grain size and shape
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Zhaoyang Lu ◽  
Xuqiang Huang ◽  
Jingzhe Huang

Superplasticity is characterized by an elongation to failure of >300% and a measured strain rate sensitivity (SRS), close to 0.5. The superplastic flow is controlled by diffusion processes; it requires the testing temperature of 0.5Tm or greater where Tm is the absolute melting temperature of metals. It is well established that a reduction in grain size improves the optimum superplastic response by lowering the deformation temperature and/or raising the strain rate. The low-temperature superplasticity (LTSP) is attractive for commercial superplastic forming, in view of lowering energy requirement, increasing life for conventional or cheaper forming dies, improving the surface quality of structural components, inhibiting quick grain growth and solute-loss from the surface layers, thus resulting in better post-forming mechanical properties. This paper will summarize the dependence of superplasticity on grain size and shape in various metallic materials, including ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, which has been considered as an effective strategy to enable the LTSP.

2021 ◽  
Abbas Haghshenas ◽  
Yahya Emam ◽  
Saeid Jafarizadeh

Abstract Background Mean grain weight (MGW) is among the most frequently measured parameters in wheat breeding and physiology. Although in the recent decades, various wheat grain analyses (e.g. counting, and determining the size, color, or shape features) have been facilitated thanks to the automated image processing systems, MGW estimations has been limited to using few number of image-derived indices; i.e. mainly the linear or power models developed based on the projected area (Area). Following a preliminary observation which indicated the potential of grain width in improving the predictions, the present study was conducted to explore potentially more efficient indices for increasing the precision of image-based MGW estimations. For this purpose, an image archive of the grains was processed, which was harvested from a two-year field experiment carried out with 3 replicates under two irrigation conditions and included 15 cultivar mixture treatments (so the archive was consisted of 180 images taken from an overall number of more than 72000 grains). Results It was observed that among the more than 30 evaluated indices of grain size and shape, indicators of grain width (i.e. Minor & MinFeret) along with 8 other empirical indices had a higher correlation with MGW, compared with Area. The most precise MGW predictions were obtained using the Area×Circularity, Perimeter×Circularity, and Area/Perimeter indices. In general, two main common factors were detected in the structure of the major indices, i.e. either grain width or the Area/Perimeter ratio. Moreover, comparative efficiency of the superior indices almost remained stable across the 4 environmental conditions. Eventually, using the selected indices, ten simple linear models were developed and validated for MGW prediction, which indicated a relatively higher precision than the current Area-based models. The considerable effect of enhancing image resolution on the precision of the models has been also evidenced. Conclusions It is expected that the findings of the present study, along with the simple predictive linear models developed and validated using the new image-derived indices, could improve the precision of the image-based MGW estimations, and consequently facilitate wheat breeding and physiological assessments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110-120
Poppy Puspitasari ◽  
Muhammad Asrorul Iftiharsa ◽  
Herin Fikri Naufal Zhorifah ◽  
Rara Warih Gayatri

Eggshell is bioceramic material that produces by avian that commonly contains of 94 % calcium carbonate, 1 % magnesium carbonate, 1 % calcium phosphate, and 4 % other organic element. This study proposed to investigate the synthesis and characterization of avian eggshell powders. The avian eggshell that used in this study involved chicken, duck, and quail eggshells. The characterization of avian eggshell nanopowder for reducing their grain size from micro to nano involved ball milling process (solid state reaction) with the variation of milling times (3, 5, and 7 hours) and sintering temperature at 1000 oC for 2 hours. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) test presented the phase characterization of quail eggshell nanopowder which ball-milled for 7 hours, obtained the smallest crystallite size at 19.2 nm. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test presented the morphological analysis that showed changes in grain size and shape of each variety of the avian eggshell such as spherical, oval, wormlike, cubical, triangular, and some irregular grains. Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) test presented the compound in avian eggshell powders that showed Ca and O level were the highest, while C was the lowest level. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) test presented the possibility of the functional group of the avian eggshell powders that showed Ca-O, Ca=O groups, CaCO3, asymmetric C-O, -CO3, amide, C=O, -OH, alkyl CH, and C-H. While compressibility shown the increase along with the decrease of crystallite and particles size in cubical grain. The highest compression ratio is 67.75 % for chicken eggshell nano powder with 5 hours milling time at 2000 kgf of compression loading

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Shibo Li ◽  
Hao Liang ◽  
Hao Li ◽  
Jianquan Ma ◽  
Bin Li

Minimum void ratio of tailings and its value change with fine content and are key design parameters for tailing consolidation and seepage stability. Based on the distribution of tailing grains with the sedimentary beach, we establish a minimum void ratio model for tailing grain in binary size, which requires only two parameters ( ε and ω ). Calibrations of the model using 168 groups of tests (22 kinds of grain size ratios with 7-9 kinds of fine contents) show two parameters that are fitting for power function, and the exponent values increase with the dominant grain size expanded. Besides, the exponent values are related to the equivalent grain size ratio, dominant grain size, and shape characteristics. The minimum void ratios with fine content are predicted under the derived model. Good agreement was obtained between the predictions and measurements, and the average discrepancies are less than 10%. And optimal void ratio and optimal fine content can be predicted, and the values are in good agreement with the experimental ones. Furthermore, based on the predicted optimal void ratio, the exponential relationship between the optimal void ratio and the equivalent grain size ratio may have no influence on the derived dominant grain size and shape characteristics. For tailings, further work is needed to verify if the derived exponential relationship between the optimal void ratio and the equivalent grain size ratio is valid.

V. Vaishnavi

The quality of grain is of great importance for human beings as it directly impacts human health. Hence there is a great need to measure the quality of grain and identifying non-quality elements. Analysing the grain samples manually is a more time-consuming and complicated process, and having more chances of errors with the subjectivity of human perception. To achieve uniform standard quality and precision, machine vision-based techniques are evolved. Rice quality is nothing but a combination of physical and chemical characteristics. So, to get the physical characteristics of the rice grains, image processing techniques are applied. Grain size and shape are some physical characteristics. The obtained all physical features grades the rice grains using canny edge detection.

Giuseppe Buscarnera ◽  
Itai Einav

The influence of particle shape on the mechanics of sand is widely recognized, especially in mineral processing and geomechanics. However, most existing continuum theories for engineering applications do not encompass the morphology of the grains and its evolution during comminution. Similarly, the relatively few engineering models accounting for grain-scale processes tend to idealize particles as spheres, with their diameters considered as the primary and sole geometric descriptor. This paper inspires a new generation of constitutive laws for crushable granular continua with arbitrary, yet evolving, particle morphology. We explore the idea of introducing multiple grain shape descriptors into Continuum Breakage Mechanics (CBM), a theory originally designed to track changes in particle size distributions during confined comminution. We incorporate the influence of these descriptors on the elastic strain energy potential and treat them as dissipative state variables. In analogy with the original CBM, and in light of evidence from extreme fragmentation in nature, the evolution of the additional shape descriptors is postulated to converge towards an attractor. Comparisons with laboratory experiments, discrete element analyses and particle-scale fracture models illustrate the encouraging performance of the theory. The theory provides insights into the feedback among particle shape, compressive yielding and inelastic deformation in crushable granular continua. These results inspire new questions that should guide future research into crushable granular systems using particle-scale imaging and computations.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 379
Réjean Girard ◽  
Jonathan Tremblay ◽  
Alexandre Néron ◽  
Hugues Longuépée ◽  
Sheida Makvandi

Glacial drift exploration methods are well established and widely used by mineral industry exploring for blind deposit in northern territories, and rely on the dispersion of mineral or chemical signal in sediments derived from an eroded mineralized source. Gold grains themselves are the prime indicator minerals to be used for the detection of blind gold deposits. Surprisingly, very little attention has been dedicated to the information that size and shape of gold grain can provide, other than a simple shape classification based on modification affecting the grains that are induced in the course of sediment transport. With the advent of automated scanning electron microscope (SEM)-based gold grain detection, high magnification backscattered electron images of each grain are routinely acquired, which can be used for accurate size measurement and shape analysis. A library with 88,613 gold grain images has been accumulated from various glacial sediment surveys on the Canadian Shield and used to detect trends in grains size and shape. A series of conclusions are drawn: (1) grain size distribution is consistent among various surveys and areas, (2) there is no measurable fine-grained gold loss due to natural elutriation in ablation or reworked till, or during the course of reverse circulation drilling, (3) there is no grain size sorting during glacial transport, severing small grains from large ones, (4) shape modification induced by transport is highly dependent on grain size and original shapes, and (5) the use of grain shape inherited from neighboring minerals in the source rocks is a useful feature when assessing deposit types and developing exploration strategies.

2021 ◽  
Thomas Pähtz ◽  
Yonghui Liu ◽  
Yuezhang Xia ◽  
Peng Hu ◽  
Zhiguo He ◽  

<p>Nonsuspended sediment transport (NST) refers to the sediment transport regime in which the flow turbulence is unable to support the weight of transported grains. It occurs in fluvial environments (i.e., driven by a stream of liquid) and in aeolian environments (i.e., wind-blown) and plays a key role in shaping sedimentary landscapes of planetary bodies. NST is a highly fluctuating physical process because of turbulence, surface inhomogeneities, and variations of grain size and shape and packing geometry. Furthermore, the energy of transported grains varies strongly due to variations of their flow exposure duration since their entrainment from the bed. In spite of such variability, we here propose a deterministic model that represents the entire grain motion, including grains that roll and/or slide along the bed, by a periodic saltation motion with rebound laws that describe an average rebound of a grain after colliding with the bed. The model simultaneously captures laboratory and field measurements and discrete element method (DEM)-based numerical simulations of the threshold and rate of equilibrium NST within a factor of about 2, unifying weak and intense transport conditions in oil, water, and air (oil only for threshold). The model parameters have not been adjusted to these measurements but determined from independent data sets. Recent DEM-based numerical simulations (Comola, Gaume, et al., 2019, suggest that equilibrium aeolian NST on Earth is insensitive to the strength of cohesive bonds between bed grains. Consistently, the model captures cohesive windblown sand and windblown snow conditions despite not explicitly accounting for cohesion.</p>

2021 ◽  
György Varga ◽  
Pavla Dagsson-Walhauserová ◽  
Fruzsina Gresina ◽  
Agusta Helgadottir

<p>Saharan dust has an impact on the atmospheric environment and sedimentary units in distant regions. Although Iceland is located within one of the main atmospheric dust pathways moving towards the Arctic, no evidence of Saharan dust deposition has been provided to date for the region. Here we present the results of fourteen Saharan dust episodes, which were identified in Iceland between 2008 to 2020. Aerosol optical depth data of Terra MODIS, HYSPLIT backward trajectories and numerical simulations of Barcelona Supercomputing Center were used in this work to identify the dust episodes. <br>Grain size and shape of the Saharan mineral material deposited in Iceland during two severe deposition events were investigated in detail. Icelandic dust samples from the most active local dust sources were compared with samples of deposited mineral dust from these two severe Saharan dust events to determine their granulometric (complex grain size and shape parameters) and mineralogical characteristics. An automated static optical image analysis technique was applied to thousands of individual particles, and was completed by Raman spectroscopy to identify external quartz particles. <br>Saharan dust episodes were associated with enhanced meridional atmospheric flow patterns driven by unusual meandering jets. Strong southerly winds were able to carry large Saharan quartz particles (> 100 µm) towards Iceland. Our results confirm the atmospheric pathways of Saharan dust towards the Arctic, and identify new pathways of giant Saharan dust particles in the study region, including the first evidence of their deposition in Iceland as previously predicted by models.<br>The support of the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (projects NKFIH KH130337 and K120620 (for G. Varga)), Czech Science Foundation (project No. 20-06168Y (for P. Dagsson-Waldhauserova)), and COST inDust Action are gratefully acknowledged.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-111
Marko Pavlovic ◽  
Jasmina Nikolic ◽  
Ljubisa Andric ◽  
Dejan Todorovic ◽  
Katarina Bozic ◽  

This paper is focused on the preparation procedures, using talc-based filler to improve the rheologic properties of the lost foam refractory coatings. Talc, with grain size of 40 mm, was mechanically activated in a vibration mill over the following times: 10, 20 and 30 min. Depending on the time required for the mechanical activation, the change in the filler grain size and shape was analysed along their effects on the talc-filled lost foam coating dispersion ability and stability. In order to characterize the filler, the following methods were used: X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and optic microscopy. The coating compo-sition was tuned by choosing the suitable grain size and shape factor of the activated filler. In addition, different coating components (additives, solvent) were applied to alter the coating generation procedure. It was shown that the application of this type of the lost foam refractory coatings - water-based coatings - have a positive influence on quality of the aluminium alloy castings, which contributes to reducing the cost of cleaning and processing of the castings. Also, alcohol-based refractory coatings with talc-based activated fillers were tested and used to have the castings produced in the sand moulds.

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