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María José Terán Bejarano ◽  
Isabel Cluet de Rodriguez ◽  
Vanessa Michelle Barzallo Puebla ◽  
Mónica Tatiana Escobar Suárez ◽  
Carlos Antonio Escobar Suárez

Introducción: El maltrato infantil (MI), se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública que impregna todos los sectores sociales y cuyo impacto resulta devastador no solamente durante su infancia, sino a lo largo de toda su vida. Objetivo: Describir el maltrato infantil y trastornos clínicos post-violencia en niños menores de cinco años. Métodos: A documentary research was carried out in databases such as SciElo, Pubmed, Google Scholar and, LATINDEX, using the descriptors: child abuse, child abuse, family relationships, family violence, published in the period 2010-2021, in languages English, Spanish and Portuguese. Resultados: Se considera que, el maltrato infligido en los primeros cinco años de la vida del menor, repercute en el desarrollo neurobiológico y psicológico, el cual tiende a ser más rápido que en los años siguientes de las etapas del desarrollo. El maltrato infantil, no solo consiste en la presencia de hematomas, quemaduras, traumas craneales, la negligencia y la desnutrición. Se asume el maltrato infantil como todo aquel daño emocional que acompaña a los actos abusivos o negligentes que se traducen como trastorno de estrés agudo y el trastorno de estrés postraumático, con su repercusión a largo plazo. Conclusiones: El maltrato infantil puede afectar el exitoso desarrollo del niño no sólo en un determinado período de desarrollo, sino a lo largo de toda su vida. Un equipo multidisciplinario, que ejecute estrategias de prevención, la necesidad inclusión de todos los países en esta lucha y entender que la prevención es la única salida   Palabras claves: maltrato a los niños, abuso de los niños, relaciones familiares, violencia familiar   ABSTRACT   Introduction: Child abuse (MI) has become a public health problem that permeates all social sectors and whose impact is devastating not only during childhood, but throughout their entire lives. Objective: To describe child abuse and post-violence clinical disorders in children under five years of age. Methods: A documentary investigation was carried out. Through the search for scientific articles, in databases such as SciElo, Pubmed, Google Scholar and, LATINDEX, using the descriptors: child abuse, child abuse, family relationships, family violence. With inclusion criteria: full articles, in national and international journals and organizations such as WHO, PAHO, published in the period 2010-2021, in English, Spanish and Portuguese languages. Results: It is considered that the abuse inflicted in the first five years of the child's life affects the neurobiological and psychological development, which tends to be faster than in the following years of the development stages. Child abuse not only consists of bruises, burns, head trauma, neglect and malnutrition. Child abuse is assumed as all the emotional damage that accompanies abusive or negligent acts that translate as acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, with its long-term repercussions. Conclusions: Child abuse can affect the successful development of the child not only in a certain period of development, but throughout their entire life. A multidisciplinary team, which executes prevention strategies, the need to include all countries in this fight, and understands that prevention is the only way out Keywords: child abuse, child abuse, family relationships, family violence

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-39
María Angélica Rosales-Cisneros ◽  
Manuela Cordero-Salcedo

El aprendizaje preescolar tiene como uno de sus objetivos facilitar el proceso de enseñanza, aplicando diversas metodologías en el aula de clase, con el propósito de reforzar el conocimiento y la inteligencia de los alumnos. Es así como busca fortalecer y fomentar el desarrollo inclusivo en niñas y niños para su óptimo desarrollo humano e intelectual en el espacio que acoge las actividades diarias de los establecimientos educativos, acompañando los objetivos de dichas instituciones. El presente artículo da cuenta de una reflexión respecto al diseño de espacios interiores para la educación primaria desde la mirada de las ocho Inteligencias Múltiples (IMG) del psicólogo y pedagogo Howard Gardner, este a su vez revisa y relaciona bibliografía sobre el trabajo de Gardner y propone alternativas para el diseño de espacios interiores que se correspondan con las IMG. Palabras clave: Desarrollo infantil, educación inicial, espacios preescolares, Howard Gardner, IMG, inclusión. AbstractThe objective of preschool learning is to facilitate the teaching process by applying various methodologies in the classroom to reinforce the knowledge and intelligence of the students. This is how preschool learning seeks to strengthen and promote inclusive development in girls and boys for their optimal human and intellectual development in the space that hosts students´ daily activities, so that these institutions attain their objectives. This article gives a reflection of interior design spaces for primary education from Eight Multiple Intelligences perspective by the psychologist and pedagogue Howard Gardner (IMG); at the same time, it reviews and relates bibliography on Gardner's work and proposes alternatives for the design of interior spaces that correspond to the IMG. Keywords: Child development, Early childhood education, Howard Gardner, Inclusion, IMG, Preschool spaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-134
Titien Yusnita ◽  
Susri Adeni ◽  
Miftahul Anwar

The child marriage rate is quite high above 40% during the 2019 period in Bogor Regency. This community service aims to educate school-age children to have an awareness that education is important for their future. Children should be given sufficient knowledge about the impact of child marriage which does not guarantee a better future for them. The impact of child marriage is the threat to reproductive health due to giving birth at a young age. The method of implementing the service is face-to-face, giving directions, counseling and simulations to school-age children who are vulnerable to child marriage and asking questions and exploring their opinions about child marriage and education so that it is expected that self-awareness will arise on the importance of education and delaying marriage at a young age. The results of this service activity show that school-age children are able to understand the material presented by the speaker and know that education is important for their future. This can be seen from the questions submitted by the participants and the presence of community leaders who support the importance of education.  Keywords: Child, School-age Children, Child Marriage, Self Awareness

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 270
Ridha Nirmalasari ◽  
Ahmad Aldianor ◽  
Ervianie Putri Asfari ◽  
Raju Anand ◽  
Rini Septiani ◽  

ABSTRAKSalah satu permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat Desa Petak Bahandang yaitu kurangnya pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai pola asuh yang tepat dalam mengasuh anak.Sebagian besar pola asuh yang terdapat di desa Petak Bahandang ditemukan banyak orang tua yang salah menerapkan pola asuh kepada anak-anaknya. Mereka secara tidak sengaja telah melakukan kesalahan dalam pengasuhan mereka yang dapat berdampak negatif pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Metode pengabdian ini adalah PAR (Participatory Action Research) yaitu pengabdian berbasis masalah yang ditemukan lalu kemudian memberikan alternative solusi yaitu penyuluhan yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman mengenai pola asuh di depan masyarakat Desa Petak Bahandang.Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan di posyandu balita dengan sasaran ibu-ibu PKK yang berjumlah 13 peserta. Metode pelaksanaan yang diterapkan dmulai dari tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, tahap evaluasi dan monitoring.Berdasarkan penelitian dan hasil observasi yang dilakukan di Desa Petak bahandang bahwa para orang tua telah menerapkan keempat pola asuh terhadap anak, baik itu pola asuh yang bersifat otoriter, permisif, cuek serta demokratis. Namun, kebanyakan dari orang tua di Desa Petak Bahandang menerapkan pola asuh otoriter. Diharapkan para orang tua khususnya masyarakat desa Petak Bahandang untuk terus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman terkait dengan pola asuh yang baik untuk anak-anaknya. Kata kunci: anak; pola asuh; orang tua. ABSTRACTOne of the problems in the community of Bahandang Village is the lack of a deeper understanding of proper parenting. Most of the parenting contained in the village of Bahandang Plot found many parents who wrongly apply parenting to their children. They have inadvertently made mistakes in their upbringing that can negatively impact a child's growth and development. This method of devotion is PAR (Participatory Action Research) which is a problem-based service that is found and then provides alternative solutions, namely counseling related to understanding parenting in front of the community of Bahandang Village.This community service activity is carried out in posyandu toddlers with the target of PKK mothers numbering 13 participant. The implementation methods applied start from the stage of preparation, implementation, evaluation and monitoring stages. Based on research and observations conducted in Petak Bahandang Village that parents have applied all four parenting to children, be it parenting that is authoritarian, permissive, indifferent and democratic. However, most of the parents in Bahandang Village apply authoritarian parenting. It is expected that parents, especially the people of Petak Bahandang village to continue to increase knowledge and experience related to good parenting for their children.OriginalDiharapkan para orang tua khususnya masyarakat desa Petak Bahandang untuk terus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman terkait dengan pola asuh yang baik untuk anak-anaknya Keywords: child; parenting; parents. 

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 471
Nguyễn Thu Dung ◽  
Hoang Kim Khuyen

There is a relationship between child labor and poverty. The unaffordable financial state of households is the main reason to force children to become workers at an early age. One of the main points to respond to eliminating and preventing child labor is how to reduce poverty. Accordingly, many legal tools are designed and applied, such as forming regulations in finance supports and vocational training programs. This study provided practical evidence on the link between child labor and poverty in Vietnam as well as analysis on which legal measures the Vietnamese Government has done to tackle child labor based on the poverty approach. It was followed by some recommendations to eliminate child labor, especially in the context that negative impacts of COVID-19 pandemic push children to fall into poverty again and force them to continue to work in early-stage in most countries, including Vietnam. The study used a qualitative approach, including on desk review and a second-date analysis on regulations on child labor and poverty reduction policies in Vietnam. This study found that there existed a gap between policies on poverty to reduce child labor and practices. Comprehensive approaches in making policies, as well as law enforcement, are the core reasons. The gap should be overcome by providing unified action plans with an effective governmental authority system. KEYWORDS: Child Labor, Children Rights, Poverty Reduction.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-40
Sylvain DIEMBI ◽  
Gérard Chidrel NGOUONI ◽  
Harold Boris OTOUANA ◽  

Background: The objectives of our study were to describe the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of laryngotracheobronchial foreign bodies. Patients and methods: This was a descriptive and retrospective study carried out over a period of 12 years (2007-2019), in the ENT and cervico-facial surgery department of the General Hospital Adolphe SICE of Pointe-Noire (Congo). Results: During this period, we collected 20 files of patients whose age varied from 1 to 10 years with an average age of 5 years who were received for foreign body inhalation. The average age of our patients was 5 years with extremes ranging from 1 to 10 years. A male predominance was noted with a sex ratio of 1.62. The average consultation time was 3 days (2 hours and 30 days), 12 patients (60%) were seen within the first 24 hours. The penetration syndrome was the most common functional sign in 10 cases (50%). The standard cervico-thoracic radiograph was normal in 7 cases (35%). The foreign body was opaque in 10 cases (50%), and in 1 case atelectasis was noted. CT scan was performed in 2 cases (10%). The larynx was the most common location. Indeed, the glottis was affected in 8 cases (61.5%), followed by the supraglottis in 3 cases (23.07%) and the subglottis in 2 cases (15.3%). The plastic toys were found more in the glottis in 6 cases (30%). The evolution after endoscopy was favourable in 17 cases (85%), 2 cases required thoracic surgery, and one death was recorded. Conclusion: Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies are frequent, they pose a public health problem. Their management depends on the strength of the relationship between the ENT surgeon and the anaesthetist. Keywords: Child; Laryngo-Tracheo-Bronchial Foreign Bodies; Endoscopy

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 352-362
Ristia Kadiasti ◽  
Mukaromah Mukaromah

AbstrakDampak yang dirasakan akibat pandemi Covid-19 berpengaruh tidak hanya pada kondisi ekonomi namun juga psikologis khususnya pada anak-anak. Hal tersebut terlihat pada perkembangan proses belajar anak pada saat kegiatan belajar mengajar melalui media daring, seperti kesulitan berkonsentrasi, gelisah, dan rasa khawatir yang berlebihan. Kebutuhan untuk memotivasi anak-anak dalam menyerap pelajaran kembali menjadi sebuah hal yang mendesak ketika mereka akan kembali bersekolah secara tatap muka pasca pandemi nanti. Namun, sebelum menempatkan anak-anak ke dalam kondisi tersebut, perlu adanya sebuah program yang membekali anak-anak sebelum kegiatan berbasis kurikulum dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengumpulan data dari penelitian program intervensi kembali bersekolah oleh Jhoni Warmansyah dan menggunakan metode perancangan dengan model SMCR (Source, Message, Channel, Receiver) yang kemudian menghasilkan media video infografis berbentuk motion graphic berupa sosialisasi dengan konten pesan membekali anak dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan ketika kembali bersekolah. Animasi ini memberikan edukasi terkait pengenalan emosi anak pada masa pandemi dan juga memberikan pembekalan berupa demonstrasi tentang pematuhan protokol kesehatan pada anak-anak di saat mereka kembali bersekolah nanti. Kata Kunci: anak, animasi, motion graphic, pandemi, sosialisasi AbstractThe impact perceived due to the Covid-19 pandemic affects economic conditions and also psychologically, especially on children. This indication can be seen in the development of children's learning processes during teaching and learning activities through online media. Children sometimes feel difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and excessive worry. The need to motivate children to absorb lessons again becomes an urgent matter when they return to school face to face after the pandemic. However, before placing children into this condition, it is necessary to have a program that equips children before implementing the activities. This study uses data collected from the back-to-school intervention program research by Jhoni Warmansyah along with the SMCR model that later can produce infographic video media in the form of motion graphics. This animation provides education regarding the introduction of children's emotions during the pandemic and further provides instruction in the form of demonstrations on compliance with health protocols for children when they return to school later. Keywords: child, animation, campaign, motion graphic, pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (05) ◽  
pp. 358-370

The art of makeup is one of the main elements of the integrative system of the theatrical performance at times and of the drama directed towards children in their school theater at other times. This is because makeup has an effective impact in shaping the personality and appearance of the actors in the drama. This includes the practice of drawing, improving or changing the actor’s face as well as shaping his body, hair and his entire form during dramatic practices, masquerade parties and some festival occasions, such as the Halloween Festival in America, by using materials and products specially manufactured for the world of makeup and cosmetics. Makeup has been used since Greek times after the emergence of the theater in its new dithyrambic form in the time (Aeschylus and Euripides) and after the actors abandoned the theatrical mask which enabled one actor to play several roles in the educational drama. After the industrial revolution in the Renaissance, makeup turned into a world of creativity and beauty by using its manufactured products and bright colors for drawing and shaping alongside stage candles and lit lanterns in that era. This is until it entered the early children theater to become one of the necessities of child-oriented work to increase tension and suspense and to convey meaning through the embodiment of characters in the dramatic work, regardless of their type (human or animal, inanimate or scientific fiction and fantasy). Ever since the beginning of the nineteenth century and until the present day, the makeup technology has gone through the development of manufacturing and shaping of its plastic materials and the method of work until the makeup professionals mastered creating characters and shapes that are difficult for the non-experienced to create. Therefore, the researcher has found that it is important to study the makeup techniques, their aesthetics, and the complementary additions to the theatrical character’s body performed in all its environmental, psychological, social and health details, as well as the level of awareness and perception through color, mass, line, composition, rhythm, and other complements such as wigs and beards. That is because it attracts the child and makes him more interactive and communicative with the total display system in which all the kinetic, color, light and sound scenographic elements combine, achieving integration in the spectacle of the artwork and its aesthetics as well as achieving both its intellectual and artistic goals. Because of the importance of contemporary makeup techniques and aesthetic additions in our time and their impact on the dramatic personality and on the culture and taste of the child in general, the researcher decided to delve into and study the subject with the aim of reaching a package of recommendations that enrich her research paper‎. Keywords: Chıld Theater, Make_Up Technıques, Dramatıc Character.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Hera Nurdiana

 Konsep pengangkatan anak dalam hukum Islam tidak mengenal pengangkatan anak dalam arti menjadi anak kandung secara mutlak, sedang yang ada hanya diperbolehkan atau suruhan untuk memelihara dengan tujuan memperlakukan anak dalam segi kecintaan pemberian “nafkah“, pendidikan atau pelayanan dalam segala kebutuhan yang bukan memperlakukan sebagai anak kandung (nasab).Kata kunci: anak, pengangkatan, hukum Islam The concept of adoption in Islamic law does not recognize the adoption of a child in the sense of being an absolute biological child, and that there is only permissible or guardianship for the purpose of treating the child in terms of the love of the provision of "income", education or service in any need not treated as a child bladder (nasab).Keywords: child, rapture, Islamic law

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-75
Raudhatul Jannah ◽  
M. Ya’kub Aiyub Kadir

This research aims to explain the policy regarding the conditionality and its dispensation of child marriage and to find out the effectiveness of the Law Number 16 Year 2019 Concerning the Amendment of Law Number 1 Year 1974 Concerning Marriage Law as well as the implementation of child marriage conditionality in Aceh by analysing Mahkamah Syar’iyah decisions. This research uses normative empirical legal research which mostly discusses on the Marriage Law and focuses on the norms regarding the conditionality and its dispensation of child marriage that is regulated under the Marriage Law and the implementation in Aceh. Keywords : Child Marriage, Children Rights, Legal problems, Mahkamah Syar’iyah.

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