Some problems in the study of word-classes in Bahasa Indonesia

Lingua ◽  
1962 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 409-421
A. Teeuw
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Muniroh Machu

Comparison of Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai Malay language is a problem, namely how to compare Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai and Malay languages ​​so that there will be no errors in the use of said classes. The purpose of this study is to describe the similarities, differences and comparisons of Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai Malay. The type of research used in this study is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of the study are a comparison of Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai Malay language can be expressed in the same class of words, namely three word classes: Indonesian verbs with verbs Southern Thai Malay, Indonesian adjectives with the adjectives of South Thai Malay language and Indonesian verbs with language Southern Thai Malay. The difference between Indonesian words and Southern Thai Malay can be distinguished as noun, Pronomina and Numeralia words, adverb words can be found in Indonesian only, while South Thai Malay words can be classed as names.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Esra Nelvi Siagian

Vocabulary plays an important role in foreign language learning, but teachers are often confused about what vocabulary should be taught or targeted so that learners can communicate well according to their level. This study aims to produce a list of the most frequently used vocabulary, knows as High Frequency Words-HFW, in Beginner Indonesian as Foreign Language (ILF) level. The results of this research will be great used for IFL students, teachers, writers, and observers, as well as parties related to IFL. The use of HFW in foreign language learning is proven to have positive effects, such as increasing learning motivation, increasing self-confidence to produce one's own sentences, helping to understand texts, and using repeated words that will make the vocabulary familiar to learners. This qualitative research used corpus of BIPA books for the beginner level based on the level one and two IFL Competency Standards according to the regulation of education ministry Number 27 of 2017 then processed using the AntCont application. The results showed that 1) HFW for IFL is different from Indonesian HFW in general; 2) the form of word classes taught varies; and 3) limited of affix used.  AbstrakKosakata memegang peranan penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing, tetapi pengajar sering bingung menentukan kosakata apa saja yang harus diajarkan atau dijadikan target agar pemelajar dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik sesuai dengan tingkatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan daftar kosakata yang paling sering digunakan, High Frequency Words-HFW, pada pembelajaran BIPA pemula. Hasil penelitian ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi para pemelajar, pengajar, penulis, dan pengamat BIPA, serta pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dengan kebipaan. Pemanfaatan HFW dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing terbukti memberi efek positif, seperti meningkatkan motivasi belajar, meningkatkan rasa percaya diri untuk memproduksi kalimat sendiri, membantu memahami teks, dan pemanfaatan kata berulang-ulang akan membuat kosakata tersebut familiar bagi pemelajar. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan korpus data buku-buku BIPA untuk level pemula dengan berbasis Standar Kompetensi Lulusan BIPA level satu dan dua sesuai Permendikbud Nomor 27 Tahun 2017 kemudian diolah menggunakan aplikasi AntCont. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) HFW bahasa Indonesia untuk pemelajar BIPA berbeda dengan HFW bahasa Indonesia secara umum; 2) bentuk kelas kata yang diajarkan bervariasi; dan 3) bentuk imbuhan yang digunakan terbatas

Kandai ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Tania Intan ◽  
Vincentia Tri Handayani

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengungkap fenomena campur kode di dalam novel Antologi Rasa karya Ika Natassa dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan pendekatan sosiolinguistik. Kerangka konsep penelitian ini dilandasi oleh referensi teoretis yang mengaitkan sosiolinguistik, bilingualisme-plurilingualisme, dan alih kode-campur kode. Dari data yang dikumpulkan, terdapat wujud campur kode berupa (1) penyisipan kata yang kemudian dibagi atas kelas kata, yaitu nomina, adjektiva, konjungsi, dan interjeksi, (2) penyisipan frasa berupa frasa nominal, frasa preposisional, dan frasa adjektival, (3) penyisipan baster, (4) penyisipan klausa, dan (5) penyisipan idiom. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa para tokoh dan narator di dalam novel Antologi Rasa, yaitu: Keara, Harris, dan Ruly, ditampilkan sebagai sosok-sosok muda metropolitan bilingual yang secara aktif dan konsisten menggunakan kombinasi bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi. Para tokoh, terutama Keara dan Harris, tampak sangat leluasa mempraktikkan campur kode, baik saat berbicara dengan tokoh-tokoh lain, maupun ketika bertutur di dalam hati. Penggunaan campur kode dapat dianggap menunjang kategorisasi dan labelisasi novel Antologi Rasa sebagai sebuah karya metropolitan-populer (metropop).This research was conducted to uncover the phenomenon of code mixing in the Ika Natassa’s novel of Antologi Rasa by using descriptive qualitative method and sociolinguistic approach. The frame of research concept  is based on theoretical references that relate sociolinguistics, bilingualism-plurilingualism, with code-mixed-code switching. From the data collected, there are mixed codes in the form of (1) word insertion which is then divided into word classes, namely nouns, adjectives, conjunctions, and interjections, (2) insertion of phrases in nominal phrases, prepositional phrases, and adjunctival phrases, (3) baster insertion, (4) clause insertion, and (5) idiom insertion. The research also shows that the characters and narrators in the novel of Antologi Rasa, namely: Keara, Harris, and Ruly, are shown as bilingual metropolitan young figures who actively and consistently use a combination of Indonesian and English to communicate. The characters, especially Keara and Harris, seem very free to practice code mixing, both when talking to other characters and speaking inwardly. The use of mixed code can be considered to support the categorization and labeling of the Antologi Rasa novel as a popular metropolitan work.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-282
Nur Rosyidah Syahbaniyah ◽  
Totok Suhardijanto

This study discusses class and semantic shifts of adverbs of modality in the Korean short story and its Bahasa Indonesia translation in the short story anthology of ‘Langit dan Kupu-Kupu. This study aims to identify how the adverbs of modality original text change into a different word class in the target text. The sources of data in this study were six Korean short stories entitled ‘Dua Generasi yang Teraniaya’, ‘Seoul Musim Dingin 1964’, ‘Jalan ke Sampho’, ‘Bung Kim di Kampung Kami’, ‘Dinihari ke Garis Depan’, dan ‘Betulkah? Saya Jerapah’ and its Indonesian translation. This study was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method, and the design of a linguistic corpus was used to collect analytical data. The analysis results found that from 46 adverbs of modality, four translated adverbs remained classified as adverbs. At the same time, the other ten words change their class into pronouns, nouns, particles, adjectives, and verbs. Additionally, the other 32 words have a combination of adverbs and other word classes. Furthermore, of the 290 adverb words in the source text, 143 words were accurately translated, 100 were deleted, and 47 changed their meaning in the TT. In the translation of Korean-Indonesian short stories, the shifting technique is used to adjust differences between Korean and Indonesian grammar systems. Translators also make a shift in the word's meaning of short stories as long as they do not deviate from the context and message in the ST to produce a natural translation that TL readers can easily understand.

Telematika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Muhamad Rosidin Rosidin

AbstractClass of word are categories of forms, meanings and functions in the Indonesian grammar system. Determining the basic words of the word affix is still difficult. The word affix class system is a solution to determine the basic words at same time with the class of words that are affixed so that they can be used as learning Indonesian language. The word affix class system was developed using the PHP programming language. Porter algorithms are algorithms that are used to change the word affix into a root word. In this study, the word affix detected by system and separated by infiltration section, then system would process types of affixes juxtaposed with the root words to form a class of words. This can facilitate Indonesian language, basic words and word classes learning. The output is in the form of a table of steps in stemming process and determining affix words class.Keywords: Word Class, Porter, Porter Stemmer, Impression, Stemming AlgorithmAbstrakKelas kata adalah kategori bentuk, makna dan fungsi dalam sistem bahasa indonesia. Penentuan kata dasar dari kata berimbuhan masih sulit dilakukan. Sistem Kelas kata berimbuhan adalah solusi untuk menentukan kata dasar sekaligus dengan kelas kata berimbuhan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Pengembangan sistem kelas kata berimbuhan berbasis web dan proses codingnya dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Porter algorithm merupakan algoritma stemming yang digunakan untuk mengubah kata berimbuhan menjadi kata dasar. Pada penelitian ini, kata berimbuhan dideteksi oleh sistem dan dipisahkan per bagian imbuhannya, kemudian sistem akan memroses jenis imbuhan yang disandingkan dengan kata dasar akan membentuk sebuah kelas kata. Hal ini dapat memudahkan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia mengenai kata berimbuhan, kata dasar dan kelas kata. Stemming dan perumusan formula sangat mempengaruhi penentuan kelas kata, karena bahasa indonesia memiliki imbuhan yang kompleks dan memerlukan algoritma stemming yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi dalam menentukan root word. Terdapat sejumlah stemming algorithme yang telah dikembangkan, pada penelitian ini stemming porter algorithme yang dipakai dalam penentuan kata dasar. Output yang dihasilkan berupa table langkah-langkah dalam proses stemming dan penentuan kelas kata berimbuhan.Kata Kunci : Kelas Kata, Algoritma Porter, Porter Stemmer, Imbuhan, Stemming

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Dwi Fristika Desmayani ◽  
Rokhmat Basuki ◽  
Catur Wulandari

The purpose of this research is know the category of vocabulary, phrase, and sentence of Indonesian child of PAUD Islam Al-amanah Tanjung Anom Village, Girimulya District, of North Bengkulu Regency. In this research, it is used descriptive method. Data collection techniques used recordings and field notes. The results showed that children have obtained nine categories of word classes, namely the verb, noun, numeralia, preposition, pronoun, interjection, conjunction, adverb, adjektive. The three categories of phrases are the noun phrase, the verb phrase, and the prepositional phrase. The six categories of sentences are clanged sentences, unpolluted sentences, verb sentences, orderly order sentences, command sentences and news sentences.Keyword: language acquisition, bahasa Indonesia, PAUD

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Hety Nurohmah

[Title: English translation of Sundanesse folklore 'Talaga Warna' (Interlanguage Transformation: Indonesian – Japanese)] This study reviews translated text of Sunda’s folklore entitled ‘Talaga Warna’ that has translated from Indonesian into Japanese. The object of this study was analyzed by using method of translation techniques according to Moentaha’s theory (2016). The results of this study are description of translation techniques that used in translation process of folklore Sunda 'Talaga Warna' . Translation techniques were using replacement techniques words into clauses, replacement of lexical and word classes, addition of conjunctions and adverbs, omission of words and pronouns, compression/solids, and paraphrasing

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-112
Euis Reliyanti Arum ◽  
Wiwin Winarti

English is considered to be difficult due its different natures with Bahasa Indonesia both in pronouncing and writing. However, English textbooks are widely used in many program studies including in radiology. Therefore, many students have difficulties in understanding and comprehending the books due to their limited English ability especially related to English vocabularies and grammatical. This study aimed to acknowledge lexically and syntactically the linguistics features used in the textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy, which is a must-read book used during the study in the study program of Radiology. The method applied in this Corpus Linguistic study was a combination of quantitative method by using a concordancer called AntConc to analyze the radiology book quntitatively to get the word frequency list, and qualitative method in analyzing the quantitative data to describe the language features used in the textbook. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analyses show the most common vocabularies, word classes, and sentence patterns used in the text book that will be used to compose a pocket dictionary, which will help the radiography students to understand the radiological terms and comprehend many radiological sources autonomously and easily. Furthermore, through the dictionary, the students will not only be able to understand and comprehend many radiological texts but they will also be able to write texts and even discuss radiological topics in English autonomously. Results of the study show that AntConc has benefited the researchers since it has been able to assist the researchers in providing needed lexical and syntactical information of the textbook.  Bahasa Inggris dianggap sulit karena berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia baik dalam pengucapan maupun penulisannya. Walaupun demikian, di Indonesia buku-buku teks berbahasa Inggris banyak digunakan di berbagai program studi termasuk di bidang radiologi. Oleh karena itu, banyak mahasiswa mendapatkan kesulitan untuk mengerti dan memahami buku-buku berbahasa Inggris tersebut karena keterbatasan pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris mereka terutama berkaitan dengan kosakata dan gramatika bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fitur linguistik dalam bentuk kosakata dan gramatika yang digunakan dalam buku Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy. Buku ini merupakan buku yang wajib dipelajari mahasiswa di Program Studi Radiologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak konkordansi AntConc data dianalisis secara kuantitaif untuk mendapatkan daftar kata berdasarkan kekerapannya. Selanjutnya, metode kualitatif diaplikasikan untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan data yang dihasilkan. Analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif tersebut menghasilkan daftar kosakata, kelas kata, dan pola kalimat yang sering muncul dan akan digunakan untuk menyusun kamus mini buku tersebut. Keberadaan kamus ini diharapkan dapat membantu mahasiswa radiologi untuk memahami terminologi radiologi dan memahami banyak teks radiologi secara mandiri dengan mudah. Lebih lanjut lagi, mahasiswa tidak hanya mampu memahami banyak teks radiologi tetapi juga mampu memproduksi teks, bahkan berdiskusi tentang radigrafi dalam bahasa Inggris secara madiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perangkat AntCont telah memberikan manfaat kepada peneliti karena perangkat ini telah mampu membantu peneliti untuk mempersiapkan informasi leksikal dan gramatikal bahasa Inggris yang terdapat pada buku radiologi di atas.

Pujangga ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Bambang Widiatmoko ◽  
Waslam Waslam

<p> ABSTRAK <br />Dalam buku Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia dijelaskan bahwa interjeksi atau kata seru adalah kata tugas yang mengungkapkan rasa hati pembicara. Berbeda dengan  kelas kata lain (yaitu verba, ajektiva, adverbial, dan nomina), kata tugas hanya memiliki makna gramatikal dan tidak memiliki arti leksikal. Dalam penelitian ini penulis membahas interjeksi dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan analisis pragmatik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan dan menjelaskan faktor utama pembentuk interjeksi dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor untama pembentuk interjeksi dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah faktor makna kata/makna satuan bahasa dan situasi bicara. <br /> </p><p>Kata Kunci: interjeksi,  kata tugas, arti gramatikal, arti leksikal,  pragmatik, makna kata,             situasi bicara.  <br /> </p><p>ABSTRACT <br /> <br />In the Bahasa Indonesia standard book, i.e. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia it is explained that interjections is a task word that expresses the speaker’s heart. Unlike other word classes (i.e. verbs, ajectives, adverbials, and nouns), the interjection has only  grammatical meaning and has no lexical meaning. In this study, the author discusses interjection in the Bahasa Indonesia by using pragmatic analysis. The objective  of the study was to find and explain the main factors of the  interjection forming in Bahasa Indonesia. The results  showed that the main factor  forming interjection in Bahasa Indonesia is the meaning of the word (or the unit of language) and speech situation.  <br /> </p><p>Key Words: interjection, task word,  grammatical meaning,  lexical meaning,  pragmatic                analysis, word meaning speech situation. </p>

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