accurate reflection
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2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-253
Aurel Muraru

"Facial expressions can be regarded as an accurate reflection of the inner emotions people manifest towards the surrounding reality, filtered through their own emotional „strainer”. The source of these feelings lies not only in external influences, but also in a man's own thoughts, experiences, level of education and culture, as well as the degree of development of their own volitional and emotional capacities, in which muscle movements are merely just a simple mechanical means of rendering. The entire array of facial expressions acts as a unitary system which does nothing but complete the movements of the conductor's hands, filling them with meaning. We can say that this type of communication represents a way of combining the most delicate, vibrant, profound, and subtle feelings. It would be impossible to imagine that the movement of the arms, unsupported by the expression of the eyes and face or by the position of the body, were able to express a large array of emotions (joy, pain, sadness, rage, fear, surprise, or confidence) accurately and unequivocally. Keywords: facial expressions, mimicry, nonverbal communication, conductor, performance. "

2021 ◽  
Guy Lewis Gerard Marriage

<p>This thesis examines visual and physical connectivity in multi-level public atrium spaces in modern public buildings, and seeks out common factors and key design principles behind their design. Enhanced physical and visual connectivity in multi-storey public buildings can contribute appreciably to the social significance of interior public spaces. At present, connectivity is typically assessed in the design stages of buildings using two-dimensional spatial analysis theories of syntax. This thesis investigates how threedimensional spatial analysis tools can be applied to the assessment of connectivity during the design of multilevel public atrium spaces, to provide a more accurate reflection of connectivity under built conditions. The thesis focuses on atria in public buildings such as museums, investigates prominent features and factors in their design, examines three examples of atrium buildings as case studies, and asks the question: how can multi-level atrium spaces be analysed for connectivity?</p>

2021 ◽  
Guy Lewis Gerard Marriage

<p>This thesis examines visual and physical connectivity in multi-level public atrium spaces in modern public buildings, and seeks out common factors and key design principles behind their design. Enhanced physical and visual connectivity in multi-storey public buildings can contribute appreciably to the social significance of interior public spaces. At present, connectivity is typically assessed in the design stages of buildings using two-dimensional spatial analysis theories of syntax. This thesis investigates how threedimensional spatial analysis tools can be applied to the assessment of connectivity during the design of multilevel public atrium spaces, to provide a more accurate reflection of connectivity under built conditions. The thesis focuses on atria in public buildings such as museums, investigates prominent features and factors in their design, examines three examples of atrium buildings as case studies, and asks the question: how can multi-level atrium spaces be analysed for connectivity?</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 10128
Daniela A. Lessa ◽  
Carlos Lobo

The issues encompassing planning and management of the urban space are directly related to the transport system, of which the flow plays a central role. Therefore, an interdependence among urban tissue, space structuring, and demand for mobility are taken into account. The objective of this work, using the data taken from the last two Origin and Destination surveys (2002 and 2012), is to assess the possible reduced power of attraction of the Central Area of Belo Horizonte by means of the motorized flows as a result of the process of induction of power of attraction of new urban centralities through planning and management policies. The results presented in this work generally indicate that the spatial structure of Belo Horizonte has remained concentrated in the Central Area, though new flows seem to converge to the consolidation of new municipal centralities. Even if additional care in the interpretation of results is necessary due to the limited time cuts and the database used, besides the specific features of Belo Horizonte, the empirical evidence translated in the proposed indicators allow a more accurate reflection on the recent urban space configuration, with the connections established through the space mobility of the population.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 755
Shyno Susan John ◽  
Nicholas M. Deutscher ◽  
Clare Paton-Walsh ◽  
Voltaire A. Velazco ◽  
Nicholas B. Jones ◽  

In Australia, bushfires are a natural part of the country’s landscape and essential for the regeneration of plant species; however, the 2019–20 bushfires were unprecedented in their extent and intensity. This paper is focused on the 2019–20 Australian bushfires and the resulting surface and column atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) anomalies around Wollongong. Column CO data from the ground-based Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) and Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) site in Wollongong are used together with surface in situ measurements. A systematic comparison was performed between the surface in situ and column measurements of CO to better understand whether column measurements can be used as an estimate of the surface concentrations. If so, satellite column measurements of CO could be used to estimate the exposure of humans to CO and other fire-related pollutants. We find that the enhancements in the column measurements are not always significantly evident in the corresponding surface measurements. Topographical features play a key role in determining the surface exposures from column abundance especially in a coastal city like Wollongong. The topography at Wollongong, combined with meteorological effects, potentially exacerbates differences in the column and surface. Hence, satellite column amounts are unlikely to provide an accurate reflection of exposure at the ground during major events like the 2019–2020 bushfires.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 124-153
Ọbádélé Bakari Kambon ◽  
Lwanga Songsore

Abstract At the 2018 Outstanding African Thinkers Conference on Nna Chinweizu, attendees – the first author included – took a pledge that “In all branches of our lives, we must be capable of criticizing and of accepting criticism. But criticism, proof of the willingness of others to help us or of our willingness to help others, must be complemented by self-criticism – proof of our own willingness to help ourselves to improve our thoughts and our actions. This is a sacred principle and it is my sacred duty to apply and defend it at all costs” (Chinweizu 2018). In response to that call to action, this article represents an effort to restore MꜢꜤt ‘Maat.’ Ataa Ayi Kwei Armah’s Wat Nt Shemsw: The Way of Companions epitomizes undeclared fiction masquerading as an accurate reflection of the mythology of classical Kmt ‘Land of Black People.’ By cross-checking Ataa Armah’s undeclared fiction with actual historical, iconographical, and archaeological data, we are able to debunk his numerous misrepresentations. We find that the best way to approach Kmt ‘Land of Black People’ is through direct engagement with actual evidence rather than through the distortions of fiction writers turned Egyptologists. Further, we will address the personality cult, or what we term “Ataa Armah’s Manor Shemsw model,” which embodies the rhetorical ethic whereby all egalitarians are equal, but some egalitarians are more equal than others (Orwell, Baker, and Woodhouse 1996).

2021 ◽  
Crystal Nicole Steltenpohl ◽  
Jordan Reed ◽  
Christopher Keys

Aims. “Gamers” have historically been described via consumption habits and other unidimensional definitions such as genres played. Increasingly, researchers understand social identity as situated within multidimensional contexts, including community members’ interactions with other members and society at large.Methods and results. Our qualitative study involving 434 fighting game community members suggests this expanded, more multidimensional view of social identity is a more accurate reflection of how people who play games view their identities. Our findings focused on four themes of gamer identity: (1) behaviors, (2) player motivations, (3) centrality, and (4) negative perceptions.Conclusion. Our research complements more recent research on gamer identity incorporating individual-level gaming habits or preferences and group-level identities emerging from out-of-game and/or in-game worlds. In this way, we consider the influence of multiple contexts on individual identity. Understanding the influence of various social contexts can provide better insight into the multidimensional nature of gamer identity.

Kovalchuk O.Ya.

The purpose of the work is to compare the translators’ idiostyles and conceptions through a comparative analysis of G.G. Byron’s mystery “Cain” and Ukrainian-language interpretations by M. Kabaliuk and O. Hriaznov.Methods of work. In the research a comparative method is used to compare the original and the translation and compare two translations, literary and stylistic textual analysis, descriptive and contextual methods are used to determine the stylistic dominants of the original and the target work, the method of assessing the adequacy of translation is used to define the translators’ mastery, the method of quantitative calculations is used to determine the degree of reproduction of linguistic and stylistic expression means.Results. In the article the characteristic features of G.G Byron’s idiostyle, the stylistic features of the original text of the mystery “Cain” are outlined. The degree of style reproduction adequacy of G.G. Byron’s mystery “Cain” in the interpretation by two Ukrainian translators – M. Kabaliuk and O. Hriaznov is determined, the specifics of their translation style are clarified. The history of O. Hiyaznov’s translation with the use of own electronic correspondence is investigated. The literary-critical opinion concerning the named translations is considered. Translation analysis is performed at the phonetic, rhythmic, lexical, morphological and syntactic levels. Information on the translation reception of G.G. Byron’s works in Ukraine has been expanded.Conclusions. The conducted comparative analysis makes it possible to state that each of these translators has an individual translation style, his own understanding of the author’s intention. M. Kabaiyuk takes into account the requirements for the most accurate reflection of the content in combination with the deepest reproduction of the author’s style, so his translation is marked by a high degree of adequacy. M. Kabaliuk approaches extremely close to the original work, avoiding literalism, preserving the author’s lexemes at most. He tries to convey all the stylistic dominants of the original maximally, pays attention to the subtle nuances of the poetic fabric of the English work; the interpreter’s presence is minimized. O. Hriaznov claims that a translation from an unlike language cannot be accurate; he pays more attention to the content than to the style, and does not reproduce all the features of G.G. Byron’s idiostyle (exclamatory intonation in some places, repetitions, about half of the epithets and exclamations). He is somewhat fluent with the original, often paraphrasing language units based on his own perception.Key words: translation, original, style, adequacy, stylistic dominant, translation strategy, emotionality, lexeme, lexical and syntactic linguistic-stylistic means. Мета роботи – шляхом зіставного аналізу містерії Дж.Г. Байрона «Каїн» та україномовних інтерпретацій М. Кабалюка і О. Грязнова порівняти ідіостилі і концепції перекладачів.Методи роботи. У дослідженні використано зіставний метод для порівняння оригіналу та перекладу і порівняння двох перекладів між собою, літературно-стилістичний текстуальний аналіз, описовий і контекстуальний методи – для визна-чення стильових домінант ориґіналу і цільового твору, метод оцінювання адекватності перекладу – для визначення ступеня майстерності перекладачів, метод кількісних підрахунків – для визначення ступеня відтворення мовностилістичних засобів вираження.Результати. У статті окреслено характерні риси ідіостилю Дж.Г. Байрона, стильові особливості оригінального тексту містерії «Каїн». Визначено ступінь адекватності відтворення стилю містерії Дж.Г. Байрона «Каїн» в інтерпретації двох укра-їнських перекладачів – М. Кабалюка та О. Грязнова, з’ясовано специфіку їхньої перекладацької манери. Досліджено історію перекладу О. Грязнова з використанням власного електронного листування. Розглянуто літературно-критичну думку щодо названих перекладів. Проведено перекладознавчий аналіз на фонетичному, ритмічному, лексичному, морфологічному та син-таксичному рівнях. Розширено відомості про перекладну рецепцію творчості Дж.Г. Байрона в Україні.Висновки. Проведений зіставний аналіз дає змогу стверджувати, що кожен із зазначених перекладачів має індивідуальний перекладний стиль, власне розуміння авторського задуму. М. Кабалюк враховує вимоги щодо якнайточнішого відображення змісту у поєднанні з якнайглибшим відтворенням стилю автора, тому його переклад відзначається високим ступенем адек-ватності. М. Кабалюк підходить гранично близько до першотвору, уникаючи буквалізму, максимально зберігаючи авторські лексеми. Він намагається максимально передати всі стильові домінанти першоджерела, звертає увагу на найтонші нюанси поетичної тканини англійського твору; присутність перекладача зведена до мінімуму. О. Грязнов стверджує, що переклад із неблизькоспорідненої мови не може бути точним; звертає більшу увагу на зміст, ніж на стиль, і відтворює не всі особливості ідіостилю Дж.Г. Байрона (окличну інтонацію подекуди, повтори, приблизно половину епітетів і вигуків). Він дещо вільно поводиться з оригіналом, часто перефразовує мовні одиниці, виходячи із власного сприйняття.Ключові слова: переклад, оригінал, стиль, адекватність, стильова домінанта, перекладацька стратегія, емоційність, лексема, лексичні та синтаксичні мовностилістичні засоби.

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