Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

2747-0954, 1858-2826

Fattah Setiawan Santoso

The study of the rationality of consumption behavior in choosing Islamic banking can use many frameworks of thought, but the writing of this paper is devoted to the use of an Islamic economic philosophy framework based on the Quran because its object is the issue of religious obedience as a reason for Muslim consumers to choose Islamic banking. His study is focused on the interpretation of the verses of the Koran regarding the consumption behavior of the perpetrators. This behavioral study is then used to analyze consumer tendencies towards the existence of usury by switching to Islamic banks. Religious obedience is a rational motivator like personal satisfaction because both of them both need information to base their consumption patterns. This is based on the scope of knowledge that gives a positive value to the consideration of prevailing social norms. Therefore, in socialization, persuasive alternative steps need to be taken. This method requires the involvement of religious, community and government elements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Muthmainnah Muthmainnah ◽  
Toto Hermawan ◽  
Suryanto Suryanto ◽  
Indra Suharyanto ◽  
Abdul Mughits ◽  

The purpose of implementing community service is to encourage active participation of mosque takmirs in Bangunharjo Village, Sewon District, Bantul Regency to strengthen their role in handling tectonic earthquakes, especially mitigation. For this reason, activities are directed at enriching knowledge and technology about reducing the impact of earthquakes on the community in a sustainable manner by mosque leaders and administrators so that their role can be effective in mitigation activities. The appropriate participatory approach is an option in carrying out debriefing to motivate mosque administrators to be fully involved in mitigation activities as well as readiness to act and coordinate when an earthquake occurs. Important notes from the community that can be followed up are, among others, the need for assistance is very real, especially from information and technology in handling earthquake problems and strengthening socialization in the form of a curriculum that is more permanent and easy to implement in mosques, especially for children studying in TPA and congregation recitation. This segmentation is expected to be the success of disaster mitigation programs, especially those relating to earthquake mitigation issues related to the religious sector.

Supriati H. Rahayu ◽  
Hilman Haroen ◽  
TW Budiutomo ◽  
Nginayatul Khasanah ◽  
Nuryati Nuryati

Qualitative research on the quality of Quran education services has a specificity according to the character of the material that prioritizes recitation and reading recitation, especially for TQA education organized by the Tadarus Team Foundation for the Young Generation Mosque and Musholla (YTT "AMM") Kotagede Yogyakarta. It takes the form of further education after the children study at TPA or TPQ. This requires a specific quality of service in learning for child santri compared to those who are beginners. Academic services are no longer limited to mastering the Iqro book as an important reference for learners at the beginner level at TPA "AMM". However, the learning services cannot be compared to those of advanced Quran learners for more independent adults. The data were analyzed descriptively after being collected through observation, documentation, in-depth interviews with informants who were equipped with triangulation. The quality assurance of Quran learning services at TQA has been carried out consistently in improving the quality of teachers. in services The closeness of ustaz/ah with TQA education students is an advantage that must be cultivated and developed.

Umi Musaropah ◽  
Muhamad Mahali ◽  
Daluti Delimanugari ◽  
Agus Suprianto ◽  
Taufik Nugroho

This analytical descriptive study intends to see the formation of national characteristics conditioned in supporting learning milliu at PTKI characterized by the Nahdlatul Ulama organization that adheres to the noble values ​​of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja). Mainly, the cultivation of nationalism which is characterized by religion in the tridarma of higher education that can be felt by students as adult students. The research is limited to the process of internalizing characteristic courses that contain local wisdom, or also known as NU-ness, at the Yogyakarta Islamic College (STAIYO) Wonosari. Case studies are conducted qualitatively. After the data from participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation were analyzed, it was concluded that the level of participation of students and all STAIYO academicians was very high. This is because they realize that in the future they will become community leaders who have to protect the religious reasoning as NKRI.

Iin Sunny Atmaja ◽  
Andrie Irawan ◽  
Zainul Arifin ◽  
Ihab Habudin ◽  
Nur Mukhlis Zakaria ◽  

This research is related to the role of KUA in the realization of family resilience (tahaga) in the life of the Muslim community in Tepus sub-district in Gunung Kidul Regency. The benefits can be felt in the mapping of external factors in family resilience that can affect life, including social conditions and community participation. Judging from its nature, this qualitative socio-juridical research includes descriptive research which intends to provide as accurate a data as possible about natural conditions in activities that show the role of KUA Tepus District in strengthening family resilience. The data were then obtained by participatory observation, in-depth interviews with informants from the KUA and office documentation on all matters relating to the object of research. The task of KUA Tepus District has supported its role in strengthening family resilience in the community related to religious, psychological and sociological resilience as well as the community's economy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Nurkholis Nurkholis ◽  
Istifianah Istifianah ◽  
A. Syafi'i Rahman

Religious counsellor are officials under the Ministry of Religion who are in charge, responsible and have full authority to carry out religious guidance and development education activities through religious language. The Religious Instructor is one of the parties in the implementation of the Sakinah Family Assistance Village Program (SFAF). Based on their duties and authority as civil servants, this research was held at the same time to find the factors that support and hinder the implementation of the program. This qualitative study concludes that they support the implementation of the DBKS not moving much more than according to their duties and functions as religious extension agents. However, the main thing that hinders the social conditions in religious knowledge, and the problem of early marriage becomes an obstacle even though the support for coordination between the parties involved in the program in Dlingo has been well established. So this program can be continued because of its positive impact in motivating people to have religion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Arum Yuli Dwi Rahmawati ◽  
Muhammad Nasruddin ◽  
Imroatun Imroatun

This article seeks to qualitatively identify non-formal Islamic religious education in the coastal areas of the large island of northern Java, particularly regarding the social role of Islamic education teachers at the primary education level in the village of Demangharjo, Tegal Regency, including the problems they carry out. Data were collected by direct observation and direct interviews with elementary Islamic education teachers involved in non-formal Islamic education activities in village mosques. Triangulation in data collection methods derived from observations and interviews was chosen for validity before being analyzed with an interactive model, from data collection, data reduction, to drawing conclusions. This research concludes that the role of SD-level Islamic education teachers in informal education in the northern coastal areas is unique in that it combines the findings about the role of teachers in villages in island coastal areas and inland urban areas by considering the uniqueness of Demangharjo village as a research area. The problem is indeed multidimensional, but it is suggested that the direct involvement of parents of students in the provision of informal education is in addition to the need for incentives from stakeholders. This PAI research can still be developed because the social conditions in each region still require further exploration even though in similar geographical conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-52
Difla Nadjih ◽  
Sujarwo Saputro ◽  
Mukhlas Madani

In preparing Malioboro as a 24-hour tourist area, garbage and waste can cause negative impacts. This study aims to identify the daily amount and factors of waste in the study area, namely the gate of Kepatihan sayap Malioboro area, using a phenomenological and rational approach. In this study, following the thoughts of B. Sommer (1980) about the person center map and place center map so that the movement of Malioboro visitors and the activities of visitors and street vendors in a certain period with a certain study area. The types of waste that most often appear are food and beverage packaging, plastic bags, plastic straws and cigarette butts. The maximum volume of waste that can be accommodated in the trash per day is 3 x 1.458 m3 = 4,374 m3 per day. Awareness of the importance of cleanliness is important through socialization in the form of a flash mob. The next suggestion is to maximize the function of the trash can by separating it according to its type.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Fattah Setiawan Santoso

For Muslims, entrepreneurship is part of an endeavor process in the framework of worship in seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT to achieve good luck not only in worldly life but also for the hereafter. This paper intends to explore more about the role of the family in character development and interest in Islamic entrepreneurship in literature studies. entrepreneurship requires a distinctive character and motives required for its success. family can influence all that can be prepared for someone to do entrepreneurship. This first educational environment can also provide knowledge and skills appropriate to the field of entrepreneurship. It will be better if the parents also have it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Bandoko Bandoko ◽  
A Turmudzi ◽  
M.N.K Al Amin

The productive economic empowerment program of the Badan Amal Zakat  at  Yogyakarta City (BAZKY) in 2017 is Maz Zakki which is different from its implementation in the previous year. Through qualitative research by collecting data through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation, it can be seen that BAZKY has provided zakat funds to poor citizens in the form of money for business with business coaching, mentoring, and monitoring. The results of the evaluation show that the implementation process, starting from preparation, implementation and supervision, still follows the national zakat management rules and regulations. Even BAZKY, through Mas Zakki, has provided ongoing assistance in the form of merchant schools after selecting them with direct visits to the homes of prospective recipients of business fund assistance. This is also a form of monitoring and supervision of business sustainability. Such implementation has met the provisions of the current Zakat Management Law in Indonesia. This is stated in Law 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat. This is where the legal rules regarding zakat management organizations at the level of BAZNAS and LAZ are elaborated.

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