IMANENSI: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi Islam
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Published By IMANENSI - Forum Dosen Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Islam

2684-9968, 2339-1847

Mokhamad Favian Rizki Pratama ◽  
Erna Andajani ◽  
Siti Rahayu

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran e-WOM (Instagram) terhadap Visit Intention obyek wisata di Surabaya yang dipengaruhi oleh attitude toward behavior dan destionation image. Metode penelitian menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 150 responden yang aktif menggunakan Instagram. Penelitian ini menunjukkan e-WOM melalui Instagram berperan penting terhadap visit intention objek wisata karena menimbulkan persepsi yang sangat baik bagi wisatawan lainnya dan membentuk image Surabaya adalah destinasi wisata yang menyenangkan. Kondisi ini menimbulkan persepsi positif bagi wisatawan lainnya mengenai Surabaya.   Abstract This study aims to determine the role of e-WOM (Instagram) on the visit intention of tourism objects in Surabaya which is influenced by attitude toward behavior & destination image. The research method uses SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with a sample of 150 respondents who actively use Instagram. This study shows that e-WOM through Instagram plays an important role in the visit intention of tourist objects because it creates a very good perception for other tourists and forms the image of Surabaya as a pleasant tourist destination. This condition creates a positive perception for other tourists about Surabaya.

Jurana ◽  
Andi Chairil Furqan ◽  
Rahma Masdar

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya praktik akuntansi pada industri kreatif di Palu dalam meningkatkan akses pembiayaan bagi hasil. Dua analisis data dilakukan, pertama analisis statistik deskriptif untuk mengetahui sejauhmana praktik akuntansi dijalankan pelaku UMKM, kedua menggunakan regresi linear sederhana untuk mengetahui persepsi pelaku UMKM industri kreatif tentang akses terhadap pembiayaan bagi hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku UMKM di Palu belum mempraktikkan akuntansi sesuai SAK-ETAP, sehingga akan berpengaruh terhadap akses pembiayaan bagi hasil. Tersedianya laporan keuangan sesuai SAK ETAP akan memudahkan bank menganalisis prospek usaha dan kemampuan calon nasabah dalam pengembalian pembiayaan.   Abstract  This study aims to determine the importance of accounting practices in the creative industry in Palu in increasing access to profit-sharing financing. Two data analyzes were carried out, firstly, descriptive statistical analysis to determine the extent to which accounting practices were carried out by MSME actors, secondly using simple linear regression to determine the perception of creative industry MSME actors regarding access to profit-sharing financing. The results of the study indicate that MSME actors in Palu have not practiced accounting according to SAK-ETAP, so that it will affect access to profit-sharing financing. The availability of financial reports in accordance with SAK ETAP will make it easier for banks to analyze business prospects and the ability of prospective customers to repay financing.Implementation of Accounting and Access to Profit Sharing Financing in Creative Industries. 

Saiful Muchlis

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami enam konsep maqashid syariah dalam pendekatan indikator kinerja dan manajemen di bidang lingkungan. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui referensi dari Alqur’an, jurnal, artikel, dan buku yang terkait dengan Maqashid Syariah, dan Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan operasionalisasi menjaga agama adalah aspek zakat, infak, dan sedekah, operasionalisasi menjaga jiwa menekankan pada aspek kesehatan, operasionalisasi menjaga akal yaitu aspek pendidikan, operasionalisasi menjaga keturunan berkaitan aspek kehidupan sosial kemasyarakatan, operasionalisasi menjaga harta menekankan aspek ekonomi, dan perasionalisasi menjaga lingkungan tertuju pada aspek flora dan fauna.   Abstract This study aims to understand the six maqashid sharia concepts in the approach to performance indicators and management in the environmental field. Research data was collected through references from the Qur'an, journals, articles, and books related to Maqashid Syariah, and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The results of the study show that the operationalization of protecting religion is the aspect of zakat, infaq, and alms, the operationalization of protecting the soul emphasizes the health aspect, the operationalization of protecting the mind, namely the educational aspect, the operationalization of protecting offspring related to aspects of social life, the operationalization of protecting assets emphasizing the economic aspect, and rationalizing protecting the environment. focused on the aspects of flora and fauna.  

Alviony Intania ◽  
Sri Rahayu ◽  
Ratih Kusumastuti

Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh tingkat improve situation, capability level of actors, dan flexible process workflow terhadap nilai publik. Regresi linier berganda dipergunakan sebagai metode, dengan responden terpilih adalah masyarakat yang pernah melakukan pengurusan izin dan memanfaatkan e-government di Kota Sungai Penuh. Hasil penelitian membuktikan nilai publik dari proyek e-government dipengaruhi oleh improve situation dan capability level of actors. flexible process workflow tidak dapat mempengaruhi nilai publik. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat dibutuhkan proyek e-government. Partisipasi ini bukan hanya dalam penggunaan tetapi sebaiknya juga pada tahap perencanaan dan pengembangan.   Abstract This study examines the effect of improve situation, capability level of actors, and flexible process workflow on public value. Multiple linear regression was used as a method, with the selected respondents being people who had done permit processing and used e-government in Sungai Penuh City. The results of the study prove that the public value of e-government projects is influenced by the improve situation and capability level of actors. flexible process workflow cannot affect public values. The results of this study found that community participation is required for e-government projects. This participation is not only in use but preferably also at the planning and development stages.

Mohamad Naufal Syihabuddin ◽  
Isyro'iyatul Mubarokah

Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembiayaan mudharabah dan murabahah dalam meningkatkan profitabilitas. Analisis linier berganda dipilih sebagai metode dengan jumlah sampel empat bank Syariah. Penelitian menemukan bahwa pembiayaan mudharabah tidak dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas, karena bentuk pembiayaan yang menerapkan asas profit and loss sharing. Di sisi lain pembiayaan murabahah meningkatkan  profitabilitas karena pembiayaan menganut prinsip jual beli yang membuat tingkat pengembalian dan keuntungan menjadi stabil. Abstract This study seeks to determine the effect of mudharabah and murabahah financing in increasing profitability. Multiple linear analysis was chosen as the method with a total sample of four Islamic banks. The study found that mudharabah financing cannot increase profitability, because the form of financing applies the principle of profit and loss sharing. On the other hand, murabaha financing increases profitability because the financing adheres to the principle of buying and selling which makes the rate of return and profit stable.

Yuana Tri Utomo

Abstrak Abstrak: Mengungkap Motivasi Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Membangun Selokan Mataram. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui motivasi Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX membangun Selokan Mataram. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kualitatif dengan sumber data dari beberapa artikel dan literatur. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan sejarah menggunakan metode interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga motivasi Sultan HB IX, yaitu kebijakan filosofis, ekonomis, dan nasionalisme. Motivasi filosofisnya adalah berasal dari ajaran Sunan Kalijaga bahwa kasultanan Yogyakarta bisa makmur jika dua sungai yang mengapit Yogyakarta dipertemukan dalam satu aliran. Motivasi ekonominya berhubungan dengan cara pandang penguasa dalam menyejahterakan petani untuk irigasi sawah. Pembangunan Selokan Mataram merupakan cermin nasionalisme Sultan dalam membela rakyat dari tuntutan Rhomusa Jepang.   Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the motivation of Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX to build the Mataram Sewer. The research method used is qualitative with data sources from several articles and literature. Data were analyzed by historical approach using interpretation method. The results showed that the three motivations of Sultan HB IX, namely philosophical policy, economics, and nationalism. The philosophical motivation is derived from the teachings of Sunan Kalijaga that the Sultanate of Yogyakarta can prosper if the two rivers flanking Yogyakarta are brought together in one stream. The economic motivation is related to the perspective of the authorities in the welfare of farmers for irrigating rice fields. The construction of the Mataram Sewer is a reflection of the Sultan's nationalism in defending the people from the demands of the Japanese Rhomusa.  

Khadijah Ath Thahirah ◽  
Dedi Fernanda

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tujuan dari akuntansi pertanian yang dimiliki masyarakat Minangkabau berbasis filosofi rankiang. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisa terhadap makna-makna yang terkandung pada fungsi dan bentuk dari beberapa jenis rangkiang. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa masyarakat Minangkabau memiliki praktik akuntansi pertanian yang tidak bertujuan untuk memenuhi kepentingan diri sendiri apalagi mengutamakan laba, namun lebih mengutamakan kemakmuran bersama dalam masyarakat. Bahkan rangkiang hadir sebagai pendukung masyarakat dalam menunaikan kewajiban agama Islam yaitu zakat. Abstract: The Goals of Agricultural Accounting Based on the Rangkiang Philosophy. This study aims to find the objectives of agricultural accounting owned by the Minangkabau community based on the rankiang philosophy. The method used is an analysis of the meanings contained in the functions and forms of several types of rangkiang. This study found that the Minangkabau people have agricultural accounting practices that do not aim to fulfill their own interests, let alone prioritize profit, but prioritize mutual prosperity in society. Even cheerful is present as a supporter of the community in fulfilling the Islamic religious obligation, namely zakat Abstract This study aims to find the objectives of agricultural accounting practices that the Minangkabau community had in the past. The four types of rangkiang with different functions and forms are believed to have important philosophies and meanings for the Minangkabau people. The method used in this research is to trace the meanings of the functions and forms of various types of rankiang buildings. This study found that the Minangkabau community has agricultural accounting practices that do not aim to fulfill their own interests, prioritize profit, but prioritize mutual prosperity in society. Even rangkiang is present as a supporter of the community in fulfilling the Islamic religious obligation, namely zakat.

Ajeng Purwandani ◽  
Aji Dedi Mulawarman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan praktik pinjaman dana oleh bank tithil ke pedagang di Pasar Singosari. Pendekatan etnometodologi dijadikan alat untuk meneliti praktik akuntansi pinjaman dana dengan informan adalah pemilik dana (bank tithil) dan pedagang pasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua bentuk penyaluran dana pinjaman, yaitu sistem pinjaman biasa dan sistem arisan. Praktik akuntansi pinjaman dana bank tithil menggunakan mental accounting, yaitu membuat catatan kecil di kertas atau hanya mengingat transaksi. Abstract: Mental Accounting as a Form of Loan Funding Accounting Practices. This study aims to find out the practice of lending by tithil banks to traders in Singosari Market. The ethnometodological approach is used as a tool to examine the accounting practices of loan funds with informants being the owner of the funds (tithil bank) and traders. The results showed that there were two forms of distribution of loan funds, namely the regular loan system and the arisan system. The accounting practice of tithil bank loan funds uses mental accounting, which is making small notes on paper or just remembering transactions.

Rezky Maulida ◽  
Abdul Gafur ◽  
Isna Yuningsih

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami kesadaran etika syariah pelaku perbankan dalam pembiayaan mudarabah bank syariah. Penelitian menggunakan paradigma Islam melalui adopsi pendekatan fenomenologi Islam, melalui wawancara terhadap tiga orang pelaku perbankan BNI Syariah cabang Samarinda dan satu orang ahli fikih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran etika syariah pelaku perbankan berdasar pada nilai hasanah, dakwah, dan matematika akhirat dalam pemberian layanan pembiayaan mudarabah, melalui kepatuhan terhadap norma syariah yang mengatur akad mudarabah.   Abstract: Exploring the Sharia Ethical Values of Mudharabah Financing. The purpose of this research is to understand the awareness of sharia ethics in banking actors in Islamic bank mudarabah financing. This research uses the Islamic paradigm through the adoption of the Islamic phenomenology approach, through interviews with three BNI Syariah banking actors in the Samarinda branch and one jurisprudence expert. The results show that the awareness of sharia ethics in banking actors is based on the value of hasanah, da'wah, and the hereafter mathematics in providing mudarabah financing services, through compliance with sharia norms that govern the mudarabah contract.

Niswatin Niswatin ◽  
La Ode Rasuli

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan model pengembangan kurikulum ekonomi syariah dan akuntansi di sekolah menengah tingkat atas sederajat. Observasi, dokumentasi, dan focus group discussion dipilih untuk mendapatkan data. Hasil penelitian menemukan dua model kurikulum, yaitu 1). model monolitik yang diterapkan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) program studi Perbankan Syariah dengan adanya mata pelajaran ekonomi syariah dan akuntansi perbankan syariah dan di Madrasah Aliyah (MA) dengan mata pelajaran ekonomi syariah sebagai mata pelajaran peminatan dan muatan lokal, dan 2). Model integratif yang dapat diterapkan di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Abstract: Development of an Islamic Social, Cultural and Religious Based Economic-Accounting Curriculum Model. The purpose of this study is to find a model for the development of Islamic economics and accounting curricula in senior secondary schools. Observations, documentation, and focus group discussions were selected to obtain data. The results of the study found two curriculum models, namely 1). the monolithic model applied in the Vocational High School of the Islamic Banking study program with the existence of Islamic economics and Islamic banking accounting subjects and in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) with Islamic economics as a subject of local interest and content, and 2). An integrative model that can be applied in Senior High Schools.

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