fire fighters
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Min Thu Soe ◽  
Thein Oak Kyaw Zaw ◽  
Wai Kit Wong

Fire detectionsystemby image processing is a growing research in this era. There are many methods used to detect fire out, butstill need to develop an accurate method to detect fire without false alarms. This is due to the fact that many methods used RGB colour mode for detection. In this paper, mainly focuson detecting the fire effectively using thermal video from a thermal camera while in the same time the system will alert the people if fire was detected,and also observed the speed of the fire.This will enormouslybenefitto the fire fighters.With thissystem, thefire can be detected effectively while alerting the people and giving valuable information to the fire fighters fortheir job more effectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-109
AB Zhiri ◽  
RO Olayiwola ◽  
DW Yavalah ◽  
CE Ode ◽  
HO Adebayo

The ability to analyse the rate of fire spread outbreak in a real-time coupled Atmospheric-vegetation fire has become increasingly vital as forest fire fighters are building diverse kinds of models to combat the dangers/effects of fire spread across a given fire vicinity. This paper theoretically examines the analysis of fire spread in a real fire environment. A partial differential equations (PDE) governing the phenomenon is presented. The analytical solution of the model is obtained via direct integration and eigenfunction expansion technique, which displays the influence of the parameters involved in the system. The effect of change in parameters such as Frank-Kamenetskii number, Radiation number, Peclet energy number and Activation energy number are presented graphically and discussed. The results obtained show that Frank-Kamenetskii number, Radiation number, Peclet energy number, and Activation energy number all reduced transient state temperature.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 2789
Nao Koizumi ◽  
Yotaro Negishi ◽  
Hitomi Ogata ◽  
Randeep Rakwal ◽  
Naomi Omi

The present study was conducted to estimate total energy expenditure (TEE) of fire-fighters using tri axial-accelerometers in conjunction with an activity log survey on a large number of subjects undergoing training mimicking a large-scale disaster. Subjects were 240 fire-fighters participating in a two-day fire-fighting training dedicated to large-scale natural disasters. Data was analyzed by job type of activity group and the job rank, and by comparing the average. The average TEE of the total survey training period is about 3619 (±499) kcal, which is the same value of expenditure for professional athletes during the soccer game season. From the activity group, the rescue and other teams consumed significantly more energy than the fire and Emergency Medical Team (EMS) teams. From the job rank, Fire Captain (conducting position) consumed significantly lower energy than the Fire Lieutenant and Fire Sergeant. Furthermore, it was found that a middle position rank consumed the most energy. This research supports a need to reconsider the current rescue food (and protocols) to supplement the energy expenditure of fire-fighters. In addition, since there was a significant difference between the job type and the job rank, it is necessary to examine the energy amount and shape suitable for each.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-307
J.O. Ogunkoya ◽  
O. Ehioghae

Objectives: This study was done to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and abnormal respiratory functions as well as the association between the respiratory functions and the duration of employment among fire fighters in Ogun State, Nigeria.Methods: Forty seven (47) fire fighters were included in this study. Data was collected with MRCQ questionnaire and Spirometry was done with Spirolab III. Data collected was analyzed using IBM-SPSS 20.Results: The mean age in this study was 44.09 ± 6.89 years. 43 (91.5%) were male while 4 (8.5%) were females. 46.8% and 48.9% had cough and breathlessness respectively. 44.7% had been firefighters for 21-25 years while 70.2% work 21-30-hours/week. Spirometry was normal in 37(78.7%), obstructive in 8(17%) and restrictive in 2(4.3%).Conclusion: The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was high in the firefighters in this study. Cough and breathlessness were the most reported symptoms. Majority of the firefighters had normal spirometry.

Minerva ◽  
2021 ◽  
Angus Law ◽  
Graham Spinardi

AbstractFire safety expertise was in great demand following the Grenfell Tower fire in London in June 2017. The government established a review of building regulations and an expert panel to inform its responses to Grenfell, and many other relevant organisations also formed their own expert panels. However, expert knowledge in fire safety is a highly contested domain, with knowledge claims based on differing sources. Fire fighters can claim expertise based on their experience of fighting fires, scientists and science-based engineers can claim expertise from experimentation, and those who create and enact regulations can claim expertise in what can termed ’codespeak’—the language of regulation. Although distanced from fundamental empirical experience of fire, codespeak is powerful because of its relative clarity and certainty, and legal status. Building users also bring their own form of ‘local’ expertise—they have first-hand experience of the practicalities of the solutions wrought by the other experts. Policy-makers thus face many competing forms of expert advice on fire safety, and their ability to judge what is most relevant in any particular case rests on the existence of a sufficient range and depth of in-house government expertise.

2021 ◽  
Tomas Artés ◽  
Marc Castellnou ◽  
Tracy Houston Durrant ◽  
Jesús San-Miguel

Abstract. During the last 20 years extreme wildfires have challenged firefighting capabilities. Often, the prediction of the extreme behaviour is essential for the safety of citizens and fire fighters. Currently, there are several fire danger indices routinely used by firefighting services, but they are not suited to forecast convective extreme wildfire behaviour at global scale. This article proposes a new fire danger index, extreme fire behaviour index (EFBI), based on the analysis of the vertical profiles of the atmosphere above wildfires as an alternative to the use of traditional fire danger indices. The EFBI evaluates the ease of interaction between wildfires and the atmosphere that could lead to convective, erratic and extreme wildfires. Results of this research in the analysis of some of the critical fires in the last years show that the EFBI can potentially be used to provide valuable information to identify convective fires and to enhance fire danger rating schemes worldwide.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-59
I. A. Malyj ◽  
V. V. Bulgakov ◽  
I. Yu. Sharabanova ◽  
O. I. Orlov

The purpose of the study. The purpose of research is to substantiate and develop a multifunctional training complex for preparing cadets to conduct emergency rescue operations and fire-fighting by the usage of virtual reality technology. The relevance and necessity of developing a training complex are due to the professional activities of fire-fighters, related to the protection and rescue of citizens and the state from fires and the peculiarities of the educational process being implemented. The problem of effective formation of professional competencies in the field of fire-fighting is caused by the limited training ground base of universities, which does not allow training at various residential, social, industrial, transport and other functional facilities, that requires their replacement with virtual analogues. In addition, the limited budget of training time and a large number of cadets studying at the university, who must have the skills and abilities to manage fire and rescue units, organize fire extinguishing and interact with other emergency services, require the introduction of digital technologies to increase the intensification of the educational process and expand its capabilities.Materials and methods. To perform research tasks, methods of scientific and pedagogical study were used, which included the analysis and synthesis of information in the field of creating and applying digital virtual reality for educational purposes, the activities of fire and rescue units during fire-fighting and the requirements of regulatory legal acts for the performance of their professional tasks. Methods of modeling, contextual, game and reflexive training were used to form methods of preparing fire-fighters in virtual reality, recreating the professional environment.Results. The research of the activities of professional fire-fighters, the peculiarities of the educational process implemented at the universities of EMERCOM of Russia has revealed deficiencies in the training of cadets for activities in the field of organizing and conducting rescue operations and fire-fighting. According to the investigation of the adaptation and usage of digital learning technologies to improve the professional competencies of graduates in the field of fire-fighting, the application of virtual reality technology was proposed that allows to simulate a professional environment and to organize it in both individual and group practical preparation of cadets to professional tasks on a variety of residential, social, industrial, transport and other functionalities in conditions of simulating various scenarios of the occurrence and development of fires. To organize the training of cadets, the requirements for the specification and technical characteristics of the equipment, the project of the training ground for the organization of virtual learning (which was physically implemented at the Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of State Fire-Fighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia), system and applied software, basic objects, models and scenarios of fire spreading on them, a system for evaluating the tasks performed by the trainees were developed in common with closed joint-stock company “Institute of Telecommunications” (St. Petersburg, Russia). Conclusion. The result of the research is the first physical prototype of a multifunctional training complex to prepare cadets for emergency rescue operations and fire-fighting, where it is planned to conduct a pilot operation stage during 2021, expand the list of objects and scenarios for the development of fires and subsequently introduce it into the educational process. The technological and methodological experience gained in the process of designing, implementing and operating a multifunctional training complex is planned to be extended by scaling it to other universities of the EMERCOM of Russia, which will create and unify a single system of practical training of cadets in the field of fire-fighting, using virtual reality technology.

Gene Marck Bañares Catedrilla ◽  
Jefferson Llobit Lerios ◽  
Sherwin Banaag Sapin ◽  
Manuel C Lanuang ◽  
Chester Alexis C Buama

<span lang="EN-US">The Philippines is one of the countries in the world who suffers in different disasters, particularly natural disasters. Every year, there are more than twenty incidents recorded in the country related to different disasters which involve numerous lives of its citizens. It is found that most Filipinos have lack of knowledge in terms of disaster preparation specially, teenagers. This paper intended to develop a mobile-based game that aims to spread awareness on what to do during disasters. Upon development, forty-five (45) respondents were chosen to test the reliability of the application which composed of elementary students, household owners, police officers, fire fighters and IT experts. Further, ISO 25010 was adapted and modified in assessing the project. The results showed that the application is strongly acceptable and gives appropriate output in terms of disaster preparation garnering a total mean of 3.83<br /></span>

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