María José Terán Bejarano
Isabel Cluet de Rodriguez
Vanessa Michelle Barzallo Puebla
Mónica Tatiana Escobar Suárez
Carlos Antonio Escobar Suárez
Introducción: El maltrato infantil (MI), se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública que impregna todos los sectores sociales y cuyo impacto resulta devastador no solamente durante su infancia, sino a lo largo de toda su vida. Objetivo: Describir el maltrato infantil y trastornos clínicos post-violencia en niños menores de cinco años. Métodos: A documentary research was carried out in databases such as SciElo, Pubmed, Google Scholar and, LATINDEX, using the descriptors: child abuse, child abuse, family relationships, family violence, published in the period 2010-2021, in languages English, Spanish and Portuguese. Resultados: Se considera que, el maltrato infligido en los primeros cinco años de la vida del menor, repercute en el desarrollo neurobiológico y psicológico, el cual tiende a ser más rápido que en los años siguientes de las etapas del desarrollo. El maltrato infantil, no solo consiste en la presencia de hematomas, quemaduras, traumas craneales, la negligencia y la desnutrición. Se asume el maltrato infantil como todo aquel daño emocional que acompaña a los actos abusivos o negligentes que se traducen como trastorno de estrés agudo y el trastorno de estrés postraumático, con su repercusión a largo plazo. Conclusiones: El maltrato infantil puede afectar el exitoso desarrollo del niño no sólo en un determinado período de desarrollo, sino a lo largo de toda su vida. Un equipo multidisciplinario, que ejecute estrategias de prevención, la necesidad inclusión de todos los países en esta lucha y entender que la prevención es la única salida
Palabras claves: maltrato a los niños, abuso de los niños, relaciones familiares, violencia familiar
Introduction: Child abuse (MI) has become a public health problem that permeates all social sectors and whose impact is devastating not only during childhood, but throughout their entire lives. Objective: To describe child abuse and post-violence clinical disorders in children under five years of age. Methods: A documentary investigation was carried out. Through the search for scientific articles, in databases such as SciElo, Pubmed, Google Scholar and, LATINDEX, using the descriptors: child abuse, child abuse, family relationships, family violence. With inclusion criteria: full articles, in national and international journals and organizations such as WHO, PAHO, published in the period 2010-2021, in English, Spanish and Portuguese languages. Results: It is considered that the abuse inflicted in the first five years of the child's life affects the neurobiological and psychological development, which tends to be faster than in the following years of the development stages. Child abuse not only consists of bruises, burns, head trauma, neglect and malnutrition. Child abuse is assumed as all the emotional damage that accompanies abusive or negligent acts that translate as acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, with its long-term repercussions. Conclusions: Child abuse can affect the successful development of the child not only in a certain period of development, but throughout their entire life. A multidisciplinary team, which executes prevention strategies, the need to include all countries in this fight, and understands that prevention is the only way out
Keywords: child abuse, child abuse, family relationships, family violence