NSC Nursing
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Published By Ordine Delle Professioni Infermieristiche Di Napoli


NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Suryani Suryani ◽  
Ika Murtiyarini ◽  
Yuli Suryanti ◽  
Misnanda Misnanda

Introduction. Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms experienced by pregnant women in the first trimester, and these symptoms are experienced by 70-85% of women. Nausea and vomiting are often experienced by pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, affecting about 50-80% of pregnant women. Management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy consists of pharmacological and non-pharmacological. This study aims to analyze the effect of acupressure therapy on nausea and vomiting. Methods. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design using a two-group pre-post design involving 30 first trimester pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting selected by purposive sampling. The criteria for the participants were gestational age at 10-16 weeks and maternal age at 20-35 years (productive age), while mothers taking nausea and vomiting drugs were excluded from this study. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test and Mann-Withney test. Results. a significant decrease group with p-value <0.05. Based on the Mann Whitney test, it was found that the p-value for the pre in the frequency of moderat nausea and vomiting scores before and after acupressure in the intervention -test (<0.0001), and the post-test was 0.55, post test scores showed no difference between the two study groups. Conslusion. The study shows encouraging signs about reducing the frequency of nausea and vomiting in first-trimester pregnant women, so this therapy can be used as an alternative intervention for pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting. Keywords: Acupressure, Nausea Vomiting, Pregnant Women, Non-pharmacological Therapy

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 50-63
Ika Murtiyarini ◽  
Imelda Imelda ◽  
Yuli Suryanti ◽  
Rosmaria Rosmaria

Introduction: Prenatal stress is often encountered but is rarely recognized and is considered not to affect pregnancy. Pregnancy has the potential to cause morbidity during pregnancy. In a study in Indonesia, 64.4% of pregnant women experienced severe stress and were at risk of causing preterm labour. One of the preventive measures during pregnancy to improve the health condition of the mother and baby is yoga. Prenatal yoga can prepare pregnant women physically, mentally, and spiritually to play a role in the delivery process. Materials and Methods: The current study is a quantitative study with a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest without control to determine the effect of prenatal yoga on stress levels of pregnant women in the private midwives of Jambi City in 2020. The study population was 86 pregnant women; by purposive sampling, 30 pregnant women were taken. The time of the study was from March to November 2020. The data analysis used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with the Wilcoxon test. Results: In the initial assessment, most pregnant women experienced moderate stress levels; after prenatal yoga, most pregnant women experienced mild and average stress levels. Wilcoxon test results show that prenatal yoga has an effect on stress levels of pregnant women with a p-value of 0.0001 (<0.05). Conclusion: Prenatal yoga is effective for reducing stress in third-trimester pregnant women. Keywords: Stress, pregnant women, Prenatal yoga, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS)

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 20-33
Lia Artika Sari ◽  
Yuli Suryanti ◽  
Enny Susilawati

Introduction: The low number of deliveries assisted by midwives or health workers is an indicator of the low utilization of health facilities by mothers in labor. This study analyzes the factors related to the utilization of childbirth in health facilities in the Sungai Lokan Community Health Center Work Area, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency. Materials and Methods: This research is an analytic observational using a cross-sectional approach involving 74 participants. The research was conducted from January to July 2019 in the Sungai Lokan Health Center Work Area, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency. Results: The results showed that the factor of the utilization of childbirth in health facilities was related to family culture (p = 0.0001) and family support (p = 0.003), while the service access factor was not related (p = 0.364). Conclusion: The role of health workers in socializing the importance of utilizing health facilities as a place of delivery is significant in reducing maternal mortality Keywords: Health Facilities; Family Culture; Family Support; Access To Services

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Asnidawati Asnidawati ◽  
Wa Ode Salma ◽  
Adius Kusnan

Background: Breast’s milk is an excellent food for the growth and development of infants. The United Nations Children's Funds (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend that children only be exclusively breastfed for six months and continued until two years. This study analyzes the effect of family support, health workers, and socio-culture on exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of the Rumbia Health Center, Rumbia District, Bombana Regency. Methods: This study involved 86 mothers who had babies aged 0-6 months who were registered and domiciled in the working area of the Rumbia Health Center spread over 4 Kelurahan and 1 Village, which were selected by purposive sampling using a cross-sectional design from February to April 2021. Data analysis using odds ratio (OR) and logistic regression at significance level < 0.05. Results: The largest age group in the range of 20-35 years, as many as 68 people (79.1%), undergraduate as many as 32 people (37.2%), and income above Rp. 2.552.014, - / month as many as 60 people (69.8%). The results showed an effect of family support on exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.002<0.05). There is no influence of socio-cultural factors on exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.282>0.05) and the results of multivariate analysis of the most dominant variables associated with exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of Rumbia Health Center District Rumbia Bombana Regency is supported by health workers with an OR = 9.199 (p-value = 0.039<0.05). Conclusions: This study concludes that the support of health workers plays a very important role in exclusive breastfeeding to infants aged six months, which can impact improving the health of toddlers. Keywords: Determinant, breastfeeding exclusive, toddler, mother

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Atika Fadhilah Danaz Nasution ◽  
Nuraidah Nuraidah ◽  
Imelda Imelda

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 36-50
Antonio Brusini

Introduction: The prevention of occupational accidents in the sphere of occupational health and safety is an important issue in the Italian work setting; health workers, and especially nurses, are continually exposed to the risk of work-related accidents, which can affect the quality of care provided. Aim: The aim of this review is to investigate the nurse's perceived level of preparedness with regard to occupational safety. Methods: A narrative review of the literature was conducted using some of the main databases such as PubMed, CINAHL and Cochrane. Results: The studies analysed show that Italian nurses have little knowledge about occupational health and safety legislation. Conclusions: Establishing specific postgraduate training events and identifying specific legislation for healthcare personnel could represent essential steps towards implementing this specific knowledge. Keywords: Prevention; Training; Nurses; Healthcare workers

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Vincenza Giordano ◽  
Luca Cardillo

Introduction: Fournier's Gangrene is a severe necrotising infection that can be fatal if not recognised and treated immediately. Treatment consists of a combination of conventional therapy with a multidisciplinary approach (early diagnosis, surgical debridement, antibiotic therapy, intensive care and reconstructive surgery) and adjuvant therapy with hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions. Objective: To identify the role and evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Fournier's gangrene. Method: To conduct the following narrative review a research question was outlined using the PIO methodology. Subsequently, a literature review was conducted using the PubMed, Scopus and CINAHL Complete databases from December 2020 to February 2021. Results: Eight studies emerged from the literature review showing that the use of adjuvant Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in combination with classical treatment has beneficial effects and enhances the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, resulting in lower mortality rates, in contrast to the average number of hospital days spent in intensive care, which do not undergo any significant change. But in contrast to mortality, the average number of days spent in intensive care differed significantly in favour of the standard treatment group. Conclusion: The combined effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with conventional therapy offers a significant advantage in the management of FG; furthermore, HBOT is associated with a significant survival advantage. Keywords: Fournier's gangrene, Fournier's disease, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and HBOT

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Anna Arnone

Un neonato sano a termine dovrebbe essere tenuto a contatto pelle a pelle con la propria madre che ha avuto un parto vaginale o un taglio cesareo con anestesia epidurale subito dopo la nascita o non appena possibile. Si definisce rooming in la permanenza del neonato e della madre nella stessa stanza in un tempo più lungo possibile durante le 24 ore. Lo scopo di questo articolo di commento è quello di discutere e generare riflessioni sulle conseguenze che il Covid-19 sta generando in quanto sta cambiando la vita e l’esperienza pre- e post-natale di molte madri e neonati nonché delle loro famiglie condizionando il contatto precoce, la diade madre-bambino, l’allattamento.

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Antonio Brusini ◽  
De Marco

Introduzione: La pandemia da Covid-19 ha inevitabilmente avuto un impatto significativo sul nostro stile di vita, stravolgendo e mutando modalità di lavoro, tempo libero e abitudini quotidiane. La più grande e grave pandemia degli ultimi 100 anni ha messo in luce la fragilità dei sistemi sanitari di tutto il mondo. Questo in Italia ha determinato, oltre alle migliaia di morti causate dal virus, anche i “danni collaterali” dovuti al fermo dei ricoveri ospedalieri e delle prestazioni ambulatoriali per tutti gli altri malati. Materiali e Metodi: Attraverso il motore di ricerca Pubmed, con filtro di ricerca la parola “lockdown” AND “Italy” e considerando il periodo di tempo tra l’01/02/2020 e il 6/11/2020, compaiono 591 risultati. Sono stati presi in considerazione esclusivamente gli articoli e le citazioni che contenessero dati ospedalieri riferiti al periodo gennaio - maggio 2020, per un confronto con lo stesso periodo del 2019 Analisi dei dati: Gli studi selezionati mostrano uniformemente in tutto il territorio italiano un calo di ingressi e di ricoveri per patologie diverse dal Covid-19. Su 40 studi presi in cosiderazione, solo una voce ha mostrato un aumento delle prestazioni rispetto all’anno precedente. Le prestazioni sono calate poiché, durante l’era del Coronavirus, si sono ridotte le risorse per tante patologie croniche e di urgenza e per la loro prevenzione, risorse che sono state invece destinate alla lotta al Coronavirus; inoltre sono calati gli accessi al Pronto Soccorso. Conclusione: per evitare eventuali future riduzioni di prestazioni ospedaliere causa pandemia occorre trovare soluzioni alternative all’ospedale, come il potenziamento della prevenzione e della medicina nel territorio. Inoltre è indispensabile l’informazione alla cittadinanza su un uso adatto del Pronto Soccorso, anche se il calo di ricoveri per patologie a rischio vita è un chiaro segno di paura al servirsi di tale servizio in caso di emergenza.

NSC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Martina Messina ◽  
Federica Ilari ◽  
Antonino Calabrò ◽  
Maria Chiara Carriero ◽  
Roberto Lupo ◽  

Introduzione: L’infermiere presente all’interno delle carceri opera tra la gestione della sicurezza e il diritto della salute, spesso con elevata complessità assistenziale, in un setting difficile, dove a prescindere dal reato commesso, è fondamentale la presa in carico del paziente. Obiettivo: Individuare il ruolo e le competenze specifiche degli infermieri che lavorano negli istituti penitenziari Materiali e metodi: La ricerca degli articoli è stata effettuata tramite la consultazione di banche dati biomediche quali Medline (PubMed) e Cinahl, reperendo articoli scientifici di studi primari. Risultati: Dalla ricerca bibliografica sono stati reperiti 394 articoli ma, di questi, solo 4 articoli sono risultati pertinenti con l’obiettivo della ricerca. Dalla ricerca emerge il ruolo complesso dell’infermiere che si trova ad affrontare una popolazione che presenta diverse criticità legate a fattori psicosociali, culturali, ambientali, patologie croniche e che manifesta dipendenze, disturbi psichici, infezioni. È necessaria una formazione specialistica post base per rispondere ai molteplici bisogni assistenziali dei detenuti. Occorre maggiore tutela per il professionista Infermiere che opera all’interno degli istituti penitenziari. Conclusioni: Nel sistema penitenziario si contraddistingue la forte necessità della figura dell’infermiere e, all’interno di tale ambiente tanto da rappresentare uno dei pilastri portati dell’assistenza sanitaria, in grado di fornire e assicurare la somministrazione equa dei trattamenti sanitari. Dalla revisione emerge la necessità di ulteriori studi, soprattutto in ambito nazionale. Parole chiave: Ruoli infermieristici, assistenza infermieristica, competenze infermieristiche, competenza professionale, penitenziario, carcere.

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