tax incentive
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Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 104-120
A. M. Vyzhitovich ◽  
N. V. Anokhin ◽  
T. A. Popova ◽  
V. S. Dreiling

The paper shows the influence of activity of regional corporations at stock market on the development of regional economy in general. Various scientific approaches to the assessment of the influence of financial markets on overall economic situation were considered in the course of the research. The need for detailed study of functioning of regional securities markets, as well as detailed study of their peculiarities and courses of development was revealed. The methods of analysis of regional results of activities of legal entities at securities market were developed on the basis of tax reporting of issuers and assessment of investment attractiveness of regions. The following tasks were solved: study of the normative base regarding dealings of legal entities at stock market, analysis of investment attractiveness of regions, analysis of indicators of statistical tax reporting, development of the methods of assessment of business activity of organizations at stock market, carrying out the assessment of correlation dependence of the indicators of investment attractiveness of regions and statistical tax reporting with gross regional product of the Siberian Federal District entities. Following the assessment results a conclusion of the dependence of economic development of the region with its investment potential and dynamics of corporate investment activity in the respective territory was drawn. Tax incentive of investment activity of regional companies was marked as significant direction of state policy at securities market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Fa'iq Mirza Barid ◽  
Sartika Wulandari

ABSTRACT Weak economic conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a decline in tax revenue in Indonesia. The government seeks to increase economic activity by providing tax incentive programs to taxpayers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the company considers the program as one of the loopholes to practice tax avoidance. This study aims to look at the differences in tax avoidance practices before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The type of data used is quantitative data derived from the annual financial statements. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2019-2020 period. The sample of this research was taken based on purposive sampling using certain criteria so as to get 78 samples from 39 manufacturing companies. The method used in this study is paired samples t-test analysis using the IBM SPSS Statistics 24 tool. Based on the results of this study, it shows that there is an increase in tax avoidance practices during the Covid-19 pandemi. This resulted in a decrease in state tax revenues during 2020.  ABSTRAK Lemahnya kondisi ekonomi dimasa pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan turunnya penerimaan pajak di Indonesia. Pemerintah berupaya untuk meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi dengan cara memberikan program insentif perpajakan kepada wajib pajak yang terkena dampak pandemi Covid-19. Namun perusahaan menganggap program tersebut sebagai salah satu celah untuk melakukan praktik penghindaran pajak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan praktik penghindaran pajak sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif yang berasal dari laporan keuangan tahunan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2019-2020. Sampel penelitian ini diambil berdasarkan purposive sampling dengan menggunakan beberapa kriteria tertentu sehingga mendapatkan 78 sampel dari 39 perusahaan manufaktur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis paired samples t-test dengan menggunakan alat bantu IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan praktik penghindaran pajak pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Sehingga mengakibatkan penerimaan pajak Negara selama tahun 2020 mengalami penurunan.

O. O. Nepochatenko ◽  
P. K. Bechko ◽  
S. A. Vlasiuk ◽  
O. V. Ponomarenko ◽  

In the contemporary world, the agricultural industry faces a system call, which priority is to resolve the problem of a new high-quality model of development with the use of state financial support, which main tool is tax incentives based on a differentiated approach depending on the specific amounts of direct state financial support that is received by each business entity. The contemporary nature of development mechanism for incentive taxation of economic entities in agricultural sector of the economy is under constant review of both theorists and practitioners who study the taxation problems of farmers. However, solution to this issue for national farmers in current situation has not yet been completely researched; they require further study, using both foreign and native experience in order to implement it in national tax system. To justify the theoretical aspects of the development prospects of tax incentive mechanisms, best practices have been used, developed by both international and native practice of the tax system and scientific progress of foreign and native scientists who researched the development of tax incentive mechanisms for business entities in agricultural sector of the economy. It was proved that in order to improve taxation and tax incentives for farmers, it becomes necessary to clarify the criteria for classifying business entities in the industry as agricultural manufacturers. Unreasonably, economic entities that process agricultural products are not included in the Tax Code. Considering this, within years, the number of imported agricultural products, including livestock products, has been increasing. The result was a new author’s approach to dealing with the development prospects of tax incentives mechanism for business entities in the agricultural sector of the economy. So, at the legislative level, it is necessary to make amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on taxation of agrarians with a single tax (fourth group), depending on their specialization, by providing preferences to agricultural producers for the production of livestock products and their processing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. p1
Cyrus Mutuku ◽  
Joseph Sirengo ◽  
Dr. Mohamed Omar

A panel econometric model consisting of 118,380 firms, spanning 2014 to 2019 was used to determine the impact of tax incentive policy on firm investment, firm gross output, and exports. A two-stage modelling approach was used, first the decision to invest or export was modelled using a binary logit model. In the second phase, the impact of the tax incentives policy was estimated. The decisions to export and invest are marginally driven by tax incentive policy. A shilling given as tax expenditure increases the probability of investing and exporting by 0.018% and 0.48% respectively. The results from the study imply that export and investment-related tax incentives are either redundant or have a negligible impact on their respective target variables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 (A2) ◽  
A Kilic ◽  
O Girit

Environment issue is one of the most important problems which must be solved urgently. Today, the effects of climate change linked to global warming have started to come into view. Some gases such as methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which are called as greenhouse gases (GHGs) are seen as the most important causes of global warming. Harmful exhaust gases and CO2 emissions arise out of burning of fossil fuels on board. Maritime transportation is the most efficient mode when compared to other modes. However, Turkey's passenger and cargo transportation mainly depends on road transportation which has high fuel costs compared to sea transportation. In this study, by evaluating cabotage bunker fuels, annual CO2 emissions from maritime ships sailing on Turkish cabotage line were investigated. Also fuel efficiency of maritime transport as well as the effects of shifting cargo between transportation modes on CO2 emissions were analysed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 310
Vhika Meiriasari ◽  
Mutiara Kemala Ratu ◽  
Andini Utari Putri

ABSTRAKKegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan bertujuan memberikan informasi perpajakan bagi UMKM agar dapat memanfaatkan program Insentif Pajak yang diberikan Pemerintah pada UMKM di masa Pandemi COVID-19. Pada tahun 2020, ada sekitar 280.000 wajib pajak UMKM yang memanfaatkan atau sekitar 65% dari target. Yang artinya hanya 65% UMKM yang memanfaatkan insentif pajak tersebut. Insentif pajak merupakan kebijakan perpajakan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kepada wajib pajak tertentu baik individu atau organisasi yang mendukung pemerintah, yang digunakan dalam memberikan dorongan dan kemudahan bagi wajib pajak agar tetap patuh dalam menjalankan kewajiban perpajakannya baik sekarang maupun di masa mendatang. Dimana Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak terhadap semua Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) yang menjadi penopang perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia, banyak usaha UMKM di Indonesia mengalami penurunan omzet penghasilan bahkan sampai menutup usahanya dikarenakan kebangkrutan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan cara Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan. Sosialisasi mengenai PMK Nomor 82/PMK.03/2021 yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan insentif pajak usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) atau PPh final DTP. Hasil dari kegiatan ini ditemukan bahwa pelaku UMKM banyak yang belum paham cara menghitung dan menyetor Pajak Penghasilan UMKM dikarenakan terbatasnya sumber daya yang dimiliki. Dan setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan tambahan informasi dan kemampuan peserta dalam menghitung dan menyetor Pajak Penghasilan UMKM serta memanfaatkan program insentif pajak UMKM di masa Pandemi COVID-19. Kata kunci: insentif pajak; PPh final; UMKM; lapor pajak. ABSTRACTThis Community Service activity is carried out with the aim of providing tax information for MSMEs so that they can take advantage of the Tax Incentive program provided by the Government to MSMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In 2020, there are around 280,000 MSME taxpayers who utilize or around 65% of the target. This means that only 65% of MSMEs take advantage of these tax incentives. Tax incentives are tax policies provided by the government to certain taxpayers, both individuals or organizations that support the government, which are used to provide encouragement and convenience for taxpayers to remain obedient in carrying out their tax obligations both now and in the future. Where the Covid-19 Pandemic has an impact on all Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which are the pillars of Indonesia's economic development, many MSME businesses in Indonesia have experienced a decline in income turnover and even closed their businesses due to bankruptcy. The method of implementing community service activities is carried out by means of socialization and training. Socialization regarding PMK Number 82/PMK.03/2021 which was then followed by training on tax incentives for micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) or final PPh DTP. The results of this activity found that many MSME actors did not understand how to calculate and deposit MSME Income Tax due to limited resources. And after participating in this activity, it is expected to be able to provide additional information and participants' abilities in calculating and depositing MSME Income Tax and taking advantage of the MSME tax incentive program during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Keywords:. tax Incentives; final income tax; MSMEs; tax report.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 463-469
Amin Tohari ◽  
Andy Kurniawan ◽  
Basthoumi Muslih

This study aimed to analyze the utilization of tax incentives, tax sanctions, and tax services on tax compliance in submitting SPT and analyze them on micro business sustainability in Kediri City during Covid-19 pandemic. This study was a causality research design, using quantitative approach to examined the effects between exogenous and endogenous variables. The population were all micro business entrepreneurs in Kediri City with the sample size were 130 entrepreneurs. The analysis was used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis of SmartPLS program. The results showed that uutilization of tax incentives, tax service and the existence of tax sanctions had a positive and significant effect on tax compliance. Besides, tax service had a positive and significant effect on the business sustainability, but only tax incentives and tax sanctions had a positive and negligible effect on business sustainability. Kediri City needed to continue the existence of tax incentives, supervise on tax sanctions, improve tax services and motivate micro business entrepreneurs to submitting their SPT. So that, tax revenue of local government grows as expected. Meanwhile, to maintain micro business sustainability, local government with KPP Pratama Kediri has to guide and develop micro business entrepreneurs’ knowledge about tax effects for their own benefits. Keywords: business sustainability, tax compliance, tax incentive, tax sanctions, tax service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-277
Indri Riesfandiari ◽  
Ario Seno Nugroho ◽  
Imam Tri Wahyudi

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of safeguard on yarn industry’s output, textile and apparel industry as the upper stream’s output, and economics welfare. Government of Indonesia implement safeguard on yarn from 2019 to 2022, to protect domestic industries from an increased quantities as to cause or threaten serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products. This study uses computable general equilibrium (CGE) model incorporating Indonesia Input - Output Table year 2016. The study exercised two scenario/simulations:(1) assessing safeguard impact; and (2) assessing combination of safeguard and tax incentive impact. The results showed that safeguard on yarn import decrease import value of yarn, but did not increase yarn’s and its upper stream industry’s output. Safeguard tend to decrease the utility or welfare of the economics. In the other hand, policy combination of safeguard and tax incentive decrease yarn import, but did not impact on upper stream industry’s import. The policy combination also increases yarn industry’s output, and increase the utility or welfare of the economics. Keywords: compensating variation, fiscal incentive, textile and apparel industry, utility, welfare ABSTRAK:  Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dampak safeguard terhadap produktivitas atau output industri benang dan industri tekstil dan produk tekstil sebagai industri hilir, serta dampak safeguard terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam perekonomian. Pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan safeguard atas benang pada tahun 2019 s.d. 2022 sebagai bentuk perlindungan terhadap industri tekstil dalam negeri dari peningkatan impor benang yang menyebabkan, atau dicurigai akan mengakibatkan kerugian serius terhadap industri yang bersangkutan. Penelitian menggunakan computable general equilibrium (CGE) model dengan data Tabel I-O Indonesia tahun 2016. Pengujian dilakukan dalam dua simulasi yaitu: (1) shock berupa penerapan safeguard; (2) kombinasi dari shock berupa penerapan safeguard dan fasilitas fiskal berupa pengurangan penghasilan industri untuk perhitungan pajak penghasilan wajib pajak Badan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa safeguard menurunkan impor benang, tetapi tidak meningkatkan output domestik dan cenderung menurunkan utilitas/kesejahteraan masyarakat. Safeguard yang dikombinasikan dengan fasilitas pajak penghasilan mampu menurunkan impor, meningkatkan output (walaupun belum sampai tahap ekspor), dan meningkatkan utilitas/kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kata kunci: compensating variation, industri tekstil dan produk tekstil, fiscal incentive, utilitas, kesejahteraan

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
Ida Farida Adi Prawira ◽  
Fitri Anggrayni

Tax incentives Preliminary Refund of Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the government's tax relaxation facilities in the context of national economic recovery. This study aims to observe the effect of the incentive for the Preliminary Return of VAT on taxpayer behavior in dealing with this tax incentive policy. This is qualitative research using descriptive approach. The data were collected by in-depth interviews with 38 taxpayers in the West Java I Directorate Jenderal of Taxes (DJP) Regional Office and Banten area, which were then processed using the nVivo application. The result shows that several factors contribute to taxpayers' behavior to propose the Tax Incentives Preliminary Refund of VAT. The factors are taxpayers more require tax incentives policy to reduce the tax rate of VAT, or there will not be an examination. The Implication of this research is how the Directorate Jenderal of Taxes (DJP) can arrange other tax incentive policies that can give more easiness to the taxpayers in the future. This research is limited only to the West Java I DJP Regional Offices and Banten. Also, the number of taxpayers interviewed is only a few due to pandemic, so it does not represent the field's facts.

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