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Published By Atma Jaya Catholic University Of Indonesia

2656-3452, 0216-6860

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-106
Medwin Wisnu Prabowo

There are many crimes that happened in this era, which one of them is corruption. Corruption has become a major phenomenon for each country in this world. Even more, it is not only male who doing the corruption, but female also. They were get some money to satisfy themselves although they have to break the law. This phenomenon has attracted researcher to study the female inmates who was doing corruption, and its relation to psychopathic symptom. Three female inmates in Sukamiskin Penitentiary Institute Class IIA – Bandung, who were convicted based on corruption cases, were chosen as subjects of this study. The result showed that all of three female inmates have a tendency to become a Psychopath, but in the low level to middle level tendencies. The three dominant Psychopathic Symptoms that found: pathological lying, lack of remorse or guilt, and short-term marital relationships. It can be summarized and recommended that among 3 subjects need to receive a counseling and/or psychoeducation so they will be more honest in their work setting, and to educate them that its important to have a good relationship to build a harmonious family.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Debri Pristinella ◽  
Revina Desiyanthi

Internet telah menjadi media utama yang digunakan remaja untuk kebutuhan pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, orang tua mau tidak mau memberikan fasilitas internet kepada remaja. Dengan adanya fasilitas pribadi, internet juga digunakan sebagai media mencari informasi, hiburan, komunikasi, dan bertransaksi. Hal ini menjadi masalah bagi orang tua karena internet dapat memberikan dampak negatif seperti terpaparnya konten-konten negatif, cyberbullying, dan ketergantungan internet. Oleh karena itu, parental mediation perlu dilakukan menjaga penggunaan internet pada remaja untuk memaksimalkan dampak positif dan meminimalisir dampak negatif internet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai parental mediation seperti apa yang digunakan oleh orang tua terhadap anak-anak remaja mereka yang merupakan pengguna internet serta faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara semi tersruktur pada tiga ibu yang memiliki anak berusia dua belas hingga dua puluh satu tahun dan memiliki akses internet sendiri. Ibu menjadi fokus peneliti karena ibu memiliki waktu lebih banyak dibandingkan ayah dalam membesarkan, mengurus, dan mendisiplinkan anak.Hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis konten. Peneliti juga melakukan triangulasi kepada anak dari setiap orang tua untuk meningkatkan validitas data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua menerapkan kelima strategi parental mediation terutama strategi active mediation of internet use dan active mediation of internet safety. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa parental mediation dipengaruhi oleh empat faktor yaitu kemampuan orang tua dalam menggunakan internet, karakteristik perkembangan anak, persepsi orang tua terhadap kontrol diri anak, dan sikap orang tua terhadap internet.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-86
Leonardus Dewa Hardana ◽  
Rayini Dahesihsari

Abstract The main challenge for internal change agents is to overcome the ambiguity of their role as members of the organization who at the same time have to manage change in the organization. These challenges lead to the emergence of various boundaries encountered in organizations, which need to be spanned with the right strategy for change to be managed effectively. Unfortunately, there have not been many guidelines and training specifically provided to internal change agents, particularly regarding the constraints encountered and strategies for overcoming those boundaries. Generally, available training programs and guidance provided develop the ability to manage change in general. This self-guided manual for internal change agents aims to develop the ability of internal change agents, especially in overcoming the ambiguity of their role in the organization, by recognizing the boundaries they face and strategies for breaking those boundaries. This guide was developed based on the results of previous research that qualitatively explored the role of internal change agents in managing change in organizations, particularly in recognizing the boundaries encountered and their strategies for breaking boundaries so that organizational change can take place effectively. There are 3 stages carried out, namely 1) preparation, 2) guide development, and 3) evaluation and dissemination. This guidebook with the title “Spanning Boundaries, Becoming a Reliable Internal Change Agent” is organized into 4 parts, namely: Section (1) Organizational Change and the Role of Change Agents, (2) Boundaries Found in Implementing Change, (3) Strategies to Overcome Boundaries, (4) Personal Characters Needed to Overcome Boundaries and How to Develop It. It is hoped that because it is based on empirical data, the guidelines that have been compiled can develop the insight of internal change agents to be able to answer the concrete challenges faced to be able to manage change effectively. Keywords: Self-Guided Manual, Internal Change Agent, Boundary Spanning, Change Management   Abstrak Tantangan utama agen perubahan internal adalah mengatasi ambiguitas perannya sebagai anggota organisasi yang pada saat yang bersamaan harus mengelola perubahan di organisasi. Tantangan ini menyebabkan munculnya berbagai batasan yang ditemui dalam organisasi, yang perlu dapat diretas dengan strategi yang tepat agar perubahan dapat dikelola secara efektif. Sayangnya belum banyak ditemukan panduan dan pelatihan yang khusus diberikan kepada agen perubahan internal, khususnya terkait dengan batasan yang ditemui dan strategi untuk meretas batasan tersebut. Umumnya program pelatihan dan panduan yang diberikan mengembangkan kemampuan mengelola perubahan secara umum. Panduan mandiri (self guided manual) untuk agen perubahan internal ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan agen perubahan internal, khususnya dalam mengatasi ambiguitas perannya dalam organisasi, dengan mengenali batasan yang dihadapi serta strategi meretas batasan tersebut. Panduan ini dikembangkan berdasar hasil penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya yang mengeksplorasi secara kualitatif peran agen perubahan internal dalam mengelola perubahan dalam organisasi, khususnya dalam mengenali batasan yang ditemui serta strategi mereka dalam meretas batasan agar perubahan organisasi dapat berlangsung secara efektif. Terdapat 3 tahapan yang dijalankan, yakni tahapan 1) persiapan, 2) pengembangan panduan, dan 3) evaluasi dan diseminasi. Panduan dengan judul “Meretas Batasan, Menjadi Agen Perubahan Internal yang Handal” disusun menjadi 4 bagian, yakni: Bagian (1) Perubahan Organisasi dan Peran Agen Perubahan, (2) Boundary yang Ditemui dalam Mengimplementasi Perubahan, (3) Strategi Mengatasi Boundary, (4) Karakter Personal yang Dibutuhkan untuk Mengatasi Boundary dan Cara Mengembangkannya. Diharapkan karena didasarkan pada data empiris, maka panduan yang disusun dapat mengembangkan wawasan agen perubahan internal untuk dapat menjawab tantangan konkrit yang dihadapi agar mampu mengelola perubahan secara efektif. Kata kunci: Panduan Mandiri, Agen Perubahan Internal, Boundary Spanning, Change Management

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Puji Tania ◽  
Maria Catalina Rosari

This study aims to determine the relationship between psychological capital and subjective career success in millennial generation employees. This study involved 129 millennial generation employees. The type of design of this research is correlational. The measuring instrument used of two questionnare, namely psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ) and subjective career success inventory (SCSI). Data processing with Pearson correlation. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between psychological capital and subjective career success in millennial generation employees (r(127)=0.551, sig (2-tailed)=0.000). Thus, the higher the psychological capital owned by millennial generation employees, the higher the subjective career success of millennial employees.   Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara psychological capital dengan subjective career success pada karyawan generasi milenial. Penelitian ini melibatkan 129 karyawan generasi milenial. Subjek dipilih menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Jenis desain dari penelitian ini adalah korelasional. Alat ukur yang digunakan terdiri dari dua alat ukur, yaitu psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ) dan subjective career success inventory (SCSI). Pengolahan data dengan uji korelasi pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara psychological capital dengan subjective career success pada karyawan generasi milenial (r(127)=0.551, sig (2-tailed)=0.000). Dengan demikian, semakin tinggi psychological capital yang dimiliki oleh karyawan generasi milenial maka semakin tinggi subjective career success karyawan generasi milenial.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-35
Cyntia Dewi Dewanti ◽  
Margaretha Purwanti ◽  
Aireen Rhammy Kinara Aisyah

Cyberbullying among teenagers in Indonesia continues to increase, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic. One of the factors that trigger cyberbullying behavior in adolescents is the application of parenting. Permissive parenting is thought to have a relationship with the occurrence of cyberbullying. In parenting, fathers tend to be less involved even though they have a role that is no less important than mothers. Therefore, this researcher's question is whether the perception of permissive parenting is related to the tendency of cyberbullying behavior in adolescents aged 12-18 years. This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlational design and used a convenience sampling and obtained as many as 123 participants. The characteristics of the participants in this study were male/female aged 12-18 years who had social media and still had a father and still lived together. Results shows that there is a significant relationship between perceptions of permissive parenting and cyberbullying tendencies. The correlation results obtained are r = 0.580, p = < .001. This research concluded that increasing adolescents' perceptions of permissive parenting applied by fathers, the higher the tendency of adolescents to do cyberbullying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-46
Ferdinand Prawiro ◽  
Sarah Andruina Rahma

Peristiwa Tragedi Semanggi terjadi pada tanggal 13 November 1998. Hampir setiap tahun terdapat kelompok mahasiswa Unika Atma Jaya melakukan aksi memperingati Tragedi Semanggi walaupun mereka tidak mengalami langsung peristiwa tersebut. Namun sebagian besar mahasiswa tidak ikut memperingati Tragedi Semanggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami perbedaan keterlibatan dalam aksi peringatan Tragedi Semanggi melalui konsep representasi sosial, dengan pendekatan struktural. Pendekatan ini memandang bahwa isi representasi sosial suatu kelompok mencakup dua sistem, yaitu central core dan peripheral. Metode penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif dan melalui dua tahap. Tahap pertama bertujuan mengidentifikasi atribut representasi sosial tentang Tragedi Semanggi, dan tahap kedua bertujuan mengidentifikasi atribut mana yang berada di central core dan peripheral. Penelitian ini melibatkan 230 partisipan pada tahap pertama dan 206 partisipan pada tahap kedua, yang diperoleh melalui accidental sampling. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan kuesioner online dengan teknik word association pada tahap pertama dan teknik calling-into-question pada tahap kedua. Analisis data tahap pertama menggunakan content analysis, sedangkan pada tahap kedua menggunakan chi-square goodness of fit dengan ⅔ expected frequency. Hasil penelitian menemukan 18 atribut representasi sosial tentang Tragedi Semanggi, yaitu: “korban”, “mahasiswa”, “situasi yang kacau”, “demonstrasi”, “aparat negara”, “perilaku kekerasan”, “perlawanan”, “pelanggaran hukum dan HAM”, “Atma Jaya”, “perasaan takut”, “masa lalu”, “pemerintah”, “reformasi”, “ketidakadilan”, “politik”, “belum selesai”, “orde baru”, “perasaan sedih”. Perbedaan antara kelompok partisipan aksi dan kelompok nonpartisipan aksi terletak pada atribut “belum selesai” dan “reformasi”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Teddymedio Kristo ◽  
Liroy Rubianto ◽  
Patricia Lidwina Alvionita Kristianti

Perlintasan sebidang merupakan perlintasan datar yang menyilang pada satu bidang yang sama antara perlintasan kereta api dengan kendaraan darat. Pada lintas sebidang seringkali terjadi pelanggaran yang mana pelanggaran tersebut kerap kali membahayakan hingga menyebabkan terjadinya kecelakaan. Tidak sedikit kasus kecelakaan terjadi karena pengendara memaksa diri agar tetap bisa melewati perlintasan kereta api karena terburu-buru untuk sampai tujuan. Pelanggaran pada lintas sebidang dapat berupa melewati palang kereta saat aba-aba berbunyi, berhenti di depan palang, dan berhenti di ruas jalan arah berlawanan. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan perilaku melanggar peraturan lintas sebidang pada saat peak-hour dan non-peak hour. Data yang diambil menggunakan metode observasi, dan dianalisis dengan metode inter-rater reliability. Pelanggaran yang dilakukan pengendara tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan saat peak-hour dan non-peak hour. Perilaku melanggar peraturan lintas sebidang dipengaruhi oleh descriptive norms yang menyebabkan adanya kebiasaan melanggar akibat dari pembelajaran terhadap pelanggar yang lainnya. Kata kunci: Pelanggaran, Lintas sebidang, Observasi, Norma deskriptif

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-68
Liroy Rubianto ◽  
Alexandrina J. Nathania ◽  
Gisela A. Prawesthy ◽  
Jessica - ◽  
Hanarolisa Mutalim ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic is a major problem that is currently faced worldwide. As an effort to minimize this problem, the government enforces a health protocol appeal for the Indonesian citizens. The change in the situation affects people’s lives, especially in the economic and trade sector in Indonesia. One of the impacts is a change in people’s assumptions in assessing a product. Currently, health protocols are one of the considerations in consuming products during the pandemic, so that people move to products that can protect themselves from the transmission of Covid-19. The changes in consumer behavior can be explained through one of the dimensions of the Big Five Personality, namely conscientiousness. Conscientiousness can describe individual behavior in maintaining their own health. Therefore, this study wants to see whether there is a relationship between the conscientiousness and the consideration of health protocols in product consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a quantitative approach, with correlational research design. Based on the results of data analysis using Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation, the value obtained was ???????? (1056) = 0.256, p < 0.001. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between conscientiousness and the consideration of health protocols in product consumption during pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Alma Tiarani ◽  
Margaretha Purwanti ◽  
Aireen Rhammy Kinara Aisyah

This study aimed to see the relationships between quality of life and learning motivation of high school students in Jakarta during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic had a significant impact on society in Indonesia, including middle adolescence who are generally high school students. During the pandemic, several rules were put in place to break the chain of transmission of the coronavirus. Conditions that tend to be difficult to predict and dynamic during a pandemic were suspected to affect the quality of life and individual learning motivation. This study uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaires used were the World Health Organization Quality of Life – BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Analysis of relationships between quality of life (QoL) and learning motivation by testing the correlation between aspects and components in the two variables. Participants in this study were high school students, currently undergoing PJJ, and domiciled in Jakarta. The participants used in the data analysis process were 168 people. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between aspects of quality of life and components of learning motivation (rs = 0.189 – 0.363, p < .05, two-tailed). However, there is no relationship between aspects of quality of life and one component of learning motivation, namely the affective component (rs = -0.069 – 0.133, p > .05, two-tailed). The relationship between quality of life and learning motivation shows the significant role of the environment. It is expected that high school students, parents, teachers, and schools always establish communication and work together so that students have a quality of life and optimal learning motivation during the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-44
Guiedo Hendy Indra ◽  
Magdalena S. Halim

Personality is one of the main things that are being shaped during the formation of Catholic Priest.  However, assessments of personality are often only based on preceptor observations. This study aims to find out the personality characteristics of the brothers to help the preceptors educating them. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with 82 brothers who live in Archdiocese of Jakarta as participants. Participants are currently undergoing stage of Bachelor studies, Pastoral Orientation Year, or Master studies with age range of 20-38 years (M = 23.44, SD = 3.447). Participants were collected by convenience sampling method, by distributing online questionnaires. The general personality description is obtained by processing the score of each Big Five Marker (IPIP-BFM-50) in Indonesian domain with descriptive statistical methods. ANOVA test is carried out to see the differences based on the formation stages. Most of the brothers have moderate scores for each domain, so the expressions can be trained to suit the needs of Church. However, some of them have extremely low score on Emotional Stability (3.7%), thus showing high tendency to be susceptible to stress and negative emotions. Agreeableness is the dominant characteristic as there are no extreme low scores in this domain and the SD on the raw score is also the smallest. It is also found that there are significant differences in Agreeableness based on the stages of the formation that are being undertaken.

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