позначення узагальненого поняття зброя (arms, weapon), на позначен-ня захисної, метальної, холодної, вогнепальної зброї, її конструктивних частин та боєприпасів. У результаті розробки семан-тико-граматичної класифікації ФО розподілено за семантико-граматичними розрядами: дієслівні, субстантивні, адвербіальні й ад’єктивні ФО, серед яких дієслівні ФО набувають найвищої кількісної представленості. У межах кожного розряду виявлено найпродуктивніші структурні моделі утворення ФО, описано тип синтаксичного зв’язку між компонентами моделей. Дієслівні ФО з компонентом на позначення зброї переважно є підрядними словосполученнями утвореними за моделлю V+N. Найви-ща кількість субстантивних ФО є словосполученнями з атрибутивний зв’язком між стрижневим і залежним компонентом (Adj+N). Найтиповішою моделлю утворення адвербіальних ФО є модель Prep+N+N. Ад’єктивні ФО часто є компаративними словосполученнями із порівняльним компонентом у своїй структурі (Adj+Conj+N).Висновки. Корпус ФО з компонентом на позначення зброї формують ФО з лексемою-компонентом на позначення узагаль-неного поняття зброя, різновидів зброї, її частин та боєприпасів. Згідно зі структурно-семантичною класифікацією ФО роз-падаються на структурно-семантичні розряди: дієслівні, субстантивні, адвербіальні й ад’єктивні ФО, серед яких дієслівні ФО кількісно переважають. Найпродуктивнішою структурною моделлю дієслівних ФО є модель V+N, субстантивних – Adj+N, адвербіальних – Prep+N+N, ад’єктивних – Adj+Conj+N.Ключові слова: класифікація, розряди, структурні моделі, дієслівні фразеологізми, субстантивні фразеологізми, адвербі-альні фразеологізми, атрибутивні фразеологізми.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-66 ◽  
Liz Brosnan

In this paper we set out the context in which experiences of mental distress occur with an emphasis on the contributions of social and structural factors and then make a case for the use of intersectionality as an analytic and methodological framework for understanding these factors. We then turn to the political urgency for taking up the concept of recovery and argue for the importance of research and practice that addresses professional domination of the field, and that promotes ongoing engagement and dialogue about recovery as both a personal and social experience. To this end, we describe a unique project that sought to deepen our understanding of how recovery is being thought about and applied in the current context of mental health care in Vancouver, BC, with a specific focus on how, and whether, people are taking up and addressing dimensions of power that we see as critical to the operationalization of recovery within a social justice framework. Emerging from our research and discussion is a set of critical questions about whether or not the political moment in Canada with respect to re-invigorating recovery should be embraced, versus a rejection of the concept of recovery as too limiting in its scope and too vulnerable to professional co-optation. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1477-1488
R.V. Ozarnov ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of financial and economic cooperation between countries at the present stage, as well as the features of financial and economic relations diversification in order to reduce the asymmetric interdependence of countries in the face of increasing global imbalances, increased volatility of world financial markets, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of this research is economic relations arising in the process of interaction between countries both on a bilateral basis and in a multilateral format. The paper deals with Russian-Chinese cooperation. On the one hand, the complementarity of the basic sectors of the economy of the two countries objectively contributes to increasing cooperation and trade. On the other hand, the asymmetric interdependence of Russia and its foreign trade partners, in particular China, contributes to the conservation of an archaic trade model based on Russian raw material export and Chinese manufacturing products. Methods for diversifying financial and economic relations are proposed, consisting in expanding the flows of foreign direct investment, using and developing technical and innovative progress, reducing transaction costs, trade and investment barriers, deepening Russian-Chinese cooperation within the BRICS, SCO and other organizations and expanding the scope of using national currencies in mutual settlements. The research is based on general scientific methods of cognition, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, graphic interpretation of statistical information, time series. On the basis of the study, the author concluded that diversification of financial and economic relations helps to reduce the asymmetric interdependence of countries at the present stage. The novelty of the article lies in the substantiation of the phenomenon of asymmetric interdependence as a method for studying the problems and trends of financial and economic cooperation between countries, highlighting the drivers of diversification, which allows reducing asymmetric interdependence. On the basis of a comparative statistical analysis, the tendency of reorientation of Russia’s foreign economic activity towards Asian markets, in particular, the PRC market, has been confirmed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Masnun Tahir

Penelitian ini mengkaji efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka per­ ceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. Oleh karena itu, fokus kajian penelitian diarahkan untuk megetahui: 1) tingkat perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 2) pelaksanaan kebijakan kursus calon pengantin di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 3) tingkat efek­ tivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosio antropologis. Penelitian ini mem­ posisikan manusia sebagai pelaku yang memahami, meyakini, dan menjalankan ketentuan­keten­ tuan hukum perkawinan dalam Islam maupun dalam perspektif budaya lokal tentang perkawinan yang berkembang di Lombok. Pilihan pendekatan hukum perkawinan dan pendekatan agama dalam penelitian ini akan menjawab beberapa persoalan antropologi melalui empat macam metode ilmiah. Pertama, metode historis, yakni menelusuri pikiran dan perilaku manusia tentang pemahaman dan perilaku perkawinan dan persepsi agamanya yang berlatarbelakang sejarah. Kedua, metode normatif, yaitu mempelajari ketentuan hukum dan norma­norma (kaidah, patokan, atau sastra suci agama) maupun yang merupakan perilaku adat kebiasaan tradisional yang masih berlaku, baik dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam gaib ataupun dalam hubungan antara sesama manusia yang bersumber dan berdasarkan ajaran agama. Ketiga, metode deskriptif, yakni metode yang berusaha mencatat, melukiskan, menguraikan dan melaporkan segala sesuatu yang ditemukan di masyarakat berkaitan dengan obyek yang diteliti, seperti yang dilakukan oleh para etnografer. Keempat, metode empirik yang mempelajari pikiran sikap dan perilaku perkawinan dan agama manusia yang ditemukan dari pengalaman dan kenyataan di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang dikategorikan efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat darijumlah total pernikahan dan pengaduan kehendak bercerai yang tercatat di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang pada beberapa tahun yang dideskripsikan dalam beberapa bab dalam artikel ini.[This research examines the effectiveness of the policy bride course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Sub Batukliang region. Therefore, the focus of the research study directed to 1) The divorce rate in the region KUA Sub Batukliang region. 2) Implementation of the policy bride’s course in KUA Sub Batukliang. 3) The effectiveness of the policy bride’s course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA sub­Batukliang region. This research uses a socio­anthropological approach. This research puts man as an actor who understands, believes, and executes the provisions of the marriage law in Islam as well as in local cultural perspectives about marriage that evolved in Lombok. In this study, the choice of law approach to marriage and religious approach will answer some of the questions of anthropology through four different scientific methods. First, the historical method, i.e. the trace of the mind and human behavior of understanding and combining behavior and perception of the diversity of religious history. Second, normative methods, namely studying the laws and norms (rules, benchmarks, or sacred religious literature) as well as the behavior of a traditional custom which is still believed, whether in the relationship of humans with supernatural or in the relationship between fellow human beings based on religious teachings. A method which attempts to record, illustrate, describe and report on everything that is found in the community related to the observation object, as done by ethnographers. Fourth, the empirical methods study the mind, attitude, and behavior of the marriage and human religion according to experience and the reality in the field. The result shows that the policy bride’s course is effective in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Batukliang sub-region. It reflects from the total marriage and denunciation of wills divorced are recorded in Batukliang Sub­district on the KUA number of years described in several chapters in this article.]

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 734-753 ◽  
Miroslava Knapková ◽  
Martin Kiaba ◽  
Samuel Hudec

The paper focuses on impact of macroeconomic indicators on the development of public debt in Slovakia. The aim of the paper was to identify those macroeconomic indicators which influence the most significantly public debt in Slovakia and to elaborate and verify simple model for public debt prediction. Research was based on the analysis of chosen macroeconomic indicators. Selection of macroeconomic indicators resulted from theoretical knowledge and study of various research papers. Authors used several scientific methods, such as content-causal analysis, comparison, mathematical and statistical methods, including simple linear regression. Macroeconomic indicators, which authors proved to be statistically significant, are GDP growth rate, openness of economy, size of public sector, government bond yields, and unemployment rate. Authors elaborated model of the public debt development in Slovakia by using a simple linear regression model. Regression model was calculated using the data for 1995-2016. Authors confirmed correctness of the model by using data for 2017. Research was limited by the fact, that there are limited data available for analysis (time series of 22 years) because of short existence of independent Slovakia. It will be necessary to continue with the research and to verify correctness of chosen indicators in longer period.

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