circle model
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2022 ◽  
Simon Guilliard

The Brexit experience sheds new light on the question of whether credible state aid regulation must by its nature be supranational. Following a review of the disciplines of EU state aid law and WTO subsidy law, which shape international subsidy law, it is explained why the introduction of bi- and plurilateral control regimes beyond the WTO is necessary from the EU's point of view and which hurdles these efforts must overcome. Finally, on the basis of an overall analysis of EU (free trade) agreements, a concentric circle model of state aid law is developed, which reveals the link between type of agreement, market integration, geographical proximity and the impact of EU law on the state aid rules agreed with the treaty partners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (39) ◽  
pp. 132-146
Piotr Wiraszka

Each consciously existing entity has its own unique, hierarchical set of values, helping to make decisions and set directions for action. This power is a security culture, also defined as a set of universal values, attitudes and beliefs. The foundation upon which the security culture grows is the three pillars of security – the three energy streams of the security culture. The objective is to estimate the level of the entity’s security culture and present its structure. The determination of the empirical size of a security culture is made by adapting Shalom Schwartz’s value theory and his ten types of fundamental values. The values placed on the Schwartz circle model are aggregated to the appropriate energy streams of the security culture, and this move allows for empirical determination of the level of the security culture of an individual. The obtained results show the structure of energy streams and determine the empirical level of the subject’s security culture. The approach taken shows that the level of security culture is computable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (7) ◽  
pp. 11-40
E. E. Neupokoeva ◽  
N. K. Chapaev

Introduction. The digitalisation of the education system has increased the importance of acquiring digital competencies. At the same time, soft-competencies changed their structure and acquired a specific digital component. Didactic communications, based on the acquisition of all three groups of competencies - soft, hard and digital, have been changed, especially in the field of information technology. Those cognitive and communicative difficulties, which were previously easily solved with direct contact, now require special soft-competencies of the teacher. The processes of the search for solutions to problems and the formulation of such problems become more acute. There is an urgent need to find ways to solve the problem of raising the effectiveness of cognitive interactions. Therefore, one such way could be the method for analysing the leading type of cognitive interactions in training through a hermeneutic approach.The aims of the present research are the following: to reveal scientific and methodological aspects of application of the hermeneutic approach in didactic communications training for vocational teachers; to demonstrate the example of a graphical representation of the model of the hermeneutic circle concerning cognitive processes for studying regulatory texts; to form the main provisions for the theory of preparation for effective professional communications as a tool for acquiring workplace flexibility skills.Methodology and research methods. The theoretical and methodological component of the research is based on hermeneutic, system-activity and integrative approaches. The main research findings are drawn upon the cognitive theory (theory of cognitive processes). Empirical research data were obtained through the included observation method, as well as through testing among the trainees.Results. A hermeneutic circle model was demonstrated. Such a model is the basis of the authors’ methodology for teaching didactic communications in the field of information technologies. The basics of the theory of preparation for effective professional communications were developed. A fundamental tool was described showing the effectiveness of the application of the hermeneutic approach. The publication discloses a mechanism for understanding and interpreting a user algorithm. For the first time, the hermeneutic circle model is presented for understanding and interpreting user instructions by people of socionomic professions. The obtained theoretical and practical results can be interpolated into any scientific sphere, which is studied in the framework of primary vocational education in university or college degree programmes.Scientific novelty. The publication considers the hermeneutic circle model as a visual image that illustrates the specifics of cognitive processes when studying user algorithms as the basis for information exchange in the field of IT. The model demonstrates the reasons for the appearance of “weaknesses” when providing training for teachers in didactic communications in the field of IT.Practical significance. Since the issue of teaching workplace flexibility skills remains open at the level of theoretical and practical tools, there are some prerequisites for its development. The publication can be recommended to educators involved in the development of integrative disciplines aimed at improving communication skills. The main theoretical provisions are considered through the example of didactic communications in the field of IT.

Tommy Ivanics ◽  
Rodrigo Vianna ◽  
Chandrashekhar A Kubal ◽  
Kishore R Iyer ◽  
George V Mazariegos ◽  

James L. Heft

This chapter rehearses the arguments of the book, reaffirms the importance of the open circle model, and sees gains for Catholic higher education through academic freedom (as explained in chapter 8), engaging religious pluralism while teaching and researching Catholicism as an intellectual tradition. The chapter explains why the phrase “Catholic intellectual tradition” is used. It returns to the critical importance of the three north stars: Jesus (existential component of love and justice), Mary his mother (education, formation, and wisdom), and John Henry Newman (the continuing relevance of his Idea of a Catholic University). For Catholic colleges and universities to avoid going secular, as have most of the major mainline Protestant universities in the United States, the chapter underscores the critical importance of leadership, faculty recruitment and formation, and the Catholic intellectual tradition.

James L. Heft

This chapter provides a historical and epistemological analysis of academic freedom as presented by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and supports its procedural guidelines but criticizes the way in which it associates reliable knowledge almost exclusively with scientifically based knowledge. It describes three types of universities: the closed circle, the marketplace of ideas, and the open circle, defending the last model as the most valuable for Catholic universities to embrace in the twenty-first century. It argues that even though the open circle model is the most difficult to sustain, it points the best way forward, academically and theologically.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Henry Adams ◽  
Michael Moy

Through the use of examples, we explain one way in which applied topology has evolved since the birth of persistent homology in the early 2000s. The first applications of topology to data emphasized the global shape of a dataset, such as the three-circle model for 3 × 3 pixel patches from natural images, or the configuration space of the cyclo-octane molecule, which is a sphere with a Klein bottle attached via two circles of singularity. In these studies of global shape, short persistent homology bars are disregarded as sampling noise. More recently, however, persistent homology has been used to address questions about the local geometry of data. For instance, how can local geometry be vectorized for use in machine learning problems? Persistent homology and its vectorization methods, including persistence landscapes and persistence images, provide popular techniques for incorporating both local geometry and global topology into machine learning. Our meta-hypothesis is that the short bars are as important as the long bars for many machine learning tasks. In defense of this claim, we survey applications of persistent homology to shape recognition, agent-based modeling, materials science, archaeology, and biology. Additionally, we survey work connecting persistent homology to geometric features of spaces, including curvature and fractal dimension, and various methods that have been used to incorporate persistent homology into machine learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-145
Adelia Putri Rahayu ◽  
Ningrum Ningrum ◽  
Tiara Anggia Dewi

The Cooperative Learning model Inside Outside Circle is a learning strategy that allows students to exchange information at the same time and so that students can think critically and improve communication skills towards their learning outcomes, by applying the inside outside circle model in the classroom when the learning process will certainly make students produce meaningful knowledge.As for the problems in the research conducted by researchers, "There are still many students who have not experienced mastery learning in the economic learning outcomes of class X students of SMA 3 Metro in the academic year 2018/2019". From these problems, the formulation of the problem is "Is there an effect of Cooperative Learning learning type Inside Outside Circle on the economic learning outcomes of class X students of SMA Negeri 3 Metro academic year 2018/2019". The purpose of this study was to influence the use of the model of cooperative learning type inside outside circle on the economic learning outcomes of class X students of Negeri 3 Senior High School Metro tshun lesson 2018/2019. Then the hypothesis in this study are as follows: "There is an influence of the use of cooperative learning model type inside outside circle on the economic learning outcomes of class X students of SMA 3 Metro in the academic year 2018/2019". This type of research is a kind of pseudo research (Quasi Experimental), with an experimental design form that is the form of The Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. This design has a population of all classes X IPS 1, 2, 3, 4 with a total of 135 students. The experimental class is class X IPS 2 with a total of 32 students, and the control class is class X IPS 3 with a total of 35 students, the sampling method in this study is in the form of a Purposive Sample.Based on the results of the research conducted, the hypothesis is accepted, because the value of tcount> t table can be seen in the appendix list G, at a significance level of 5%, namely 3.18> 1.70. Students who are declared complete with KKM are (70) after being given treatment with the inside outside circle model which is as many as 28 students or with a percentage of 87.5% and those that are not complete are 4 students with a percentage of 12.5%. Thus it shows that the Cooperative Learning Model Type Inside Outside Circle has a positive influence on the economic learning outcomes of class X students of State High School 3 Metro Academic Year 2018/2019

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-137
Sundari Sundari ◽  
Ningrum Ningrum ◽  
Tiara Anggia Dewi

As for the problem in the research conducted by researchers, “ there are still many students who have not experienced learning completeness in the learning outcomes of the XI SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung in the academic year 2018/2019”. Based on these problems, the problem statement is, Is there a positive influence on the use of cooperative learning model type example non example on learning outcomes in economic subjects in class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung in the academic yaer 2018/2019 ?The purpose of this study was “ to find out the effect of using cooperative learning models  for example non example types on learning outcomes in economic subjects in class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Sekampung in the academic year 2018/2019. Based on the results of the research conducted, the hypothesis is accepted, because the value of tcount> t table can be seen in the appendix list G, at a significance level of 5%, namely 9,50> 1.70. Students who are declared complete with KKM are (72) after being given treatment with the inside outside circle model which is as many as 25 students or with a percentage of 83,33% and those that are not complete are 5 students with a percentage of 16,67%. Thus it shows that the Cooperative Learning Model Type Example Non Example has a positive influence on the economic learning outcomes of class XI students of State High School 1 Sekampung Academic Year 2018/2019.

2021 ◽  
Sebastjan Radišek

Abstract Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) is a covalently closed, single-stranded RNA molecule of 297 nucleotides (Sano et al., 1985). Variants consisting of 294-303 nucleotides have been described from different hosts (Kofalvi et al., 1997; Amari et al., 2001). HSVd has a rod-like conformation with five domains, a central conserved region (CCR) similar to members of genera Pospiviroid and Cocadviroid, and a terminal conserved hairpin (TCH) which is also present in the genus Cocadviroid (Flores et al., 1997). Replication is known to occur through an asymmetric, rolling-circle model because longer-than-unit minus strands have been found in infected tissue (Flores et al., 2005). HSVd was named due to the first identification of the pathogen on hop plants originating from Japan (Yamamoto et al., 1973). In a wide range of host species, infection by HSVd appears to be latent, whereas in hop, Citrus and Prunus species it causes specific disorders and economic damage (Hadidi et al., 2003).

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