work model
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2022 ◽  
pp. 202-224
Anant Lal Karn

Leadership is a must to get the task performed. This is more so for the new hybrid work model. There are styles of leadership. Hence, the question of selecting which leadership style is an important consideration. Hybrid work is related in part to working from home, which depends on the follower's prudent conduct. Under the circumstances, servant leadership has been considered appropriate. This is follower-oriented and believes in the service to others. This has been done by judging the effectiveness of servant leadership. First, how does servant leadership work been observed? Next, the empirical studies using servant leadership have been analyzed. Based on this analysis, the superiority of this leadership style has been determined. Thereafter, the role and issues in implementing hybrid work have been identified. Finally, a model has been developed to link servant leadership to hybrid work.

Olga Sukhanova ◽  
Олексій Ларін

The study presents the results of linear dynamics of laminated glass panels with different curvatures. This is an actual task in the field of mechanical engineering, aviation, shipbuilding, energy, architecture, etc. Such composites are durable, easy to care for and have a wide range of design options. The aim of the work is to study the influence of the curvature parameter on the frequencies and modes of composites. The paper considers the linear characteristics for laminated glass with polyvinyl butyral interlayer. The article considers behavior of the triplex and the propagation of elastic waves in the linear state. The paper performs calculations using the finite element method in the framework of modal analysis in a three-dimensional formulation in the framework of a physical linear-elastic formulation. The study uses hexagonal finite element with 8 nodes with 3 degrees of freedom in each. This work model laminated glass with a curvature parameter ranging from 0 mm to 250 mm. The composite consisted of three layers: two glass layers thickness of each was 3 mm, and a polyvinyl butyral interlayer with 0.38 mm thickness. The size of the plates was 500×500 mm. As a boundary condition, the laminate was fixed on two opposite sides. The article performs mesh size convergence analysis. The results of natural frequencies in accordance with the curvature parameter are derived. The graphs of natural vibration modes are also shown, that give a clear view about the state of composites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148
Ainur Rofiq Rofiq

This study aims to determine a learning model that can increase motivation and entrepreneurial outcomes in class XI IPS 4 MAN Sidoarjo State Madrasah Aliyah Academic Year 2019/2020 totaling 32 students. Even though the formulation of the problems in this study are, 1) How can the application of the project work model improve the learning abilities and motivation of class XI IPS-4 students to be entrepreneurial? class XI IPS-4 MAN Sidoarjo?. 3) How is the increase in student learning motivation in entrepreneurship after using the project work model of class XI IPS-4  MAN Sidoarjo? The research was carried out by a classroom action research method consisting of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of the planning, action, observation, and reflection stages. Before cycle 1 learning was carried out conventionally and in cycles 1 and 2 learning was carried out using the Project Work model. The data used in each cycle are the results of practical tests and questionnaires about learning motivation that are distributed to all students. The results show that the Project Work learning model can increase student motivation and learning outcomes. In the application of this project work method in cycle I, the results were obtained. 88.75% and cycle II was 97.14%, meaning that the application of the project work method achieved what was expected, namely 90%. Student learning outcomes have increased. cycle I amounted to 81.25% (26 students) and in cycle II became 93.75% (30 students) This means that there is an increase from cycle I to cycle II which was obtained more than 90%. Student learning motivation has increased in cycle I with score 3.54 (happy score) and up in cycle II by 4.54 (very happy score).  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (2) ◽  
pp. 022088
S V Ivanov ◽  
L I Kotelnitskaya ◽  
E M Khorolsky

Abstract The article considers the process of forming management decisions for the correct operation of a multi-agent robotic system (grouping of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)) in a rapidly changing conditions. A neural network (NN) is used as a regulator, which is a perceptron with two intermediate layers, one is input and the other one is output. The training of the constructed neural network is carried out according to an algorithm that combines the ideas of the conjugate gradient method with quasi-Newtonian methods, and in particular, uses the approach implemented in the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. As input parameters for building a control system, various types of situations are used in which the UAV leader has to make decisions. Such initial data are a three-dimensional data structure, which is a two-dimensional array, each element of which is a vector. One vector reflects all available information about the situation in certain geographic coordinates (weather conditions, data on other damaging factors affecting the ability of the UAV to operate in a certain area), and the other describes the current state of the UAV (power reserve, weight, operability of components and assemblies, term of next service, etc.). The obtained information is put down into the input layer of the NN by numerical equivalents. The paper proposes a situational work model of a UAV group in special conditions.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1131
Anna Pecherina ◽  
Marina Grinberg ◽  
Maria Ageyeva ◽  
Tatiana Zdobnova ◽  
Maria Ladeynova ◽  

Cytosolic pH (pHcyt) regulates a wide range of cellular processes in plants. Changes in pHcyt occurring under the effect of different stressors can participate in signal transmission. The dynamics of pHcyt under the action of external factors, including significant factors for open ground crops such as temperature, remains poorly understood, which is largely due to the difficulty of intracellular pH registration using standard methods. In this work, model plants of potato (one of the essential crops) expressing a fluorescent ratiometric pH sensor Pt-GFP were created. The calibration obtained in vivo allowed for the determination of the pHcyt values of the cells of the leaves, which is 7.03 ± 0.03 pH. Cooling of the whole leaf caused depolarization and rapid acidification of the cytosol, the amplitude of which depended on the cooling strength, amounting to about 0.2 pH units when cooled by 15 °C. When the temperature rises to 35–40 °C, the cytosol was alkalized by 0.2 pH units. Heating above the threshold temperature caused the acidification of cytosol and generation of variation potential. The observed rapid changes in pHcyt can be associated with changes in the activity of H+-ATPases, which was confirmed by inhibitory analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 266
Soka Hadiati ◽  
Dwi Fajar Saputri ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Adi Pramuda

Laboratory work that has been applied so far is more dominant in deductive laboratory work, but this type of laboratory work is not optimal in stimulating students' reasoning ability. Up to now, model-based reasoning studies on laboratory work have been substantial (especially in measurement and troubleshooting activities) and have not seen overall laboratory activity, including the use of alternative instrumentation such as Arduino and its sensor module. Designing the best laboratory work requires the role of model-based reasoning studies using Arduino devices. A mixed-method research design was used in this study with a theoretical study to obtain a predictive pattern for deductive laboratory work model which was matched with the observations of 50 undergraduate physics education students in laboratory work. Revision activities were shown by students in laboratory work depending on the capabilities of reasoning. The results of this study indicate that revision activities in deductive laboratory work using Arduino can stimulate students' reasoning. Arduino can lead students to explore their thinking and reasoning to solve problems in laboratory work. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Frederik Lamping ◽  
Kristin M. de Payrebrune

Abstract In this paper, we derive a model based on the principle of virtual work to describe the deformations of cylindrical pressure-driven soft actuators with four types of fiber reinforcement and with externally applied forces. Such cylindrical actuators are often used as the basis for multi-chamber soft robotic systems, for example bending actuators. In the virtual work model, each type of reinforcement leads to particular geometric constraints; the energy of the stretched material is determined by the Yeoh material model. Finally, the stretch of the actuator is solved numerically by a minimization problem. The virtual work model yielded only little deviations of the predicted stretch relative to Finite Element simulations in Abaqus. The key contribution of the virtual work model is improved parameter identification for the modeling of cylindrical soft actuators, as it illustrates the possibility to distinguish between material-dependent behavior and geometry-dependent behavior of these actuators. Also, the virtual work model is applicable in the design process of the investigated actuators. We demonstrate that an optimization of the actuator's inner and outer radii and of its fiber angle, respectively, is possible and we derive design rules including criteria for the choice of fiber reinforcement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Mei Chen ◽  
Jiaojiao Li

Good psychological quality is the basic requirement for college students in the new era. Students from junior colleges moving into undergraduate level in private colleges are a special group as they are already an important part of students in private colleges. Based on the mental health status of these students, private colleges have analyzed the issues of mental health education which include weak teaching staffs, lack attention, and traditional education methods. From the perspective of three-dimensional education, the psychological education work model in private colleges is explored to build an education team to promote the participation of all employees in the work of psychological education, strengthen the attention of college students who are moving into the undergraduate level, and to pay full attention to these students. Private colleges should try to innovate education methods and improve psychological education in all aspects.

2021 ◽  
Ahmet Ay ◽  
Huseyin Ali Dogan ◽  
Ahmet Sonmez

Abstract This paper discusses both technical and project management aspects of drilling fluids services for deepwater and high pressure high temperature (HPHT) offshore drilling projects. The technical discussion part includes deepwater and HPHT specific fluids related concerns such as logistics, narrow drilling window, shallow hazards, gas hydrates, HPHT conditions and low temperature rheology; together with practical solutions for each of them. As some of these challenges cannot be met by only fluids itself, technologies such as managed pressure drilling (MPD), dual-gradient drilling (DGD) and use of special downhole tools are also included in the discussions. The project management aspect is covered for both the planning and execution phases. A newly developed Four Stage Planning Guideline (4SPG) with a recommended timetable is proposed for high-profile offshore drilling projects. Starting from fluids selection to preparation of the contingency plans is discussed in detail for the planning phase. Execution phase is discussed mainly for service company representatives on how to follow main or contingency plans effectively and ensure good communication is achieved with all parties involved. Work model presented in this paper can be used as a complete guideline by operating and service company representatives in order to increase the success rate of these high-risk offshore drilling projects and ensure learnings are captured in a structured way for continuous improvement.

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