Maraji: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman
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Published By Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

2442-8914, 2406-7636

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-105
Ihwan Agustono

The article examines the dynamics of political Islam of the Arabian Peninsula in 1800-1930 and their influence to the foundation of the Modern Saudi Arabia Kingdom and their impact to religious practices in the Holy Land. The study is considered important due to the changing phenomenon of religious under-standing in the Holy Land. A new orthodox ideology has been able to change the well-established traditional understanding and become a dominant school until nowadays. The study concludes that: 1) Socio-political constellation of Hijaz before 19th century had been marked by the decrease of political supremacy of Hijaz along with far migration of the Islamic governmental center from Madinah; 2) One of the culminations of political dynamics of the Arabian Peninsula between 1800 and 1930 was the establishment of the Modern Saudi Arabia Kingdom; 3) Such political dynamics have subsequently resulted in the purification of Islamic sharî‘ah in accordance with the Wahabi’s doctrines, obliteration of the tradition of four maqâmât in Masjid al-H{arâm, conformation of Islamic education with the Wahabi’s dogmas, and the increase of orthodoxy and the decrease of popular Sufi’s credo.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-131
Muhammad Najih Arromadloni

The politization of ḥadîth within social and political dimension has been in fact an undeniable matter since the beginning of the Islamic history. The proponents of Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (NIIS) [The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)], as a modern political movement, claimḥadîth as one of their main religious, social, and political justifications, which is actually incongruous to the mainstream understanding of the global Muslim community. It is, therefore, a necessity to raise a discourse for analyzing the understanding of NIIS’s proponents onḥadîth based on the Method of Critique of Matn or Ma‘ânî al-Hadîth. The research focuses mainly on Dabiq magazine which is officially issued by the NIIS. It is analyzed descriptively, critically, and comparatively. The research concludes that the understanding of NIIS’s proponents onḥadîth on khilâfah, jihâd, hijrah, îmân and al-malh}amat al-kubrâ has erroneously deviated from the common and approved methods employed by the scholars ofḥadîth. NIIS’s understanding has been widely criticized by the scholars ofḥadîth of being partial, inconsistent, less careful, and has no theological, ideological and political root as well as historical evidences.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Jatim Jatim

The article attempts to discover the violence conflict between the Sunnî and the Shî‘ah Muslim communities in Karang Gayam and Blu’uran, Sampang, Madura. The conflict between the two communities has occurred since 2005 to 2013, and has escalated from one event to another. The conflict has caused the expulsion of Shî‘ah people out of Madura island to the refugee’s flats of Puspa Agro Sidoarjo on June 20, 2013. Based on the evidences found, the research is intended to study the phenomenon using phenomenological and patrimonial-political-cultural approa-ches. The study finds that the conflict itself has been caused by a set of hatred discourses and accusation of being heretic, which have been intensely propagated by the local religious elites, i.e. kiai against the Shî‘ah community led by Tajul Muluk. Moreover, the conflict escalation was, among other, due mainly to the strength of patronage relations of the kiais to infiltrate their hegemony and produce the mass to commit violent actions. Incongruously, the power of patronage has been also benefited by the government and many political elites to maintain their political electability and votes. As a result, the government seems to be reluctant to show a firm attitude by enforcing the existing rules to deal with the issue.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-54
Moh. Asy’ari Muthhar

The article describes that in light of al-Madînah al-Fâḍilah, al-Fârâbî idealized the relationship between state and its citizens based on ethical values. This is in order to create a society who recognize the truth and enforce it in the form of cooperation with the state to build mutual prosperity. According to al-Fârâbî, society is a pivotal element of the creation of state. Within nation-state realm, the members of society must positively demonstrate their contribution based on their respective capability. Al-Fârâbî called, in addition, for the existence of freedom (al-ḥurriyah) for all people. The task of a state leader is to provide his members guidance to justly stride on right path in accordance with religious doctrines and to prevent them from going astray from the initial objective of state creation, i.e. triumphing happiness within the world and the hereafter. Al-Fârâbî’s political thought has great influence in the next development of the modern democracy. The article indicates that al-Fârâbî’s concept of freedom has been subsequently reinterpreted by the next Muslim scholars emphasizing that the concept of freedom he deemed is not a borderless freedom.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-184
Cihwanul Kirom

Within the business realm, marketing is a key factor which determines the success of distribution. Therefore, strategy and innovation are a necessity. Marketing activity would ensure whether a certain product is delivered to the costumers. In order to achieve the desired goals of marketing, it is important to manufacturers to follow a set of marketing processes, which comprise market overview, marketing strategy, marketing mix, and evaluation. Marketing mix is a set of strategies consist of product, price, promotion, and distribution, which guarantee the success of marketing activities. All of these aspects are intended to attain responses from the targeted market. The article seeks to discuss the marketing mix strategy implemented by BMT UGT Sidogiri Pasuruan based on four “Ps”, namely product, price, place, and promotion. The study finds that the marketing mix strategy employed by BMT UGT has met the costumers’ needs in terms of product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy. The study also concludes that the proper implementation of marketing mix strategy and its compatibility with Islamic sharîʻah as well as the organization’s obedience towards Islamic business ethics are among pivotal factors that have significantly influenced the development of BMT UGT Sidogiri

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 211-231
Upik Khoirul Abidin

The discourse of interreligious harmony and tolerance has been widely discussed within countless forums. However, the phenomenon of religious disharmony, which is among other marked with social clashes, has been erroneously manipulated into intergroup conflicts among interreligious adherents. Such interreligious disharmony, viewing from simplistic category, has been commonly caused by two factors. The first is an internal factor, i.e. the factor which influences a person to behave based on his/her understanding to religious doctrines he/she subscribes such as radical-extreme, subjective-fundamental, exclusive, and literal behaviors. The second is an external factor, i.e. hedonistic and opportunistic behaviors. The article seeks to discuss interreligious harmony in the Village of Balun, Turi, Lamongan. The village is a home to three different religions, namely Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. Regardless of such difference the Balun people have successfully created harmony among them. The study finds that there has been sort of values transformation of humanism education in the village. The values such as human rights, tolerance, solidarity, familial relationship, and social justice are culturally transformed through what so-called the Forum of Solidarity for Balun People (Forum Keakraban Warga Balun/FKWB).

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-79
Ibnu Ali

Islamic philosophy, which has been an accumulation of relation between pure logic and religious texts (naql), has a uniquely different features from the philosophy of Aristotle. This is because the Islamic philosophy has met not only with the pre-Islamic sciences but it also has thoroughly interacted with various branches of the Islamic knowledge such as theology, taṣawwuf, uṣûl al-fiqh, and târîkh al-tashrîʻ. The interaction has resulted in numerous different thoughts within the Islamic philosophy itself as can be identified among the peripatetic Islamic philosophers. The article is intended to describe that in discussing cosmological matter, the majority of these philosophers put emphasis on Plotinus’s concept of emanation. However, the concept has led to distinctively diverse schools of philosophy in Islam. The study finds that the philoso-phers with strong background of scientific disciplines produced considerably different thought of emanation from those with strong background of Islamic knowledge. The first school consists of scientists-philosophers affiliated to the thought of Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle though with new concepts they proposed. The second school comprises Sufi-philosophers whose concepts have been strongly influenced by intuition though there have been conceptual differences based on their spiritual experiences.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-210
Rosidin Rosidin

The article seeks to reveal problems faced by Islamic education from the perspective of Maqâṣid al-Sharîʻah, namely ideological (ḥifẓ al-dîn), practical (ḥifẓ al-nafs), academic (ḥifẓ al-‘aql), relationships or networks (ḥifẓ al-nasl), vocational (ḥifẓ al-mâl) and quality (ḥifẓ al-‘irḍ) aspects. In order to know the details of crucial problems of the Islamic education along with their alternative solutions, this paper suggests that the Islamic education should consider the insider’s and outsider’s perspective which has four types of roles as follow: a) complete observer; b) observer as participant; c) participant as observer; d) complete participant. This article proposes three important implications, are: first, the problems of the Islamic education can be categorized and mapped based on Maqâṣid al-Sharîʻah, in order to ease the analysis of such problems. Second, the analysis of the problems should be based on the insiders’ and outsiders’ point of views, so that it would be able to comprehensively detect the problems of Islamic education and show the inclusiveness of the Islamic education. Third, problem solving alternatives should be oriented at the level of theological (faith and religious [îmân]), theoretical (philosophical and empirical [‘ilm]), practical (learning and teaching [‘amal]) and moral (ethics and aesthetics [akhlâq]) realms. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-162
Nashrun Jauhari

The article attempts to analyze Fiqh of Priority as an instrument of ijtihâd maqâṣidî from Yûsuf al-Qarâḍawî’s perspective and its significance within the contemporary era. The position of the Fiqh of Priority within the study of Islamic law is a part of the conceptual developments of ijtihâd which is based on maqâṣid al-sharî‘ah and has been oriented into Fiqh of Daʻwah. The Fiqh of Priority along with its principles can be functioned as a reference in stipulation of the Islamic law (ijtihâd al-ah}kâm). This is because the Fiqh of Priority is built on the priority values revealed in al-Qur’ân and mentioned in H{adîth as well as based on the concept of tadarruj al-ah}kâm (gradation of stipulation of the Islamic law) during the Prophet Muhammad’s lifetime. Epistemo-logical framework of the Fiqh of Priority consists of three main principles, i.e. the principles of gradation in the Islamic law (al-fiqh bi marâtib al-a‘mâl), the principles of attitude towards the reality of law (fiqh al-wâqi‘ li al-ah}kâm), and the principles of dealing with contradiction between arguments or reasoning between the stipulation of law and social reality

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-250
Mohammad Makinuddin

There have been a number of factors shaping and deter-mining the success of learning and mastering foreign langua-ges, including Arabic language. Along with learning activities to achieve excellent ability in comprehending Arabic language, language environment becomes another most essential factor. The existence of Arabic environment (bî’ah lughawîyah ʻArabîyah) beco-mes an exceptionally pivotal because it brings about what so-called “contextual learning activity” around the students. The article discusses the case of Mambaus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School which develops such language environment. The study shows that this Islamic educational institution has faced, however, several problems regarding inconsistent implementation of the language environment even though there have been numerous language instructors graduated from a number of universities in the Middle East and Indonesia as well as Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Specifically, these are a number of problems as regards to the issue: 1) there has been no such an organizing team; 2) the students have no self-confidence to practice Arabic; 3) the human resources engaging in the implementation of the Arabic environ-ment have less motivation to earnestly run it; 4) bad influence of senior students to the new students; and 5) there has been no strong awareness to use Arabic for daily communication.

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