Lentera Negeri
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Published By Indonesian Institute For Counseling, Education And Therapy (IICET)

2746-7996, 2746-7988

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-32
Muhammad Zainul Majdi ◽  
Baiq Yuliana Rizkiwati

Terkait dengan adanya perubahan pola konsumsi masyarakat saat pandemic seperti saat ini, dimana masyarakat mulai sadar  untuk memilih makanan yang kandungannya lebih sehat untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh guna mengurangi potensi terinfeksi bakteri atau virus corona, maka sudah seharusnya mitra membuat inovasi aneka produk kue kering khas Lombok sesuai dengan keinginan, kebutuhan, selera dan daya beli masyarakat. Kegiatan Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakasanakan dengan tujuan ingin menciptakan produk aneka kue kering khas Lombok yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, dan pemanfaatan E-Commerce untuk meningkatkan omset penjualan dimasa pandemic covid. Adapun permasalahan yang dihadapi UKM mitra diantaranya: 1) mitra belum melakukan inovasi aneka kue dengan bahan dasar rimpang dan produk mitra belum memiliki Branding, 2)Teknologi pemasaran belum maksimal dalam memanfaatkan E-commerce. Adapun solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yaitu: 1)Pelatihan pengembangan produk dan kemasan, serta Branding, 2)Pemanfaatn E-commerce sebagai media pemasaran dan upaya peningkatan omset penjualan. Metode yang dilakukan melalui metode partisipatif dimana peranan anggota kelompok mitra sangat diperlukan dalam memberikan masukan-masukan untuk pelaksananaan sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan yang akan dilakukan yang tentunya sesuai dengan protocol kesehatan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan pendampingan pengolahan aneka kue kering khas Lombok berbahan dasar rimpang menjadi bebarapa varians rasa dengan citra rasa yang khas seperti: nastar,jahe, putrii salju jahe merah dll. Selanjutnya sosialisasi dan pendampingan pentingan Kemasan dan Branding, dan yang terakhir mitra diajari bagaimana memasarkan produk dengan memanfaatkan E-commerce.  Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Pelatihan dan pendampingan Inovasi Produk, e) Memiliki kemasan produk yang kreatif, inovatif serta memenuhi standarisasai keamanan produk. 2) Pemanfaatan Teknologi Pemasaran produk melaui media social facebook.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Muhlisun Azim ◽  
Arief Rafsanjani ◽  
Tripuspita Yuliana ◽  
Puspawan Hariadi

Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) is an alternative in achieving GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement) as an effort to achieve traditional independent health. The success of the use of TOGA is strongly influenced by the level of public knowledge about the benefits of the type of medicinal plants which has been empirically investigated. The data obtained is qualitative data with descriptive approach analysis method. Data collection was carried out by conducting observations, interviews and technical training to the community in an effort to provide knowledge about TOGA and the creation of a TOGA demonstration plot. The results obtained from this activity are the emergence of public awareness of the use of home yard land for the manufacture of living pharmacies as an effort to achieve independent health and the emergence of public interest in the use of TOGA as a UMKM product in the form of packaged drink sachets as a pilot. The importance of public knowledge about TOGA is needed in supporting the success of achieving independent health and efforts to utilize local biological resources in initiating the manufacture of herbal plant-based UMKM products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-41
Mila Sartika

COVID-19 is currently a global problem, categorized as a global pandemic. One of the prevention steps is to comply with the health procedures, involving the participation of cadres in the community. Cadre is a person or group of people who are fostered by a management agency in an organization. The purpose of PKM is to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19 in the community. The PKM method provides education "preventing the spread of Covid-19 with 7M and Isoman". Evaluation uses an observation sheet. Implementation of PKM on February 12, 2021 in Hall Rw.12, Mangunjaya Village, South Tambun District, Bekasi Regency. The target of cadres/RT/RW is 51 respondents. PKM output; Posters and Pocket Books that have been copyrighted. The results of the first stage of PKM; reduce mobility by 19.69%, 18.80% of residents wear masks, while washing hands, maintaining distance, applying coughing and sneezing etiquette, avoiding stress and isoman is still low below 10%. The second stage of evaluation increased above 11%, and the third stage of evaluation increased public awareness with the results of residents washing their hands with soap 84.66%, wearing masks 83.14%, avoiding stress 56.19%, avoiding crowds 52.62% , reduce mobility 51.68%, keep a distance 51.26%, apply cough and sneeze etiquette 45.79% and Isoman 1.62%. The global pandemic problem can seize people's worries so that it can worsen the condition if a solution is not immediately found. One of the most appropriate solutions in dealing with this global pandemic is through education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-19
Erika Rian Prahastiwi ◽  
Eny Wiwin Kartikaningsih ◽  
Khoirunnisa Khoirunnisa ◽  
Danang Puji Atmojo ◽  
Nira Fery Thania ◽  

Community activities during the pandemic due to the stay at home policy resulted in an increase in the remaining results of activities. As a result, untreated household wastewater will have a negative impact on the surrounding waters and can become a source of disease for the community. The main purpose of this service is to educate and provide skills to the community to treat household wastewater in Jongso Hamlet, Wotan Village. The main material used for wastewater treatment is alum. This is because alum is a coagulant that can bind impurities in water. This service activity is carried out by socializing through online audio-visual media, namely Youtube, while the training is carried out directly at the stage of processing household liquid waste to the Dukuh Jongso community, and activity evaluation indicators are based on participant responses to socialization and training. The results of the implementation showed that the participants were enthusiastic in the socialization and training. This activity is also effective in educating the public, especially about public awareness of the surrounding environment. It is hoped that the community will continue to be committed to improving their knowledge and skills in protecting the surrounding environment. The community care movement for the surrounding environment is expected to continue to be applied independently and disseminated to other communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13
Siti Rohmawati ◽  
Syarufah Syarufah ◽  
Krisna Suda Pratama ◽  
Liswanti Liswanti ◽  
Muhammad Said Agil Lestianto ◽  

Indonesia has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in the education sector. The government has suspended learning activities in both formal and non-formal schools to suppress the spread of Covid-19. Based on data from the Covid-19 Task Force, there has been a decline in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. So that the Elementary School in Boloagung Village has started holding face-to-face meetings. Children need to get adequate information and easy-to-understand health protocols when starting face-to-face school. This service is carried out directly in Boloagung Village. This activity is intended for grade 1 to grade 6 children and the socialization is done by coloring the picture media. The image media presented is in the form of a series of simple images containing concise messages and information. The result of this program is that participants understand more about health protocols that are carried out during face-to-face schools. Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Megaiswari Biran ◽  
Nurhastuti Nurhastuti ◽  
Kasiyati Kasiyati ◽  
Zulmiyatri Zulmiyatri ◽  
Damri Damri

Tujuan dari Program  Kemitraan Masyarakat pelatihan terapi ini sengaja dirancang untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam melatih anak autis agar mampu mengikuti pembelajaran di Sekolah luar Biasa maupun sekolah yang menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Inklusi. Metode dalam penyelenggaran PKM ini menggunakan multi metode yaitu metode ceramah, demonstrasi, praktek dan tanya jawab untuk menyajikan materi berkaitan dengan pelatihan terapi ini pada anak autis. Selanjutnya menggunakan metode demonstrasi, metoda latihan  dan praktek berkaitan dengan materi tentang cara melakukan terapi ABA dengan memberikan tahapan berupa attending skills, keterampilan imitasi, keterampilan bahasa reseptif, keterampilan bahasa ekspresif, keterampilan pra akademik, dan keterampilan bantu diri.. Diharapkan guru-guru peserta pelatihan terapi dapat mendesiminasikan pengalamannya kepada guru lain di sekolah masing masing, serta mampu bekerja sama dengan guru SLB dan orang tua dalam pembelajaran pada anak autis di sekolah. Untuk mengetahui pencapaian sasaran dilakukan evaluasi dan monitoring pada tahap proses dan tahap evaluasi akhir yang berupa : (1) Kompetensi Guru-guru  dalam Melaksanakan Terapi pada anak autis telah berhasil dengan baik. (2) guru mampu malatih kontak mata dengan anak autis dan, mampu melatih ketahanan duduknya.  Melalui keterampilan imitasi, anak autis mampu mengenal berbagai macam benda, buah, sayuran, anggota tubuh, keluarga melalui media gambar. sedangkan keterampilan bahasa reseptif dan ekspresif anak mampu dan mengerti ketika guru memberikan perintah. (3) Semoga guru mampu mengembangkan potensi anak autis sesuai kemampuannya untuk hidup mandiri.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-8
M. Fahli Zatrahadi ◽  
Darmawati Darmawati ◽  
Miftahuddin Miftahuddin ◽  
Suhaimi Suhaimi

Kanker serviks merupakan  penyebab pertama kematian pada wanita, Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, di negara- negara maju, diagnosa secara  dini  terbukti mampu menurunkan insiden kanker serviks invasif dan  memperbaiki prognosis.  Deteksi dini dapat mengurangi kadar mortalitas dan  morbiditas kanker serviks. Banyak wanita yang selayaknya menjalani skrining sering enggan untuk diperiksa oleh karena ketidaktahuan, rasa malu, rasa takut, dan faktor biaya. Adapun metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan. Dengan materi Kesehatan Persektif Islam, materi Penyakit pada sistem reproduksi, kanker servik dan pencegahannya, Informasi dasar mengenai HIV/Aids, serta system reproduksi. Hasil pengabdian dengan menggunakan materi tersebut  pada kegiatan Peyuluhan kanker Serviks dan pencegahannya secara islami bagi ibu ibu di dusun Pematang Kayu Arang Desa Pangkalan Baru Kecamatan Siak Hulu  Kampar, maka hasil dari penyuluhan yang dilakukan tersebut dapat dikatakan baik dan mendapatkan respon yang sangat baik. Hal ini diperlihatkan dengan indikator Ibu-ibu jamaah mendengarkan meteri secara seksama dan penuh perhatian, dan meminta jalur fasilitas tes untuk terhindar dari kanker servik yang semula ditakuti pelaksanaan skriningnya.

10.29210/9940 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Muhammad Husni Tamim ◽  
Rina Nopiana

Doing physical activity can make the body fit and increase the body's immunity to be able to fight the virus during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this, sports activities are needed to invite people to maintain their physical health through healthy exercise activities which are held aimed at increasing people's interest in exercising during the Covid-19 pandemic during new normal so that their body endurance is better. This community service (PKM) is a form of real work from the Hamzanwadi University Physical Education and Health Study Program for the people of South Pringgasela Village to participate in healthy gymnastics as an effort to prevent Covid-19. Healthy gymnastics activities can increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.

10.29210/9960 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Kadek Suranata

This community service program is a online training and assistance in writing action research and scientific articles for teachers which aims to increase motivation and ability to write action research and scientific articles for teachers in Bali Province. The combination of the synchronize method through the Zoom application and unsynchronized method through the WhatsApp application was carried out for two weeks involving 85 elementary, junior, and high school teachers from various regions of Bali province. Evaluation of this program is measured through few indicators: (1) success in identifying problems and themes for action research, (2) success in formulating solutions to overcome problems, (3) success in drafting action research proposals, and (4) success in compiling a draft of action research articles. The evaluation results showed that (1) 90% of participants succeeded in compiling problem identification and research themes, 80% of participants succeeded in formulating solutions to overcome problems, (3) 80% of  participants succeeded in compiling a draft proposal, and (4) 65% of participants have successfully drafted a scientific articles from their action research studies. This results indicate that online training and mentoring was quite successful in increasing teacher motivation and ability to compile action research and scientific articles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Afriyadi Sofyan ◽  
Awalya Awalya ◽  
Eko Nusantoro ◽  
Dian Purbo Utomo

Students at the Islamic boarding school for 24 hours and have limited interactions in the boarding school environment are very risky to experience various personal, social and learning problems. Interpersonal Communication Skills Training at the Assalafi Miftakhul Huda Islamic Boarding School in Grobogan Regency provides training to caregivers (senior santri) who will serve as peer guidance. Caregivers are trained to be ready listeners and good friends to help with problems related to other students. Active listening techniques are a specific skill that is trained by caregivers in helping students. Training activities were carried out using lecture and simulation methods on September 13, 2020. The training participants were 50 male and female caregivers. The participants seemed very enthusiastic during the activity. The results of the instrument analysis show that the participants reported the content of the material and the suitability of the written material and the presentation that the team did was the best point in this service activity. On the other hand, the participants stated that the training was too short and felt that they had not had the opportunity to practice. This is a recommendation for the implementation of further community service and needs to be done in a programmed and more intensive manner.

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