scholarly journals Aturan Pembebasan Narapidana dengan Program Asimilasi dan Integrasi di Tengah Wabah Covid-19 di Tinjau Dari Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Ham Nomor 10 Tahun 2020

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-182
Halim Dimas Ferdiansyah ◽  
Syamsul Fatoni

ABSTRAKDasar pertimbangan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 tentang Persyaratan Pemberian Hak Asimilasi dan Integrasi bagi Narapidana dan Anak dalam rangka pencegahan dan penanggulangan penyebaran COVID-19. dengan banyaknya tingkat hunian di penjara, hal ini telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi pemerintah. Namun, terpidana yang dibebaskan mengulangi kejahatannya lagi dan menimbulkan kecemasan publik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara Permenkumham Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 dengan Permenkumham Nomor 20 Tahun 2020 dan kesesuaian prinsip pembinaan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang pemasyarakatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan pemberian hak asimilasi dan integrasi narapidana dalam Permenkumham Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 diberikan sesuai dengan persyaratan substantif dan administratif secara lengkap. Namun dalam Permenkuham Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 terdapat beberapa perbedaan dalam hal pemberian hak asimilasi dan integrasi, baik persyaratan substantif maupun administratif, sehingga Permenkumham Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 memudahkan narapidana mendapatkan hak asimilasi dan integrasi. serta pelaksanaan ketentuan pemberian asimilasi dan integrasi dalam Permenkumham Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 tidak sesuai dengan prinsip pembinaan dalam undang-undang pemasyarakatan. Ketidaksesuaian tersebut dikarenakan adanya narapidana yang kembali melakukan tindak pidana, hal ini menunjukkan kegagalan dalam melakukan pembinaan terhadap narapidana. Pasalnya, program pembebasan hanya berfokus pada pencegahan penularan COVID-19 di lapas Kata kunci: asimilasi, integrasi, narapidana, perbedaan dan kesesuaian Permenkumham ABSTRACTThe basis for the consideration of the issuance of Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 10 of 2020 concerning the Requirements for Granting Assimilation and Integration Rights for Prisoners and Children in the context of preventing and overcoming the spread of COVID-19. with many occupancy rates in prisons, it caused a concern of the government. However, the convict who was released repeated the crime again and caused public anxiety. The purpose of this research was to find out the difference between Permenkumham (Regulation of the minister of Law and human righs) Number 3 of 2018 and Permenkumham Number 20 of 2020 and the suitability of the principles of development with Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning correctionalism. The method used in this research was a type of normative legal research using a statutory approach, a conceptual approach. The results of this study indicated that the differences in the provision of assimilation rights and integration of prisoners in Permenkumham No.3 of 2018 were given in accordance with the complete substantive and administrative requirements. However, in Permenkuham No.10 of 2020 there are several differences in terms of granting assimilation and integration rights, both substantive and administrative requirements, so that Permenkumham No.10 of 2020 made it easier for inmates to get the right of assimilation and integration. and the implementation of the provisions for assimilation and integration in Permenkumham No.10 of 2020 is not in accordance with the principles of guidance in the correctional law. This mismatch was due to the presence of prisoners who had returned to committing criminal acts, this indicated a failure to provide guidance to prisoners. This was because the release program only focuses on preventing transmisfsion of COVID-19 in prisons. Keywords: Assimilation, Integration, Prisoners, Differences and suitability of Permenkumham

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-63
Dian Narwastuty ◽  
Christian Nugraha

Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. This principle is one of the Human Rights principles that are necessary for the progress of humanity itself. But its existence has always triggered a dispute because of the abuse of the right. The abuse of the rights consists of Hate Speech and Hoaxes. This research is normative legal research that uses a comparative approach and conceptual approach. And also, this research will compare the Freedom of Speech and Broadcasting laws in Indonesia and Singapore, especially law in the broadcasting sector. Theoretically, the benefits of this research are to answer the problem of correcting Freedom of Speech, especially in broadcasting law. Practically, it is helpful for society to know much more about hate speech and hoaxes also the possibility to correct the broadcasting law in Indonesia based on the same regulation in Singapore.

Putu Eva Laheri

This is a research after state responsibility for the damages suffered by tourists in relation with the violation of the right to tourism as a part of Human Rights, aims to describe and analyze about the liability of Indonesian Government to respect, protect and fulfill the right of every individual toward to enjoy his/her rights to tourism under Article 28I (4) of the Indonesian Constitution Year 1945 and Article 8 Statute Number 39 Year 1999 regarding Human Rights. Furthermore this research is willing to assess the circumstances that might create a possibility for tourists to file a claim of compensation against the Indonesian Government for the losses suffered as a result of the failure/the negligence of Indonesian Government to fulfill its responsibilities. Based on statement mentioned above, the question arises, whether in concept, tourists are able to file a claim of compensation against the Indonesian Government in relation with the recognition of the right to tourism as a part of Human Rights? And also in terms of how tourists can possibly file a claim of compensation against the Indonesian Government? The method used in this research is the method of normative legal research using the statute approach, the comparative approach as well as the conceptual approach. Based on the research that has been done, the conclusion is that in concept tourists can file a claim of compensation against the Indonesian Government, if they can prove that the damage or loss is caused by a violation of Human Rights conducted by the Indonesian Government and the result of this research further shows that the claim should be filed together with stating prove that the Indonesian Government has conducted a violation of the rights to tourism as a part of Human Rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Triwahyuningsih Triwahyuningsih

Freedom to express opinions in public is a human right guaranteed by the 1945 Indonesian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The concept of human rights originating from the West resulted in its application often causing problems. This problem arises because the values of freedom that are generally upheld in the West are different from the specific values based on the philosophy and way of life in each country.  The purpose of this study is to describe how the freedom to express opinions in public is in accordance with the values of Pancasila ideology. This research is normative legal research with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. Using primary and secondary legal materials also analyzed qualitatively descriptively. The results of the study conclude that the right to express freedom in public must be in accordance with the values of Pancasila, which is to fulfill the principle of balance between the rights and obligations of every citizen with the goal of responsible freedom being realized. Rights should not be understood only as claims on others, but also contain an obligation to respect the rights of others. Rights always have implications for obligations. All obligations, like all rights, derive from law, because all obligations are moral imperatives and all moral imperatives arise from law. Its application always upholds the values of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and aims to realize social justice for all Indonesian people.Keywords: right of freedom, express opinion, Pancasila

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 565
Rommy Patra

Upaya mencegah dan menghapus praktik penyiksaan di Indonesia bukanlah persoalan yang mudah. Meski sudah meratifikasi Konvensi Menentang Penyiksaan dan mengakui hak untuk bebas dari penyiksaan sebagai HAM dan hak konstitusional, namun praktik penyiksaan di Indonesia masih juga berlangsung secara massif. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, pertama, faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan praktik penyiksaan masih terjadi di Indonesia? Kedua, upaya apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencegah dan menghapus praktik penyiksaan dalam memperkuat perlindungan HAM dan hak konstitusional untuk bebas dari penyiksaan di Indonesia? Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa, pertama, sejumlah faktor yang menyebabkan masih terjadinya praktik penyiksaan di Indonesia: (1) tidak adanya aturan hukum yang tegas dan memberikan sanksi yang berat kepada pelaku penyiksaan; (2) terinstitusionalisasinya praktik kekerasan dan penyiksaan di jajaran penegak hukum serta permisifnya masyarakat terhadap praktik tersebut; (3) mekanisme perlindungan dan pemberian kompensasi terhadap korban penyiksaan masih belum memadai. Kedua, perbaikan yang harus dilakukan mencakup: (1) adanya komitmen yang kuat dari pemerintah dengan membuat kebijakan penghapusan tindakan penyiksaan, seperti membuat Undang-Undang khusus menentang penyiksaan; (2) penataan institusi Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, TNI, Lembaga Pemasyarakatan serta lembaga-lembaga lainnya dengan meningkatkan pengawasan, memberikan sanksi yang tegas dan dilakukannya proses hukum jika masih terdapat praktik penyiksaan yang dilakukan. Selain itu perlu diberikan pendidikan HAM bagi personil institusi-institusi tersebut; (3) meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat agar memiliki kesadaran untuk melawan setiap praktik kekerasan dan penyiksaan; (4) mengoptimalkan peranan lembaga seperti Komnas HAM dan LPSK untuk memberikan perlindungan dan pendampingan terhadap korban. (5) harus adanya pemenuhan terhadap hak-hak korban yang menjadi korban dari praktik penyiksaan.Efforts to prevent and eliminate the practice of torture in Indonesia are not easy. Although it has ratified the Convention Against Torture and recognizes the right for freedom from torture as human rights and constitutional rights, the practice of torture in Indonesia is still massive. The problem is, what factors cause the practice of torture to still occur in Indonesia? Then what efforts should be made to prevent and eliminate the practice of torture in strengthening human rights protection and constitutional rights for freedom from torture in Indonesia? The approach used in this study is the statute approach, case approach and conceptual approach. The results of the study show a number of factors that leads to the practice of torture in Indonesia: (1) the absence of strict legal rules and severe sanctions for perpetrators of torture; (2) institutionalization of the practice of violence and torture in the ranks of law enforcement as well as the permissiveness of the community towards the practice; (3) the mechanism for protecting and providing compensation to victims of torture is still inadequate. The improvements that must be made include: (1) a strong commitment from the government by making a policy of abolishing acts of torture, such as making a special law against torture; (2) structuring of the Police, Prosecutor's Office, TNI, Correctional Institutions and other institutions by increasing supervision, providing strict sanctions and carrying out legal proceedings if there are still practices of torture carried out. In addition, it needs education of human rights for personnel of these institutions; (3) increasing community participation in order to have awareness to fight every practice of violence and torture; (4) optimizing the role of institutions such as Komnas HAM and LPSK to provide protection and assistance to victims. (5) there must be rights fulfillment to the victims who become the victims of the practice of torture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sugeng Widodo ◽  
Mufidah Mufidah

The rise of corruption cases certainly forces the government to prevent corrupt measures, the wiretapping in Indonesia by the KPK, also in terms of tackling other criminal acts. So of course there is Ethics, Ethics so far has not been touched by the KPK because in conducting wiretapping it is only limited to following the laws and regulations even though in regard to laws and regulations there should be ethics that must be maintained to guarantee the right to life of one's privacy. The research method used in this study is the qualitative research method with the type of library research library research, using the statutory approach, and theories (conceptual approach), and the Case Approach (doctrinal approach) which is examined through various literatures relating to the regulation of privacy rights, also relating to the regulation of wiretapping of the KPK.Keywords: Ethics, Wiretapping by the KPK, Wiretapping in the Human Rights PerspectiveMaraknya kasus korupsi tentu memaksa pemerintah terhadap langkah-langkah preventive koruptor, maka penyadapan di Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh KPK, juga dalam hal menanggulangi tindakan-tindakan kriminal lainnya. Maka tentu ada Etika, Etika selama ini belum tersentuh oleh KPK karena dalam melakukan penyadapan hanya sebatas mengikuti peraturan perundang-undangan, padahal berkenaan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan seharusnya ada etika yang harus dijaga untuk menjamin hak kehidupan privasi seseorang. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan ( library research), menggunakan Pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statutory approach), dan Teori-teori (conceptual approach), serta Pendekatan Kasus (doktrinal approach) yang diteliti melalui berbagai literatur yang berkaitan dengan pengaturan hak-hak privasi, juga berkaitan dengan pengaturan penyadapan KPK.  Kata Kunci :  Etika, Penyadapan oleh KPK, Penyadapan dalam Presfektif  HAM   

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 379-403
Barbara Pierre

The writer advocates the view that courts interpret statutes so as to achieve their aim; that being justice in the case: as between the parties and in respect of the law. This is identified as the common thread that explains the apparent erratic behaviour of the courts in their use of the various methods or rules of interpretation. The Supreme Court decision, Attorney General of Québec v. 2747-3174 Québec Inc., is analysed against the background of this theory and is seen to give support to it. The court is shown to use various rules of interpretation, which lead the majority to a wide, and the minority to a narrow, interpretation of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms of Québec. Yet it is clear that in both cases the rules are merely a means to an end: justice as between the parties and in respect of the law. In context of the case, this means establishing a balance between the competing interests of the State and the citizen that conforms to the law relating to fundamental rights and in particular, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms of Québec. As far as the State is concerned, it has a vested interest in confirming the constitutionality of its many administrative tribunals, which play an essential role in enabling the State to discharge its responsibility to govern. Citizens, on the other hand, need to be protected from the violation of their rights, in particular the right to an independent and impartial tribunal in matters relating to the determination of their rights and obligations, or charges brought against them. The Charter must be interpreted so that, in its scope and content, it gives real protection, but, consistent with the separation of powers doctrine, the interpretation must not amount to a usurpation by the courts of the role of the government to govern. The writer concludes that the opposing conclusions of the majority and minority are more a consequence of the difference in the opinion of the judges as to the manner in which the balance should be struck, as opposed to the rules of interpretation used by them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-416
I Wayan Wiryawan

Tourism sector is the largest source of income for Bali province of Indonesia. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the closure of tourism. Therefore, Bali’s economic growth is experiencing decrease to -10.98%. To accelerate the reopening of tourism, the government has launched the national vaccine movement that also covers tourism business actors. Unfortunately, some parties resist the vaccination because the vaccine is not believed yet to be safe. By using doctrinal legal research, this study examined two problems: the right to health in the context of tourism and the construction of government policies against vaccine resistance by tourism business actors. It examined legal principles and synchronization of laws on human rights related to vaccination. The state is responsible to provide vaccination for the citizens in fulfilling the right to life and health. Each local government produces policy to deal with vaccine refusal. Jakarta and West Java are two provinces that impose fines for residents who refuse vaccines. On the other hand, Bali province does not impose sanctions on such residents. To ensure safety after the reopening of tourism, any local government can propose the record of vaccination as a requirement for every person who will return to work in the tourism sector.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Duwi Handoko

The purpose of this study is to analyze the freedom to embrace religion and belief and fulfill the right to work in Indonesia. This type of research is normative legal research specifically discussing human rights in the field of religion and work. Regulation on the role and sanction for the government in the context of guaranteeing religious freedom, especially for Muslims, is very important. One form of legal vacuum in the regulation of religious freedom in Indonesia is in the context of the release of someone from Islam who aims to save humanity (of course also for other religions in Indonesia) and embrace other religions of his own free will. Regulations regarding the role and sanctions for the government in the context of guaranteed rights to obtain decent jobs, especially at productive age, are very important. Technically, it is clearly impossible for employers to recruit workers if there are no jobs in accordance with the capacity of the company's needs. From this, it can be said that the fulfillment of the right to work has a correlation with other types of rights so that a worker can have competence. The amount of unemployment that cannot be reduced by the Indonesian government and discriminatory treatment is a form of violation of the right to work.

Nur Hafizal Hasanah ◽  
Eko Soponyono

The sexual offense against children is a serious crime and an act of violation against human rights. One of the government is an attempt to anticipate the increase of sexual offense against children is to release Perpu No 1 of 2016 second amendment of UU No 23 of 2002 about child protection. Perpu No. 1 is then passed into UU No. 17 of 2016 about stipulation of Perpu No. 1 of 2016. The regulation of the Perpu is about the denunciation of the perpetrator of a sexual offense, an especially sexual offense against children. The perpu also regulates the existence of criminal sanction and action sanction. The action referred to in the Perpu in the form of chemical castration and accompanied by rehabilitation.  Research method uses normative research method by using the Statue approach and the analytical and conceptual approach. the implementation of chemistry castration is considered a violation of human rights. Penalties through castration can be qualified as a cruel and inhuman punishment and not in accordance with Indonesia's constitution and commitment in the field of human rights. The provision of article 28G paragraph (2) of the Indonesian constitution states that "everyone has the right to be free from torture and degrading treatment of human dignity". Implementation of chemistry castration punishment is only oriented to retaliation that can make the perpetrator lose confidence to reunite with the community. Chemical castration punishment is not in line with the objective of the criminal law that is the maintenance of community solidarity. Kekerasan seksual terhadap anak adalah kejahatan yang serius dan merupakan pelanggaran HAM. Salah satu upaya untuk mengantisipasi bertambahnya kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, Pemerintah mengeluarkan Perpu No 1 Tahun 2016 tentang perubahan kedua atas Undang-undang No 23 Tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak. Perpu No 1 ini kemudian disahkan menjadi Undang-undang Nomor 17 tahun 2016 tentang penetapan Perpu No 1 Tahun 2016. Perpu tersebut mengatur tentang pemberatan terhadap hukuman pelaku kejahatan seksual, khususnya terhadap anak. Dalam Perpu tersebut mengatur adanya pidana dan tindakan. Tindakan yang dimaksud dalam Perpu tersebut berupa pelaksanaan kebiri kimia disertai dengan rehabilitasi Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji dan menganalisa kebijakan hukum pidana sanksi kebiri kimia terhadap pelaku kekerasan seksual pada anak  dilihat dari perspektif HAM dan Hukum Pidana Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan serta pendekatan analisis konsep. Pelaksanaan kebiri kimia dianggap merupakan pelanggaran HAM. Pemberian hukuman melalui pengebirian dapat dikualifikasi sebagai penghukuman keji dan tidak manusiawi serta tidak sesuai dengan konstitusi dan komitmen Indonesia dalam bidang hak asasi manusia. Ketentuan pasal 28G ayat (2) konstitusi indonesia menyatakan bahwa “setiap orang berhak untuk bebas dari penyiksaan dan perlakuan yang merendahkan derajat martabat manusia”. Pelaksanaan hukum kebiri kimia hanya berorientasi pada pembalasan yang bisa membuat pelaku kehilangan kepercayaan diri untuk berkumpul kembali dengan masyarakat. Hukum kebiri kimia tidak sejalan dengan tujuan dari hukum pidana yaitu adanya pemeliharaan solidaritas masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Gagah Yaumiyya Riyoprakoso ◽  
AM Hasan Ali ◽  
Fitriyani Zein

This study is based on the legal responsibility of the assessment of public appraisal reports they make in land procurement activities for development in the public interest. Public assessment is obliged to always be accountable for their assessment. The type of research found in this thesis is a type of normative legal research with the right-hand of the statue approach and case approach. Normative legal research is a study that provides systematic explanation of rules governing a certain legal category, analyzing the relationship between regulations explaining areas of difficulty and possibly predicting future development. . After conducting research, researchers found that one of the causes that made the dispute was a lack of communication conducted between the Government and the landlord. In deliberation which should be the place where the parties find the meeting point between the parties on the magnitude of the damages that will be given, in the field is often used only for the delivery of the assessment of the compensation that has been done.

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