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Published By Fakultas Hukum Universitas Panca Bhakti

2656-2723, 2656-2731

Rini Setiawati

Fostering the legal awareness is a current social change demand as part of government attention and promotion in various development efforts. Therefore, the establishment of a new legal product will become a reality if supported by the society members legal awareness. Legal awareness is the basis of the implementation of the law and it related to legal culture closely. Building the society legal culture should be oriented for the efforts to instill, promote and institutionalize the values underlying the law that require legal communication. The current legal counseling are required not just to do with the formal legal approach, but it can be done through a social marketing approach that more responsive in dynamics of change and the need for legal information in each segment of society.

Purwanto Purwanto

Kerupuk Basah called temet by Kapuas Hulu Local Community was provided for home consumption long long time ago. But lately, it was spread throughout Kalimantan Barat Province, likely Pontianak, Mempawah and Sintang. The taste proved that Kerupuk Basah from Kapuas Hulu had some differences than others, including finer surface structure, stronger fish taste, and softer when pressed or chewed. The study used statute approach and method through indepth interview. The study found there were 3 (three) factors which influenced Kerupuk Basah taste from Kapuas Hulu, namely 1) natural factor (Toman and Belida fish were the main composition in making Kerupuk Basah were only find in upstream of Kapuas Hulu river); 2) human factor (Kerupuk Basah was initially processed by Kapuas Hulu local community in the past and had been preserved until now then made them had a special expertise and able to make good quality of Kerupuk Basah; 3) combination of natural and human factor (Belida and Toman fish lived there combined with local community ability made Kerupuk Basah had a good reputation and unique characteristic). All of those factors led Kerupuk Basah could be Kapuas Hulu Geographical Indication. Then, Bacuramin Ka’Saruga (Dayak principle as most of local people there) agreed choice by the community, local government and Small and Medium Enterprises in Kapuas Hulu.

Arip Ambulan Panjaitan

Adolescents have a high burden of sexual and reproductive health problems and it is important to reach out to youth groups through health promotion initiatives. A literature review was carried out to identify the elements of a successful health promotion program to improve adolescent reproductive health and sex. This study identified and compiled a literature review published in 2000-2018 that focused on adolescents (10-24 years), reported reproductive and sexual health outcomes (pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, condoms/contraceptive use, risky sexual behavior, access to health care sexual or intimate partner violence), and includes major studies that are mainly carried out in high-income countries. This report focuses on the features of the reproductive and sexual health program that were successfully identified in the interpretation and discussion of the systematic reviews included. This study identified 66 systematic reviews, of which 37 were reported on programs that were anecdotally or statistically related to the increase in program effectiveness and success. The general characteristics of effective interventions are: long-term or recurrent implementation; multi-regulation and multi-component; parental involvement; according to culture, gender, age; and the inclusion of skill development. There is a marked consistency of features increasing the effectiveness of reproductive and sexual health programs for adolescents even though wide variations in interventions are reviewed. There is a need to better implement this knowledge in future programs, and our findings provide useful guidance for optimizing the design of reproductive and sexual health interventions for adolescents.

Enny Agustina

Legislation in the health sector must always follow and fulfill the community needs. After that, it must be able to answer the problems of the community in the health sector, so that people feel at ease as citizens. It is the duty of the government so that people can enjoy health care at affordable costs. In addition, hospitals must always maintain their professionals. The problem this paper about how is criminal law policy in health care and the methods is Normative legal research is research conducted by examining library materials. This research on normative literature includes research on legal principles, research on legal systematic, research on the levels of vertical and horizontal synchronization, comparison of law and legal history. The result is obtained are in addition to criminal law, namely Law Number 1 Year 1946 on the Criminal Code, there are also several criminal policy that regulate criminal law protection in health care or medical. The laws and regulations are Law Number 36 Year 2009 on Health, Law Number 44 Year 2009 on Hospitals, Law Number 29 Year 2004 on Medical Practice and many other laws and regulations related to criminal policy in the health sector. Since ancient Greece, legal science has touched almost all aspects of human life, except the medical field. Health workers who existed at that time regulated their own work methods with professional codes of ethics and oaths that were deeply rooted in tradition and had a strong influence on society.

Siti Kotijah ◽  
Ine Ventyrina

Mangrove was an important resource in maintaining coastal ecosystem sustainability, as part of the of coastal and river basin integral management. Quality criteria was put in magrove ecosystem deterioration as a protection form, it was legal protection in environmental legal aspects. This research conducted by legal approach. Article 21 paragraph (3) Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management in accordance with Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. Furthermore, preventive efforts in East kalimantan based on legal frameworks, of Balikpapan City Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2012 concerning Regional Spatial Planning.

Arip Ambulan Panjaitan

Adolescent reproductive health problems are an international problem. Circumstances that occur in Indonesia, young women are more afraid of social risks such as virginity loss, extramarital pregnancies that will be a source of public gossip compared to sexual risk, which concerns reproductive health and sexual health. This study aims to collect and analyze articles relating to the development of reproductive health models based on needs, needs, schools, culture and family as an effort to prevent pregnancy in adolescents. The method used is literature review, articles are collected using search engines such as EBSCO, Sciencedirect, googlesholar. The criteria for the articles used are those published in 1995-2018. Based on the results that the reproductive health situation of young women is a problem behind the still high maternal and infant mortality rates. This condition is exacerbated by other factors such as early marriage, early pregnancy, STIs, HIV and AIDS and non-communicable diseases such as breast and cervical cancer, abortion, premarital sex, nutrition and others. Exposure of adolescent girls to reproductive health from the social environment about health education through adolescent approaches involving peers, BK teachers, family or parents, health workers and stakeholders. Information about reproductive health issues, besides being important to be known by health care providers, decision makers, is also important for stakeholders, so that they can help reduce reproductive health problems for young women.

Ine Ventyrina ◽  
Alvi Syahrin ◽  
Runtung Sitepu ◽  
Budiman Ginting ◽  
Suhaidi Suhaidi ◽  

Increased awareness of environmental issues was leading to environment education introduction. This research discussed some Indonesian legislations accompanied to environmental education introduction and development. The study found that environmental education had been mandatory in various Indonesian legislations which had  been observed with vertical and horizontal synchronization, in accordance with environmental protection and management purpose and scope in Article 3 and Article 4 of Act Number 32 of 2009.

Yunial Laili Mutiari ◽  
Muhammad Syahri Ramadhan ◽  
Irsan Irsan

Use of collateral institutions is very popular and already familiar in the community and guarantee institutions have an important role in the framework of Indonesia's economic development Guarantee institutions that are currently developing rapidly is a Fiduciary Guarantee. The role of fiduciary guarantee institutions as one of the potential alternative funding sources to support the growth of the national economy should be well accommodated as stipulated in Law Number. 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee and OJK Regulation Number 29/POJK.05/2014 concerning the Implementation of the Business of the Financing Company. Most of the Financing Companies still have not registered the fiduciary guarantee deed due to a misunderstanding in elaborating the regulations regarding the collection of fiduciary guarantees stipulated in Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee and OJK Regulation Number 29/POJK.05/2014 concerning the Implementation of Business of Financing Companies and Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130/PMK 010/2012.

Asrori S. Karni

Adherents of minority religions outside the greatest six religions was still had to face the uncertainty from the state in religious rights service and legal protection. It was started from the right to obtain permission to build a synogogue, religious education rights, marriage registration, birth certificate, put the religion identity in official document column, and so on. The fundamental problem was a flurry of religious recognition concept by the state. There were some opportunities for short and long term breakthrough solutions need to be explored.

Arip Ambulan Panjaitan

Adolescent are at high risk of unwanted pragnency, including abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS. Risky sexual behavior is one of the entrance transmissions of unwanted pregnancy. Such behavior can be influenced by various factors, beyond and within the individual factors. Teens need the support and motivation in deciding not to do risky sexual behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of adolescent behavior in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. This research used cross-sectional design. The populations were students of senior high school in District Sintang. The were 123 respondents chosen by cluster sampling technique for this study. All data were collected using questionnaires and then analysed using bivariate (chi square) and multivariate analysis (logistic regression). The results showed that the majority of respondents did not have good knowledge about the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Related variable is the level of parental education (p=0.001), the support of parents/guardians (p=0.009), support teachers (p=0.005), peer support (p=0.039), residency (p=0.009), a pastime activity (p=0.000), knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health (p=0.016), perception ability of adolescents (p=0.006) and attitude of adolescents (p=0.049). Adolescent self-perception abilities are variables that most influence on the behavior of adolescents in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Efforts to improve reproductive health programs should be early and adolescent have responsibilities as well as healthy behaviors.

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