foreign good
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Romanova N.V.

This paper presents the topical issue of the role of aggressive domestic and foreign policy of the German rulers of the XIII century. According to the plot of the epic poem «Kudrun», at the heart of the aggressive domestic and foreign policy of the German rulers is a global conflict involving man and the world, people and their religious worldview, the hierarchy of relations of the individual, wildlife and descendants of the «elite», king, queen and the authority of the church, upbringing and education, the beauty of a young woman and the hostility of a man, the jealousy of a brave old king-father and the cruelty of an elderly woman-queen-mother, and so on. Oppositions are also found in the categories of «one’s own» and «foreign», good and evil, old and new, earthly and unearthly, material and ideal, perfect and imperfect, living and inanimate, free from slavery and enslaved, bodily, mental and spiritual, mind and emotions. There is a bifurcation of the whole objective world into its physical existence and meaning. At the same time, the ideal behavior of knights is transformed – the support of German kings. There are relationships – «knight – thief, robber», «knight – barbarian», «knight – animal». Aggressive human behavior as a social being has a moral character. In the question of immorality, the medial man is influenced by ancient psychology, paganism and Christianity. The aim of the article is to identify German language units with the meaning of aggression in the Middle Ages. The study used deductive, structural-semantic, logical-semantic, contextual analysis, the method of linguistic description and analysis of dictionary definitions. The results of the study include clarification of the concept of «aggression», tracing its semantic content in time, highlighting the system of language units such as word, proper name, phrase (free and permanent), sentence (simple, complex, complex, combined, supra-phrase unity) and elucidation of the peculiarities of the formation of the phenomenon. It has been proven that aggression can be natural or artificial. Natural aggression is characteristic of the element of water, wild animals and man as a biological being, artificial – man as a social being and supernatural beings who embody evil.Aggression correlates with gender, age and culture: a man is aggressive at any age and in any culture, a woman – only in old age, being in the status of a mother who wishes her child a happy fate and being a foreigner. We conclude that the concept of aggression in medieval Germany is associated primarily with extralinguistic factors (religion, domestic and foreign policy, social, economic and cultural-historical development), refracted verbally by the author of the epic poem «Kudrun».Key words: the Middle ages, aggression, man, animal, element, word, proper name, phrase, sentence. Статтю присвячено актуальній проблемі щодо ролі агресивної внутрішньої і зовнішньої політики германських можновладців ХІІІ ст. Згідно з фабулою епічної поеми «Кудруна», в підвалинах агресивної внутрішньої і зовнішньої політики германських можновладців лежить глобальний конфлікт, що включає в себе людину і навколишній світ, людей і їхній релігійний світогляд, ієрархію стосунків індивідуума, диких тварин і нащадків «еліти», авторитет короля, королеви й авторитет церкви, виховання й освіту, красу молодої жінки й ворожість чоло-віка, ревнощі сміливого літнього короля-батька й жорстокість літньої жінки-королеви-матері тощо. Опозиції виявляємо і в категоріях «свого» й «чужого», добра й зла, старого й нового, земного й неземного, матеріального й ідеального, досконалого й недосконалого, живого й неживого, вільного від рабства й поневоленого, тілесного, душевного й духовного, розуму й емоцій. Відбувається роздвоєння цілісного предметного світу на його фізичне буття і значення. Разом з цим трансформується ідеальна поведінка лицарів – опори германських королів. Виникають нові співвідношення – «лицар – злодій, розбійник», «лицар – варвар», «лицар – тварина». Агресивна поведінка людини як соціальної істоти має моральний характер. У питанні про аморальність медіальна людина перебуває під впливом античної психології, язичництва та християнства. Метою статті є виявлення німецьких мовних одиниць зі значенням агресивності в середні віки. В ході дослідження було використано дедуктивний, структурно-семантичний, логіко-семантичний, контекстуальний аналізи, метод лінгвістичного опису та аналіз словникових дефініцій. Результати дослідження охоплюють уточнення поняття «агресивність», простеження його смислового наповнення на часовому зрізі, виокремлення системи мовних одиниць як-от слово, власна назва, словосполучення (вільне й стале), речення (просте, складне, ускладнене, комбіноване, надфразова єдність) та з’ясування особливостей формування феномену. Доведено, що агресивність може бути природною та штучною. Природна агресивність характерна стихії води, диким тваринам і людині як біологічній істоті, штучна – людині як соціальній істоті та надприродним істотам, що втілюють у собі зло. Агресивність корелює зі статтю, віком і культурою: чоловік – агресивний у будь-якому віці та в будь-якій культурі, жінка – лише в літньому віці, перебуваючи в статусі матері, яка бажає своїй дитині щасливої долі та будучи іноземкою. Висновуємо, що поняття агресивності в середньовічній Німеччині пов’язане насамперед з позамовними чинни-ками (релігія, внутрішня і зовнішня політика, соціальний, економічний і культурно-історичний розвиток), заломленими автором епічної поеми «Кудруна» вербально.Ключові слова: середні віки, агресивність, людина, тварина, стихія, слово, власна назва, словосполучення, речення.

Dr. Erico Wulf

Consumers react to opportunities. So, given that free trade allows them more alternative goods, ¿How come that foreign goods shape consumer choices?. Is it either because of its price, consumer`s income, or their cultural beliefs?. How do it all influence business strategic decisions in international markets? The aim of this paper is to analyze the microeconomic relationship between utility maximization, and cultural values. In particular, its influence in the consumer decisions framework as well as its role for shaping business strategic decisions concerning international markets. The methodology is an inductive desk research. It begins with the theoretical background about consumer behavior and foreign good demand, as well as cultural values impact on business strategy in foreign markets, to conclude that as incomes rises and needs step up, consumers get involve in wider social interaction, such that it shapes the boundaries of rationality which make cultural values part of the marginal utility of income.

2021 ◽  
Péter Kiszl

Digitális, globális és multikulturális világunkban a könyvtár szerepe, funkciórendszere jelentősen kiszélesedett. A könyvtár- és információtudomány kutatási horizontja is egyre tágul, a felsőfokú könyvtárosképzés mindenkori szakmai trendeknek, felhasználói, munkaadói és munkavállalói igényeknek megfelelő alakítása folyamatos. A tanulmány bemutatja a multifunkciós könyvtár olyan modelljét, amelyben szerepet kap a pénzügyi kultúrát és a vállalkozásfejlesztést célzó edukáció is. Napjainkban ugyanis kiemelt jelentőségűek a kellő tájékozottsággal meghozott pénzügyi döntések. Különösen igaz ez hazánkra, ahol a felmérések és a tapasztalatok szerint a lakosság pénzügyi tudatossága fejlesztésre szorul. Kézenfekvő megoldásként jelentkezik Magyarország legnagyobb kulturális intézményrendszerének, a könyvtári hálózatnak a bevonása is a képzésbe. Sanghajtól Londonon át Chicagóig és Phoenixig már számos nemzetközi jó gyakorlattal lehet bizonyítani, hogy a könyvtári hálózat tagjai – kiemelten a nemzeti- és a közkönyvtárak – sikerrel kapcsolhatók be a társadalom pénzügyi műveltségének pallérozásába, ami a könyvtári hálózat társadalmi beágyazottságát és elismertségét erősíti, illetve az esélyegyenlőség támogatásán túl, az állampolgárok és a gazdasági szektor szereplői számára is innovatív megoldásokat hozhat, úgymint például a start-upok alapításának és működtetésének könyvtári-információs támogatása. A közlemény interdiszciplináris megalapozottsággal tárja fel a külföldi bevált gyakorlatokat a nem formális, könyvtári pénzügyi oktatási akciók hazai adaptálása érdekében, nemzetközi kontextusban tárgyalva és rendszerezve az alapvető elméleti (szakirodalmimódszertani) forrásokat és kijelölve a jövőbeli hazai kutatási-fejlesztési irányokat. ----- Multifunctional library and financial education --- - - The scope of the library’s roles and functions has expanded considerably in our digital, global, and multicultural world. The research horizon of library and information science is also constantly broadening; post-secondary librarian training is being continuously shaped to fit current professional trends and the needs of users, employees and employers. This paper introduces a model for the multifunctional library, in which education on financial literacy and business development is also present, since informed financial decisions are of particular importance nowadays. This is especially true in Hungary, where surveys and experience suggest that the population’s financial awareness needs improvement. An obvious solution is to involve in this education the biggest cultural institutional system of Hungary: the library network. There are many international examples of good practices from Shanghai to London, and from Chicago to Phoenix, which prove that members of the library network, especially national and public libraries, can be successfully involved in improving the financial literacy of society, which also increases the social embeddedness and reputation of the library network, and in addition to promoting equal opportunities, it can provide innovative solutions for citizens and for the operators of the economic sector, for instance library and information support for the founding and management of start-ups. This paper explores foreign good practices with an interdisciplinary approach in order to adapt non-formal financial educational library operations in Hungary. It also discusses and organizes the basic theoretical resources (literature and methodology) available in the international context to provide directions for future domestic research and development.

Prosodi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-64
Muna Alfadlilah

Literature work is a notion which results a masterpiece with certain characteristics and it has aesthetics value. Understanding and enjoying literature work requires literature theoretical understanding. Literature theory explains to readers which will lead to a certain understanding or theory in a phenomenon consisted in it. This research aims to describe post-modern cultural aspects based on Jhon Francois Lyotard's theory in a novel written by Tere Liye, Ceros and Batazor edition. Tere Liye’s novel has data elaborating post-modernism aspects, such as electism, parody, pastiche, irony, and camp. The data source of this research is a novel written by Tere Liye, Ceros and Batazor edition. The data collection was done by reading and noting methods. This research was done by identifying, clarifying, analyzing, elaborating, and drawing in order to create conclusion within postmodern aspects in which represented social life as described in novel written by Tere Liye, Ceros and Batazor edition. The findings of Tere Liye’s novel describes fantasy and adventure words mixed in human lives and activities. They describe postmodern elements through several aspects. The research in Tere Liye’s novel, one of them is electism in which its behavior combines local and foreign cultures both from language or foreign good aspects. The parody element is uttered as criticism to describe or quip certain behaviors or activities done by society. Meanwhile, pastiche, in the novel is an event lasting as principles stated in the novel. Irony is a description of an unexpected occurred event or destiny. Camp in the novel is an emphasis on the characters’ behaviors which result to interpretation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-125
Beom Seok Han ◽  
Dong Yoon Kim ◽  
Hyun Kyung Song ◽  
Jong Su Byun ◽  
Jae Ho Shin

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 32-42
I. V. Khrebtiy

The article analyzes the processes of decentralization of power in France. France is one of the few European countries that have accumulated considerable experience in the field of decentralization of public administration through the expansion of the powers and responsibilities of local governments.Assessing the vast experience of territorial reforms accumulated in France for almost three and a half decades, it should be noted that, despite the positive results (for example, in the field of local government development, intermunicipal cooperation, etc.), many important problems remained unresolved. Contrary to the expectations of the reformers, the administrative and territorial structure of the country did not become simpler and more understandable.The number of levels and types of territorial units has increased. To three historical levels (communes, departments and state) regions were added.It should be noted and one more direction of reforms in France. It is about increasing the role of cities in local development through the creation of inter-municipal associations, including cities and adjacent territories.Also, after analyzing the process of decentralization in France, it is useful to point out that in our opinion decentralization should be considered as a powerful instrument of public administration, the key task of which is not to redistribute power between the state and the administrative units, but to redistribute the powers between them for the provision of various public services to the population. and different legal entities in the most effective way (convergence of services with simultaneous saving of budget expenditures), in order to create conditions for dynamic the flow of communities and the state as a whole.The construction of a decentralization model in Ukraine may have its own national peculiarities, but the use of examples of foreign good practices is a significant factor in the search for a Ukrainian model of development, therefore, in today’s world, the use of international experience regarding quality and efficient decentralization becomes relevant.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (16) ◽  
pp. 1
Yahya Khan ◽  
Gabor Rethi ◽  
Krisztina Szegedi

Corruption is a curse for any country, as it negatively affects the economic activities and drags the whole society to worst conditions by increasing the poverty and social inequities. Recently the most critical factor for doing business in Pakistan is corruption. In order to give a comprehensive picture of corruption in Pakistan this article (1) critically analyses the literature regarding corruption, its impact on society and the business environment specifically in Pakistan, (2) focuses on business-related factors of corruption, (3) presents various anti-corruption initiatives of Pakistani companies and foreign good examples. Based on our research this study emphasizes that the government should take corrective actions and strengthen institutions and should work in collaboration with the private and civil sector to control the uprising corruption problems. Awareness against corruption in business sphere and general public is very much needed and implementing possible anti-corruption tools, companies can positively contribute to the fight against corruption and Pakistan's economic and social development.

Via Latgalica ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 8
Angelika Juško-Štekele

Emotional intelligence, according to the theory of emotional intelligence developed by American researchers Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, is a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action. When attributed to different social groups (age, profession, gender, ethnicity, etc.), emotional intelligence theory helps to identify specific mental peculiarities that are characteristic to a group, assess the group's communicative competence and predict reactions. The aim of the paper is to identify the dominant emotional intelligence patterns of Latgalians reflected in Latgalian folk-tales through the usage of a lexeme “heart”. As the source of the research the author has chosen 949 Latgalian folk-tales included in P. Schmit's (P. Šmits) collection “Latviešu tautas pasakas un teikas” (Latvian folk-tales and legends). From the selected folk-tales, a Latgalian folk-tale corpus was created, which for the purpose of acquiring of statistical data was processed in MonoConc Pro software. From the Latgalian folk-tale corpus 124 folk-tales were retrieved, where the usage of the word “heart” was identified 211 times. The research is based on the theory of cognitive linguistics regarding research methods of national concepts, based on the semantic cognitive approach, where the concept of analysis is divided into three main stages: the definition of the nominal field of the concept, the semantic-cognitive interpretation of the linguistic means and verification of the acquired cognitive characteristics. According to the theory of Z. Popova and J. Sternin, cognitive interpretation is a process of modelling of a concept as a unit of cognitive mental consciousness that is based on the acquired linguistic data. The classification of emotions in the paper is based on the theory of American psychologist R. Plutchik regarding eight main emotions: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust and joy, all of which perform the function of adaptation. The summary of nominal field units on the concept “heart” gives ground to conclude that the most commonly mentioned emotion in Latgalian folk-tales is anger, which indicates mechanisms of defence while shaping the image of the enemy. Another most extensively represented emotion in Latgalian folk-tales is joy, which includes 33 heart-related positive emotions: sincerity, mercy, goodness, happiness, simplicity, etc. This emotion refers to individuals who have gained sympathy of the nation and are identified as those who belong to the community. According to the theory of R. Plutchik, joy is a psychological defence mechanism that turns a self-unacceptable behaviour, thought or feeling into a complete opposite. Emotion of joy is an affirmation of altruism, puritanism, conscientiousness, morality and acknowledgment of showing good behaviour. The third largest group among major emotions refers to the expression of sadness and sorrow (11 cases), which represents such psychological characteristics as shyness, passivity, apathy, conformity, obedience, and wish to go over painful past events. From the point of view of emotional intelligence, the concept of “heart” in Latgalian folk-tales is revealed as a repository of emotions, which, according to the theory of P. Salovey and J. Mayer, allows to interpret the degree of assessment and manifestation of one’s group emotions, the ability to assess and recognize other groups’ emotions, regulation of one’s own emotions and, finally, their application to improve one’s performance. Folk-tales show that in the context of the concept “heart” assessment of emotions of other groups is prevalent, basically emphasizing the negative qualities of social opponents, which result in variously described extensive emotions of anger. In the characterization of emotions of one’s own group, a more varied, but at the same time less described gamut of emotions dominates, where an ambivalent range of feelings predominantly of joy and sorrow are reflected. If there is no compromise in the revelation of the emotions of anger (angry characters, as anticipated by the righteous standards of a folk-tale, get the punishment they deserve), then the emotion of joy sometimes undergoes some fluctuations or even doubts about the true motivation and understanding of this emotion of joy. The story-line of a folk-tale does not reveal any significant activity regarding the regulation of the emotions of one's group. A folk-tale, mainly based on the polarities of one’s own and foreign, good and evil, shows how one-of-their-own (usually a low-stratum hero) is earning a satisfaction he has deserved.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 541-546
Miroslavas Pavlovskis

This article deals with the role and importance of procurement in the context of Lithuanian construction, and distinguishes the main weaknesses of the public procurement. The implementation of BIM and MCDM technologies during public tendering is described. The foreign good practice is analyzed, where BIM and MCDM technology is used during organization of public tenders in the construction field. The possibilities of applying the building information model are examined throughout the entire procurement process. The procurement organization model is proposed, based on MCDM and BIM technologies. It is found that implementation of BIM and MCDM technologies in the public tenders will be beneficial for both the state and the entire construction sector by reducing project uncertainties, risk expo-sure, shortening the project documentation review and, therefore, the construction time of the object.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 503-513 ◽  
Miroslavas Pavlovskis ◽  
Jurgita Antuchevičienė ◽  
Darius Migilinskas

The article deals with abandoned industrial buildings and lands conversion concept, objectives, problems, beneficial results of a successful conversion for urban expansion, as a complex process of sustainable development. The tools for making effective management and usage of abandoned buildings decisions are considered. The article analyzes the 5D BIM model throughout the life cycle of the building. The foreign good practice is analyzed, where the modern digital technology is used for reconstruction of old buildings. The building information model application possibilities are examined throughout the lifespan of a building. The measures for CO2 emission reduction in the construction sector are proposed. Finaly, the model for conversion of abanoded buildings is proposed, based on MCDM and BIM technologies. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama apleistų industrinių pastatų ir teritorijų konversijos samprata, tikslai, problemos, sėkmingos konversijos rezultatų nauda miesto plėtrai kaip kompleksinis procesas darnaus vystymosi požiūriu. Aptariamos priemonės, kurios padėtų priimti efektyvius apleistų pastatų tvarkymo ir naudojimo sprendimus. Straipsnyje yra analizuojamas BIM 5D modelis per visą pastato gyvavimo ciklą. Analizuojama užsienio geroji praktika, kur taikomos šiuolaikinės skaitmeninės technologijos rekonstruojant senus pastatus. Tiriamos statinio informacinio modelio taikymo galimybės per visą pastato gyvavimo laikotarpį. Siūlomos priemonės mažinti išmetamo CO2 kiekį statybos sektoriuje. Pasiūlytas apleistų objektų konversijos modelis,pagrįstas MCDM ir BIM technologijomis.

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