Jurnal Al-Hikmah
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Published By IAIN Jember

2685-4376, 1907-4328

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Supriyo Wira

Indonesia needs to have social capital so that groups living in a society consisting of approximately 500 ethnic groups can unite. Every ethnicity has the potential to maintain its culture and territory. Moreover, Indonesia is a country where most of the population lives in rural areas and only a small part lives in urban areas. With the lack of economic development and education in the rural villages, the information flowing in the villages is not as fast and significant as in the cities. Even the da'i (preachers) have to fight harder to gain trust, so that they can provide precise and accurate religious information to the village community. This study discusses deeper on how Social Capital communication as a cultural da'wah can touch the community, especially in rural areas, to absorb religious information properly and correctly. This case study employs literature review method in collecting the data. The descriptive approach employed in this study also helps investigate the status of the existing factors and then looks at the relationship between one factor and another. Human resources or human capital is a very important and strategic capital in the life of a community organization. This is especially in terms of how a preacher as a communicator can convey his da'wah message to the village community, with a cultural and belief approach. Such way of communication is what makes the village communities easier to accept the da'wah activities since they are based on trust, mutual understanding and shared values. In addition, the communicators also convey all information about religion according to the existing culture and beliefs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-200
Siti Humairoh

The Taklim assembly is a forum for the community in order to gain knowledge about Islam, which is more open and usually carried out routinely. Therefore, the delivery of da'wah must also be adjusted to the local conditions of the community, the aim of which is to be easily understood and accepted by the community itself. This research will describe the role of the taklim assembly in increasing the religiosity of the community, how enthusiastic the community is in the taklim assembly, and what books are used as references in delivering their da'wah. This research is categorized in the type of qualitative-descriptive research with the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation, which in the future is expected to obtain more comprehensive data. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the taklim assembly, especially in the Suci-Panti Village, plays an important role for the community itself as in terms of religiosity which is basically reflected in the practice of aqidah, sharia, and morals (faith, Islam, and ihsan). In the taklim assembly which is held every Monday night Tuesday, it gets a very good response from the community, even the community is very enthusiastic when the study takes place, besides that in the assembly a discussion session is held. 2). The books that are used as references in the assembly consist of; aqidatul awam, mabadi'ul fiqhiyah, and lubabul hadith, which are discussed in depth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-168
Rozmida Febrianti

Fatwa mempunyai peran penting dalam menciptakan stabilitas sosial. Perubahan sosial sebagai hasil dinamika budaya sering menimbulkan gesekan di masyarakat, Islam sebagai agama universal dengan panduan spesifik berdasarkan Alquran dan Hadis memerlukan peran ulama untuk menerjemahkan transformasi sosio-kultural dalam bentuk fatwa. Maka dapat dikatakan dua ulama Yusuf Qardawi dan Al-Utsaimin adalah da’i sebagai komunikator dakwah dan fatwa sebagai pesan komunikasi dakwah sedang umat Islam sebagai penerima. Dalam penelitian ini akan membahas secara mendalam tentang implikasi fatwa terhadap bagaimana hukum mengucapkan natal kepada non muslim dalam perspektif komunikasi dakwah. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan riset  kepustakaan  (Library  Research). Para ulama dan masyaikh dalam fatwa diatas mengemukakan tujuan dari ijtihad dalam mengulas fatwa dan hukum Islam sesuai dengan tujuan komunikasi transendental yaitu Komunikasi yang melibatkan manusia dengan Tuhannya itulah yang sering disebut komunikasi transendental. Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, ia membutuhkan orang lain untuk mempertahankan eksistensinya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-156
Nasirudin Al Ahsani ◽  
Kharisma Fitrotul ◽  
Ana Fauziyah ◽  
Berliantin Nahdiya

The water quality of the rivers in Gresik, specifically in Bengawan Solo river in Bungah-Ujung Pangkah area and the downstream of Brantas River in the Wringinanom-Driyorejo Region, is polluted as perceived from the total dissolved solids that reaches 5000 ppm. Meanwhile, the river water contaminated with microplastics in Bengawan Solo reaches 55.2/100 L and the downstream of Brantas River reaches 18.5/100 L3. The garbage does not only accumulate in rivers, but also on land. In Sekapuk Village, Ujung Pangkah Subdistrict, Gresik, there is a former limestone mine. Since the mining was completed, it ended up being a landfill from 2003 through 2017. The current study employs a qualitative research method. The data were collected from interviews, observation, and documentation. The objectives of this study are: 1) To determine the components of tourism and participatory planning in Setigi tourist attraction, 2) To determine the community development and empowerment in Setigi tourist attraction, and 3) to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors in managing Setigi tourist attraction. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Setigi tourist attraction's components include parking areas, toilets, prayer rooms, gazebos, photo spots, culinary areas, ATV cars, and others. The planning of this tourist attraction came from an idea of the village head to make the village into a tourist attraction. As a result, a regular meeting is held on the 1st of every month which is attended by members of BUMDES, PEMDES, other village institutions such as local community units (RT & RW) and other community members, 2) The community development is carried out by providing opportunities to establish stalls for women in family welfare program (PKK) groups and each local community unit (RT /RW) in Sekapuk Village, 3) The supporting factors are the ability and the willingness to establish Setigi tourist attraction. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor is the limited funds in the tourist attraction development, but a joint saving program was planned by the village head.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Anna Rofiatun ◽  
Siti Mariyam

Interpersonal communication in schools that is established between teacher and student is one important factor in determining individual development, especially the development of morals. Each teacher, of course, has a way to educate and nurture in different ways. The purpose of this study is to describe the patterns of interpersonal communication carried out by teachers and students in fostering morals at SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan. The purpose of this study is to describe the patterns of interpersonal communication carried out by teachers to students in moral development in Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan Middle School and describe the relationship between teachers and students after the application of interpersonal communication patterns in SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study descriptive research. Data sources obtained through interviews and observations with teacher and student informants. While checking the validity of the data is done through the perseverance of researchers and triangulation. The results of research conducted at SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan show that interpersonal communication between teacher and student in the process of moral formation goes quite well. This is evidenced in terms of the communication approach that is carried out by motivating and fostering students to become people of moral mercy. The relationship that exists between teacher and student can be felt after the application of interpersonal communication patterns. This is evidenced by the closeness between the teacher (communicator) and students (communicant) after communication between the two parties occurs, there is a problem resolution and a change in attitude to students. While the changes felt by students after the application of interpersonal communication is done, there is a fear of making mistakes and changing attitudes to be better than before. So that the interpersonal communication patterns of teachers and students in moral development in SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan are declared successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-182
Banyugiri Setra ◽  
Abul Razaq ◽  
Miftahul Arifin

Indonesia and the world are being hit by the global Covid-19 pandemic which has paralyzed all human activities for several months. The incident then seizes public's attention and becomes the centre of public discussion. Various state policies around the world have been carried out to prevent the spread of Covid-19, including social distancing, Large-Scale Social Restrictions, and the implementation of the ‘new normal’ in various sectors. In this case, the current article specifically focuses on the issue of the mudik (exodus) restriction which has caught the attention of Indonesian public. Such travel restriction has caused a polemic between the government and migrants or migrant workers. These problems became complex when the mudik restrictions were started earlier on May 6, 2021. Despite the restrictions, the euphoria of the public in welcoming the Idul Fitri could no longer be contained although the complexity of the country in implementing this policy was still a problem, whether mudik was allowed or prohibited. Such perception was a polemic in our society. Therefore, the purpose of this journal article is to shed some of the answers to the many question posed in public perception. It is also used to provide more space and access to the public in understanding the ambiguity of the rules.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-138
Novan Hariansyah

Segmenting or often known as market segmentation is the act of classifying the market into groups with various categories. Sixty per cents (60%) of business failures are caused by failing to define the target market, their market potential, and failing to decide the right marketing concepts. Entrepreneurs tend to do more expansion in areas that they don't understand just because they are opportunists, making the most of people's fears and hesitancies. Marketing communication can be so powerful if it is combined with effective and efficient communication. For example, a communication on how to attract consumers or audiences to become aware, familiarized and interested in buying a product or service through communication channels. The current study is literatures study which analyses and thoroughly studies literatures to find data. In Islamic ethics, segmentation techniques in marketing communications are not justified using sexual appeal, emotional appeal, fear appeal, false testimony or pseudo-marketing research, or contribute to stupidity of mind and encourage overbuy. In the Islamic framework, these methods are unethical because they are used purely to exploit the basic instincts of consumers around the world with the aim of gaining profit and bigger market preys. In addition, Islamic ethics strictly prohibits stereotypes of women in advertising, and excessive use of "fantasy" either in product forms, services or other added value. Apart from innovation, Islamic marketing communication is also obliged to pay attention to efficiency. In order for marketing communications to be effective, we don't act on a whim. We can carry out marketing efficiency with high foresight to target markets that match the products and services we have.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Nur Kamilah

There has been a spreading phenomenon in which many of today's youth societies tend to go wild and out of control. Most of such functions tend to be surrounded by individuals who indulge themselves in sinful acts instead of doing a self-discovery process to gain the God's blessings. Having seen many youths tend to enjoy doing forbidden acts and restrain-free activities, therefore Majlis Gaul community proposed a new way of da'wah. The community employs a subtle and a heart warming way of conveying da'wah. It is no longer conventional preaching which is in the form of oral da'wah, but they employ transformative da'wah method. This transformative da'wah is implemented in social change activities, by using da'wah as a religious material and positioning the dai (preacher) as the conveyer of religious messages to the community. The current study is a qualitative research with descriptive qualitative approach. In this study, the data are presented in descriptive texts. The results of this study are: 1) In shaping the Islamic character, Majlis Gaul community held a "Brother Camp" as well as some "Kajian Inspirasi". 2) Majlis Gaul invited Muslim youths to join activities such as sports (archery and horse riding). 3) The transformative da'wah done by Majlis Gaul was carried out by means of dialogue, exchanging thoughts and feelings. 4) The effort of Majlis gaul to do transformative da'wah is carried out by preaching through social media. This is because preaching through social media has become an increasingly globalized and entrenched phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 51-64

Promotional activities are actually a  manifestation of the informative function so that with the promotion it is hoped that there will be reactions from customers, both actual and potential that appear in various forms. These forms of customer are ranging from the ones who grow aware of knowing the existence of the product to the ones that actually use it. In this study, it will be discussed deeper about the effect of promotion on consumers' loyalty by knowing the definitions and indicators of promotion as well as indicators of loyalty as a benchmark. This study employed descriptive qualitative methods. The data obtained in this study are primary data, which are taken from books and journals, while the secondary data are obtained from websites. The data obtained by means of observation or looking for direct references can also be the research validity of the data. Promotion is defined as a way of communication from marketers who inform, persuade, and remind potential buyers to respond to a product in order to influence their opinion in buying the product. Prus and Brandt (1995) stated that customers' loyalty can be displayed through their attitudes and behavior. These attitudes include the intention to repurchase or purchase other products from the company, the intention to recommend and the immunity against competitors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Nita Andriani

The business world in the future is faced with intense competition, companies that have mature management will be superior and can last a long time. Basically, for Muslims when doing business, it is not only to get abundant profit. But also get blessings for every transaction that exists. Therefore it is necessary to have ethics in communicating in business. Which ethics is a reflection of the integrity of business people in determining attitudes and behavior to interact with others. This research approach uses research methods to obtain data used by means of observation or looking for direct references and also secondary data related to Islamic business communication. The results of this study are: morality used as a guideline for communication ethics, namely (1) Fairness (honesty) (2) Accuracy (accuracy of information); (3) free and responsible; (4) constructive criticism; (5) Fair and impartial; (6) Does not like badmouthing (Ghibah); (7) Do not like prejudice (Su'uzh-zhann, When ethics and communication are implemented in business relationships, it can be concluded that Islamic communication ethics is a method of communicating in accordance with moral values ​​in judging right or wrong based on the behavior of business people. where every transaction that exists must contain divine elements (الهي), both in the form of a human relationship with Allah ﷻ and humans (حبل من الله) as well as Humans and Humans themselves (حبل من الناس), thus directing humans to the benefit of the world and the hereafter.

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