Commed : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media
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Published By Universitas Putera Batam

2615-6725, 2527-8673

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-187
Nova Yohana

Kampung Gambut Berdikari merupakan salah satu tema besar program CSR PT. Pertamina RU II Sungai Pakning. Ide besar program CSR mengenai Kampung Gambut Berdikari sendiri berawal karena masalah serius yang dulu kerap dialami oleh provinsi Riau, yakni kebakaran lahan dan hutan salah satunya di Kecamatan Sungai Pakning yang menyebakan kerugian ekonomi juga masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Melalui program Kampung Gambut Berdikari, perusahaan berupaya merestorasi lingkungan sekaligus memberdayakan masyarakatnya secara berkelanjutan terutama pada lahan gambut di wilayah  Riau yang rentan terbakar. Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manajemen komunikasi PT Pertamina RU II Sungai Pakning dalam program CSR “Kampung Gambut Berdikari” di wilayah operasi perusahaan  yang meliputi proses perencanaan (planning), pengorganisasian (organizing) dan pelaksanaan (actuating), pengawasan (monitoring) dan dan evaluasi (evaluation) dan ingin mengetahui respon atau tanggapan dari pengelola dan masyarakat  yang memperoleh manfaat dari program CSR  tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penentuan informan dilakukan secara purposif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, tahap perencanaan komunikasi, utuk mengetahui keadaan yang sebenarnya terjadi dilapangan, maka dilakukannya proses social mapping dan penyusunan rencana kerja hingga rencana strategis dan menghasilkan output yaitu program Kampung Gambut Berdikari. Tahap pengorganisasian dan pelaksanaan program, yang berperan sebagai komunikator yaitu Bidang CSR tepatnya CDO (Community Development Officer). Pesan program berisi hasil analisis dan keluaran kebijakan perusahaan kepada berbagai komunikan dibagian yang berbeda-beda. Komunikan terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian, yaitu masyarakat sasaran yang sesuai dengan kriteria penerima yang telah ditetapkan. Pesan yang disampaikan oleh CDO disalurkan melalui media formal dalam proses monitoring dan evaluasi, juga memanfaatkan media sosial insragram, koran, portal berita serta laporan kinerja tahunan. Monitoring dan evaluasi, komunikasi terbagi kedalam dua jenis yaitu, monev internal dan monev eksternal. Monev internal dilakukan pada saat program berjalan (ongoing review, dan dilakukan per tiga bulan. Sedangkan monev eksternal dilakukan saat program telah melalui setahun berjalan (end review). Manajemen Komunikasi, Prrogram CSR,  Kampung Gambut Berdikari, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-202
Nindyta Aisyah Dwityas ◽  
Kasiful Fadli ◽  
Fitri Aprilia ◽  
Rizki Briandana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi Account Executive PT. Doxadigital Indonesia dalam mendapatkan klien baru pada periode tahun 2019. Doxadigital Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu full service agency dalam bidang digital marketing yang telah menangani aktivitas promosi brand-brand besar di Indonesia dan mengalami peningkatan kerjasama dengan brand baru sebesar 6% pada tahun 2019. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa arah strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan AE ialah persuasif dan edukatif, dan aktivitas utama AE dalam menjalankan arah strategi komunikasi ialah pada saat AE melakukan meeting dengan klien. Setelah project dengan klien selesai, AE akan tetap memelihara hubungan baik dengan klien. Segala proses yang dilakukan AE memiliki aktivitas komunikasi yang sudah dipersiapkan untuk AE agar memiliki efek yang positif bagi kelangsungan kerjasama klien dan agency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-169
Haryadi Mujianto ◽  
Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi ◽  
Kenny Kharismawati

This study discusses Instagram as a personal branding media. The purpose of this research is to describe the factors that established personal branding. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The informants in this study consisted of 3 celebgrams at the Garut City, Informants are determined by purposive sampling. The results of this study are, branding on Instagram social media is an effort to present information, messages and impressions through the activities carried out. Personal branding that is formed based on the main dimensions of the formation of personal branding that they show on each Instagram account including style, caption, special abilities or competences in a certain area controlled by celebrities and self-standards can form personal branding through a polish and well communication method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-153
Andrea Amorita Tulung ◽  
Sri ulya Suskarwati ◽  
Virgin Cansa Abinta

Since the spread of Covid-19 and declared a pandemic in Indonesia, the Government has provided various communication media as channels of information for the public. Instagram @kemenkominfo is an official account managed by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo), which is one of the information centers about Covid-19 in Indonesia and is a new medium for it's Government Public Relations (GPR) during the Pandemic. This study aims to understand the concept of GPR Kemenkominfo through Instagram, by referring to the theory of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) to understand the virtual communication process between government and public. A qualitative descriptive approach with a case study method is used by researcher to achieve research objectives. The results of the study is understanding of the range, speed, and amount of information on  @kemenkominfo to provide knowledge and information according to public needs. Through Instagram, it provides understanding and direction regarding Covid-19 to public, as well as providing information dissemination services through an official account managed by Public Relations of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics. As a communicator and mediator in the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia is the application of GPR concept during a pandemic. The Ministry of Communications and Informatics builds a conducive communication with the Indonesian people through the official Instagram account @kemenkominfo.   Keyword:Government Public Relations, Instagram, Kemenkominfo, Computer Mediated Communication

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-212
Betari Chintya ◽  
Redi Panuju

Marriage is one of human needs in life. In Indonesia wedding ceremony has various traditions that have been carried out from generation to generation. As found in the Ajung, Jember, East Java. The tradition carried out in the village of Ajung Wetan Jember is quite unique. They invite the neighbourhood to the wedding within food, cigarette or soap. This kind of tradition is known as tradisi tonjokan. From that uniqueness, the writer chose tradisi tonjokan as topic of this research to explore more deeply, how the villagers interpret these traditions within symbolic interaction perspective in communication studies. Authors used a qualitative as a research method . Data were collected by in-depth interview and observe the Ajung residents. The result of this research is that the villagers of Ajung Wetan Jember interpret the tradisi tonjokan as a way of inviting close relatives or neighbors using soap, cigarettes, or food. Furthermore, what is unique about this tradition from Ajung Wetan Jember is the items used to invite, side dishes of rice, cigarettes, and soap. The last, the tradisi tonjokan has another purpose besides inviting, that is a  respect and gratitude  for the person who is invited. Also on the other hand, tradisi tonjokan is considered as obligation to attend the wedding ceremony.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-136
Novliza Eka patrisia

This paper is the result of analysis and observation that reviews the use of social media in the form of social networks as a very effective medium for communication and information to convey problems or aspirations of the community, especially for areas that have not been maximally touched by media and are not widely known by the wider community in particular. current regional officials. This paper aims to describe the characteristics of digital societies that use social media. Then, describe the relationship between social media and national development and describe the opportunities and challenges that arise in the digital era. This research method is a descriptive study using qualitative analysis. The results of the research show that national development will be realized well if a social media in the form of social networks is used by the community properly, ethically and can be justified. Therefore the role of local government is very important in informing the community quickly and accurately.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-125
Ahmad Saudi

Abstract This study aims to find out how the role of digital diplomacy in international communication activities is carried out by international actors, namely the state. The development of technology and information affects the formation of digital society in the current era of globalization and is the basis for changing conventional forms of diplomacy in the direction known as digital diplomacy used in various countries. This study uses qualitative research methods with the technique of collecting reference sources of literature studies and data sources from books, journals, websites and newspapers that are relevant to the topic of this research. The results of this study show the important role of digital diplomacy by various countries in the process of international communication to achieve the goals of national interests namely politics, economy, education and security. Digital diplomacy has become an effective and efficient international communication tool so that international actors have begun to develop and implement it in their various diplomatic policies and activities. Keywords: Digital Diplomacy, International Communication, Globalization, Information Technology

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-53
Ilona Vicenovie Oisina Situmeang ◽  
Ivonne Ruth Situmeang

Virus Corona merupakan salah satu virus yang ditakuti oleh seluruh umat manusia didunia ini karena merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus yang mematikan umat manusia. Hingga saat ini belum ditemukan vaksin maupun obat yang dapat menyembuhkan virus ini. Sejak virus corona menyebar keseluruh dunia, tingkat kepedulian masyarakat dunia mulai bertambah akan pentingnya menjaga pola hidup sehat dan mulai berperan membagikan informasi penting dalam bentuk kampanye tentang Kesehatan tersebut ke teman dan masyarakat secara umum. Salah satu media yang digunakan untuk berbagi tersebut adalah media Instagram. dikarenakan media instagram merupakan salah satu media social yang banyak digunakan. Media Instagram merupakan salah satu media kampanye Kesehatan yang sering digunakan kementerian, pemerintah swasta, komunitas maupun perorangan dalam menyampaikan pesan kampanye Kesehatan. Yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kampanye sosial diinstagramdalam melakukan pencegahan terhadap virus corona di New Era 5.0 Society. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori difusi inovasi dengan konsep komunikasi persuasive, kampanye sosial, pemanfaatan media sosial untuk pesan kampanye dan Virus Corona. Pendekatan penelitian: kualitatif. Paradigma penelitian: paradigma post-positivisme. Tipe penelitian: eksploratif. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa pengguna media instargram baik dari kementerian, pemerintah, komunitas maupun dari perorangan merancang terlebih dahulu konten dan video yang menarik akan dibagikan agar menimbulkan daya Tarik bagi orang yang melihatnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-62
Angel Purwanti ◽  
Sri Suana

Film Arini (2018) mengangkat kisah tentang wanita yang terluka oleh seorang pria, di mana karakter Arini memiliki kelebihan dalam pekerjaan tetapi menderita karena kurangnya masalah dalam kehidupan sosial, yang menjadikan Arini sebagai objek patriarki pria. Dengan latar belakang ini, peneliti tertarik untuk mencari tahu lebih lanjut tentang patriakri karakter Arini dalam film. Ideologi akan ditampilkan pada level ideologi yang menjadikan karakter objek patriarki yang digambarkan dalam film arini (2018). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan dan memahami makna representasi sosok perempuan yang digunakan sebagai objek patriarki sebagaimana diwakili dalam Arini (2018) dengan metode analisis semiotik John Fiske akan mengungkapkan menggunakan tingkat realitas, representasi, dan ideologi . Penelitian ini berfokus pada kehidupan wanita yang dikendalikan sebagai objek patriarki, termasuk wanita yang lemah, hanya digunakan sebagai objek minat pria, yang mengakibatkan beberapa efek budaya patriarki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Arini sebagai objek laki-laki Nick dan Helmi yang membuatnya memiliki perilaku patuh dan patuh serta mengalami efek kekerasan patriarki, subordinasi, dan perceraian.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-110
Defhany defhany Defhany ◽  
Ria Edlina ◽  
Dion Eriend

This study discusses the Tourism Communication Strategy by the West Sumatra Tourism Office in Improving the Brand Image of Tourism Objects in West Sumatra. The purpose of this research is to describe the things that become supporters and obstacles in the implementation of the tourism communication strategy by the West Sumatra Tourism Office in Increasing the Brand Image of Tourism Objects in West Sumatra. This is because there are still at least domestic tourists or foreign tourists visiting existing tourist objects. in West Sumatra, considering that many tourist objects in West Sumatra are not inferior to other provinces, this research can encourage the West Sumatra Tourism Office to improve the quality of tourist objects in the West Sumatera area. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research conducted in 2019. The informants in this study consisted of 3 employees at the West Sumatra Tourism Office, namely Head of Marketing and Brand Strategies, head of Division Human Resources Development and Business Protection, and the Tourism Resources Development Section of the West Sumatra Provincial Tourism Office. Informants are determined by purposive sampling. The results of this study are, West Sumatra tourism communication strategy by promoting tourism using various social media such as Instagram and Facebook and optimizing the use of the West Sumatra Tourism Office website and through marketing and promotion of the advantages of tourism objects by involving various parties, such as the tourist business actors, investors, journalists from various media and visiting tourists. Always maintaining various interconnected tourism products, starting from cultural festival events, transportation to tourist objects, up-to-date information about tourist objects, tourism activities accompanied by promotions in various cities and the availability of communication media that are easy to find by tourists and a friendly communication culture with tourists visiting the tourist attraction.

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