scholarly journals A Formalism Reading of Maugham’s “The Three Fat Women of Antibes” and “Rain”

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Mohammad Abdullah Al Matarneh

This paper focuses on a formalist analysis of Maugham’s two stories “The Three Fat Women of Antibes” and “Rain” and it offers a discussion of some major aspects of the work as a whole: genre, narration, character relations, and setting. The aim is to provide a sense of Maugham’s art of the short story with an assessment of the vital elements of what makes a short story successful in the work of William Somerset Maugham and an exploration of how his work exposes the experience. The main part of this manuscript provides a detailed analysis of selected short stories by Maugham. Especial emphasis is placed on the author’s gifted talents which shows the diversity of Maugham’s literary legacy that made him the most popular writer of his time. The study discloses that conducting a formalist analysis is supposed to be a good way in understanding literary works.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nanny Sri Lestari

<p>Sebuah peristiwa, dalam kehidupan manusia, dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi penulisan sebuah cerita. Pengarang, sebagai bagian dari masyarakatnya, mengangkat relung-relung kehidupan manusia, ke dalam sebuah cerita. Namun harus dipahami, bahwa pengalaman pengarang dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, juga mempengaruhi subjek yang ditulisnya. Saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, bahwa teknologi komunikasi yang sangat canggih, telah mempengaruhi perkembangan karya sastra. Media penulisan karya sastra, tidak lagi melalui media cetak seperti kertas tetapi sudah melalui peralatan modern yang sesuai jamannya. Namun demikian ragam karya sastra prosa, seperti cerita pendek, justru mampu mengisi ruang media kommunikasi tersebut. Dua orang pengarang, yang menulis cerita pendek di media masa, berusaha mengangkat isu tentang lingkungan. Isu yang diangkat, lebih menekankan kepada masalah lingkungan alam dengan mengangkat isu tentang pohon sebagai bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menelusuri struktur cerita pendek yang mengangkat isu lingkungan dalam jalinan ceritanya. Untuk memenuhi tujuan penelitian, langkah awal dari penelitian ini, adalah melakukan pendekatan struktur cerita, yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan pencarian makna cerita tersebut. Sering sekali di balik sebuah cerita ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada masyarakat pembacanya. Bentuk pesan tersebut tersirat, dalam jalinan struktur cerita pendek tersebut. Pesan yang disampaikan, dalam kedua cerita pendek tersebut,  adalah pesan tentang lingkungan alam, yang  saat ini tidak pernah diperhatikan oleh masyarakat. Dengan alasan, kebutuhan ekonomi yang sangat dominan.</p><p><em>An event, in human life, can be an inspiration for writing a story. The author, as a part of his society, lifts the niches of human life, into a story. But it must be understood, that the author's experience in everyday life, also affects the subject he wrote.</em><em> </em><em>Today it is undeniable, that highly sophisticated communication technology, has influenced the development of literary works. Media writing literature, no longer through print media such as paper but have been through modern equipment that fit his era.</em><em> </em><em>However, the variety of prose literary works, such as short stories, is able to fill the media space communications. Two authors, who write short stories in the mass media, try to raise issues about the environment. Issues raised, more emphasis on the issue of the natural environment by raising the issue, about the tree as part of human life. The purpose of this research, is to trace the structure of short stories, which raised environmental issues in the composition of the story. To fulfill the purpose of research, the first step of this research, is to approach the structure of the story, which is then linked with the search for the meaning of the story. Very often, behind a story, there is a message to be conveyed to the readers. The form of the message is implied, in the composition of the short story structure. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society.</em></p>

Maria S. Sloistova ◽  

The paper focuses on complex research and description of creative reception theory and typology. There are provided definitions of such terms as reception, creative reception, creative reception strategies, and others. The author builds the typology of creative reception on the basis of works by E. V. Abramovskikh, S. Ye. Trunin, M. V. Zagidullina, V. I. Tyupa, and M. Naumann. This typology includes two types (or levels) of creative reception, defined as classic and postmodernist. Each of the types is characterized by a number of strategies, i. e. ways of representing an artistically received text in one’s own work. The classic type strategies (formal, authentic, neutral and antithetical) focus primarily on plot transformation. As for the postmodernist level, the author singles out two strategies: congenial and play. The theory and typology of creative reception is substantiated with some examples of reminiscences and allusions to English and world poetry. The examples under analysis are taken from the following prose works by the outstanding English postmodernist writer John Robert Fowles (1926–2005): the novel The French Lieutenant’s Woman (1969), the collection of long short stories The Ebony Tower (1974), the philosophic book The Aristos (1964), and also the lyric collection Selected Poems, published posthumously in 2012. The collection has not been translated into Russian yet. Therefore, the poem under analysis (Islanders) has been translated into Russian by the author of the present paper. The paper also deals with indirect Biblical reception which is found in the allusion to the ivory tower. The allusion gave the title The Ebony Tower both to Fowles’ long short story and collection as a whole. The author of the paper draws a conclusion about the dominant creative reception strategies in the literary works under analysis and also about the possible use of the presented creative reception typology in analyzing works by other writers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-47
Siti Karomah ◽  
Agus Hermawan

Abstract— Literary work, directly or indirectly, is the realization and imagination of the author as a reflection and the reality that the author gets from society. Literary works can be found through the life forms of society. Thus, literary works cannot be separated from the elements around them. Literary work along its journey always implicate man, humanity, life, and life. In essence, literary works are born for the surrounding community. Literary works are the products of authors who live in the social world. That way, short story literary works in the form of fairy tales are the author's imaginative world that is always related to social life. There are interesting things that are given to our children to change attitudes and daily ethics. Keywords—: Literary works; short stories; fairy tales.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-95
Dea Letriana Cesaria

Sastra Peranakan Tionghoa adalah karya sastra dalam bahasa Indonesia yang dihasilkan oleh orang Tionghoa yang dilahirkan di Indonesia. Seusai Perang Dunia II, sastra peranakan tetap berkembang. Bentuknya bukan lagi novel tetapi cerpen. Namun, berbeda dengan keadaan sebelum Perang Dunia II, pada zaman Pasca-Perang itu tidak lagi terdapat majalah seperti Tjerita Romans atau Penghidoepan. Kebanyakan karya dimuat dalam majalah-majalah umum atau berita, seperti Star Weekly, Liberal, dan Pantjawarna. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat kontribusi majalah Star Weekly, Pantjawarna, dan Liberal pada tahun 1950-an terhadap publikasi karya penulis Tionghoa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan deskriptif.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerpen dalam majalah Star Weekly, Liberal, dan Pantjawarna menggambarkan religiositas masyarakat Tionghoa dalam menjalani kehidupan yang multikultural di Indonesia. Konsep kemanusiaan dalam ajaran Konghucu erat kaitannya dengan konsep Tepa Sarira dalam kebudayaan Jawa. Chinese Literature is literary works in Indonesian produced by Chinese people who were born in Indonesia. After World War II, peranakan literature continued to flourish. The form is no longer a novel but a short story. However, in contrast to the situation before World War II, the Post-War era there were no magazines anymore, such as Tjerita Romans or Penghidoepan. Most of his work is published in public magazines or news, such as Star Weekly, Liberal, and Pantja Warna. The purpose of this study is to look at the contributions of Star Weekly, Pantja Warna and Liberal magazines in the 1950s to the publication of works by Chinese writers. The method used is qualitative and descriptive methods. The results showed that short stories in Star Weekly, Liberal, and Pantjawarna, magazines illustrate the religiosity of the Chinese community in leading a multicultural life in Indonesia. The concept of humanity in Confucianism is closely related to the concept of Tepa Sarira in Javanese culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 300
Asngadi Rofiq ◽  
Moh. Syamsul Ma�arif

Literary works, especially short stories, are one of the teaching tools to develop the soul, humanize humans, and increase literary appreciation in depth and love, coloring short stories as a form of manifestation of life. As a form of literary work, the short story also tells about various human lives and their interactions with the environment and each other. One of the literary works in the form of short stories that really builds the soul and character of Indonesian children, one of which is a short story entitled "CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN)'' by Lia Himmatul Ulya. This short story genre is very different from other short stories. The author is very good at presenting the contents of this short story so that it is neat and touching when read. This short story also presents religious values related to God and between humans themselves. This anthology of short stories in addition to providing entertainment also instills religious values with familiar language so that it can be easily understood and implemented by readers in everyday life.The general purpose of this study is to examine Islamic religious values in the short story CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN) by Lia Himmatul Ulya, which is sourced from the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. The specific objectives of this study are (1) to obtain an objective description of religious values in relation to God (vertical) and (2) to obtain an objective description of religious values in relation to fellow human beings (horizontally). This study uses a qualitative approach, with the characteristics of (1) using a natural setting as a direct data source and as the main instrument, (2) descriptive, (3) paying more attention to the process than the result, (4) analyzing the data inductively and meaning. . This research is classified into descriptive qualitative research. The data in this study are the religious values of the short story text CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN).Based on the results of this descriptive research, it was found that the Islamic religious values contained in the short story CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN) include "Hablum minallah and Hablum minan-nas". In relation to God, seven religious values are found, namely: (1) the value of faith (2) the value of endeavor, (3) the value of tawakkal, (4) the value of patience, (5) the value of guidance, (6) the value of monotheism, (7 ) God's help, while in relation to fellow human beings three religious values are found, namely: (1) mutual help among human beings, (2) mutual respect and respect for fellow human beings, (3) tolerance between religious communities. From some of the religious values presented by the author in this short story, he voiced the concept of Islamic Aqeedah which can be used as a good role model for readers. Because the contents of this short story include many religious teachings sourced from the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. And from here also the author emphasizes the importance of human relationships with God and human relationships with fellow human beings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-287
Ruth Abou Rached

Eminent Iraqi writer Daizy Al-Amir passed away in Houston, USA in November 2018. Born in Alexandria in 1935, she was a prolific short-story writer who wrote and travelled across many countries and continents throughout the course of her life. Daizy Al-Amir’s legacy to Arab and women’s literature, particularly in Beirut, are many-faceted. This article pays tribute to two important aspects of Daizy Al-Amir’s work: her literary works published with the highly influential literary journal Al-Ādāb from the 1960s and her short stories about women in the Arab world that were published in Arabic‐English translation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Asri Furoidah

<p>Eka Kurniawan's Corat-coret di Toilet short stories compilation book contains twelve short stories that tell about light stories everyday but full of social criticism. Some of the short stories that portrayed female characters presented women who were not free in their lives, one of which was titled Dongeng Sebelum Bercinta and Si Cantik yang Tak Boleh Keluar Malam. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the position of women and their resistance toward patriarchal domination. This is interesting to be studied further by using feminist theory to find the position of women in literary works written by male writers. This research will focus on the actions of female characters which shape their position in the story. The data used in this study are in the form of words, sentences or expressions from short stories that show the dominance of patriarchy towards women and their efforts to get out of domination. From research using feminist theory it was found that patriarchal domination arises in the closest male characters to female characters such as fathers, male friends and husbands. Women resistance in the story was a form of false resistance which in turn strengthened the dominance of patriarchy and the dichotomy between men and women. This was found based on the fact that every resistance made by women turned to weaken women themselves.</p><p> <em> </em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
I Nyoman Yasa

The ability of students to analyze literary works is very weak. An important effort to improve students’ abilities in analyzing literary works is to introduce the CDA approach as an analysis tool for literary works. This study aims to describe, interpret, and explain (1) the ability of students to identify words/phrases/sentences that are praxis in short stories, (2) the ability of students to identify the form of praxis in short stories, and (3) the ability of students to interpret the socio-cultural short stories that have been analyzed. This research uses a three-dimensional technical analysis of Fairclough discourse. The result of this study show that students able to (1) choose praxis words/phrases/sentences, such as adjectives that support binary opposition and words of denial, (2) find the form of short story praxis, such as stereotypes and discrimination, and (3) the socio-cultural dimension of the short story interpreted by students is discursive Balinese ritual tradition of the dead.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Ni Luh Putu Nitahapsari Rahayu

Literary works are creations communicated expressively about the author`s intent for aesthetic purposes.. This study examines the intrinsic contained in the short story of  Bali language entitled “umah” generally have opinions and different interpretation of a short story. The intrinsic element is all the outside elements that underlies and creation of literary works. The method used in this research descriptive research using descriptive research method. Method is a methodthe status of a human group, an object, a set of conditions, a system ofthought, or a classof events in the present. In the analysis of the short stories in Bali language, the work of this I Dewa Ketut Raka Kusuma, contains many moral values and social value that can be taken and learned by the readers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Putri Bestari Mardani ◽  
Devi Suprasti ◽  
Juni Aratika

 The  issue  of  women’s  life  has  always  been  an  interesting  topic  to  be discussed. This kind of issue has been widely delivered by story writers, which is by placing women as the main character in his/her work. It aims to convey the results of their thoughts in the form of literary works. As already been known, literary  works  are  one  of  an  essential  container  to  describe  the  reflexivity  of society.  Sensitive  issues  could  be  freely  expressed  in  literary  works.  As  an example  is  the  issue  of  women  which  is  described  in  short  stories  form  and published through the mass media. The  aims  of  this  paper  are  to  explain  the  forms  of  problems  or  issues revolving women that are presented in the ‘Baju’and ‘Rambutnya Juminten’text by Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim. This study uses the theory of feminism by Simone de Beauvoir. Beauvoir suggests that women are considered as the second-class citizens or as the second sex due to patriarchal power, a notion that can lead to gender inequality (Kuntowijoyo 1987: 136). Based on the study, it was found that both texts reveal various forms of women’s issues, which are patriarchy and gender constructions. Both traditional women and an empress with a high social position experience the same issue. Although the two female figures were trying to speak up, they are being ignored. This is because there is a widely known stereotype that states that women are emotional and irrational, so women are considered unable to manage their own lives and are not suitable to speak in a public sphere. Keyword:  comparative  literature,  feminism,  short  story,  Ratna  Indraswari, women issues.

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