specific enthalpy
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Metrologiya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 40-52
T. A. Kompan ◽  
V. I. Kulagin ◽  
V. V. Vlasova

The article describes a new method for enthalpy calibration of differential scanning calorimeters. The method allows you to remove the limitation on the temperature range in which this metrological procedure can be carried out. The proposed method does not require the use of standard samples of heats of fusion, therefore, it is not limited by the thermophysical properties of the certified substances. The developed method solves the problem of increasing the accuracy of measurements of specific enthalpy and heats of phase transitions of various substances for all types of differential scanning calorimeters. The effectiveness of the method in solving this problem is confirmed and illustrated by the authors by comparing the results of measuring the heats of fusion of a number of metals. The results obtained on differential scanning calorimeters calibrated by the new method and on the same instruments, but calibrated in accordance with the generally accepted standardized method of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, were compared. The authors experimentally revealed the advantages of the new method in terms of saving time and money required for calibration. The article will be of interest to those specialists who use differential scanning calorimeters in the development of new materials, control of technological processes, production, input and output control, as well as to those specialists who develop methods for research and measurement of various materials on differential scanning calorimeters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2136 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
Zhiming Qin ◽  
Hongwei Cui

Abstract Taking the 1000 MW ultra supercritical unit as an object of study, The nonlinear model is builded through mechanism analysis, which is linearized based on small error, the multi-variable decoupling controller is designed to achieve full decoupling of the input and output variables, and finally the three-input-three-output coordinated control system (CCS) is established. The control system is verified by coal quality and the specific enthalpy of feed water disturbance when load changing, the simulation result shows that the improved CCS has good control performance.

Stefan Loehle ◽  
Fabian Zander ◽  
Martin Eberhart ◽  
Tobias Hermann ◽  
Arne Meindl ◽  

AbstractThis article presents the full operational experimental capabilities of the plasma wind tunnel facilities at the Institute of Space Systems at the University of Stuttgart. The simulation of the aerothermodynamic environment experienced by vehicles entering the atmosphere of Earth is attempted using three different facilities. Utilizing the three different facilities, the recent improvements enable a unique range of flow conditions in relation to other known facilities. Recent performance optimisations are highlighted in this article. Based on the experimental conditions demonstrated a corresponding flight scenario is derived using a ground-to-flight extrapolation approach based on local mass-specific enthalpy, total pressure and boundary layer edge velocity gradient. This shows that the three facilities cover the challenging parts of the aerothermodynamics along the entry trajectory from Low Earth Orbit. Furthermore, the more challenging conditions arising during interplanetary return at altitudes above 70 km are as well covered.

2021 ◽  
Christian Schänzle ◽  
Peter F. Pelz

Abstract ISO 4391:1984 gives the common efficiency definition for positive displacement machines. ISO 4409:2019 uses this efficiency definition to specify the procedure for efficiency measurements. If the machine conditions do not correspond with an incompressible flow due to operation at high pressure levels, the compressibility of the fluid and the dead volume of a pump must be taken into account. On this point, ISO 4391:1984 is physically inconsistent. Achten et. al. address this issue in their paper at FPMC 2019 presenting a critical review of ISO 4409:2007. They introduce new definitions of the overall efficiency as well as the mechanical-hydraulic efficiency. At the same time, they question the validity of the volumetric efficiency definition. Li and Barkei continue on this issue in their paper at FPMC 2020 and give a new efficiency definition based on the introduction of a new quantity Φ which describes the volume specific enthalpy of the conveyed fluid. The motivation of this paper is to contribute to the ongoing and fruitful discussion. Our approach starts with the most general efficiency definition, namely the isentropic efficiency. Subsequently, we make assumptions concerning the fluid properties with respect to the compressibility of the conveyed fluid. On the basis of the ideal cycle of a positive displacement pump and the p-v diagram, we derive physically consistent and more meaningful representations of the overall, the mechanical-hydraulic and the volumetric efficiency that address the inconsistency of ISO 4391:1984. Furthermore, we compare our findings with the existing results of Achten et. al. and Li and Barkei.

2021 ◽  
Kathryn Hinkelman ◽  
Saranya Anbarasu ◽  
Michael Wetter ◽  
Antoine Gautier ◽  
Wangda Zuo

District heating effectively meets the heating needs of multiple buildings while consuming less resources compared to individual heating at each building. In U.S. district heating systems, steam is the most common heat transport medium. Simulation of large steam district heating systems requires a computationally efficient and accurate steam model. However, the commonly adopted IF97 water model is not fast enough for district-scale simulations, and its discontinuous thermodynamic property functions have shown to cause simulation problems and sometimes failure. To address these issues, this work introduces a new steam medium model for heating applications with invertible polynomial approximations for specific enthalpy and entropy, which simplify the calculations. Further, we adopt a novel split-medium approach in components for district energy systems, dividing liquid and vapor phases of water into two separate models. This avoids the common numerical challenges at the phase change boundary. We implemented the model in the equation-based Modelica language and evaluated the accuracy and numerical performance across multiple scales: from fundamental thermodynamic properties to complete heating districts of several sizes. The results show that the new model can calculate specific enthalpy within 2.04% of CVRMSE, but with a 39% reduction in computing time. For complete districts, the new implementation has similar accuracy as the IF97 model for evaluating the energy consumption, but at a speed that is 5.6 – 9.3 times faster. Moreover, for the IF97 model, in our district models the dimension of the nonlinear system of equations of the piping network increases linearly in the problem size, but it stays constant with the new model; this is critically important for large scale system simulations. The new steam medium model is available open-source in the Modelica IBPSA and Buildings Libraries.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (19) ◽  
pp. 6183
Beichuan Hong ◽  
Varun Venkataraman ◽  
Andreas Cronhjort

Energy carried by engine exhaust pulses is critical to the performance of a turbine or any other exhaust energy recovery system. Enthalpy and exergy are commonly used concepts to describe the energy transport by the flow based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. However, in order to investigate the crank-angle-resolved exhaust flow enthalpy and exergy, the significance of the flow parameters (pressure, velocity, and temperature) and their demand for high resolution need to be ascertained. In this study, local and global sensitivity analyses were performed on a one-dimensional (1D) heavy-duty diesel engine model to quantify the significance of each flow parameter in the determination of exhaust enthalpy and exergy. The effects of parameter sweeps were analyzed by local sensitivity, and Sobol indices from the global sensitivity showed the correlations between each flow parameter and the computed enthalpy and exergy. The analysis indicated that when considering the specific enthalpy and exergy, flow temperature is the dominant parameter and requires high resolution of the temperature pulse. It was found that a 5% sweep over the temperature pulse leads to maximum deviations of 31% and 27% when resolving the crank angle-based specific enthalpy and specific exergy, respectively. However, when considering the total enthalpy and exergy rates, flow velocity is the most significant parameter, requiring high resolution with a maximum deviation of 23% for the enthalpy rate and 12% for the exergy rate over a 5% sweep of the flow velocity pulse. This study will help to quantify and prioritize fast measurements of pulsating flow parameters in the context of turbocharger turbine inlet flow enthalpy and exergy analysis.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1154
Tao Zhang ◽  
Gilles Mariaux ◽  
Armelle Vardelle ◽  
Chang-Jiu Li

Plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD) refers to a very low-pressure (~100 Pa) deposition process in which a powder is injected in a high-enthalpy plasma jet, and mostly vaporized and recondensed onto a substrate to form a coating with a specific microstructure (e.g., columnar). A key issue is the selection of the powder particle size that could be evaporated under specific spray conditions. Powder evaporation takes place, first, in the plasma torch between the injection location and nozzle exit and, then, in the deposition chamber from the nozzle exit to the substrate location. This work aims to calculate the size of the particles that can be evaporated in both stages of the process. It deals with an yttria-stabilized zirconia powder and two commercial plasma torches operated at different arc powers with gas mixtures of argon and helium or argon and hydrogen. First, it used computational fluid dynamics simulations to calculate the velocity and temperature fields of the plasma jets under very low-pressure plasma conditions. Then, it estimated the evaporation of the particles injected in both plasma jets assuming an isothermal evaporation process coupled with momentum and heat transfer plasma-particle models in a rarefied plasma. The calculations showed that, for different powers of the Ar–H2 and the Ar–He operating conditions of this study, the heat flux from the plasma jet to particles inside the torch is much higher than that transferred in the deposition chamber while the specific enthalpy transferred to particles is comparable. The argon-helium mixture is more efficient than the argon-hydrogen mixture to evaporate the particles. Particles less than 2 μm in diameter could be fully evaporated in the Ar–He plasma jet while they should be less than 1 µm in diameter in the Ar–H2 plasma jet.

2021 ◽  
Patrycja Puzdrowska

The paper discusses the impact of changes in the compression ratio on the operating parameters of a diesel engine, e.g. on the temperature of exhaust gases. It presents the construction of the laboratory test stand, on which experimental measurements were realized. It is characterized how the actual changes of the compression ratio were introduced to the existing engine. The program of experimental investigations taking into account the available test stand and measurement possibilities was described. A statistical and qualitative analysis of the obtained measurement results was made. The use of F statistics of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution was proposed to assess the significance of the effect of compression ratio changes on the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas stream. The specific enthalpy of exhaust gases was analysed for one cycle of diesel engine work, determined on the basis of the course of quickly varying temperature of exhaust gases. The results of these analyses are discussed and the utilitarian purpose of this type of evaluation in parametric diagnostics of piston engines is presented.

Ahmad Nadhil Edar

Temperature affects humidity. The interaction of temperature and humidity also directly affects the health and well-being of humans. The relative humidity (RH) of the air is an indication of how much water vapor is in the air at a particular temperature compared with how much water vapor the air could actually hold at that temperature. Air at 100 % relative humidity holds the maximum amount of water possible at that particular temperature and is said to be saturated. Therefore, air at 50% relative humidity, regardless of temperature, is holding half of its total possible water capacity. In essence, cold air cannot hold as much water vapor as warm air. In a closed environment such as a display case, there will be a fixed amount of water vapor, referred to as the absolute humidity. If the temperature inside the case falls then the relative humidity will rise. If the temperature rises the relative humidity will fall. Such changes in relative humidity could be caused by many factors including direct sunlight, spotlights and air-conditioning failures. Research carried out by experimental studies that we can get the humidity ratio and specific enthalpy in a kind of rooms either using The Psychrometric Chart and The formula. The specific humidity or humidity ratio of an air sample is the ratio of the weight of water vapor contained in the sample compared to the weight of the dry air in the same sample. Enthalpy is the amount of heat (energy) in the air per unit mass. Enthalpy is the total amount of energy present in the air, both from air and water vapor contained therein. And, Specific enthalpy of moist air is defined as the total enthalpy of the dry air and the water vapor mixture - per unit mass of dry air. Keywords: Temperature; Relative Humidity; Humidity Ratio; Specific Enthalpy.

Adam Gladen ◽  
Dilpreet Bajwa

Abstract Thermochemical energy storage is promising due to its advantages of high-energy density and low-self discharging. One promising reaction material is the hydration and dehydration of hygroscopic salts. However, many pure salts have poor cycle stability. The present work investigates the development of a new composite material for thermochemical storage by impregnating a framework of crystalline nanocellulose (CNC) with calcium chloride (CaCl2) Various weight ratios of CNC:CaCl2 were prepared by dispersing the salt and CNC in deionized water and using mechanical stirring and ultrasonication processes followed by drying at ambient temperature. The attachment of the salt to the CNC was determined by TEM and FTIR analyses. The enthalpy of dehydration and water uptake were measured. The stability of the composite material was determined by subjecting it to multiple cycles. The results show that the nanocellulose binds to the salt crystals and provide a nano-scale architecture to stabilize the salt. The CNC-salt material shows improved energy density and stability compared to pure salt. For example, for the given hydration conditions, the specific enthalpy of dehydration for the formulation 1:2 weight ratio of CNC to salt is 117 J/g while for the pure CaCl2 the enthalpy of dehydration is 86 J/g. Thus, the CNC-salt material shows ∼1.36-x improvement in energy density. Additionally, over the course of multiple cycles, that caused the pure CaCl2 to deliquesce, formulations of the CNC-salt material retained their structural integrity and energy density.

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