community movement
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 2322-2327
Adis Audiana Syafri ◽  
I Putu Ryan Dharma Putra ◽  
I Wayan Eka Mahendra

The death rate due to Covid-19 has continued to increase since it was first announced in early March 2020. This community service is carried out with the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas) approach, one of which is physical activity. The activities were carried out using an educative and persuasive method for 4 months, starting from August to November 2021. This community service includes three types of activities, namely training and yoga assistance for elderly cadres, training in making herbal drinks (loloh) and establishing a tracking path for the elderly in Petiga Village. From a series of programs, the people of Petiga Village gave a positive response. These activities are able to provide benefits in accordance with the health problems of the elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Ester Ratnaningsih ◽  
Lenna Maydianasari ◽  
Rahayu Widaryanti ◽  
Muflih Muflih

The majority of mothers who have toddlers in Karangrejo Sub-Village, Karangnongko, Tirtomartani Village, Kalasan Subdistrict come to the baby shaman to massage the baby and provide herbs to increase appetite in her child. The public also does not have knowledge of complementary therapies to address mild health complaints without chemical drugs such as cupping, accupoint and herbal therapy. The purpose of community service is to initiate the formation of complementary villages in Karangrejo Sub-Village . The activities carried out are complementary cadre training, baby healthy food movement, toddler and breastfeeding, healthy toddler movement and healthy living community movement with the use of herbs. Monitoring and evaluation are carried out with assistance to motivate the sustainability of the program. The result achieved is (1) The partner has formed and has a complementary village manager; (2) The partners have complementary cadres (3) The partners have carried out complementary village activities, namely healthy food movements for infants, toddlers and nursing mothers, monitoring growth and healthy community movements with the use of herbal plants

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Asrijun Juhanto ◽  
Jalil Genisa ◽  
Allaudin Al Idris

The Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas) is an effort to increase awareness, willingness and ability for everyone to live a healthy life in order to improve the health status of the community as high as possible. The purpose of this study was to conduct an analysis that influenced the Germas program to increase employee motivation at PT. Maruki international Indonesia Makassar. The research method is an analytic survey with a cross sectional study approach. The total population in this study were 241 employees and the sample size was 71 respondents. Collecting quantitative data using questionnaires and checklists, analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results showed that the Physical Activity variable had a significant effect (p=0.012<a=0.05) on the increase in work motivation, the Nutrition Improvement Variable had a significant effect (0,=0.048 <0,=0.05) on the increase in work motivation, the detection variable Early childhood has a significant effect (p=0.008<a=0.05) on increasing work motivation It is recommended with the results of this study that the relevant government and company management can provide socialization in the application of the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) program, especially in the workplace, so that healthy workers' productivity increases

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 959-968
Endang Susilowati ◽  
Endang Surani ◽  
Isna Hudaya

AbstractThe incidence of stunting in children can cause the low quality of a country's Human Resources (HR). Stunting causes poor cognitive abilities, low productivity, and increased risk of disease resulting in long-term losses for the Indonesian economy. Stunting also has other long-term impacts, namely the risk of suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM), coronary heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and stroke. Community participation is needed in the government's efforts to tackle stunting. Community behavior problems that are factors that cause stunting include 1) Lack of environmental hygiene 2) Lack of knowledge of mothers about health and nutrition 3) Busy parents 4) Poverty. GERMAS CETING (Community Movement to Prevent Stunting) is a community movement that is carried out jointly and continuously in order to increase public awareness in stunting prevention efforts with the main target of the entire community being Cadres, pregnant women and mothers of toddlers and other potential groups by integrating all specific interventions and interventions. sensitive. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of cadres and mothers of toddlers about stunting and to improve the skills of cadres and mothers of toddlers in making additional food according to the child's age. The implementation method used is problem identification, determining problem solving framework, conducting pre test, providing Health Education and training, conducting post test. There was an increase in mother's knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding, MP-ASI and PHBS. The results of the analysis are known p value 0.000. Keywords: Germas; ceting; cadres; mother of toddlers AbstrakKejadian stunting pada anak dapat menyebabkan rendahnya kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) suatu negara. Keadaan Stunting menyebabkan buruknya kemampuan kognitif, rendahnya produktivitas, serta meningkatnya risiko penyakit mengakibatkan kerugian jangka panjang bagi ekonomi Indonesia. Stunting juga menimbulkan dampak jangka panjang yang lain yaitu berisiko menderita penyakit kronis seperti diabetes mellitus (DM), jantung koroner, hipertensi, kanker, dan stroke. Partisipasi masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan dalam dalam upaya pemerintah untuk penanggulangan stunting. Masalah perilaku masyarakat yang menjadi faktor penyebab stunting antara lain 1) Kurangnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan 2) Kurangnya pengetahuan ibu mengenai kesehatan dan gizi 3) Kesibukan orangtua 4) Kemiskinan. GERMAS CETING (Gerakan masyarakat cegah stunting) merupakan gerakan masyarakat yang dilakukan secara bersama dan berkesinambungan dalam rangka meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam upaya pencegahan stunting dengan sasaran seluruh masyarakat utamanya adalah Kader, ibu hamil dan ibu balita serta kelompok potensial lainnya dengan mengintegrasikan seluruh intervensi spesifik dan intervensi sensitive. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan kader dan ibu balita tentang Stunting serta Meningkatkan ketrampilan kader dan ibu balita dalam pembuatan makanan tambahan sesuai dengan usia anak. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah identifikasi masalah, menentukan kerangka pemecahan masalah, melakukan pre test, memberikan Pendidikan Kesehatan dan pelatihan, melakukan pos test. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI eksklusif, MP-ASI dan PHBS. Hasil Analisa diketahui p value 0.000. Kata kunci: Germas; ceting;kader;ibubalita

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 100-100
Kathy Black

Abstract Age-friendly Universities represent a growing contribution to the worldwide age-friendly movement. For universities, the international effort aims to highlight the role higher education plays in responding to the opportunities associated with an aging population. The initiative outlines ten principles to engage older adults via collegiate mission pertaining to research, education and service. Shared practices suggest diverse and unique application of the guiding tenets across participating colleges and universities. However Age-friendly Universities are also part of a broader ecosystem, situated in geographic locales reflecting actual or prospective age-friendly community status. The global Age-friendly Community movement is a decade-old effort to improve the environments in which we age via a cyclical process. This paper identifies the intersection between Age-friendly University principles and Age-Friendly Community processes and discusses reciprocal considerations for mutual advancement of the broader movement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Muhlisun Azim ◽  
Arief Rafsanjani ◽  
Tripuspita Yuliana ◽  
Puspawan Hariadi

Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) is an alternative in achieving GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement) as an effort to achieve traditional independent health. The success of the use of TOGA is strongly influenced by the level of public knowledge about the benefits of the type of medicinal plants which has been empirically investigated. The data obtained is qualitative data with descriptive approach analysis method. Data collection was carried out by conducting observations, interviews and technical training to the community in an effort to provide knowledge about TOGA and the creation of a TOGA demonstration plot. The results obtained from this activity are the emergence of public awareness of the use of home yard land for the manufacture of living pharmacies as an effort to achieve independent health and the emergence of public interest in the use of TOGA as a UMKM product in the form of packaged drink sachets as a pilot. The importance of public knowledge about TOGA is needed in supporting the success of achieving independent health and efforts to utilize local biological resources in initiating the manufacture of herbal plant-based UMKM products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-198
Jokhanan Kristiyono ◽  
Rachmah Ida

Biennale merupakan pameran dan diskusi karya seni yang rutin diadakan setiap dua tahun. Tahun 2019 merupakan kegiatan Biennale Jawa Timur (Jatim) ke-8 dengan tema “GAS TOK! Lebur Sakjeroning Jawa Timur” melibatkan 500 seniman dan 40 kurator, terdiri 65 kegiatan yang tersebar di 16 kota dan kabupaten di Jawa Timur. Berbeda dengan kegiatan Biennale Jatim sebelumnya, tahun ini lokasi pameran tersebar di berbagai daerah Jawa Timur. Seluruh arsip data dan dokumentasi rangkaian Biennale Jatim 8 dikumpulkan dan dipublikasikan melalui akun Instagram @jatimbiennale8 sebagai bentuk identitas gerakan komunitas Biennale Jawa Timur. Gelaran Biennale Jatim 8 merupakan sebuah perayaan dan imajinasi bersama yang bersifat inklusif. Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan tentang konstruksi identitas komunitas Biennale Jatim.  Metode analisa wacana digital dalam penelitian ini menganalisa kontruksi identitas yang diciptakan oleh Biennale Jatim 8 melalui media komunikasi digital media sosial Instagram. Akun Instagram @jatimbienale8 dan @biennalejatim menjadi obyek penelitan analisa wacana kontruksi identitas, dan praktik seni yang terjadi pada Biennale Jatim. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebuah wacana perubahan dan perlawanan terhadap kegiatan Biennale Jatim sebelumnnya. Perubahan ditunjukkan dari segi penyelanggara, pendanaan, format acara, lokasi berlangsungnya kegiatan, dan kerja kuratorial. Biennale Jatim 8 mendobrak dan melawan stigma tersebut. Diskursus kontruksi identitas baru tersebut ditunjukkan dengan jelas dan tegas pada proses produksi karya seni, pameran Biennale hingga pasca pameran melalui media sosial Instagram @biennalejatim8 yaitu identitas digital Biennale Jatim.     Biennale, an art event (visual) both exhibition and discussion of artworks, comes on regularly every two years. 2019 is the 8th East Java (Jatim) Biennale with the theme “GAS TOK! Lebur Sakjeroning Jawa Timur” involves 500 artists and 40 curators, consisting of 65 activities spread across 16 cities and regencies in East Java. Unlike the previous East Java Biennale, the exhibition locations are spreading across various regions of East Java. All data archives and documentation of the East Java 8 Biennale series are collected and published through the @jatimbiennale8 Instagram account as a form of identity for the East Java Biennale community movement. The 8th East Java Biennale is a celebration and shared inclusive imagination. This research raises the issue of the identity construction of the East Java Biennale community. The digital discourse analysis method in this study analyzes the identity construction created by the East Java 8th Biennale through the digital communication media of Instagram social media. Instagram accounts @jatimbienale8 and @biennalejatim became the object of research on the discourse analysis of identity construction and art practices at the East Java Biennale. The results of this study indicate a discourse of change and resistance to the previous East Java Biennale activities. The changes show organization, funding, event format, location of activities, and curatorial work. The 8th East Java Biennale breaks and fights the stigma. The discourse on constructing a new identity is clearly and unequivocally demonstrated in the art production process, the Biennale exhibition, and post-exhibition through social media Instagram @biennalejatim8, the digital identity of the East Java Biennale.

Cities ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 103473
Claudia Giordano ◽  
Paolo Graziano ◽  
Monica Lazzarini ◽  
Simone Piras ◽  
Sabrina Spaghi

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Khusnul Rofida Novianti ◽  
Kenny Roz ◽  
Chalimatuz Sa'diyah

Since 2018, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has encouraged people to increase fish consumption through the Fish Eating Community Movement (GEMARIKAN) program. One of the popular fisheries commodities and has high nutritional value is catfish. Unfortunately, the catfish farming business is not widely known and uses technology and good marketing strategies. For this reason, assistance is needed regarding digital marketing in the catfish cultivation business in Mulyoagung Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. The implementation of this activity is carried out in a combination of online and offline, creating Google My Business, as well as using digital marketing in the catfish cultivation business. The results of this activity are brands, Google My Business links, and several social media platforms that are used as marketing strategies whose development will continue to be monitored regularly

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Ida Ayu Dwita Krisna Ari ◽  
Made Ika Kusuma Dewi

Clothing has become an important part of the lifestyle and has become a fashion trend in Balinese society. Clothing is very closely related to the human self, through clothing can reveal many things about the identity of the wearer from the appearance reflected how the social status and personality of the wearer. Currently, the t-shirt is a popular clothing used by people from all walks of life because it is easy to clean and the model remains eternal from time to time. T-shirts have several conveniences, apart from being cheap, comfortable to wear, easy to clean, mobile, functional, and can be used as souvenirs, and so on, this makes business people and politicians realize that t-shirts can be used as a gift. an effective and efficient promotional media, apart from being a means of advertising t-shirts, it is also used as a medium to spread political understanding. Of the several functions possessed by the t-shirt, it is related to the function of the t-shirt as a medium for delivering messages and aspirations. Currently, several types of t-shirts have emerged that carry the aspirations of several groups of people who empathize with the case that befell the drummer for the Superman Is Dead band, I Gede Ari Astina, or who is familiarly called Jerink, later shortened to JRX. Regarding this case, many JRX sympathizers thought that he did not deserve to be punished, without holding mediation to bridge the problem between JRX and IDI Bali which he criticized, but the JRX case went straight to the legal process so that it was considered by some groups of society as an act. silence the aspirations of the small people who try to voice injustice in this country, therefore several individual formation practices have emerged that determine their common social orientation, this community movement group has the same ideology and so that they can act structurally so that it is in line with their ideology. stretcher, then in the process of marking the ideology, several t-shirt designs emerged with the theme “free JRX” with various variants, designs, colors that emerged from several groups that had the same ideology

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