Kovalchuk O.Ya.

The purpose of the work is to compare the translators’ idiostyles and conceptions through a comparative analysis of G.G. Byron’s mystery “Cain” and Ukrainian-language interpretations by M. Kabaliuk and O. Hriaznov.Methods of work. In the research a comparative method is used to compare the original and the translation and compare two translations, literary and stylistic textual analysis, descriptive and contextual methods are used to determine the stylistic dominants of the original and the target work, the method of assessing the adequacy of translation is used to define the translators’ mastery, the method of quantitative calculations is used to determine the degree of reproduction of linguistic and stylistic expression means.Results. In the article the characteristic features of G.G Byron’s idiostyle, the stylistic features of the original text of the mystery “Cain” are outlined. The degree of style reproduction adequacy of G.G. Byron’s mystery “Cain” in the interpretation by two Ukrainian translators – M. Kabaliuk and O. Hriaznov is determined, the specifics of their translation style are clarified. The history of O. Hiyaznov’s translation with the use of own electronic correspondence is investigated. The literary-critical opinion concerning the named translations is considered. Translation analysis is performed at the phonetic, rhythmic, lexical, morphological and syntactic levels. Information on the translation reception of G.G. Byron’s works in Ukraine has been expanded.Conclusions. The conducted comparative analysis makes it possible to state that each of these translators has an individual translation style, his own understanding of the author’s intention. M. Kabaiyuk takes into account the requirements for the most accurate reflection of the content in combination with the deepest reproduction of the author’s style, so his translation is marked by a high degree of adequacy. M. Kabaliuk approaches extremely close to the original work, avoiding literalism, preserving the author’s lexemes at most. He tries to convey all the stylistic dominants of the original maximally, pays attention to the subtle nuances of the poetic fabric of the English work; the interpreter’s presence is minimized. O. Hriaznov claims that a translation from an unlike language cannot be accurate; he pays more attention to the content than to the style, and does not reproduce all the features of G.G. Byron’s idiostyle (exclamatory intonation in some places, repetitions, about half of the epithets and exclamations). He is somewhat fluent with the original, often paraphrasing language units based on his own perception.Key words: translation, original, style, adequacy, stylistic dominant, translation strategy, emotionality, lexeme, lexical and syntactic linguistic-stylistic means. Мета роботи – шляхом зіставного аналізу містерії Дж.Г. Байрона «Каїн» та україномовних інтерпретацій М. Кабалюка і О. Грязнова порівняти ідіостилі і концепції перекладачів.Методи роботи. У дослідженні використано зіставний метод для порівняння оригіналу та перекладу і порівняння двох перекладів між собою, літературно-стилістичний текстуальний аналіз, описовий і контекстуальний методи – для визна-чення стильових домінант ориґіналу і цільового твору, метод оцінювання адекватності перекладу – для визначення ступеня майстерності перекладачів, метод кількісних підрахунків – для визначення ступеня відтворення мовностилістичних засобів вираження.Результати. У статті окреслено характерні риси ідіостилю Дж.Г. Байрона, стильові особливості оригінального тексту містерії «Каїн». Визначено ступінь адекватності відтворення стилю містерії Дж.Г. Байрона «Каїн» в інтерпретації двох укра-їнських перекладачів – М. Кабалюка та О. Грязнова, з’ясовано специфіку їхньої перекладацької манери. Досліджено історію перекладу О. Грязнова з використанням власного електронного листування. Розглянуто літературно-критичну думку щодо названих перекладів. Проведено перекладознавчий аналіз на фонетичному, ритмічному, лексичному, морфологічному та син-таксичному рівнях. Розширено відомості про перекладну рецепцію творчості Дж.Г. Байрона в Україні.Висновки. Проведений зіставний аналіз дає змогу стверджувати, що кожен із зазначених перекладачів має індивідуальний перекладний стиль, власне розуміння авторського задуму. М. Кабалюк враховує вимоги щодо якнайточнішого відображення змісту у поєднанні з якнайглибшим відтворенням стилю автора, тому його переклад відзначається високим ступенем адек-ватності. М. Кабалюк підходить гранично близько до першотвору, уникаючи буквалізму, максимально зберігаючи авторські лексеми. Він намагається максимально передати всі стильові домінанти першоджерела, звертає увагу на найтонші нюанси поетичної тканини англійського твору; присутність перекладача зведена до мінімуму. О. Грязнов стверджує, що переклад із неблизькоспорідненої мови не може бути точним; звертає більшу увагу на зміст, ніж на стиль, і відтворює не всі особливості ідіостилю Дж.Г. Байрона (окличну інтонацію подекуди, повтори, приблизно половину епітетів і вигуків). Він дещо вільно поводиться з оригіналом, часто перефразовує мовні одиниці, виходячи із власного сприйняття.Ключові слова: переклад, оригінал, стиль, адекватність, стильова домінанта, перекладацька стратегія, емоційність, лексема, лексичні та синтаксичні мовностилістичні засоби.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 237
María Ruiz Estévez

<p>The purpose of this article was to make a brief comparative analysis between the Spanish Constitution of 1812 and the Polish-Lithuanian Constitution of 1791. With this intention, the most characteristic features of each constitutional text were set out, and both the historical and social context prior to its promulgation and the circumstances that led to the drafting of both legal acts were analyzed. The similarities and contrasts of the political models established with both constitutions were observed, as well as the rights and freedoms recognized. Reference was also made to the founding fathers of the Constitutions and the ideological context that influenced them. Finally, the author mentioned the fate of both constitutions that were only in force for a short period of time. The article aimed to present these two legal acts that were a milestone in the constitutional and political history of each nation.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-243
Simone Schroth

This article presents a comparative analysis of six translations of Anne Frank's Het Achterhuis into German, English, and French. This includes the history of its editions from the first Dutch edition published in 1947 to the 1986 critical edition of the Diaries and later Het Achterhuis editions. The translation analysis focuses on aspects related to the cultural and historical context, e.g. the use of annotations and the representation of anti-German comments made by Anne Frank. With regard to the latter, the first translation into German (1950) is partly re-assessed: not all these comments were eliminated or toned down by the translator Anneliese Schütz, who worked in close co-operation with Anne Frank's father Otto Frank.

2014 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 566-567
Bjorn Merker

AbstractThe faith that “comparative analysis of the behaviour of modern primates, in conjunction with an accurate phylogenetic tree of relatedness, has the power to chart the early history of human cognitive evolution” (Byrne 2000 p. 543) runs afoul of the fact that no other primate besides humans is capable of vocal production learning. This basic enabling adaptation for articulate speech bears crucially on the reconstruction of language origins.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (30) ◽  
pp. 200-210
Maryna Aloshyna

The author has studied the problems of the reproduction of stylistics in translation. Examples of domestication in translation have been analysed on the basis of different Ukrainian translations of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, two famous novels written by Mark Twain. The first Ukrainian translators of Mark Twain’s novels in the first decade of the 20th century were Maria Zahirnia and Nastia Hrinchenko, wife and daughter of the prominent Ukrainian writer, scholar, and public activist Borys Hrinchenko. Their work was greatly influenced by the circumstances of the time (i.e., printing any translations into Ukrainian was banned in the Russian empire till 1905, no official body for the codification of the Ukrainian language existed, etc.). Later Ukrainian translations of the novel (Mytrofanov, Steshenko), together with Russian and Polish (by Chukovskii, Daruzes, Bilinski, and Tarnovski) were selected for comparative analysis with a consideration for their historical background. The linguistic and stylistic peculiarities of these translations have been studied. It is demonstrated that Zagirnya and Hrinchenko translations reproduce the original work quite exactly. Their translations have features of domestication and colloquialism, but at the same time, all important elements are fully reproduced. Their translations have a natural conversational tonality which corresponds to the original text. The later Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish translations under examination tend to keep to the norms of literary language to a greater extent. The level of domestication in these translations is lower (or even zero). Sometimes they include too-literary elements together with inadequate colloquial ones. Nevertheless, stylistically colored elements are successfully reproduced in these translations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 207 (5) ◽  
pp. 434-434 ◽  
Pat Bracken

The original text of this work was published in Paris, in 1961, as Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la Folie à l'âge Classique. Madness and Civilisation was the English translation (by Richard Howard) of an abridged French version from which 300 pages had been cut. A substantial number of the references from the first text were also omitted, and the deep scholarship of Foucault's original work was not fully available to English readers until 2006, when Routledge published a comprehensive translation of the full book by Jonathan Murphy and Jean Khalfa. This delay in translation of the full text may explain the very different reactions to the work in France and in the English-speaking world. The former were positive in the main. French historians celebrated the depth of research and Foucault's methodological originality. English-speaking historians, working with the abbreviated version only, were generally dismissive. A chorus of reviews challenged the accuracy of Foucault's historical scholarship. In an important defence of Foucault, published in 1990, Colin Gordon argued that Histoire de la Folie was an ‘unknown book’ in the English-speaking world and went on to show how the answers to most of these historical challenges could be found in the original French version.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
А. А. Dzyba

Theater as a place for spectacles is a form of social consciousness, a means of ideological and aesthetic education of the population. Theater reflects the peculiarities of the development of society and is related to its culture. The desire in different periods to harmoniously combine nature and culture, green theaters, and other green scenes has always reflected the tastes and fashions of a certain era. The history of the development of garden theaters in the European countries, including Ukraine, is considered. The types of theaters on the territory of historical gardens, parks, estates, palace and park complexes, and garden and park ensembles of Europe and North America of the XVII-XX centuries are studied. The history and evolution of the development of the main types of theater buildings are characterized and their differences are given. The preconditions for the emergence and popularization of open-air theaters have been clarified. The terms - garden, green, air, summer theaters - are analyzed and generalized. Based on the research, the classification and definition of a garden theater (amphitheater) are proposed. Garden theaters are types and varieties of theaters (forest, landscape, green, air, water, summer, stone, mechanical, palace) and amphitheaters (stone, lawn), located on the territory of gardens, parks, garden and park ensembles. They can be open-air (temporary), closed (permanent), combined (cooperation of temporary and permanent theaters). On the territory of gardens, parks, garden and park ensembles, several types or varieties of theaters or a theater and an amphitheater can be located, the amphitheater can be part of a theater. A comparative analysis of green, water theaters and other theaters is given. The characteristic features of the location of theaters in the planning structure of the studied objects, including elements of topiary art and an assortment of plants for green, water, air, and summer theaters, are revealed.

Discourse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 146-159
O. M. Zhuravleva ◽  
L. A. Ulianitckaia ◽  
A. A. Shumkov

Introduction. Charles de Coster's “Flemish Legends” were published in 1858 in French. With the growth of the national consciousness of the Flemings, this book, having particular artistic and cultural meaning, had to be translated, anyhow, into the Flemish variant of Dutch. There have been several translations, which differ significantly. To understand the specifics and success of a particular translation, it is necessary to analyze the cultural-linguistic and socio-political circumstances of its creation, to study the personalities of the translators, their artistic biographies, and also to assess the impact of the culture-forming factors.Methodology and sources. The research methodology is based on the descriptive method. At that we take into account a lot of linguistic, historical, social and cultural variables. As a study material two translations of “Flemish Legends” into Dutch (1917 and 1998) are chosen, as well as several sources describing the history of Belgium after 1830. For collating the translations the comparative method is used, taking into account the lexical, grammatical and stylistic features of the analyzed texts.Results and discussion. Charles De Coster, being a bilingual, preferred the French language. This can be explained by his desire to make folklore an asset of the upper social class, mainly bilinguals and francophones, upon these legends being already known among the Flemings. In addition, for the proper resonance, it was more profitable to publish the book in French. It can also be assumed that the legends were collected throughout Flanders; therefore, there were significant dialectal differences and problems for choosing a unified version of the Flemish language. To convey the medieval flavor, Charles de Coster used a deliberately archaized language. At the beginning of the 20th century S. Streuvels created a specific translation, more reminiscent of calque from French and preserving the features of the original text. At the end of the 20th century, W. Spillebeen translated the French text into a modern language, which was not the Belgian Dutch, but the standard Dutch.Conclusion. The translations discussed are quite different. S. Streuvels retained the style and structure of the original text, so his work was difficult for perception even by his contemporaries, and today the translation has become practically unreadable. W. Spillebeen tried to translate the legends into a modern language, bringing the structural components in line with the modern norm and preserving only the most necessary archaisms. Nevertheless, the text of the “Flemish legends” in the Belgian Dutch does not exist: they are written either in dialects, or in the “Frenchified” Dutch, or in the standard Dutch.

Juraeva Kamola Saifiddinovna ◽  

The article deals with the characteristic features of the Caspian region. The article analyzes the geopolitical understanding of the history of Russia's relations in the Caspian region in the context of the Eurasian geopolitical school. The evolution of the Russian approach to determining the international legal status of the Caspian Sea is determined, and the main mechanisms of Russian diplomacy in the region are studied based on the analysis of dissertation studies of foreign scientists.

Svetlana Latysheva

The study discusses a new approach to translation of architectural critical materials focusing on the stage of source texts analysis. Architecture synthesizes science, technology, art and social sphere resulting in the heterogeneity of translatological characteristics of texts representing architectural phenomena. They combine the parameters of institutional and personal discourse possessing the features of specialized texts, such as the predominance of cognitive information and a high degree of conventionality, and artistic texts with their emotional, aesthetic and axiological aspects. This functional ambivalence limits the use of traditional methods based on genre or stylistic analysis. This research is an attempt to develop a new approach to pre-translation analysis of architectural texts yielding adequate translation methods for architectural nominations and contributing to the retainment of original text identity. The study views intersubjectivity in pre-translation analysis as conceptual coordination within the discourse of the expert community carried out in the process of interaction between authors of source texts and addressees of translation texts through interlingual mediation. The developed method allows translators to reveal relevant cognitive and discursive parameters of nominations of architectural phenomena at various language levels. In addition, it reveals the translation dominants that assist both to preserve the sufficient level of translation text conventionality within the institutional discourse of architecture and to transfer personal meanings and values implied by source text authors within their personal discourse.

2020 ◽  
pp. 177-192
Valentina Rossi

The present essay aims at reconstructing the editorial history of Shakespeare’s _Antony and Cleopatra_, by comparing the original text printed in the so-called _First Folio_ (1623) with the later sixteenth- and eighteenth-century English editions, as well as with the Italian translations that were published from the 1900s on. By focussing on such a _corpus_, I will try to demonstrate how the evolution of both the theories and the techniques of translation, and the renewal of the publishing market have, in some cases, altered the original work, conditioning and orienting the reading.

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